My science and technology museum

Chapter 213 Why not this time

He Jianwei is not optimistic about the virtual cinema of future technology. He believes that the user group of holographic terminals cannot support the box office.

At the same time, he was even more pleased with himself for rejecting Zhang Xia's cooperation in the first place.

After all, if you really premiere your own movie in a virtual theater, you may not even be able to recover the cost.

How can it achieve good box office results now?

However, due to the popularity of the movie "Death on Mars", everyone on the Internet is talking about virtual cinema, and some film and television producers have even begun to try to get in touch with future technology.

I want to take advantage of the popularity and hug the thick legs of future technology.

However, doing so will inevitably affect the stable operation of the traditional offline cinema model.

Now that Ali Pictures has successfully gained benefits from offline cinemas, they will definitely take the initiative to maintain the environment of the industry.

Avoid damaging your own interests.

So after He Jianwei learned from his assistant about the small moves of some film and television companies, he decisively contacted the theater chain to give them suggestions.

Finally, several major theater chains issued a joint statement.

As long as you choose to cooperate with virtual cinemas, all film projects of this company will not be released in cinemas in the future.

In short, it is a mandatory choice.

Originally, those film and television companies that came into contact with virtual theaters wanted to take advantage of the current popularity and throw their backlog of unpopular film projects into the market to test the waters.

It doesn't matter if they lose money, as long as they make a profit, it is definitely a happy thing for their company.

However, now that the theater chain has issued such a statement, others naturally have no idea of ​​​​cooperating with virtual cinemas.

Otherwise, if movies cannot be released in the future, the company will basically lose its vitality. After all, in everyone's eyes, even if virtual theaters with future technology can set off a wave of trends, they still cannot be compared with the traditional theater model.

Flowers are indeed beautiful when they are in full bloom, but unfortunately they do not last long.

In the eyes of many people, the virtual theater of future technology is like this blooming flower.

Nowadays, "Death on Mars" is indeed popular among everyone, but as time goes by, how much popularity will remain?

The essential.

The fatal problem of future technology pointed out by He Jianwei.

Future Technology’s holographic smart quantum terminal is a truly high-end product due to price issues.

This is also destined to fail to achieve universalization.

Without enough users to support the box office, film and television companies will not be able to earn the desired income. In this case, who will choose virtual theaters.

Is it because virtual cinema is a future technology project?

This is obviously unrealistic.

Future Technology is not a philanthropist, and it is impossible to subsidize every movie.


There are exceptions to everything.

Some people still choose virtual theaters.

Although there is an intention to curry favor with future technology to achieve one's own goals.

But what is more surprising is that it also includes Penguin Holdings.


Penguin headquarters building.

In the chairman's office, Ma Teng had already forgotten about the New Era. When he learned that Future Technology suddenly launched a virtual theater project in the holographic terminal equipment, he had a very detailed understanding of it.

Speaking of which, he has been dealing with Xu Lei for a long time, and so far, Future Technology has not had any failed projects, so he attaches great importance to this virtual theater.

I always feel that the information I have is limited.

In this case, they Penguins must do something.

Otherwise, if you watch the opportunity slip away from your hands, it will become a lifelong knot, and you will regret it every time you mention it in the future.

What's more, since the advent of holographic screens, their games have completely lost their competitiveness.

If you want to solve this problem, you can only flatter Future Technology and show its sincerity to the other party.

In the past, Ma Teng made very wrong choices in future technology matters, causing the company to spend a large portion of licensing service fees every year, which can be said to be very frustrating.

So this time no matter what, do it right.

"How many unreleased film projects do we have on hand right now?"

Making up his mind secretly, Ma Teng suddenly asked the subordinate in charge of the film and television business in front of him.

As the head of the department, I was nervous when the big boss asked me, but I didn't dare to waste any time.

Respond quickly and accurately.

"Report to the Chairman."

"There are still two movies that have been produced but have not been officially released yet."

Ma Teng listened to this answer and immediately made a decision: "Just two movies. You should contact the person in charge of the virtual cinema of Future Technology immediately. Both movies will be released in the virtual cinema."

"Showing in virtual theaters?"

When the subordinate heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, and he repeated it in disbelief.

As the person in charge of the film and television business, he is very aware of the quality of the company's two movies. If they were released normally in offline theaters, they would definitely earn hundreds of millions in box office.

These are considered to be some of the more important projects of the company.

Now we are suddenly going to cooperate with Future Technology’s virtual cinema, which is a loss-making deal no matter how we look at it.

Maybe even the filming costs won’t be recovered.

Although I don’t know why the chairman would make such a seemingly wrong decision, as employees who think about the company, they must stand up and raise objections at this time.


"Both these two movies are the company's major projects this year, and their box office forecasts are at least over one billion."

"Currently, the user base of virtual theaters is limited. If we choose to release it in virtual theaters, I am afraid it will cause us a lot of losses."

"Several other major theater chains have issued a joint statement."

"If we cooperate with virtual cinemas, other film projects will not be allowed to be released in theaters in the future."

"Do we need to discuss this in the long term?"

After hearing all the words of his subordinate, Ma Teng couldn't help but look grim.

He was naturally aware of the joint statement issued by several theater chains, and he also understood that Ali Pictures was behind this incident.

It can only be said to be extremely disgusting.

After all, this kind of mandatory choice between two is not in compliance with the regulations in a certain way.

But in fact, it is true that the theater chain issued such a statement because Ali Pictures was fanning the flames, but it is not the most critical factor.

If it were another company launching this virtual cinema project, then the theater chain would definitely not be too nervous.

Because they have sufficient trust in themselves, they believe that the theater industry, which has been tested by all aspects of the market for many years, will never be replaced by virtual cinemas.

But the problem now is that it is Future Technology that initiated this project.

Thinking carefully about the fate of Traspingo and the others, it is inevitable that there will be a feeling of disgrace.

Therefore, in order to ensure that their own interests would not be damaged, they directly took action from the beginning. Obviously, they did not intend to allow the virtual cinema to continue to develop.

Although Ma Teng was dissatisfied with this statement, he still had to face a choice.

But to be honest, Ma Teng is a little shaky when it comes to future technology. In his eyes, the development of future technology in the past few years has been constantly creating miracles.

Since miracles can be created before.

Why not now.

He thought the Penguins needed to take a gamble.

Anyway, they can bear this loss.

After his thoughts reached this point, Ma Teng no longer hesitated and repeated what he just said.

"Choosing to cooperate with Virtual Cinema is an important plan for the group's future business development. Just follow my instructions and execute it."

"But the chairman..."

"Okay, the group will take care of the things you're worried about."

Seeing that the other party still wanted to say something, Ma Teng interrupted him first, his expression slightly impatient.

Speaking of this, the subordinate didn't know that the chairman had made up his mind. He couldn't change his mind with just a few words.

It would be a bit annoying to continue persuading someone knowing that this is not possible.

So he said nothing more, nodded to Ma Teng and responded honestly, then turned around and exited the office.

"It's the chairman. I will get it done as soon as possible."

Until the other party's figure completely disappeared from sight, Ma Teng could only be heard murmuring a few words thoughtfully.

"Future Technology, you won't let me down this time!"

And just as virtual cinema and Death on Mars are becoming more and more popular, causing all parties in the industry to take action, Future Technology is reporting on last night's box office results.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the office, Zhang Xia handed a data file to Xu Lei, with visible excitement on her face.

"Mr. Xu."

"Yesterday's pay-per-view data has come out."

"According to statistics, a total of two million people have purchased Die on Mars, and the favorable rating is almost 100%."

Today, the company's holographic smart quantum terminals have sold only a few million units worldwide, and the number of payments for Die on Mars in just one night has reached two million, which is definitely an excellent result.

Although it cannot be compared with the box office of hundreds of millions in theaters, it is at least a very good start.

Because Xu Lei had already known the detailed data from Xingtong, his expression was calm while listening to Zhang Xia's report.

"This kind of result is possible because of your efforts."

He nodded in the affirmative and then asked about another more important thing.


"After our virtual cinema went online, did anyone come to seek cooperation?"

Hearing Xu Lei's question, Zhang Xia, whose face was still full of joy, suddenly became cold, and then responded to this matter with a slight dissatisfaction.

"After the results of Death on Mars were announced, some film and television companies did seek cooperation, but soon after several major theater chains issued the joint statement, there were only a few left."

"This is the rough list of film and television companies that has just been drawn up."

As she said this, Zhang Xia took out another paper document and put it respectfully on Xu Lei's desk.

The joint statement issued by the theaters was something Xu Lei expected. After all, it was all to protect his own interests. But when Xu Lei focused on this document, he was very surprised by a name on it.

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