My science and technology museum

Chapter 277 I just jumped from the building to death...

"The number of quantum computers still needs to be increased. This matter will be left to Professor Xiao and Professor Yuan, and the construction speed should be as fast as possible."

The next day.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the high-rise conference room of the headquarters building, Xu Lei, who was sitting in the main seat, vigorously and resolutely assigned tasks to Xiao Chengyong and Yuan Zhi to increase the number of Longfor Light quantum computers in the park.

After successfully forcing Tripp to conduct a confrontation exercise in the virtual world yesterday, Xu Lei worked overtime to produce the design drawings of the virtual helmet, hoping to complete manufacturing testing and subsequent mass production in the shortest possible time.

According to the intentions reached by both parties, each family will send 100,000 people to participate, and there will be no restrictions on the use of weapons and equipment they own.

This would require at least 200,000 virtual helmets.

However, relying on today's intelligent production lines with mature technology in the future, as long as some technical difficulties in helmets are solved, it is not difficult to complete this production capacity.

The key is the construction of the virtual world.

Now that we have decided to build a nearly real virtual world, each urban environment must be the same as the real world. In addition to the need to collect a large amount of information, the construction itself will also occupy unimaginable computing power. Even if a quantum computer is used, it will not be possible in a short time. Completion is also almost impossible.

So in this case Xu Lei made a decision.

That is to increase the number of quantum computers.

Today, there are only a few quantum computers across the country, and there are only two in the entire Binjiang City.

In addition, they also serve as computing power support for holographic smart quantum terminal devices. It can be said that only a few are actually available for use.

So a new quantum computer must be built.

Last night, Xu Lei asked Xingtong to make a rough calculation, and the result was that four more quantum computers are needed. By then, five quantum computers in the park will be running at the same time to build a virtual world model. I believe that even if billions of people log in to the virtual world at the same time, The world can also run smoothly without the lags seen in traditional games.

Xiao Chengyong and Yuan Zhi were previously members of the quantum computer project research team and have been responsible for the maintenance and research of quantum computers.

It would be appropriate to put them in charge of building new quantum computers.

Since Xiao Chengyong and Yuan Zhi were called to attend the company's core meeting, they naturally already knew about the virtual helmet project, and they were shocked by it.

He immediately felt admiration for Xu Lei.

They originally thought that Xu Lei's ability to conquer quantum computers was already leading the world in manufacturing technology, and his achievements were unmatched by anyone. They didn't expect that he would even develop a virtual helmet so quickly.

After all, as scientific researchers, they know what this means better than anyone else.

If used properly.

It can definitely promote the development of human civilization.

Knowing that quantum computers are related to the construction of virtual worlds, none of them dare to slack off.

"Don't worry, Dean, we guarantee that the new quantum computer will be put into use in the shortest possible time." The two of them made categorical guarantees almost at the same time.

Xu Lei had great trust in the strength of Xiao Chengyong and Yuan Zhi. After nodding with satisfaction, he immediately turned his attention to Qin Xiaoman and Zhao Lijiang: "Don't stop the research on the nerve connection of prosthetic limbs. In the process If you encounter any problems, you can directly ask Xingtong, and at the same time, we will recruit disabled patients for clinical trials."

Prosthetic nerve connections were isolated by Xu Lei from the vast amount of information and knowledge in his mind. Although studying it is definitely not as fast as virtual helmets in gaining influence, it is related to the future development of human civilization.

Because only the limbs are being studied at this stage, the difficulty is not too great.

He has uploaded the relevant technical details to Xingtong. He believes that with the efforts of Qin Xiaoman, Zhao Lijiang and related researchers, considerable progress can be made.

Faced with Xu Lei's instructions, Qin Xiaoman tried his best to appear calm, but in fact, there were already waves in his heart.

From participating in the research of nano-medical robots, successfully fighting cancer for humans, to now entering the field of prosthetic nerve connection technology, this was simply unimaginable before.

It can be said that her own level has improved extremely quickly.

And all this is because of Xu Lei.

In the end, she managed to suppress her inner joy for the time being, and responded calmly and simply.

"It's the dean."

As for Zhao Lijiang, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face and wanted to leave the conference room right now to join the experiment.

After solving the problem of nerve connection between the quantum computer and the prosthetic limb, Xu Lei then explained a few words to Zhang Xia, asking her to do a good job in promoting the virtual helmet and virtual world in advance, as well as the specific details of the operating system.

After all, although it is a virtual world, because it has an almost real feeling and a complete map model, I believe that many people will spend time in the virtual world in the future. Therefore, the rules and regulations of the currency system and trading system must be sufficiently complete. Only in this way can the virtual world be guaranteed. The stable and long-term operation of the world.

The whole meeting lasted for about fifty minutes. Xu Lei basically explained everything he needed to say, and the meeting was almost over.

"Except for the tasks I arranged to be carried out as soon as possible, everyone else's work remains unchanged. Does anyone have anything else to say?" Xu Lei looked around at everyone and said the final words.

Just when everyone was unexpectedly ready to leave, they saw Fang Yuan, who was sitting in the back, suddenly stand up: "Mr. Xu, I have a suggestion to share with you."

Xu Lei raised his hand and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"I want to remake Glory and turn it into a real virtual game that uses a virtual helmet to log in. This kind of almost 100% real and tactile device that allows players to feel can definitely take Glory to a whole new level." Xu Lei With his approval, Fang Yuan spoke out his plan without hesitation.

As the head of Phantasy Star Game Studio, his biggest wish is to create games that players will be passionate about.

Mainly with the mountain of future technology hanging over their heads, their achievements may be far ahead of their peers, but they pale in comparison to the company's achievements.

Although Huanxing alone has grown to a very large scale now, the number of employees is not inferior to

But in the face of future technology, it is still a small studio.

When the holographic screen came out, the game Glory created by the team's painstaking efforts was independently tested on its own holographic terminal device at the request of Xu Lei. It successfully became popular all over the world with the help of the effect of the holographic screen.

During that time, it is no exaggeration to say that even Huanxing Studio stood up.

Especially when they think that the game Glory has indirectly boosted the sales of their own products, almost everyone feels a sense of pride.

However, the good times did not last long.

As the company began to sell holographic screen components, Glory faced more and more competitors. Although the quality of these games was not comparable to that of Glory, they would divert some players away, so that by now Glory's popularity has waned. It has declined across the board, with only tens of millions of old players remaining online daily around the world.

Originally, Fang Yuan and his subordinates were discussing whether to start a new game project, but the content of today's meeting gave him hope for the glorious rise.

Virtual helmet.

This is a word he can only see in science fiction movies and online game novels.

But now it has become a tangible reality.

If it is used in games to create an almost real game world, it will definitely kill all games instantly.

The essential.

No player can say no.

So with longing for the future of the game Guanghui, he finally chose to take the initiative to raise the matter with Xu Lei.

After expressing his thoughts, Fang Yuan said nothing more and just stared at Xu Lei nervously, as if he was afraid that he would refuse.

But the next second he saw a warm smile.

That's right.

Just smile.

"The matter you mentioned was something I was considering. Since you brought it up today, let's go ahead and do it. I believe players around the world will be in a frenzy because of this."

Xu Lei originally planned to wait until the virtual world was completed and virtual helmets were put on sale online before entering the field of virtual games, completely changing players' perception of games and allowing them to truly experience the world in the game.

But Fang Yuan spoke out first, so there was no need to keep suppressing it.

Anyway, compared to starting a virtual world from scratch, a glorious game world will be easier to build. When the time comes, it may have a very good effect in conjunction with the virtual helmet's online promotion.

So he directly agreed.

Speaking of which, Fang Yuan actually didn't have much expectations in his heart when he spoke. Mainly from the content of today's meeting, it can be seen that Xu Lei's mind is on the virtual world, but he did not expect that things would go so smoothly that Xu Lei Lei was stunned for a few seconds after his approval, and it wasn't until Song Jie beside him pulled him a few times that he finally came to his senses.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your support of Magic Star Games. We promise not to embarrass the company."

This core meeting on virtual helmets finally ended with Fang Yuan's assurance. After Xu Lei left the conference room, everyone began to take action.

Not willing to waste any time.

It is worth mentioning that yesterday, many people on the Internet were worried that Dentian Island would be attacked, which would lead to a greater conflict between the two parties. After all, the series of orders issued by Tripp were too targeted.

Combined with the previous overseas behavior style, a lot of content can basically be analyzed.

Even professors who study related majors have expressed their unoptimistic attitude towards this matter intentionally or unintentionally.

This makes many people feel uneasy.

Because if two superpowers really want to compete at sea, all industries will be affected. From a certain perspective, the public does not want this to happen.

However, since the media did not report this matter, there was no backbone.

But everyone never expected that just after one night, everything suddenly became calm.

It seems that the two sides have returned to their previous state of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Faced with this weird situation, everyone knew that something special must have happened in the middle, but it was impossible to find the truth with the help of ordinary people.

Fortunately, this topic was not discussed for long before everyone's attention was suddenly diverted.

At noon that day.

The official accounts of Magic Star Game Studio and Glory Games simultaneously issued announcements announcing the temporary suspension of their services. The sudden news can be said to have instantly shocked players.

Although the popularity of Glory as a long-established game has indeed dropped a lot, there is still a group of loyal players who come online every day. Under such circumstances, no one would imagine that a company would choose to stop the service. No matter how you look at it, it makes no sense.

So when the news came out, it not only became a hot search topic very quickly, but also caused a large number of players to be filled with indignation.

They all expressed their dissatisfaction.

Even though Guanghui Games officials have made it clear that they will give benefits to old players after the game is resumed, there are still some players with bad tempers who simply choose to log out of their accounts.

He also threatened to never play any Star Studio games from now on.

There was a feeling of being hurt between the lines.

In the comment area of ​​related content and video copywriting, players venting their dissatisfaction can be seen everywhere.

"Well, why do you have to stop taking it? You have to give me an explanation. When can I recover?"

"Labour and management have been online almost every day since the launch of this game. Now you tell me to stop the service. I think Huanxing Studio is really lost and doesn't care about the players anymore."

"Inexplicably, my good mood today has been wiped out."

"Maybe the production team has some difficulties. Anyway, I will support it to the end, so keep up the good work!"

"I have played almost every game of Fantasy Star Studio since its establishment. They are indeed more conscientious than Penguin Yimiyou. In my opinion, they are real gamers. But this operation really confused me. , has the original intention of the production team been lost?”

"From today on, even if I jump from the building to my death, I will never play the game of Fantasy Star again."

"If you say the server is to be stopped, stop the server. I think there will be a few people playing after it is restored."

"You really think we care about these benefits. We made it clear that we don't need them, so we will just delete our accounts and leave."

"Come on, Mr. Xu, can you take care of your subordinates? This is completely defeating the goodwill of Future Technology!"

The operation of Magic Star Game Studio indeed made many players very angry, but in the eyes of companies such as and Yimiyou, it was a good opportunity, so they took the opportunity to promote and advertise their own games, hoping that Can draw this group of fantasy star players into their own games.

In short, this matter was basically discussed on the Internet throughout the afternoon, making a fuss.

Many people even went to the official account of Future Technology, hoping to let Xu Lei take care of their own people. After all, everyone knew that Huanxing Studio was owned by Future Technology.

However, neither Huanxing Game Studio nor Future Technology made any response.

Even the actions of his colleagues to grab people seemed not to be seen, which made many people couldn't help but have a question mark in their minds.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like your past behavior.

Of course, everything that happened online was under the watchful eye of Fang Yuan and Song Jie. The reason why they did not respond was because they had already focused all their energy on building the glorious virtual world.

This matter will start when Fang Yuan returns to the studio.

Considering the influence of virtual games, it is natural to want to complete the construction of the virtual game world as soon as possible, so that when the virtual helmet is officially launched for sale, Guanghui can directly reinstall it and become the first virtual game.

For this reason, Fang Yuan and Song Jie combined their efforts to temporarily suspend the service of Glory and concentrate all the efforts of the studio to build the Glory game world.

The newly built quantum computers will be used by Xingtong to build the virtual world. The computing power they can allocate will definitely not be much. In this case, if they want to ensure the progress, they can only launch the human sea tactic and bear the burden. The players' temporary dissatisfaction is nothing.

Moreover, even if all players are poached by their peers, when the virtual game comes out, they will probably return to Magic Star faster than anyone else.

It’s the same old saying.

No player can refuse virtual games.

While players were arguing on the Internet about the suspension of glory, Xu Lei came to the research room and prepared to start the production of virtual helmets.

But what's special is that this time he doesn't have any helpers except Xingtong's mechanical body.

"Xingtong, how is the progress of the virtual world construction?" Xu Lei in the research room did not start directly. Instead, he woke up Xingtong first and asked him about the most important things.

After hearing his boss's instructions, Xingtong next to him naturally did not hesitate at all. He immediately projected a holographic light curtain from his eyes and displayed it in detail in front of Xu Lei.

"It's less than 1%. It seems like this is indeed a difficult job!" Looking at the progress bar that showed almost no growth, Xu Lei felt somewhat regretful and couldn't help but complain softly.

After he made both parties reach an agreement last night, he directly gave Xingtong instructions to build a virtual world. As a result, nearly a day passed without any change in the progress bar. This alone shows that building a virtual world is more difficult than Making a virtual helmet is too difficult.

Fortunately, the construction of new quantum computers has begun. Once they are all put into use, the speed will be much faster.

After thinking about this, Xu Lei stopped worrying. Then he asked Xingtong to call up the three-dimensional design graphics of the virtual helmet and started working.

It should also be mentioned that the reason why Xu Lei did not ask the researchers at the research center to help this time was because the detailed technologies were all in his mind and could be completed under the company's existing conditions.

Naturally, it doesn’t require too many people to intervene.

Besides, with Xingtong's mechanical body, its effect is definitely comparable to that of several scientific researchers.

Anyway, as long as the virtual helmet is manufactured and passes the actual test, then it can be handed over to Hu Xinren to transform the modular adaptation production line. Essentially, he does not need to put in much effort.

For the virtual helmet, the most important thing is the sensor that detects brain electrical signals without interfering with human brain waves. This is related to whether the user can upload his consciousness to the computer and use his thoughts to control the computer.

On this point alone, it would be difficult for other companies to achieve results even after several years of research.

But Xu Lei didn't need to spend too much time here. He already had detailed technical knowledge in his mind.

Essentially just copy it.

With the help of various advanced technologies developed in the research center over the years, coupled with the special materials developed by Gu Sanlin, the production of virtual helmets was soon on track.

With the assistance of Xingtong, a mechanical body, Xu Lei estimated that it would take more than a month to complete.

While Future Technology was busy manufacturing virtual helmets and constructing virtual worlds, the overseas side of Washington was not very stable either. They were obviously ready to get started and even signed some documents, but suddenly In the meantime, he withdrew his decision.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like you are playing tricks on others.

Naturally, the first person to jump out in this situation was Commander Quevedo.

You must know that he originally had a more extreme ideological school, and he wanted to destroy Dengtian Island, but he was forced to stop when he was about to complete it.

Such repeated orders are a taboo.

So after he returned from the sea, he came to Tripp's office immediately and wanted to ask for an explanation.

And with the anger mixed in his heart, he did not give the commander-in-chief any face.

"Why should we suddenly stop our actions? Just rely on some bullshit virtual helmet made by future technology, and also sign so many agreements that are very unfavorable to us. If we follow my approach, we will definitely win."

In the general office, Quevedo, who learned about the confrontation in the virtual world from Tripp, could no longer suppress his anger.

It was so loud that it could almost be heard outside.

First of all, he does not believe that his action against the Sky Island will fail. Secondly, he does not believe that future technology can create a nearly real virtual world. The key point is that Tripp has also signed many agreements with Yan Fang that are not conducive to his own interests. If in If you lose the so-called confrontation, you will never be able to raise your head again.

Even if you are lucky enough to win, you will only be qualified to negotiate with future technology.

It's completely thankless.

He couldn't imagine why Tripp would do such a thing, and even agree so happily.

At this moment, Tripp, who was sitting in the main seat, looked gloomy and did not say much. Naturally, he himself did not want to do such a thing that would harm his own interests. However, after truly seeing the means of future technology, he realized that both parties already had Such a big gap.

According to the content of yesterday's conversation with Xu Lei, if he disagrees with future technology, he will immediately use his brain and quantum computers to launch indiscriminate attacks.

In this case, even if he ordered Quevedo to take action in time, he would only be beaten while hanging.

What's more important is that if things get serious and end in disastrous defeat, he himself will definitely be impeached and removed from his current position.

So when Xu Lei proposed the solution to the virtual world, he had no choice in front of him. He had to play this scene even if he knew that he would still be unable to escape the fate of losing in the end.

Because he also understands that by doing this in future technology, he does not want to see a lose-lose situation and affect the development of human civilization.

The biggest advantage for them is that even if they fail, it won't be too embarrassing. At worst, they will just be other people's younger brothers from now on. After all, in the eyes of the outside world, this is just a confrontation exercise between two superpowers to build a virtual helmet platform for future technology. .

After thinking about this, Tripp suddenly felt a lot calmer for some reason.

Then he stood up and said a little lonely: "The power of future technology is far more terrifying than we imagined, and Yan Fang is no longer something we can provoke. If you are really unconvinced, then try to win in the subsequent confrontation." Just as he was about to fall, he thought of something again, and reminded him again: "And please don't think about making trouble in the real world. It will only make our situation worse."

Ps: There will be another chapter in the evening, please give me monthly votes and recommendations and please subscribe!

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