My science and technology museum

Chapter 263 Three-step plan

I couldn't feel the passage of time in the Science and Technology Museum. I didn't know how much time had passed, but Xu Lei finally made a move and controlled his eyes to look away from the information screen.


"It's so unimaginable!"

Under the impact of massive technical knowledge, I couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he was worried that the space elevator project was too complicated and would be difficult to complete under the existing conditions. However, after transferring all the technical knowledge involved into his mind and integrating it, Xu Lei realized that he had overthought it.

The space elevator exhibits collected in the museum have very detailed construction processes and experiences.

With the current financial resources and basic technological level of Future Technology, we can build a space elevator as long as we cooperate with the space agency.

Besides, I believe there will be strong support from above.

According to the content in the notes, the entire space elevator body can be roughly divided into five parts, namely, ground station, cable, car, synchronous orbit and counterweight.

The principle of the space elevator can be seen as a child holding a rope, putting a weight on one end, swinging in a circle around the axis of his hand, with one end of the rope close to the palm of his hand, and an ant following the tree. The swing climbs up one end of the weight. When the ant reaches that end, it reaches a certain height and has a rotation speed.

The rocket's propulsion includes two directions, one is vertical ascent, and the other is lateral acceleration parallel to the earth's surface.

The space elevator is like an ant on a rope, and the axis of the hand is like a rotating earth star. As long as it climbs in orbit and reaches the top with the help of the earth star's rotation, the rotation speed of the parallel surface is less than the horizontal driving force of the rocket.

But having said that, it is not easy to successfully build a space elevator. Each of the five parts contained in the main body is crucial.

First, as the anchor point of the cable, the ground station must be located on the equator, and a tall enough tower-like building must be built to ensure the stability of the elevator.

As for the synchronous orbit, the current Tiangong Space Station is enough to replace it.

Only the counterweight requires the construction of a near-Earth spaceport. Although only the cornerstone module of the spaceport needs to be launched in the early stage, it does not need to be operational, so it will still be difficult to implement it.


The most important thing is the cable that connects these devices.

The length of the cable must be guaranteed to be 40,000 kilometers, connecting the Earth Star to the Tiangong Space Station and the Near-Earth Space Port. Whether it can withstand this force is the key.

After all, if the cable breaks or breaks during use, the loss and impact will be immeasurable, and the consequences are really unbearable.

Coupled with the various climatic and environmental impacts that cables will encounter, how to maintain their lifespan is extremely important.

Because the emergence of the space elevator was originally intended to transport limited resources into space, if the cables need to be replaced frequently, the original meaning will be lost, and all costs will increase exponentially.

Therefore, the selection of cables is the most critical step.

According to the technical content, the space elevator cable uses special carbon nanotube materials. As tubular nanoscale graphite crystals, it has extremely high strength.

The theoretical calculation is hundreds of times that of steel.

It is also very soft and can be considered a super fiber.

In addition, its electromagnetic properties, adsorption capacity and other aspects of performance are extremely excellent, and it is most suitable to be used as a cable for a space elevator.

However, with current technological means alone, high-purity carbon nanotubes cannot be synthesized.

But Xu Lei believes that with the knowledge he currently has in his mind and relying on the resources of the research center to lead Gu Sanlin's team in experimental research, he will definitely be able to find the carbon nanotubes most suitable for use as cables.

A large number of thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Xu Lei's thinking gradually became clearer.

After preliminary research, Xu Lei plans to divide the entire space elevator project into three steps and plans to build it within a year.

The first step is to determine the location of the ground station and proceed with the construction of the tower immediately. This can be completed by professional and experienced Huajian.

At the same time, the space agency manufactured the cornerstone module of the spaceport and started launching it.

Complete the construction of the counterweight.

Of course, the lunar module and lunar rover must also be developed.

The second step is to use future technology to produce a cable with a length of 40,000 kilometers and a car that the space elevator needs to transport cargo. This step is very critical.

The last remaining step is to connect the cables to other bodies to test whether the space elevator can operate successfully.

If there are no problems with these, then various resources can be transported to the space station or space port through the space elevator, and the astronauts will board the manned spacecraft lunar module cargo spacecraft to set off directly from the space station to the moon.

In the future, a space station around the moon can even be built, and a space port and Mars base in recent months will be equipped with a space force, allowing human civilization to move directly towards a second-level civilization.

After thinking about so much in a short period of time, Xu Lei became even more excited and excited, and the urge to build a space elevator emerged in his heart.

As for influence, he has long since cast it aside.

Also, although Xu Lei learned from Xingtong that Beizhou Magnesium would launch a spacecraft to restart the moon landing plan in at most half a year, building a lunar base is not a simple matter.

Relying on launch vehicles alone to transport various materials to the moon is not only extremely expensive, but also very inefficient.

I'm afraid it won't be completed within a few years.

But the space elevator is completely different. As long as it is successfully built, a large residential base can be built in a resource-rich area of ​​the moon in a short time, enough to accommodate many astronauts.

It can also transport various equipment to the moon, mine lunar resources and transport them back to the earth.

By that time, Earth Star's research on controllable nuclear fusion technology will also accelerate and realize the impact of positive feedback in all aspects.

Under this circumstance, Xu Lei naturally had no need to stay in the hall of the Science and Technology Museum. He wanted to contact Wu Chuping as soon as possible to discuss the construction of a space elevator.

When Xu Lei's consciousness returned, he immediately felt the softness coming from his head. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw Xingtong's face reflected in his sight.

"Boss, you're awake." Seeing Xu Lei open his eyes, Xingtong stopped his movements and greeted him happily.

Xu Lei has long been accustomed to Xingtong's habits in the past few days. In addition, he is currently thinking about the space elevator. He will definitely not spend too long with Xingtong. He almost sat up straight before giving the order: : "Contact Wu Chuping and ask him to come to my office as soon as possible."

"But it's only been a few minutes, boss, are you sure you don't want to wait any longer?" Faced with Xu Lei's order, Xingtong did not directly follow it for the first time, but asked in confusion.

It seemed that a long time had passed for Xu Lei in the Science and Technology Museum, but in reality it was only a few minutes.

Previously, he had found an excuse to temporarily fool Wu Chuping, but he probably hadn't reached the research center yet, and now he hurriedly asked Wu Chuping to come back. It was indeed not very etiquette, and it felt like a joke.

Hearing Xingtong's reminder, Xu Lei also looked embarrassed. He was so focused on the space elevator that he forgot about it.

However, his emotions have been completely aroused now. If he is asked to wait for several hours, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

So after a slight hesitation, he made a decision.

"Let him know first. He can come over after visiting the research center."

"Okay boss." This time Xingtong no longer hesitated, and as he responded, he projected a three-dimensional virtual figure directly in front of Wu Chuping's eyes to convey Xu Lei's words.

Similar to Xu Lei who was thinking about the construction plan of the sky elevator, Wu Chuping also just wanted to persuade Xu Lei to join his project, at least not in vain.

So after learning that Xu Lei had made a decision so quickly, his first reaction was that he agreed.

After all, the words had already been said for this reason. If Xu Lei refused, he would never issue an ultimatum in just a few minutes.

This doesn't fit the character.

So after thinking that his plan was likely to succeed, he still had the mood to accompany Pei Hongyin to visit the research center, and immediately turned around and returned to the headquarters building.

Although Pei Hongyin was a little bit dumbfounded by this, he didn't do anything to dissuade Wu Chuping in this state, so he had to follow him to Xu Lei's office.

The two met again after a while, but their moods had changed greatly.

Almost as soon as he opened the door and entered the office, Wu Chuping couldn't wait to say hello and asked eagerly: "Academician Xu, have you agreed to go to the Imperial Capital to participate in the research on the manned moon landing project?"

Seeing Wu Chuping's state, to be honest, Xu Lei really couldn't bear to attack him, but a simple launch vehicle couldn't even surpass the overseas level, so how could he build a base on the moon in a short time.

Now that there is a better solution, you must choose the best one.

"Commander Wu, sit down first." Xu Lei asked Wu Chuping to sit down on the sofa next to him, and patiently organized his words: "Actually, the reason why I asked you to come back so soon is because I have new ideas about manned moon landing, which may allow us to Be the first to complete the construction of the moon base."

"New idea?" Wu Chuping was startled, and his expression became calm, but he still asked politely: "I wonder what the new idea Academician Xu said?"

"I plan to build a space elevator and use a space elevator to replace traditional launch vehicles."

Space elevator! ?

Xu Lei's words were truly shocking. Not only did Wu Chuping look a little dull, but even Pei Hongyin next to him had his eyes widened.

I never expected that Xu Lei's thinking had reached the level of a space elevator.

After a brief period of confusion, Wu Chuping now somewhat understood why Xu Lei had not agreed to participate in the project. It was because he simply did not like traditional launch vehicles and wanted to challenge a more difficult project.

But as the commander-in-chief of the lunar exploration project, how could it be that Wu Chuping had not thought about the space elevator, but after everyone's research and discussion, they all agreed that it was not feasible.

But he knows very well that Xu Lei is a person who never fights uncertainties. If he didn't have a certain confidence, he would never say something like a space elevator that seems to only exist in movies.

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