My science and technology museum

Chapter 185 Joining the Quantum Global Network

Kaufman's carefully orchestrated court trial was a complete farce in Xu Lei's eyes, and it also provided him with a good opportunity to promote the quantum global network.

As for the final result, there is no doubt about it.

Because Masen could not provide any evidence, the so-called accusation was naturally untenable.

In a way.

The two of them attended the court hearing today purely to embarrass themselves.

Although Kaufman still has not achieved his goal and obtained the quantum computer manufacturing technology he wanted, he does not dare to continue to persist and cause trouble with future technology.

After all, Xu Lei has made it very clear.

Although they will not take the initiative to attack, their abilities are indeed something that no force dares to underestimate.

Otherwise, what will happen to the Starlink satellites will be their fate.

The key is that unlike other small forces who choose to join the quantum global network for information security, Bei Magnesium, as the most powerful force in the world, will never let future technology quantum repeaters appear on their territory.

Planting a bomb in your own yard will only make you passive in the fight for the right to speak in the future.

Seeing that obtaining quantum computer manufacturing technology from Future Technology has become a luxury, Kaufman is left with the only option.

That is to combine resources and seize the time to develop our own quantum computer.

In order to form a confrontation with future technology.

in addition.

As the trial ended and the results were announced, everyone was very excited after seeing Xu Lei's victory.

In the past, when Chinese people went to overseas courts, there was basically no fairness at all.

After several rounds of court hearings, it will be difficult to even go home.

It often requires multiple operations to be released on bail, but you will also be forced to wear electronic shackles and be restricted from leaving the country.

Every time this kind of thing is mentioned, netizens are filled with indignation.

It's hard to get rid of the anger in my heart without scolding me a few times.

But this time, Xu Lei not only openly asked the International Court of Justice to amend the rules and adopt an online method, but he also had no good feelings toward Masen and Kaufman and easily won the case.

Things that were completely impossible to happen before have actually happened now.

How can this not be emotional.

It shows that future technology has grown to the point where even overseas forces have to treat it with caution.

"It's so refreshing. Mr. Xu did a great job."

"This time I completely fail to see the majesty of the International Court of Justice. To be so friendly in the face of future technology is to bully the weak and fear the strong."

"I just asked who else could do it?"

"You can always choose to trust Mr. Xu."

"I heard that Mr. Xu scolded Masen quite badly during the trial, but unfortunately no video has been circulated."

"Sure enough, Marsen is biting people indiscriminately. Without evidence, he dares to say that he is a Starlink guard attacked by future technology. Does he deserve to be suspected if he has a quantum computer?"

"I just want to say that after this incident, many forces should take the initiative to come to Future Technology to discuss cooperation."

Just as netizens predicted, after this incident passed, those originally hesitant forces made up their minds and took the initiative to send representatives to Binjiang City to discuss detailed cooperation plans with Future Technology.

Not only quantum relay stations must be built in large numbers, but also charging centers and battery replacement stations.

We plan to take this opportunity to completely promote changes in the automotive field and allow new energy vehicles to completely replace traditional vehicles.

Among these forces is the Eagle Kingdom Germany.

This shows how great the impact of the disappearance of Starlink satellites is.

However, Washington still chose to persist and still had no intention of joining the quantum global network.

Also making the same decision at the same time were Neon Country and Han Country.


Kaufman hasn't been idle either.

Just as representatives from various forces were heading to Binjiang City, he held a very special meeting.

Washington State.

Inside the security building conference room.

If there are reporters here at this time, they will definitely find that the people sitting here are the heads of well-known companies.

Among them are Google's Ellis, Pingguo's CEO Kuras and Weiruan's chairman, as well as many project personnel from the quantum computer laboratory.

As for their purpose of gathering here, it is also very simple, that is, to develop their own quantum computers.

Because this is the last resort.

Otherwise, we must cooperate with Future Technology and accept the various conditions they propose.

"I believe everyone is well aware of our current situation. The research and development of quantum computers has reached the most important juncture. I am calling you here today because I hope that all parties will cooperate sincerely and strive to conquer quantum computer manufacturing technology in the shortest possible time."

"This is something we have to do if we want to turn the situation around."

As Kaufman, who was sitting in the main seat, finished speaking, the entire conference room remained silent, and no one took the lead in speaking out.

They all know the importance of possessing quantum computer technology, which determines whether they are still competitive.

But they have more or less conducted research on quantum computers and are well aware of the difficulties faced by this technology. It is simply impossible to create a quantum computer with performance as high as that of the future technology Longhu Light.

I don’t know how long it will take to achieve something.

Kaufman saw everyone's reactions in his eyes. Although he was very clear about the problem, for the sake of his international status and voice in the future, he still opened his mouth to give everyone some blood.

"The Longfor Light developed by Future Technology is indeed very powerful, but their technical level has always been below ours in recent decades. Now even they can create quantum computers, so why can't we."

"I believe that as long as everyone cooperates with each other, we will be able to bring surprises."

Speaking of which, what else can Gugwei Software have to say? Besides, quantum computers are crucial to them.

So finally, with the consent of many parties, several quantum laboratories announced their merger, and each institution deployed its top technical personnel in the quantum field to develop its own quantum computers with the greatest intensity and determination.

And after the plan was finalized, in order to stabilize the domestic public, Kaufman also released it through his official account.

But in the end it backfired.

Originally, citizens hoped to introduce quantum terminal equipment to ensure that their information security would not be affected.

At the beginning, everyone overseas was the same, and their mentality was more or less peaceful.

Some are just envious of Yan Guo.

But now other forces have come into contact with Future Technology and have chosen to let Future Technology provide quantum communication services. Only they have to develop quantum computers themselves.

Thinking that for a long time to come, there will be only a few regions in the world that do not have quantum communication capabilities, I naturally feel strongly dissatisfied.

However, this time is related to the future international voice. The merger of the quantum computer laboratory has also been approved by the general manager, so no matter how they protest, basically nothing will change.

If you want to use quantum terminal equipment with future technology, you can only go to areas where quantum relay stations are deployed.

Monday, March 13th.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

As a regular weekly meeting of the company, Xu Lei chose to attend even though the farce of the court trial had just ended.

Mainly relying on the Starlink satellite incident, many overseas forces have successfully joined the quantum global network voluntarily. It is conceivable that the company's business focus will shift from domestic to overseas for a long time to come.

At the same time, as the restrictions on charging centers and battery replacement stations are gradually lifted, more charging centers will appear overseas in the future.

This will also mark the complete withdrawal of traditional cars from the stage.

Fossil energy will only be used in special environments in the future and its commercialization will cease.

"These are the areas shown on the map covered by the next batch of sub-relay stations, including dozens of large and small forces. In addition, more cities in China will open up the sale of quantum terminal equipment this month."

At this time, Xu Lei listened to Lu Hongbo's explanation standing in front of the screen and couldn't help but nod his head in affirmation.

Because of the rapid increase in the company's business volume, Xu Lei made Lu Hongbo responsible for the overseas business of quantum terminal equipment after consideration.

After all, the Magic Star Engine has long been on the right track, and looking around the world there is no product that can compete with it. Letting Lu Hongbo continue to be in charge of this is a pure waste of human resources.

Lu Hongbo was undoubtedly very happy about this. Thinking that he could finally keep up with Xu Lei's footsteps, it was no exaggeration to say that he could wake up laughing at night.

And Lu Hongbo's performance did not disappoint at all. With the help of Xingtong, he quickly determined the most suitable locations for deploying quantum relay stations in various overseas regions.


In order to ensure that several domestic quantum computers can be transmitted stably overseas, special quantum relay stations have even been deployed in the ocean.

Even many domestic warships and aircraft carriers were not spared.

Of course, this was facilitated by the suggestions of Mr. Qin and Yu Hongliang.

This allows warships to cooperate better with each other and achieve faster response and accuracy.

After a while.

After Lu Hongbo finished his report, Xu Lei seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly turned his head and asked Chen Shihe beside him: "Are the representatives from various countries arriving soon?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

“This time the overseas representatives mainly conducted in-depth discussions on quantum communication security and changes in the new energy automobile industry, and exchanged information on specific cooperation matters.”

Facing Xu Lei's inquiry, Chen Shihe immediately blurted out his answer without any hesitation.

After confirming this matter, Xu Lei directly turned his attention to Lu Hongbo and explained to him: "The task of receiving those representatives will be left to you. In short, we must deploy the quantum relay station as soon as possible and let our quantum terminal equipment enter the field as soon as possible. overseas market."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu."

Hearing this, Lu Hongbo nodded heavily.

But just after the issues related to the quantum relay station and quantum terminal equipment were arranged, Jia Zhongjie next to him suddenly raised a new question.

"Mr. Xu."

"At present, our metal solid-state power battery production capacity is seriously insufficient, and I am afraid that we cannot support the deployment of overseas charging centers."

Ps: There will be another chapter tonight, please vote and subscribe~

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