My science and technology museum

Chapter 202 Lian Xiang’s decision

In fact, with Ningwang New Energy and BYAT manufacturing Xingyuan batteries, the production capacity of solid-state batteries has doubled, and the company has already added solid-state battery models suitable for tablets and laptops.

Although Huashuo and Lianxiang are known as computer assembly plants, they still occupy part of the notebook computer market.

In order to compete with Huawei Xiaomi.

They came up with the plan to cooperate with Xingyuan Batteries to purchase solid-state notebook batteries.

And basically reached a consensus.

But I didn’t expect that in this matter, in order not to give up the market in the bend area, they would rather choose not to use solid-state batteries.

You must know that the bend area is nothing compared to the global market.

It is for this reason that other companies will execute so decisively and thoroughly, resolutely standing in the same boat as Future Technology.

This is very commendable.

At least they made the right choice.

Speaking of which, as a local company there, it makes sense that Huashuo is on the opposite side of future technology, but Lianxiang’s behavior is more puzzling.

And just when Xu Lei was thinking about this problem, Xing Tong's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


"Based on data analysis."

"Lianxiang's business is mainly concentrated in overseas markets, and notebook computers occupy a limited share. Solid-state batteries do not have much impact on them."

As Xingtong said, Lianxiang's reliance on solid-state batteries is unlike those new energy vehicle brand companies.

They don't need to give up the corner market to save face for future technology.

However, the technical restrictions released by Future Technology have just begun, and it certainly cannot end directly because of Li Zishun's resignation.

Nothing in the world is that simple.

What's more, those brand companies have just completed the implementation of future technology announcements, and their decisions must have some effect. Only in this way can overseas forces completely remember them.

If you dare to think about future technology, you will have to pay a heavy price.

So Xu Lei immediately issued new instructions to Xingtong.

"The technical restrictions on the corner area will continue to be implemented, and we will always pay attention to the developments on Kaufmann's side."

"It's the boss."

Faced with Xu Lei's instructions, Xingtong answered immediately without any hesitation.

But just as he finished speaking, Xingtong took the initiative to ask a question: "Boss, do Huashuo and Lianxiang also need to be closely monitored?"


"They probably won't be able to bounce around for a few more days." Xu Lei answered Xing Tong's question.

Huashuo and Lianxiang are determined not to give up the corner market and compete with future technology. In addition to not having a high dependence on solid-state batteries, the most important thing is that they firmly believe that future technology will not affect them.

After all, they are engaged in desktop computer assembly and assembly, and they firmly control most of the global market.

Future Technology has no business in this industry.

The quantum terminal equipment that was launched last year, although the performance of the equipment can be comparable to that of a supercomputer with the help of quantum computers, due to the screen specifications, it is basically used as a mobile phone by users.

It didn't have much impact on their computer business.

But unfortunately they don’t know that the upcoming holographic smart quantum terminal will completely change this situation.

After getting the information he wanted to know, Xu Lei stopped talking to Chen Shihe about work. The two of them returned upstairs after finishing lunch.

the next day.

Imperial capital.

Domestic headquarters of Lianxiang Group.

Yao Qisheng, who serves as strategic executive in the office, is reporting to Asia President Liu Zhengyang.

"Mr. Liu."

"Yesterday, after we announced normal sales, the sales volume of all the company's products increased to a certain extent."

"This is a detailed report, please read it."

Liu Zhengyang casually took the document handed over by Yao Qisheng and put it directly next to the computer, obviously without any intention of reading it.

"No need."

"Now we and Huashuo are basically the only ones left in Bend District, so the increase in sales is expected."

Listening to Liu Zhengyang's words, Yao Qisheng couldn't help but show a little worry on his brows.

After a slight hesitation, he took the initiative to speak out.

"But Mr. Liu, if we do this, we will make Future Technology unhappy. As far as I know, some domestic brands that have no cooperation with Future Technology have also taken the initiative to withdraw."

"After all, what they did there this time really aroused public outrage."

For domestic companies, whether they use future technology or not, they definitely want to make good friends with them.

In this matter, sell Future Technology to save face.

It will only benefit you in the future.

What's more, we only temporarily stopped providing the company's products to places the size of a province.

At most, you will lose some profits.

No matter how you look at it, it's a good deal.

So in this case, Lianxiang would do the opposite, which would inevitably make him look out of place.

If Lianxiang was an overseas brand, it might not matter, but as a domestic brand, it would definitely be criticized by netizens.

Compared with Yao Qisheng's worries, Liu Zhengyang seems to be obviously confident.

He immediately waved his hands to comfort him.

"What if future technology is unhappy?"

"Our business focus is on overseas markets, and the domestic notebook computer field has long been occupied by Huawei and Xiaomi, so it doesn't matter if we don't use solid-state batteries."

"Besides, our business has nothing to do with future technology, so there is no need to look at their faces."

"The most important thing is that this decision was personally issued by the chairman. I heard that we have reached some kind of cooperation with Mr. Kaufman."

I don't know if it was the confidence given to him by the chairman of the board, but when Liu Zhengyang said these words, he could say it decisively.

Yao Qisheng is very clear about his status. As the middle-level leader of the group's Asian market, no matter what decision the group makes, it has nothing to do with him. As long as he does what he is told, there will be no problem.

So when I heard Liu Zhengyang say this, I no longer had any doubts in my heart.

But just as he was about to leave, Liu Zhengyang's voice came to his ears again.

"And one more thing."

"Develop preferential activities in the Bend District market as soon as possible. Since you choose to stay, you must take this opportunity to get all the market share."

"It's Mr. Liu, I'll do it right away." Yao Qisheng nodded sharply in response.


the following few days.

As most company brands have stopped selling products, Huashuo and Lianxiang have increased their promotion and discounts, which can be said to make the users there very happy.

But perhaps this situation gave them confidence, and the online atmosphere changed from criticizing Li Zishun to boycotting future technology.

There is a sense of déjà vu that the grapes will be said to be sour if the grapes are not eaten if the jar is broken.

Even local media organizations stood up and waved their support.

Threatening that future technology and other companies abandon their markets will only cause significant losses to themselves.

It has no impact on them.

"There are still companies willing to support us. It seems that things are not as bad as imagined."

"Even if those brand companies come back in the future, I will never buy their products. I will definitely keep my word."

"Everyone must boycott all products of Future Technology and let them understand the consequences of doing so."

"I have pirated stand-alone games here. If you need them, please send me a private message."

"Even if technology disappears from our lives in the future, it will not have any impact, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

When this situation spread overseas to China, netizens were very angry.

Unexpectedly, in addition to continuing to sell products, Lianxiang also held special promotions, which made it difficult not to guess that he did it on purpose.

In the heated public sentiment, in addition to making accusations online, they also expressed that they would never buy Lianxiang products again.

However, Lianxiang did not make any response.

After all, most of the time, the people who threaten to boycott are the same people who continue to buy.

It’s just chatting online.

As long as merchants get through the trend and offer some discounts, there will still be a lot of people willing to pay, so brand companies will not accept this at all.


Xu Lei also knew about these things.

Although he didn't let Xing Tong monitor Lian Xiang's movements in real time, the popularity on the Internet was so great that it was hard to think clearly.

It's just that the company's energy is currently focused on holographic smart quantum terminal equipment, and it is too lazy to respond to the other party's suspected provocative behavior. Anyway, when the holographic projection screen comes out, the traditional computer market will inevitably be impacted and reshuffled.

The impact on Lian Xiang must be huge.

Perhaps by then they will only be able to guard part of the market at Bei Magnesium.

It is difficult to gain a foothold in the country.

It happened that Zhang Xia brought good news at this time.

This made Xu Lei temporarily forget about the things in the bend area, and he felt much more relaxed.

Friday, January 19th.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the president's office, Xu Lei carefully flipped through the film project plan submitted by Zhang Xia. It could be seen from the relaxed brows that he was quite satisfied with it.

But it has to be said that Zhang Xia was able to determine the film's shooting direction and director issues in less than ten days, which really surprised Xu Lei.

The key point is that judging from the content of the project plan, there is no problem with the quality of the entire movie.

As for the final effect, it all depends on the director's skill and the actors' acting skills.

"There's nothing wrong with this plan. It's hard to imagine that you completed it in just a few days. I'm afraid you've been working overtime all night recently, right?"

After a while.

Xu Lei temporarily closed the planning book and said to Zhang Xia in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

For a thriving company, personnel are very important. If you suffer physical problems due to overloading work in order to meet the schedule, it will definitely be a loss for the company.

Therefore, the company does not advocate working overtime or even all night unless it is particularly important.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xia quickly waved her hands and explained.

"You misunderstood Mr. Xu."

"The reason why we were able to complete the film project plan in such a short period of time was mainly because of the requirements you made."

For important film projects, well-known directors and actors are often selected, but this faces schedule problems, and it is very likely that the project will be delayed for several months without being able to start filming.

But if it were replaced by a capable but not well-known director, as well as an experienced actor or a newcomer who had nothing to film, they could get into work in a very short time, and the progress would naturally be much faster.

There are two more chapters tonight, please support~

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