My science and technology museum

Chapter 259 Two-year plan overseas

"Dean, this must be a body designed for you Xingtong. It is simply a work of art." Gu Sanlin, who hurried over, looked at the silver body in front of him and did not hesitate to praise: "In addition, I brought In addition to being completely designed according to Xingtong's virtual image, the muscle and skin tissue also uses new materials with very good ductility, which is almost the same as human muscle and skin tissue."

When he received this task, he only thought that Xu Lei was going to make a body for Xing Tong, so he didn't ask too much.

Naturally, I thought so at this time.

And since Xu Lei and Hu Xinren were focused on the mechanical body that was about to be completely completed, they didn't explain anything specifically. Anyway, there was no difference between the two.

that's all.

Probably dozens of minutes later.

As Xingtong controlled the robotic arm to equip the body with muscle and skin tissue, and put on her favorite hot pants and short-sleeved outfit, the body finally entered the activation state.

Under the guidance of Xingtong's consciousness, the body first opened its eyes and sat up.

Then, under the gaze of several people, he stood up smoothly and walked toward Xu Lei, finally stopping half a meter away.

Look up carefully.

Even though Xu Lei had been mentally prepared just now, he couldn't help but be amazed.

I never expected that under the influence of that highly malleable material, Xingtong would look no different from a real person, with an almost perfect figure and a pair of long straight and round legs, coupled with an exquisite face and With his ash-blonde hair, he looks like a character straight out of a comic book.

In terms of appearance alone, even the already beautiful Chen Shihe is a little inferior.

Facing such a special existence, even if he knew his true identity was a robot, he couldn't help but be touched in his heart.

"Such a feeling!" Xu Lei stretched out his right hand and pinched Xing Tong's face. The touch was so real: "It's actually still warm."


"Xingtong will be able to protect you better from now on." Xingtong didn't care at all about Xu Lei's actions, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It is obviously a simulated robot, but its facial expressions can be so rich, which makes people sigh at the exquisite design of this body. In Xu Lei's opinion, it is almost worthy of being collected in a science and technology museum.

If Xu Lei wasn't standing next to him, both Hu Xinren and Gu Sanlin would have the urge to touch her.

It's a very serious touch.

"It's simply unbelievable. If the report gets out, I'm afraid countless people will be shocked." Hu Xinren murmured this sentence sincerely, his eyes full of emotion.

Even Gu Sanlin couldn't help but take up the conversation and added: "Who would have thought that in just a few days, we would directly improve the technology in the field of simulation robots to such an unreachable level."

Xu Lei was very clear about what they were thinking.

However, due to cost issues, this kind of simulation robot is destined to be unable to become a commercial product.

Let’s not talk about the special alloy materials used for bones. These new materials with strong ductility in appearance are all expensive but not marketable.

Its production process is very complex.

To sum up, the cost of Xingtong's body is at least tens of millions.

But since Xing Tong has given himself a body, he can only make good use of it now, at least not let it go to waste.

So after careful consideration, Xu Lei decided to let him temporarily serve as his personal bodyguard and secretary. It just so happened that Cheng Fei could be free to train the company's security personnel, which were very important.

But due to Cheng Fei's special background, he only trusted his own strength.

Now that a robot is asked to take over his responsibility of protecting Xu Lei, he will definitely not be able to rest assured.

In desperation, Xu Lei simply arranged a competition to let Cheng Fei and Xing Tong compete in various aspects to test the true level of this body.

The confrontation between humans and machines has never stopped. Now Cheng Fei is competing on behalf of humans and simulated robots, which has completely different meanings. For this reason, it has attracted the attention of quite a few scientific researchers.

no doubt.

Faced with such a nearly perfect and powerful robot, how could Cheng Fei win?

And there is no suspense in the final ending.

Regardless of speed, strength or fighting skills, Cheng Fei did not have any advantage over Xing Tong. After admitting defeat, he had to admit that Xing Tong could indeed protect Xu Lei better.

So when Xu Lei returned to his office, a beautiful attendant with ash-blond hair followed behind him.

"Mr. Xu, this is your schedule for the next few days." Chen Shihe, who was just about to report when he saw Xu Lei coming back, was startled when he noticed the figure standing next to him: "Who is this?"

As a true veteran employee of the company, Chen Shihe is certainly no stranger to Xingtong's image.

At this time, the other party was holding a tea cup, which meant that the person in front of him was not a three-dimensional virtual projection of Xing Tong, but a real person.

"Is this a role play?"

As a bold guess emerged in his mind, Chen Shihe felt somewhat resentful. After all, if he was just role-playing, he could just go to her.

Why let outsiders enter the core areas of the company?

Just as I was thinking about it, Xu Lei's voice rang in my ears: "She is a simulated robot, a body made for Xingtong. You can work together in the future."

Chen Shihe is someone Xu Lei trusts very much. Naturally, he doesn't need to hide anything from her, so he simply tells the truth.

"Simulated robot?"

Facing Xu Lei's answer, Chen Shihe thought she had heard wrong. After all, she could not believe that the person standing in front of her was a robot.

Chen Shihe didn't believe it until Xingtong took the initiative to project a holographic screen from his eyes.

But soon she thought of another thing, and the look she looked at Xu Lei became more and more resentful: "The body is specially made for Xingtong. Doesn't Mr. Xu like human beings..."

Mainly speaking, the communication between Xu Lei and Xing Tong is definitely more than that of Chen Shihe. Now Xing Tong has been given such a realistic body. No matter how you look at it, it makes people think that Xu Lei does not like humans. Otherwise, why is it so long? Neither of them pierced the window paper for a while.

Of course, this kind of thought is limited to inner activities, and Chen Shihe will definitely not say it out loud.

Anyway, as she has grown up in future technology over the years, she is no longer the little girl who just entered society. For her, she prefers the concept of not getting married.

Being able to witness the development of human civilization with Xu Lei, his life has been more exciting than that of many, many people.

"I understand Mr. Xu."

Finally, he nodded in response and returned to work.


And just when nano-medical robots began to play a role overseas and Xu Lei was waiting for his influence to exceed 5 million to unlock new exhibits, Bei Magnesium's new plan also officially kicked off.

Friday, October 17, 2025.

Washington State.

Inside the white building that symbolizes the highest authority.

In the Consul General's office, Tripp was sitting in a more comfortable position, flipping through a document in his hand.

Opposite him stood a man with gray hair.

"According to the plan of our space agency, we will send astronauts to the moon again in the first half of next year, and within two years we will establish a base using the craters on the lunar surface to allow astronauts to stay and survive for a long time."


"In the future, a super-large laser weapon will be built on the moon to achieve an absolute balance of force."

"This time we will cooperate with Masen's Space Exploration Technology Company to strive to suppress Yan Fang in the aerospace industry."

As the head of NASA, Hayden was informed by the commander-in-chief that he would restart the moon landing plan and establish a lunar base. He was also well aware of the impact of this plan on the country's future, so he took the initiative to contact Marsne's Space Exploration Technology company, chose to cooperate with it to jointly make this planning document.

Originally, Marsne's Space Exploration Technology Company had a high level of rocket recovery and aerospace technology. After Tesla almost collapsed, Marsne devoted himself wholeheartedly to this space exploration company.

It can be said that related technologies have improved rapidly in the past two years.

So after learning that the moon landing plan was to be restarted, he immediately realized that his opportunity had come, and naturally chose to cooperate decisively.

In Hayden's view, they already have the experience of successfully landing on the moon. Now that the technologies are more mature, it can be said that it is easier to replicate the previous success.

And relying on the lunar base module developed by Masen, astronauts can easily complete the construction of the lunar base, live on the moon for a long time, and develop resources on the spot to build ultra-large laser weapons.

As long as this last plan can be completed, theoretically they can carry out precise strikes on the moon and anywhere on the ground.

In this way, it can deter all major forces and ensure its absolute right to speak.

I believe that by then they are proposing a technology sharing plan, and future technology will certainly not have the confidence to refuse.

After hearing Hayden's report, Tripp immediately put down the planning book in his hand, and then said seriously: "We have wasted several years before, and that is why we are so passive now, so this time we must do it no matter what. Guaranteed success.”

"Don't worry, Commander, we will definitely be able to complete the mission." Hayden assured with confidence.

In the following time, the two discussed the details in the planning book, and then Hayden left the office and returned to the space agency.

Thinking that soon they will set foot on the moon again with the common attention of all mankind, they feel very high-spirited. What's more important is that this time they will not be surpassed by Yan Fang.

Although the moon landing plan has not been officially announced to the public, the news has still reached the domestic space agency, which makes a group of aerospace engineers a little nervous. After all, if overseas countries are to take the lead in establishing a base on the moon, they will inevitably choose an area rich in resources, and Lunar resources are related to the operation of the base and the research on controllable nuclear fusion technology.

With this important reason, we must try our best to speed up the progress of our moon landing project.

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