My science and technology museum

Chapter 217 Smart Medical Cabin [Please subscribe for the third update]

Under Xu Lei's gaze, a rectangular object that looked like a coffin finally appeared on the booth, but it had a bright silver coating that made it more mysterious.


"It doesn't seem particularly similar."

Noticing such a special-shaped object, Xu Lei was completely confused.

I don’t know what the exhibits unlocked this time are.

Thinking of his own needs, Xu Lei stopped studying the appearance of this item too much, and instead turned his attention to the information screen next to it.


As the exhibits were successfully unlocked, the information screen immediately displayed the same template information as before.

Name: Intelligent medical cabin

Level: First level civilization

Evaluation: The ultimate fantasy of smart medical care.

Influence: 0/1000000

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

"It turns out to be a medical cabin. No wonder it's shaped like a coffin."

After seeing the content on the information screen and confirming the specific purpose of this exhibit, Xu Lei couldn't help but complain.

Then fell into silence.

Because he really didn't know how to say this.

Unlocking medical-related technology exhibits for the first time shows that his wishes and needs do play a role, and the museum unlocks the exhibits according to his needs.

After all, smart medical manifests can definitely save lives if taken literally.

In a sense, this does extend human lifespan.


If such a smart medical cabin is placed at home, physical diagnosis and first aid for sudden illness can be carried out at any time.

It is indeed a very good medical device.

But what Xu Lei wants are technological products that can truly extend human lifespan or strengthen the body and optimize genes, not save the patient's original life.

There is an essential difference between the two.

However, I feel disappointed. The possible emergence of medical-related products is a good sign.

It's equivalent to getting one step closer to what you want.

What makes Xu Lei a little depressed is that the same influence of the smart medical cabin as last time also requires one million points, but there is a big gap in the difficulty of obtaining the two.

Unlike personal devices such as holographic smart quantum terminals, smart medical cabins are mostly used in hospitals and are difficult for ordinary families to afford.

Facing this circumstances.

Even if we look at the global market, I am afraid that the sales volume of smart medical cabins will not reach tens of millions.

Unless the growth in impact is primarily based on the number of patients treated.


It is still early to say this. If we want to have a fundamental conclusion, we still need to wait until the smart medical cabin is actually manufactured.

Thinking quickly, Xu Lei finally decided to take a look at the detailed introduction of this smart medical cabin and all the technical knowledge it contained.

After all, that's what matters most.

So Xu Lei then clicked on the note in the lower right corner of the information screen.

As a massive amount of technical knowledge came into view, Xu Lei immediately entered an extremely serious state.

Take a closer look at the technical stuff above.

It has to be said that after Xu Lei has mastered enough knowledge, many things will be very simple when he comes into contact with new content. He even feels that even if there are no exhibits in the science and technology museum, he can realize it with the help of a quantum computer.

It's just that it takes more time and effort.

Don't know how long it has been.

It wasn't until Xu Lei looked away from the information screen that he looked back at the bright silver smart medical cabin suspended above the booth.

"It's indeed a good thing!"

He couldn't help but make a sound with slight emotion.

But after all, there is no other life in this science and technology museum, so no matter how much Xu Lei talks to himself, he doesn't have to worry about being heard by others.

Regarding the concept of smart medical cabins, Xu Lei first came into contact with it from science fiction movies.

According to the movie setting, the smart medical cabin can perform a full-body health scan on the patient lying inside, and receive corresponding suggestions or directly perform certain surgical treatments.

Because this has completely changed the traditional treatment model, it is indeed easy for people to have fantasies and guess when this kind of thing will be available in the real world.

After Xu Lei mastered all the manufacturing technology of this smart medical cabin, he also admitted that it is indeed worthy of being evaluated as the ultimate fantasy of smart medical care. Compared with the function of the smart medical cabin in the movie, the one collected in the museum has obviously stronger functions. .

In addition to routine physical health examinations, it also has the function of treating first aid and completing various surgeries.

Even sophisticated and complex brain craniotomy or heart surgery can be performed through this smart medical cabin, and the surgical results are even as good as those of experts in related fields with many years of clinical experience.

More importantly, it also includes interventional treatment capabilities.

As an emerging discipline, interventional therapy can achieve remarkable results in both vascular diseases and tumor diseases.

However, there is a shortage of experienced doctors in this field.

In addition, interventional treatment involves radiation, and doctors need to wear heavy operating suits to complete the treatment, which is also a big test for the doctors themselves.

But if this kind of smart medical cabin is used, the problem can be solved from the root.

Greatly relieve doctors’ pressure.

In fact, looking at domestic and foreign countries, the number of outstanding doctors is very small, which leads to the imbalance of medical resources.

Often only hospitals in big cities have experienced experts.

This is why poor and backward areas often go to big cities to seek treatment after serious illnesses occur.

Because for them this is the only way to survive.

However, reality is often cruel.

Many foreign patients may not be able to support their health even before they are assigned to a specialist, and they will eventually die in a foreign country.

In the final analysis, the number of outstanding doctors is too small to achieve the greatest fairness in medical resources.

If this kind of smart medical cabin can be mass-produced and spread to every hospital, it will be a great boon to doctors and patients.

Not exaggerating.

After the use of smart medical cabins to perform health examinations and surgical treatments on patients becomes routine, the average life span of humans is bound to usher in a new increase.

But at the same time, Xu Lei also understood that it would not be easy to realize this idea.

There is still a long way to go.

For example, the manufacturing of smart medical cabins requires not only very precise robotic arms and various medical instruments, but also the import of massive amounts of detailed medical surgery and other related data information in order to train the smart medical cabins.

In this regard, the efficiency of quantum computers is not a problem.

In addition, with the current influence of future technology, you should not encounter any trouble if you want to obtain data information and medical equipment approvals from major hospitals.

At worst, contact Mr. Qin directly to solve the problem.

It's just that in everyone's traditional concept, only hospitals and doctors are trustworthy.

Even though many people in today's society have come into contact with and enjoyed the convenient services provided by the development of artificial intelligence, if they put their lives in the hands of a cold machine, not many people would be willing to try it.

First of all, I can't get over the hurdle in my heart.

So how to get everyone to accept it is also a problem.

Needs serious consideration.

Xu Lei is actually an ordinary person. Because of this, he understands everyone's real thoughts and understands that this million-dollar influence may not be that easy to achieve.

"It seems that we still need to find a way to solve the public's concerns about smart medical cabins. Otherwise, even if the medical cabin is manufactured, it will be difficult to realize its value."

At this time, Xu Lei, whose consciousness had returned to reality, murmured thoughtfully, while his brain was already running at high speed.

Want to find a solution to this problem.

In Xu Lei's view, the manufacturing of smart medical cabins is not difficult. The key is whether patients can accept and trust smart medical cabins.

So he wanted to find a way first, and then start research and manufacturing of smart medical cabins.

Anyway, this is what he is best at.

With a lot of thoughts flashing through his mind, Xu Lei's head was like a running computer, filtering out the most suitable plan.

that's all.

Not long after Xu Lei remained in this contemplative state, his whole expression suddenly became overjoyed.

There was a sparkle in his eyes.

Then he directly called Xing Tong.


Unlike before, Xingtong would respond directly. This time when Xingtong was awakened, he first controlled the holographic equipment in the office to project his virtual three-dimensional figure next to Xu Lei, and then asked: "I'm here, boss, what do you need?" Xingtong will do it?"

Hearing that Xingtong took the initiative to ask for instructions today, Xu Lei subconsciously glanced at Xingtong.

Different from the first hot pants outfit, this time Xingtong was wearing a secretary outfit, which looked really sexy against her almost perfect figure.

However, Xu Lei was already accustomed to this situation.

It can only be said that since the installation of holographic projection equipment in the park, Xingpu appears more and more frequently, and even communicates with employees in the company frequently.

This makes her behavioral logic more in line with human characteristics, and she dresses herself up almost every day.

If a stranger saw Xing Tong's appearance, he would probably have some thoughts in his heart even though he knew it was just a holographic projection.

That is because Xu Lei may often see it, and he is obviously a little tired of aesthetics.

Immediately, new instructions were issued.

"Ask Hange to come to my office. I have something for him to do."

"It's the boss."

Although it was just a very small matter, it was no different from an important instruction to Xingtong. After speaking in response, the holographic projection disappeared in the room instantly.

He obviously ran to Hange's place.

After finishing this matter, Xu Lei did not stay in the room any longer and immediately took the private elevator back to the office.

The reason why he asked Hange to assist him in taking charge of the smart medical cabin was not only because he currently had no important projects for the company to be responsible for, but it was also related to the fact that he was previously responsible for the application business of smart image restoration technology.

After all, intelligent image restoration technology is not only used in Deep Memory and the city’s Sky Eye surveillance system, but also includes medical imaging and other fields.

For this reason, Hange had a lot of dealings with hospitals at that time. Now he is responsible for the company's next new project, the smart medical cabin, which can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

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