My science and technology museum

Chapter 265 It’s obviously impossible [please subscribe for a monthly ticket]

Wu Chuping decided to invite Xu Lei to participate in the lunar exploration project, but others in the bureau were skeptical.

Think this trip doesn't care about two outcomes.

Either Wu Chuping returns without success, or he succeeds in persuading Xu Lei.

But they never expected that Wu Chuping would bring back a third shocking result.

I took a trip to Binjiang City. The whole journey only took one day, and I actually upgraded the launch vehicle into a space elevator.

It can be said that he is called a good guy.

Many people are very curious about Wu Chuping's experience.

I want to know what the two talked about.

Only Wu Chuping himself understood that he was completely passive during the entire conversation.

Almost all relevant content was proposed by Xu Lei.

From this point alone, he could judge that Xu Lei should have already had relevant plans for the space elevator project, and he just provided an opportunity for its implementation this time.

Otherwise, how to explain that Xu Lei asked him to go back after only a few minutes.

Could it be that Xu Lei temporarily decided on such a big project as the space elevator in just a few minutes?

is it possible?

The answer is obviously impossible.

At least Wu Chuping believed in his own judgment.

However, at the first discussion meeting, many people did not have high hopes for the space elevator project proposed by Xu Lei, believing that it would be too difficult to build.

Rather than taking this risk, it is better to choose a more reliable heavy-lift launch vehicle.

In particular, Wu Chuping pointed out that the construction time of this space elevator project will be about one year, which aroused everyone's discussion.

Everyone thought this kind of project was too crazy.

Nine times out of ten it will end badly.

Even if most of the construction costs are paid by Future Technology, their space agency still needs to continuously launch the cornerstone module of the near-Earth space port for counterweight within this year, and other projects will basically be suspended.

Coupled with the development and manufacturing of lunar base modules and lunar module manned spacecraft, its impact is also very far-reaching.

Decisions must not be made rashly, but must be made after rigorous discussions.

Although most of the people in the bureau were opposed, the two directors did not dare to reject Xu Lei directly. Xu Lei had a very high influence in the world and had just overcome the cancer problem. It would be inevitable if he chose not to believe the other party at this time. Situations will arise.

Not only did they report the matter, they also took the initiative to contact Yang Senping from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Yu Hongliang from the military and others asked Xu Lei for more detailed information.

I want to use this method to make a more comprehensive judgment and analysis.

Fortunately, with Xing Tong's assistance, Xu Lei quickly completed the space elevator project plan.

It not only explains in detail the idea and design and construction ideas of the space elevator, but also includes a rough design drawing of the near-Earth space port, as well as a manned spacecraft and lunar module that can accommodate seven astronauts.

In other words, as long as both parties work together to build a space elevator, these problems can be solved directly.

The main thing is that Xu Lei knows very well that the space elevator is no better than other scientific research projects. If you want the space agency to believe in it and firmly participate in it, you can't do it without revealing some core technologies.

Although he has several previous successes as a basis, it is unrealistic to reach cooperation just by talking.

I have to say that this approach is quite effective.

After the space agency received the project plan from Xu Lei, it held a core meeting again that day, and all relevant scientists and engineers were in place.

Jointly study the feasibility of the methods involved in the planning document.

The meeting never ended until it was almost dark, which shows that there are many hard things in this planning book.

Imperial capital.

The core lecture hall of the space agency.


In the still brightly lit room, many aerospace engineers and scientists sitting there looked attentively and carefully flipping through the project planning document they had just received from Xu Lei.

His eyes showed surprise and shock from time to time.

They were all attracted by the technical means and research directions mentioned in it.

Few are questioning the space elevator.

The person in charge of the bureau sitting in the main seat could only act anxiously when faced with this situation.

I wanted to give an accurate reply to the space elevator project proposed by Xu Lei as soon as possible, but I was also afraid of disturbing the thoughts of these people here, so I had no choice but to sit and wait patiently.

It wasn't until he saw someone gradually raising his gaze that he coughed twice and brought the topic back to business.

"You have all read the project plan for the space elevator. Now let's share your thoughts." As he spoke, he looked around at the crowd and asked two questions: "How feasible is this project? How feasible is it?" Approximately completed within a year?”

Because most of the people present were already impressed by Xu Lei's project plan, there was nothing to hesitate at this time, and they all started to express their opinions.

"According to the construction content of the near-Earth space port mentioned in the project plan, with our existing rocket carrying capacity, it can be achieved if the frequency of launches is increased. In addition, the manned spacecraft and lunar module involved are related The design drawings are also very advanced and sophisticated, and I think we can fully cooperate with future technology.”

"If my guess is correct, in the future, technology should have mastered the production technology of cable materials, and it is definitely possible to build it in a short time."

"With the launch vehicle technology we currently have, it is unrealistic to be the first overseas to build a base on the moon. Only by relying on the space elevator project can we achieve technological overtake."

"I also think this project is feasible."

"The space elevator will allow us to build bases and spaceports on the moon or even Mars, laying a good foundation for the establishment of a space force to enter deep space in the future. Since we have this opportunity now, we must seize it."

"Academician Xu really lives up to his reputation as a scientific monster. It is incredible that he can optimize the project to such an extent."

"At present, overseas parties are ready to take action, and we are running out of time. We should contact Future Technology as soon as possible to determine the relevant content of cooperation."

The person in charge listened to all the opinions of the aerospace engineers and scientists, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. After all, before getting the project plan, most people had objections. .

However, this also happens to show Xu Lei’s level and he will not be the youngest academician in history.

It can be said that at this time, everyone thinks that Xu Lei is an all-round scientist, and his brain development is definitely much more than that of normal people.

This is a truly gifted scientist, and others are not qualified even if they want to catch up.

But even though everyone's opinions were now unified, the person in charge sitting in the main seat still did not make a direct decision. After a slight hesitation, he turned his attention to Wu Chuping next to him.

"Old Wu, you are the project commander-in-chief of the entire lunar exploration project. What do you think of the space elevator that is proposed now?"

In addition to being the project commander, Wu Chuping is also the first person to know about the space elevator project. He must express his opinions at this critical moment.

When faced with the leader's inquiry, Wu Chuping seemed to have already made a plan in his mind, and then said without hesitation: "If the space elevator can be built, it will play an irreplaceable role in the development of our aerospace industry. I think Even if it’s a risk in the south of the city, it’s worth it.”

"In addition, I believe that the higher-ups will definitely support our decision." Finally, Wu Chuping added.

For this reason, the person in charge naturally had some concerns.

Although he did not make a decision on the spot, it can be heard from his words that he himself supports the space elevator project.


"Since everyone thinks that the space elevator project is feasible, I will report it to the superiors immediately."

After saying this solemnly to everyone, he then looked at Wu Chuping next to him and specifically told him: "Old Wu, regarding the space elevator project, we still leave it to you, Academician Xu and Future Technology You need to communicate more over there.”

"Don't worry, Director, I will discuss it with Academician Xu in person." Wu Chuping assured firmly.

Naturally, the people below had no objections to this arrangement.

After all, Wu Chuping is more familiar with the space elevator project, and he is also familiar with Xu Lei, so subsequent cooperation will be smoother.

Since it was already late, everyone did not stay too long after the meeting and stood up and left the lecture hall.

But there is no doubt that it will be difficult for them to sleep tonight.

A project that only appears in movies will be born in their hands. The pride and satisfaction this achievement brings is something that nothing else can bring.

But what everyone didn’t know yet was that just as they were starting to sleep late at night, the Overseas Space Administration and Marsne’s Space Exploration Technology Company officially issued an announcement that they would launch a manned spacecraft to the moon again in April 2026.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly caused a sensation on the Internet.

Various media organizations and magazines have reported this in detail, and it can be seen that the contrast is filled with excitement and excitement.

Humans will visit the moon again after a few decades, which is definitely something worth paying attention to.

You must know that the Internet is now dominated by young people, but they were not born when the moon landed last time, so this time it will definitely attract global attention.

Compared with overseas and domestic people, they have a unique sentiment towards the moon landing. After learning this news, although they were disappointed that it was not their own astronauts who landed on the moon, they had to admit that the technical means they had were indeed very advanced.

Therefore, under this complicated sentiment, related hot searches during the day occupied the hot search lists of major website platforms.

It aroused passionate discussions among a large number of netizens.

"This time I can finally see humans landing on the moon in person. I hope more relevant pictures and videos will be released overseas."

"Masern is still pretty good. Tesla is already like that. We can still see another space exploration technology company turn around."

"Compared to Mr. Xu, Masen is nothing!"

"It's a pity that Future Technology has not been involved in the space field, otherwise it would definitely be better than that space exploration technology company."

"I don't know when we will see our own astronauts land on the moon. I am very much looking forward to it!"

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