My science and technology museum

Chapter 272 Live broadcast of the moon landing

"At an altitude of 35,000 kilometers, it is about to enter the Tiangong space station."

In the ground station control center, Xu Lei and others, who had been waiting for more than an hour, suddenly focused their attention after hearing the car status report from the communicator.

at the same time.

The astronauts stationed in the space station are also paying attention to the trajectory of the space elevator.

When the space elevator enters the final distance, the speed gradually decreases, and finally slowly climbs to the terminal platform in the middle of the space station.

Stopped steadily.

"Tiangong report."

"The space elevator has successfully entered the station. I am astronaut Nie Huamao. We are unloading the cargo!"

The report from the space station arrived at the Dentian Island control center, and the material removal and unloading work of the space elevator officially began.

The mechanical arm on Tiangong transports cargo into the space station under the control of astronauts. At the same time, the space robots in the car are also controlled to leave the cabin. Next, they will cooperate with the astronauts to complete their missions.

So far, the first operational test of the space elevator has been a complete success, which indicates that the cost of going to space in the future will drop from tens of millions to hundreds of millions to a few thousand yuan.

The value is absolutely immeasurable.

The personnel in the Dengtian Island control center who had paid close attention to the whole process could finally relax their tense bodies at this time.

"It's done." Wu Chuping, who suddenly felt exhausted after relaxing, still said this softly at this time, without concealing the excitement and excitement on his face.

Xu Lei turned around, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I declare that the space elevator operation test was a complete success!"

"We made it!"

As Xu Lei finished speaking, the engineers in the control center cheered loudly, happy that they had completed the first engineering miracle in the history of human development.

The warm cheers lasted for more than ten seconds before Xu Lei raised his hand and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard these past two days. Let's take a good rest and recharge our batteries. There is still a tough battle waiting for us next." Where are we?" As soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at Wu Chuping next to him: "Commander Wu must be very sleepy, so it's better to go and rest quickly."

"You may not be able to fall asleep now, and besides, you have been staring here much longer than me." Wu Chuping said in a hearty voice.

Of course, this sentence is not wrong.

In order to ensure that the main body of the space elevator was successfully spliced ​​and that there were no problems in the first operational test, so as not to affect this rare opportunity to increase its influence, Xu Lei almost launched the rocket from the transport cable in Changhai without sleeping much.

My physical condition is indeed quite exhausted at this moment.

But as Wu Chuping said, if he is extremely excited, he may not be able to sleep at all.

However, when Xu Lei was about to change his mind and solve the problem of hunger first, Wu Chuping's voice rang in his ears again.

"Academician Xu."

"Now that the space elevator has successfully passed the test, is it time for our moon landing plan to begin?"

When Xu Lei heard the word moon landing, his heart suddenly moved.

He knew that the space agency had now completed the seven-person Shenzhou spacecraft, as well as the Yutu lunar module and the life capsule that allowed astronauts to temporarily stay on the moon.

Now that the space elevator has been successfully completed, it can be said that everything is ready to start.

And with the efficient and powerful transportation capabilities of the space elevator, the construction of a lunar base can be directly carried out even for the first moon landing.

After all, they had already launched a probe to the moon before, and basically determined the construction area of ​​the base, ensuring that the underground resources would be very rich.

Another point is that Mars has also revealed in the past few days that the plan to conquer the moon will be officially launched soon. In this case, the faster the domestic moon landing mission, the better.

Xu Lei's mind was running at high speed and he quickly came up with a plan.

He himself is undoubtedly very supportive of the moon landing, so why would he expect to gain influence through the live broadcast of the moon landing?

Since Wu Chuping took the initiative to bring it up at this time, it would be better to finalize the time first, and then start preparations.

"Then let's set it on the 10th. I believe people are almost impatient to wait." Xu Lei pretended to think and then gave a time.

Wu Chuping nodded directly and said: "I will inform you later. After dedicating so many years of youth to the aerospace industry, we can finally realize our longing and dream of landing on the moon."

Regarding manned landing on the moon, in the eyes of overseas forces, it is to develop lunar resources and prepare for entering space for future battlefields. However, in the hearts of Chinese people, it contains a beautiful yearning, which can even be said to be an obsession.

The two are completely different.

And just when the time for manned moon landing was finalized in Xu Lei and Wu Chuping's mouth, the world's longest live broadcast, which lasted for more than 300 days, finally came to an end. However, despite the live broadcast for such a long time, the audience still felt that they were still unfinished. feeling, so I had to switch to major domestic video platform websites.

Edit and upload some live broadcast footage to create secondaries to meet the needs of the audience.

In addition, media organizations such as China News Service and People's Daily reported on the space elevator immediately and released a large number of internal high-definition pictures, and the discussion on the topic skyrocketed.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you don't mention the space elevator when chatting online, it is equivalent to having just connected to the Internet at home.

At the same time, the popularity of the space elevator on the Internet is not bad at all. After seeing the successful operation of the future technology space elevator with their own eyes, they have long forgotten their own moon landing mission a few months ago.

Almost all of them discuss the awesomeness of space elevators.

He is envious of Yan State for having such a super project, and believes that the hope for the future development of human civilization must lie in the east.

But as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried.

Hayden and Marsen, who originally watched the live broadcast and waited for the future technology space elevator project to make a fool of themselves, found out that the operation test had finally been successfully passed. They only felt that their cheeks were slapped several times, and they were so hot Feeling distressed.

No one thought that the cables synthesized by future technology in a short period of time would be so powerful that they could successfully operate the space elevator.

And there seems to be no problem.

This alone is proof enough that the cable material is awesome.

Even if they are reluctant to admit that they have made serious mistakes in their judgment, they cannot change the fact that what has happened now.

The whole person temporarily entered a sluggish state, staring blankly at the live broadcast that had long since disappeared.

"How could this be true? It is impossible to develop materials for space elevator cables. Is it possible that the material level of future technology has far exceeded this era?"

A variety of slightly chaotic thoughts flashed rapidly in Masen's mind, making him seem mentally confused and unable to accept the result.

If he previously regarded his company as an ordinary building and compared future technology to a skyscraper, now he truly understands that future technology has already reached the height of space.

Skyscrapers may still have a chance to catch up, but the vast starry sky is completely out of reach.

After trying to understand this fact, the last bit of strength in Masen's body seemed to be taken away, and his whole body collapsed on the sofa like a deflated rubber ball.

There was no longer any fighting spirit in his eyes.

On the other hand, after Hayden's eyes gradually regained clarity, he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the commander-in-chief was right to prepare two execution plans. I will go to Washington State to report the situation immediately." After that, he no longer hesitated. He hurriedly walked outside.

But when he reached the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped again.

"You'd better be prepared, I'm afraid our cooperation will be suspended." Hayden turned around again and reminded Masen.

Of course, Marsne also knows what this sentence means.

At present, Future Technology's space elevator is successfully operating, which is equivalent to pressing the accelerator button for the development of its own aerospace industry. I believe that soon the forces in the aerospace business will find Yanfang and Future Technology to seek cooperation. If they want to make their second If the plan is successfully implemented and successfully bound to the space elevator, then it will definitely not cooperate with its own space exploration technology company again.

However, he knew what the situation would be like, but he had no way to change it.

The main body splicing task of the space elevator ended successfully, and Xu Lei also spent a few days of uniquely comfortable days on the Sky Island.

Every day, they would either take Cheng Fei, Gu Sanlin, Xingtong and the others to the beach on the edge of the island to catch the sea, or they would take a boat directly to the sea to catch seafood. For those who don’t know, they might have thought they had booked a private island for vacation.

Mainly, Binjiang City has a special geographical location. It takes 700 to 800 kilometers to travel to the nearest seaside, and it is very inconvenient to travel back and forth.

So Xu Lei had never been there when he was in Binjiang City.

Now that I finally have the opportunity to live on the island, I must enjoy it.

Moreover, you must know that the sea environment in the north does not have the sunny beaches near the equator. It is no exaggeration to say that they are two different oceans.

Fortunately, Xing Tong's body has special muscles and skin tissue materials, so it is no problem even if she swims in sea water, so I can safely take her out to sea.

In fact, Xu Lei had thought about returning to Binjiang City at first. After all, with a space elevator, landing on the moon would definitely go smoothly. In addition, the quantum relay station has already entered space. He can always grasp the latest situation and give command wherever he is.

But later, considering that the entire moon landing would be broadcast live this time, I decided to stay on Dentian Island for a few more days.

Who allowed him to control his consciousness and enter the hall of the Science and Technology Museum to check his influence, and he became more and more fond of this way of increasing his influence.

After all, he is still only 300,000 yuan away from unlocking new exhibits.


Monday, October 5th.

The space agency officially released a description of the lunar landing mission. The announcement stated that four astronauts will be dispatched to enter the Tiangong Space Station via a space elevator in five days, and then separate from the Shenzhou spacecraft and rush to the moon.

In addition to normal moon landings, astronauts will also live and build temporary bases on the lunar surface.

As soon as this news came out, the country was instantly enveloped in surprise.

People only feel unprecedented excitement and excitement, and under the leadership of Future Technology and officials, various institutions and companies have announced that the holiday will be extended by one week.

Let everyone watch this moon landing event with peace of mind.

Because the announcement also pointed out at the end that the lunar landing mission will be broadcast live from multiple perspectives, and it has been confirmed by future technology.

Comparing several pictures that had been leaked overseas before, the contrast was instantly sharp, and the entire network was immediately plunged into a heated discussion.

"The eternal god of future technology!"

"I originally thought I was just releasing a video, but it turned out to be a live broadcast of the whole thing. I love it."

"Isn't it the same as the live broadcast mode of Dengtian Island? This is so cool!"

"The company has already announced that the holiday will be extended by one week to wait for the astronauts to land on the moon."

"I'm jealous!"

"Watching the live broadcast of the moon landing from multiple angles is equivalent to me also landing on the moon."

"Shouldn't the most noteworthy thing be that astronauts will build a temporary base on the lunar surface? This is something that has not been done overseas."

"We should slap those overseas people in the face so hard. We look forward to the results for a long time and just look at a few photos. It still tastes like our own."

At the same time, this news was quickly transmitted to the external network.

The previous photo incident had already made them dissatisfied with the actions of NASA and Masen. Now that they saw that Yanfang would live broadcast the entire moon landing process, they were so excited that they wanted to see this live broadcast no matter what.

In short, just because of this announcement from the space agency, people all over the world became agitated.

Only Tripp, as the general leader, was in an extremely bad mood. In just a few days, he held several core meetings to discuss the follow-up response plan.

"Yanfang's space elevator has been successfully operated, and the construction of the moon base is about to begin. We must determine the next action strategy as soon as possible." In the palace council hall, which symbolizes the highest power, Tripp looked at the core figures present. , collecting everyone's response ideas: "Now you can start talking."

As Tripp finished speaking, the entire council chamber suddenly fell into silence, and no one spoke rashly.

The super project of the main space elevator is completely beyond the current understanding. Faced with such a thing that hardly belongs to this era, how to deal with its impact is very critical.

If there are errors in the plan, it will be fatal.

As the saying goes, whoever expresses his opinion first now will be responsible for whatever happens in the future.

In this weird atmosphere, after about ten long seconds, Hayden, who was still sitting on the right hand side, couldn't help but said: "I think the second plan should be implemented as soon as possible and strive to establish a spaceflight relationship with Yan Fang." in-depth cooperation in the field.”

But it’s worth mentioning that Hayden didn’t do this for the limelight.

After all, this matter falls under the category of aerospace. As the head of NASA, he also shoulders the heavy responsibility of establishing a lunar base, so there is no way to avoid it.

So instead of waiting to be called out by Tripp, it’s better to open the conversation first.

In addition, Hayden had no intention of stopping. As soon as he clearly expressed his opinion, he quickly explained in detail: "Now that they have mastered the space elevator technology, whether they build a near-lunar space port or a lunar base will be very difficult. If we don’t cooperate with them, we will soon fall behind.”

Hayden's meaning is very clear. Simply put, if you can't beat them, join them.

Relying on the space elevator will significantly reduce the difficulty of building a lunar base. If you choose to cooperate with the other party, you will have the opportunity to use the space elevator to assist in the construction of your own base.

This way at least you won't be left too far behind.

If we continue to choose our own launch vehicle and work hard, I am afraid that it will be difficult to build a lunar base in a few years.

Looking at this matter solely from the perspective of future development, there is nothing wrong with Hayden's decision.

And with Hayden provoking this topic, other people soon became active, and many people expressed support for Hayden.

"We must recognize the capabilities of future technology. Their successful construction of a space elevator is tantamount to ushering in a new era. We must keep up with the development of civilization."

"This is really the best way right now."

"The other party has announced the moon landing plan, and we don't have much time left."

"We have previously signed a friendly and mutual assistance contract with them. If cooperation in the aerospace field is proposed at this time, they should not refuse."

But in this situation, it is absolutely impossible to say anything, and there will be no shortage of opposing voices.

The most vocal among them is the main war faction.

"The emergence of the space elevator will be very detrimental to us. It should not exist in this era. We must launch a thunder attack on it and destroy the entire Sky Island." As the top commander of the navy, Quevedo said with confidence.

The two sides had different opinions, and neither side was willing to accept the other's proposal, which soon caused the council chamber to become lively.

As for Tripp, who was at the center of the remarks, he was unusually calm at the moment.

He knew very well that by choosing to cooperate with the space elevator, the progress of their moon base might be effectively improved, but it would definitely lag behind Yan Fang and even be subject to various restrictions.

For example, the plan to build a very large laser weapon on the moon will come to nothing.

Thinking that from now on he will be controlled by others and lose his original right to speak on the earth, this is a situation he does not want to see.

When his thoughts reached this point, he finally made a decision, and then he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Hayden: "When will our new moon landing plan be launched at the earliest, and can we get ahead of the opponent?"

Hayden obviously didn't expect that the commander-in-chief was still paying attention to his moon landing mission at this time. After hearing this question suddenly, he was slightly startled for a moment, then he realized and quickly replied: "Report to the commander-in-chief, our moon landing mission The plan is ready and normally it can be launched at any time."

"very good."

"Then launch the rocket as soon as possible and send the Orion spacecraft and astronauts to the moon." After receiving the accurate answer, Tripp breathed a sigh of relief: "We have to get to the moon occupation base before the other party."

Due to various reasons, the location of the lunar base chosen by both of them was not much different. It can be said that they both valued the rich resources there.

In this case, whoever builds a temporary base there first will naturally gain ownership.

Tripp is very aware of his family's situation. With their current situation, if they discuss cooperation with Future Technology to use the space elevator, they will definitely face many harsh conditions.

These are unacceptable to him.

It comes down to it.

Or is it because they don't have enough bargaining chips in their hands.

If we cannot put ourselves in the same position as future technology, cooperation will naturally not give us an advantage.

But if we can occupy this lunar resource-rich area, it will be equivalent to having a bargaining chip, and there will be a lot of room for mediation if we continue to cooperate.

You can protect your own interests as much as possible.

I have to say that his plan is indeed sound, but the key question now is whether their astronauts can successfully complete the mission in only five days.

Mainly in their expectations, the other party has just completed the operation test of the space elevator, and even if they want to land on the moon, they should postpone it for a while.

But the result not only directly determined the specific time of the moon landing, but also directly started the construction of the lunar base. In the old saying, it was done in one step. This alone was much more efficient than them.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have to be as passive as they are now.

After all, Hayden had served as the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for so many years. After hearing the order from the commander-in-chief, he almost thought of the plan within a short while, and immediately made a firm promise: "Don't worry, commander-in-chief, we will It will definitely complete the mission successfully.”

At this point in the meeting, the matter of the space elevator has basically been decided.

Although Quevedo of the main war faction is not satisfied and always believes that destroying the space elevator is more valuable, he can only choose to do so now.

Hayden was well aware of the importance of this matter to his family. After returning from Washington to Dalirov Island after the meeting, he immediately took action and began preparations for the moon landing.

A heavy-lift launch vehicle is scheduled to be launched tomorrow.

When this news came out, it naturally caused quite a stir at home and abroad. Future Technology just announced that it will carry out a moon landing on the 10th and will live broadcast the entire process. Overseas, a rocket will be launched in advance. Among them The specific reasons will inevitably make people think too much.

Even some small surrounding forces became very nervous and announced a series of measures almost on the same day.

It seems to be about to become a self-protection before the world situation becomes chaotic.

In short, no one knows how the situation will eventually evolve. The only thing that can be done is to prioritize your own safety and avoid being involved.

at the same time.

The waters near Dengtian Island.

I saw a fully equipped fishing boat. Xu Lei was standing on the deck holding a fishing rod and looking at the sea, experiencing the charm of sea fishing with Gu Sanlin, Cheng Fei and the others.

As for Xingtong, she stood by Xu Lei's side throughout the whole process to ensure his safety.

"Dean, this fish is not small. I have been in the Air Force for half the day." At this time, Gu Sanlin, who saw Xu Lei successfully pulling up a fish, immediately agreed, his eyes full of envy.

Hearing that Xu Lei skillfully picked off the fish and put it into the water tank, he responded humbly: "It's just that he is still in the novice protection period. The real fishing skills still depend on A Fei."

Xu Lei knew that he had no fishing skills at all, and being able to successfully catch a fish was completely a novice protection period.

Only Cheng Fei dazzled them with the fish he caught every time, and even a few of them couldn't finish the meal.

But just when Xu Lei was about to throw the hook into the sea and continue fishing, Xing Tong's voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Boss, Commander Wu sent a message asking you to go back as soon as possible. He has important matters to discuss with you. "

Ps: There will be another chapter tonight, please subscribe~

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