My science and technology museum

Chapter 173 Highest Technology Award

Previously, everyone had doubts about Future Technology's Longfor Light superconducting quantum computer because official media accounts did not report it in detail.

This makes people have to doubt the real situation inside.

As well-known official media such as China News Service and People's Daily simultaneously rectified the name of Longfor Light.

It immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

A large number of netizens were shocked.

It was only then that they realized that what they suspected actually existed.


The quantum era has quietly arrived.

At the same time, what surprises everyone even more is that in addition to publishing a report on the Longfor Light superconducting quantum computer, China News Service also announced the list of winners of the country’s highest technology award.

Among them, Xu Lei's name is prominently included.

Under normal circumstances, the first thing to be announced is usually the list of candidates.

Whether or not the award will actually be received is still uncertain.

But Xu Lei skipped this link directly.

The key is that among the list of several Science and Technology Award winners, Xu Lei seems out of place with several other academicians because of his age.

After all, this is the first time such a young person has won this award since its inception.

But after thinking about Academician Xu Lei's identity, everything became reasonable.

that's all.

Eventually, under the bombardment of these messages, the trend of online public opinion changed from suspicion to pride and excitement.

Because anyone who knows about science and technology awards can understand that Xu Lei can win such an honor at this age because he has truly developed a quantum computer.

Especially considering that according to the previous plan of Future Technology, Liangzi Computing will be commercialized in the future, everyone on the Internet is extremely excited.

There is a heated discussion about when quantum computing and quantum communications can actually be used.

"I have long said that it is impossible for future technology to have data errors. As expected, all the data released yesterday are true."

"Oh my god, there are four million qubits, which completely dwarfs Goog's quantum computer by a thousand miles."

"Academician Xu deserves the Science and Technology Award."

"Although the facts are in front of us, it is still difficult to believe that quantum computers have just been invented."

"Originally, I thought it would take many years for humans to truly utilize quantum computing, but I didn't expect that future technology would shorten this time so much."

“Does this mean quantum computers will be commercialized soon?”

"I don't think we should think about commercialization for the time being. Ordinary people simply don't have the conditions to use quantum chips."

"I just want to know if it is faster to play games with a quantum computer?"

"The moment I saw the news, I couldn't help but feel proud and proud."

The rapid changes in the trend of the Internet were basically expected by Xu Lei. After all, there were so many official media organizations reporting on it.

But he was quite surprised that he won the highest technology award.

After seeing the news, the whole person was startled for a moment, and then what Mr. Qin said suddenly came to mind.

Obviously this is the honor that Mr. Qin was talking about.

Fortunately, he learned that the formal awards ceremony would not be held until around the Spring Festival, and it was only a trip to the imperial capital, so it would not take him too long.

Speaking of which, Mr. Qin was able to win such an honor for Xu Lei in such a short period of time, which obviously means he attaches great importance to Xu Lei.

It can only be said that quantum computers have unimaginable power, but Xu Lei, who has conquered this technology, is a more valuable talent that needs to be taken seriously.

After all, science has no limits. With the existence of Xu Lei and Future Technology, the domestic scientific and technological level can always maintain its leading position in the world.

This is crucial.

In the following time, as Longfor Light was officially put into operation to solve various problems for the scientific researchers in the research center, the technical results obtained increased at a rate that was previously unimaginable.

In addition, projects planned to build quantum computers at the Binjiang Engineering University Military Industrial Base and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have also begun to get on track.

Further establish a quantum computing core system.

At the same time, the number of quantum relay stations is also continuing to increase.

I believe it won’t take too long to start piloting quantum terminal equipment online in some cities.

As for the production of quantum terminal equipment, because of the special technical reasons, Xu Lei did not choose to have other equipment manufacturing companies produce it like Huawei Pingguo did.

For this reason, the company has specially set up a production line to step up the design and production of this quantum terminal equipment.

at the same time.

Compared with the excitement and excitement at home, overseas can be described as wailing.

All the major forces fell into panic.

Countless overseas netizens are talking about future technology creating quantum computers.

Because the existing cryptography system has no security at all in front of quantum computers, which means that the Internet equipment they use will no longer have any secrets, which will be a very scary thing.

When it comes to their own interests, many people collectively demand that their regimes come up with countermeasures as soon as possible.

However, compared to the public's panic, companies such as Weiruoguge, which has its own quantum laboratories, did not respond at all.

It's like they don't believe that Longfor Light can really reach this level.

The more they study quantum computing, the more they understand the difficulties encountered. It is normal not to believe that the light of Longhu can achieve the control of four million qubits.

Even Pingguo is still actively preparing for its new models that will be launched soon.

Finally getting his share of solid-state mobile phone batteries from Xingyuan Battery, coupled with the carbon-based chips used in new models, Kuras is confident about entering the Asian market this time, thinking that even if it is the same as Warwick's flagship If you compete head-on with the machine, you will definitely achieve good sales results.

Moreover, even if it is known that a quantum computer will be developed in future technology, it will be difficult to find an effective way to deal with it based on the company's existing technical means alone. It is better to continue to focus on business.

As for the impact of the emergence of quantum computers and the changes to the global landscape, just leave it to the security building.

This is exactly what they are responsible for anyway.

It has to be said that this is exactly what happened. Kaufman, the head of the security building, convened a meeting as soon as he received the news.

Determine the authenticity of Longfor Light's performance and the dramatic impact it may have on them.

And also consider follow-up response plans.

Washington State.

In the top conference room of the security building.

Kaufman sat at the head of the conference table, looked around at the many subordinates on both sides, and said in a deep voice: "You should all know about the future technology to create a superconducting quantum computer, right? How has the specific situation been investigated?"

As Kaufman finished speaking, everyone below did not hesitate.

Soon everyone started talking.

"Report sir."

"According to the information disclosed by Yan Guo, it seems that the Longhu Light quantum computer manufactured by Future Technology has indeed reached the level of controlling four million qubits."

It's just that everyone's opinions are not unanimous. As soon as someone mentioned this matter, opposing voices sounded in the conference room.

"I don't agree with this."

"Our most advanced Goog superconducting quantum computer can only control thousands of qubits. Future Technology has just established its own quantum laboratory soon, and it is absolutely impossible to reach this level."

"This may be a lie concocted by the other side in cooperation with each other, just to make us get into trouble."

"Previously, the other party's technical research in the field of quantum computing was slightly ahead of ours. After being greatly surpassed by Guge Company, they may have come up with this method."

"It can be seen from the previous performance of future technology that the other party is definitely not such a stupid guy. We must be prepared in advance to deal with the impact of quantum computing."

Kaufman, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly frowned when he heard the people below him arguing about it.

Mainly, currently Future Technology has not used their so-called quantum computers to conduct probing attacks against various forces. In this case, it is indeed difficult to judge whether Future Technology has truly mastered quantum computer manufacturing technology based on the public information alone.

But if they don't respond, it will only make them more passive.

Relying on the efforts of the past two hundred years, they can become the strongest force in the world, relying on the advancement of various technologies and weapons. If they are really surpassed in quantum computing, the situation will become unoptimistic.

Therefore, the top priority is to determine the extent of future quantum computer technology. Only in this way can corresponding response strategies be formulated.

With his mind running rapidly, Kaufman immediately made a decision.

He immediately ordered: "No matter what method you take, you must clarify the actual technical level of future technological quantum computers for me."

"In addition, contact Guge Company and seize the time to study quantum key distribution to ensure that our information will not be cracked by the other party."

Regardless of whether future technology can conquer quantum computer technology, preparations must still be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, even they will be completely exposed to the enemy's sight, which will inevitably bring serious consequences.

Quantum key distribution is the technology used by quantum computers to ensure that information will not be leaked.

After all, all forces around the world have established their own quantum computer laboratories. While studying quantum computing, they must also find technical means of prevention.

Everyone who was still arguing immediately calmed down after hearing Kaufman's instructions, and immediately responded to express their understanding.

But for Xu Lei, he did not take the reactions of overseas forces to heart. With the completion of several other quantum computers and the determination of quantum terminal equipment, the real era of quantum hegemony is about to be announced.

But at this time, Xu Lei left Binjiang City and went to the Imperial City Hall to attend the award ceremony of the highest technology award.

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