My science and technology museum

Chapter 245 We failed the dean’s expectations

Regarding the efficiency of the Security Bureau, Xu Lei would definitely not doubt it.

After all, we had seen it last time.

So he didn't pay too much attention to things on the Internet. Anyway, there would definitely be no difference in the final result.

The top priority is still nano-medical robots.


Research center.

In the core conference room, Vice President Pei Hongyin, Gu Sanlin and others were all present.

Even Qin Xiaoman, who is involved in the biological field, is included.

But everyone was quite confused at the moment, not knowing the purpose of the dean suddenly calling him here.

Especially Qin Xiaoman.

Originally, she had reported on her research progress in the morning and was about to seize the time to continue working hard after receiving encouragement from Xu Lei's eyes. However, she was asked to come here for a meeting.

No matter how you look at it, it seems very contradictory and not very harmonious.

As for Gu Sanlin, who has participated in many company projects, he was slightly surprised when faced with this familiar scene.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Lei suddenly convened a meeting of scientific researchers in the research center, most likely to start a new project.

He is very experienced in this.

But now everyone in the company knows that Xu Lei is worried about the development of a universal anti-cancer drug, and almost all his energy is focused on it. The key is that this project will also have a greater impact on the company.

Under such circumstances, Xu Lei should sit back and pay attention. How could he still be in the mood to work on new projects?

Due to his own speculation, Gu Sanlin thought that his dean might have other matters this time, so he did not speak rashly, thinking that he would just wait patiently for Xu Lei's announcement.

On the other hand, Vice President Pei Hongyin and Pei Lao, who had reached retirement age, chose to ask directly without any scruples at this time.


"Did you come up with something new again? Take it out and let me, an old man, have a look."

As a senior leader in the industry, Pei Hongyin came to the Future Science and Technology Research Center from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His original intention was to use Star Pupil and intelligent data center to better prove his theory, so as to strive to overcome the biggest problems facing mankind in his lifetime. .


Controllable nuclear fusion energy.

Because only if humans can master controllable nuclear fusion can we truly achieve a qualitative leap.

Grow from a zero-level civilization to a first-level or even second-level civilization.

However, it is not so easy to break through the civilization level. Although the company now has intelligent brains and quantum computers, research on controllable nuclear fusion is still stagnant.

Even if the theory can be deduced and simulated, there is no condition to actually create it.

Can we only say that there is still a long way to go?

However, these few years in Future Technology have given him a lot of insights and broadened his horizons.

Especially seeing the emergence of various technological products that can cause changes in the industry from Xu Lei's hands, he himself is full of hope for the future.

Maybe he won't be able to realize his ideal of developing controllable nuclear fusion in his lifetime, but he believes that Xu Lei will definitely succeed, so he will have no regrets even if he grows old like this.

So when he saw Xu Lei calling him over during this meeting, he thought that Xu Lei had researched something new.

As a scientific researcher, I always have no control over advanced technological products. As soon as I said this sentence, I couldn't wait to see things.

Xu Lei must have great respect for Pei Hongyin. After all, he is a big shot who brings stability to the research center.

It's just that the main purpose of calling them here for this meeting is to create nano-medical robots. It's obviously impossible to see the real thing now.

So Xu Lei had no intention of betraying him and responded directly with a smile.

"Mr. Pei is right."

"But I just have new ideas now, and the things haven't been made yet."

"This also requires the joint efforts of everyone."

Hearing Xu Lei's words, Gu Sanlin was slightly startled. He didn't expect that this meeting would actually involve a new project.

Could it be that the director wants to give up research on universal anti-cancer drugs?

Gu Sanlin thought about this secretly in his heart, becoming more and more confused about his dean's operations.

Pei Hongyin was very interested in this and quickly responded: "What field of ideas does it involve, please tell me quickly."

With Pei Hongyin's words, Xu Lei turned on his holographic intelligent quantum terminal device, and a demonstration document about nano-medical robots suddenly appeared on the screen.

Due to the lack of time, Xu Lei definitely couldn't draw the detailed design drawings of the nano-medical robot. He could only ask Xingtong to help make such a courseware for a brief explanation. In short, the project was established first.

"As you can see, I am planning to develop a nano-medical robot to use precision medicine to treat cancer."


"After this nano-medical robot comes out, it will be integrated with our smart medical cabin."

"And we will also develop different types of nano-medical robots with more functions in the future, which will make our smart medical cabin an unshakable force in the world."

As Xu Lei's explanation sounded in the conference room, the one who had the biggest reaction was definitely Qin Xiaoman.

Mainly, the gap is really too big.

Xu Lei was obviously still encouraging them in the morning, but as a result, he had already formulated an alternative plan.

But then I thought about it, and judging from the planning level of this nano-medical robot, it definitely didn't look like something that was made in a short time. I must have had this idea a long time ago.

It stands to reason that with such a mature solution that can solve the problem of cancer treatment, it should be brought out as early as possible. Why should they spend energy and time on developing a universal anti-cancer drug?

Just as these thoughts flashed through his mind, Qin Xiaoman suddenly understood something.

The whole person's heart was filled with emotion.

"Developing nano-medical robots is definitely more reliable than universal anti-cancer drugs, but the dean finally established a project team and asked me to be the person in charge."

"Could it be..."

"Does the dean want to give us a chance to express ourselves?"

"Yes, it must be so."

"Biopharmaceuticals have always been a weakness of the research center, and the dean definitely wants to use this opportunity to support it."

"It's a pity that we still failed to live up to the dean's expectations."

After thinking about these things, Qin Xiaoman's thoughts suddenly became clearer.

Since the research on anti-cancer drugs failed to meet the director's requirements and successfully developed it, now that he is assigned to a new project, he must work harder. Only by helping the director complete this nano-medical robot can he truly realize his value. .

So the whole person became more focused, always focusing on the virtual screen, for fear that he would miss the knowledge points and affect the subsequent cooperative research and development work.

Compared with Qin Xiaoman, Pei Hongyin and Gu Sanlin, their ideas are much simpler.

After seeing the core functions of the nano-medical robot proposed by Xu Lei and the effect it would have on the global medical industry, I immediately responded excitedly.

"Nano medical robots have always been a difficult problem to overcome in the industry. Dean, if you bring it up now, you must have overcome the core problem. This is really great."

"Mr. Pei is right. Nano medical robots can not only be used to treat cancer, but also have unexpected effects in many areas of the human body. If combined with our smart medical cabin, the scale of its output value will be immeasurable."

Hearing several people's affirmation of this project, the smile on Xu Lei's face became even brighter.

Then slowly stretched out four fingers.

"Four months."

"We now have four months left. Let's work together to manufacture this nano-medical robot and complete clinical trials on cancer patients. I think there should be no problem."

As Xu Lei said these words, others also showed bright smiles.

I have to say that if it were anyone else who said this, someone would definitely object. After all, even if you have detailed product design drawings in four months, it may not be able to be completed smoothly. Who can do anything in actual operation? It may happen.

But when these words came from Xu Lei's mouth, everyone was very reassured.

Immediately make a statement.

"It makes sense for you to personally participate in the project, dean. Let me, an old man like me, make some contribution to the company this time."

"I will solve all material-related problems, but when it comes to biological and cellular knowledge, Dr. Qin may be required to cooperate."

"Just leave it to me, and I'll make sure to complete the task." Hearing Gu Sanlin take the initiative to mention himself, Qin Xiaoman quickly stood up and responded decisively.

By this time, Xu Lei basically had no problem. He could definitely conclude that it would not be long before nano-medical robots would come out and complete the world's first record of treating cancer patients.

It will definitely cause a sensation in all mankind.

Because cancer has been conquered.

The cancer that has plagued mankind for many years and claimed countless lives will be solved in the hands of Xu Lei with future technology.

At this point in the meeting, the research project team for nano-medical robots has been officially established, and then the real research will begin.

For this reason, Xu Lei stopped wasting everyone's time and allowed them to prepare in advance.

"I will send you more detailed relevant information and the work content of each person's responsibility later. You can study it first. Tomorrow we will start the development of nano-medical robots."

After Xu Lei said these last words, he left the conference room with everyone and waited patiently for tomorrow.

It is worth mentioning that although overseas parties lost most of their money-fed network power in this incident, they basically achieved their desired goals.

As long as Future Technology does not announce its new universal anti-cancer drug as promised by then, the initiative will still be with them, and they can operate it no matter what.

It's a pity that they don't know that future technology has already found a new way and chosen a more clever method.

I believe that when that day comes, it will definitely not be future technology that is so angry.

From now on, overseas pharmaceutical companies have entered a countdown to losing their market.

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