My science and technology museum

Chapter 248 There is another way

Kaufman believes that he has the latest news on future scientific and technological anti-cancer drug research and development projects. Knowing that they actually have no new breakthroughs at all, how can he believe in the sudden clinical trials?

In his opinion, this is completely a means of using future technology.

Want to use this to numb the outside world.

But in fact it is a pretense.

And the more this happens, the more it shows that future technology has little confidence, and the advantage is obviously on their side.

At least this time Kaufman is very confident in his judgment.

As the most loyal subordinate, Tokusu will definitely not question his boss's decision. After all, this clinical trial is indeed very strange.

So after receiving the order, he immediately answered.

"I understand, Sir Kaufman, I will explain it to Qian Sheng Medical."


"Go and do your work." Kaufman was very satisfied with Dexiu's answer and nodded slightly.


When Dehui's figure completely disappeared from sight, the smile on Kaufman's face suddenly became brighter, and he could only hear him murmuring thoughtfully: "Future Technology has no decent means to change the situation this time. Well, it’s really rare.”

at the same time.

Imperial capital.

In the special care ward of Union Hospital.

Several doctors in white coats stood in front of the hospital bed, looking slightly complicated.

It seemed like there was something unspeakable hidden in my heart.

On the contrary, the old man, who was lying on the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown, looked calm and calm, and said without any scruples: "Just tell me what's going on with my body right here."

Being able to enter the special care ward of Union Medical College Hospital, and having several professor-level experts personally diagnose and treat the patient, shows that the patient's identity must be unusual.

Even if Zhao Lijiang was in the ward at this time, he would definitely find that one of them was the hospital director.

However, when the doctor faced the patient's request, he finally turned his attention to the family members next to him.

Then he whispered tentatively.

"It's better for the family members to come to the office with me first, and we can discuss the treatment plan."

"Dean Yuan, how is my husband doing?"

"My father's condition should be treatable. He is a hero of the country and should receive top-notch medical resources."

When facing the director, it was probably the patient's wife and son's family members who quickly asked.

The concern from the bottom of his heart can be seen in his expression and tone.

Dean Yuan quickly appeased him.

"Don't worry, our hospital will definitely do its best to treat Academician Sun's condition."

But just as they were communicating with each other, Sun Xuegui, who was lying on the hospital bed, saw that his words were ignored, and couldn't help but adopt the same attitude as when he was conducting project research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He immediately repeated it again.

"Dean Yuan."

"My mental capacity is not that fragile yet."

"It will not affect your mental and physical health because of your illness."

"I have no regrets in my life."

Sun Xuegui's words are not wrong. As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has been working hard for domestic high-end lithography machines for the rest of his life.

At that time, high-end lithography machines were blocked by overseas technology, and domestic brand companies could only choose to purchase overseas high-end chips or have other wafer factories manufacture them.

It's equivalent to looking at other people's faces everywhere.

And they can prevent you from using it at any time. The feeling of having your throat strangled is not pleasant.

To this end, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has also established a research and development project team, determined to develop a high-end lithography machine that is not inferior to overseas.

However, due to the cumbersome technology and the large number of parts involved, domestic high-end photolithography machines have not been available for a long time.

Until Xu Lei and Future Technology joined, the situation quickly changed dramatically.

Not only did they successfully manufacture top-notch domestic photolithography machines, their accuracy also surpassed overseas ones, completely changing China's position in the semiconductor market.

That's why Sun Xuegui said that he has no regrets.

Coupled with age and health reasons, after the domestic top-level photolithography machine came out and the Loongson Group was established, he officially retired from the hospital.

Originally, in the last period of his life, he should enjoy life and spend time with his family. After all, when he used to devote all his energy to research, he really cared less about his family.

It's a pity that there are unforeseen circumstances.

No one expected that his body would suddenly have problems.

He was admitted to this hospital after collapsing.

And as Sun Xuegui finished speaking, it seemed that his wife next to him was also touched.

The corners of his eyes were moist and he finally relaxed.

"Dean Yuan."

"Just follow what my husband said, no matter what the situation, we can bear it."

"Well, according to the results of our examination, Academician Sun has pancreatic cancer." Faced with the common request of the patient and his family, Dean Yuan did not insist and immediately told the true situation of Sun Xuegui.

no doubt.

Even if they had been mentally prepared for it, they were shocked when they heard the result.

It's simply unbearable.

Especially Sun Xuegui's wife's body went limp almost instantly.

Fortunately, his son beside him helped him in time.

Mainly among so many cancers, pancreatic cancer has basically the same morbidity and mortality rates. In addition to being difficult to detect in the early stage, surgery is also very difficult.

In addition, pancreatic cancer cells often deteriorate to a higher degree, so they are also called the king of cancers.

It's basically equivalent to being sentenced to death.

If it were other cancers, then surgery and drug control might be able to prolong life and give patients some psychological comfort.

But pancreatic cancer can only wait for death.

However, Sun Xuegui was worthy of being a scientist who had been working in scientific research for most of his life. Faced with such a result, he quickly regained his composure and tried to speak in a calm tone.

"It's not a big problem. Being visited by the King of Cancer can be regarded as the last special experience in my life."

He didn't forget to show a smile as he finished speaking.

Obviously he doesn't want his wife and son to worry about him.

At this time, Dean Yuan who was next to him also quickly added, for fear that Sun Xuegui would give up treatment.

"Although pancreatic cancer is called the king of cancers, your condition was discovered fairly early. I believe there is hope for improvement with systematic treatment."

"We will hold an expert meeting soon to discuss treatment options."

No matter what, Sun Xuegui is a person who has made great contributions to society. Although he has retired from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he still enjoys the benefits he deserves. Since he was sent to their hospital, he must try his best to treat him no matter what.

After all, who doesn’t know that their Union Medical College Hospital is a key hospital with the most medical resources. If it cannot save the patient in the end, its own strength will be questioned.

When his thoughts reached this point, Dean Yuan suddenly became nervous and turned around to leave before Sun Xuegui and the patient's family could say more.

I want to seize the time to hold an expert meeting.

But at this moment, the door of the special care ward was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Several figures walked in.

The leader is Yang Senping, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As the current dean, Yang Senping would definitely come to visit the seniors in the dean if something like this happened.

"Academician Sun."

"How are you feeling?"

"As soon as I heard the news, I rushed over from the hospital."

"It's Xiao Yang here, sit down quickly." Sun Xuegui, who was half lying on the hospital bed, said hello quickly when he saw Yang Senping coming over.

Just as he was about to get out of bed, his wife held him down.

"Your body is already in such a state, so just lie down on the bed and rest more."

Because Sun Xuegui is much older than Yang Senping, and he has retired now, it is more affectionate to call him Xiao Yang.

Seeing that his actions were stopped by his wife, Sun Xuegui didn't insist on anything.

He just looked at Yang Senping next to him and said with a bitter smile: "I won't greet you anymore. Anyway, there are no outsiders here."

"We were originally here to see you, so why are you so embarrassed to let you entertain us? The hospital is very concerned about your physical condition."

Faced with Sun Xuegui's words, Yang Senping quickly responded with a smile.

It's just that for Sun Xuegui, he has retired from the hospital and is in a state of retirement, and he definitely doesn't want other people in the hospital to worry about his condition.

After all, this will only affect the progress of the project in the hospital.

After thinking for a while, he pretended to be relaxed and answered Yang Senping's question just now.

"Let everyone rest assured."

"I just have an old problem. I just need to recuperate in the hospital for a few days."

It's a pity that after he told such a white lie, his son next to him didn't give him any face.

Tell the truth directly.

"I said Dad, what time is it now? You must fully cooperate with the doctor's treatment."

"Even pancreatic cancer is not impossible to cure."

Originally, the news that Yang Senping received was that Sun Xuegui was suddenly taken to the hospital by ambulance. He did not know the specific situation for the time being, but he did not think about it too seriously.

So much so that when I heard the words pancreatic cancer, my whole body was startled.

"What, pancreatic cancer!"

I blurted out these words subconsciously.

Although he is not an expert in the medical field, he knows very well what the three words pancreatic cancer represent.

If the treatment is not effective, it will not take long for the person to die completely.

After a few seconds, Yang Senping finally came back to his senses, then quickly turned around to focus on Dean Yuan next to him, and asked about the specific situation with a solemn expression.

"Dean Yuan."

"I want to know how academician Sun's condition is?"

"If we try our best to treat it, is there any possibility of cure?"

"I'm sorry, Dean Yang." Faced with Yang Senping's inquiry, Dean Yuan couldn't bear it, but he had to tell the truth: "Based on the condition we have detected now, we can at most extend the survival time to a certain extent. The current medical level alone can still There is no cure for pancreatic cancer.”

After listening to Dean Yuan's answer, Yang Senping suddenly fell into silence. After a while, he turned his eyes again and spoke solemnly.

"Perhaps there is a way to treat Academician Sun's condition, but we have to go to Binjiang City."

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