My science and technology museum

Chapter 282 The greatest existence

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the official website of Future Technology officially opened the rush purchase channel for virtual helmets and virtual cabins.

The users who had been waiting for a long time now used their fastest speed to click on the product link to pay for the purchase, fearing that they would be too late if they fell behind.

However, overseas users cannot experience such a lively scene in person.

I can only act as a spectator.

After all, it is reasonable for Future Technology to prioritize the launch of virtual helmets in the domestic market. No matter how anxious they are, they can only wait patiently. Of course, there are also many people who jumped over the wall and went to the official account of Future Technology to urge them.

We hope that the virtual helmet can be launched in overseas markets as soon as possible.

In this regard, Xu Lei also issued a statement stating that virtual helmets will be launched overseas in the near future.

Considering that to achieve enough influence, one billion virtual helmets might be needed, so he designed a new production base for Xingtong.

And has put Jia Zhongjie and Hu Xinren in charge.

The base can be put into operation within a few months at the earliest.

By then, the monthly production capacity of virtual helmets will increase to tens of millions, which will be enough to ensure global market demand and completely solve the problem of slow growth in influence.

in addition.

Xu Lei has also carefully considered the establishment of future technology branches overseas.

Nowadays, future technology has grown to an unimaginable level, and all external forces will only fawn over it. Therefore, it is worthwhile to establish overseas branches. The main reason is to wait until the virtual world completely becomes the second world of human beings around the world in the future. There will definitely be various To fulfill the task, a Longhu High-tech Park in Binjiang City alone is obviously not enough.

However, branch offices are no longer a piece of cake. Both the location and senior management personnel need to be chosen carefully.

It will take some time to achieve this.

Fortunately, Xu Lei has handed over the matter to Xingtong, allowing her to access the global talent information database and first select candidates suitable for overseas assignment.

The method of sending extra people was the result of Xu Lei's careful consideration. The current core figures of the company, Lu Hongbo, Jia Zhongjie, Zhang Xia and Hange, had no experience in overseas affairs.

In addition, after finally cultivating subordinates who are easy to use, he is really unable to do anything when he is suddenly sent overseas.

Especially Lu Hongbo.

Xu Lei didn't think he could find a subordinate as caring as him.

at the same time.


Penguin headquarters building.

It is already late at night, but the largest office building is still brightly lit. If an outsider sees this scene, I believe that most likely they will guess that this is forcing employees to work overtime.

Of course this is exactly the case.

But the work done during overtime is different from that during the day.

Whether they are programmers or administrative positions, everyone is sitting where they want at this moment, just staring at the screen projected by the holographic smart quantum device in their hands.

Don't dare to be careless.

It seems that I am afraid of missing something important.

If you look closely, you will find that the content displayed on the screen is the virtual helmet purchase page of the official website of Future Technology.

After the virtual helmet product appeared on the market, Ma Teng knew that the traditional gaming industry had been subverted due to his keen sense of the market. In this case, he had to complete his transformation as soon as possible.

So at the company's high-level meeting, he decided to give up the game business against all the opinions.

Although it has received resistance and abuse from many players.

In his plan, he plans to cooperate with Future Technology to see if he can take the lead in acquiring a batch of virtual helmets through internal channels.

In this way, people in your own company can take the lead in entering the virtual world, use company assets to recharge virtual currency, purchase regional buildings in the virtual world, and open the company there.

He believes that in the future, the number of people online in the virtual world will be no less than that in the real world.

Because this represents the most advanced technology of mankind.

However, although his idea was great, it hit a wall with future technology. It was impossible to obtain a virtual helmet through other channels.

Although it had a considerable impact on their plans, fortunately, other forces could not interfere.

The key virtual helmet is currently only available in China, but the virtual world is not. Therefore, when overseas forces enter the virtual world, these local forces have already established a foothold in the virtual world.

Truly realize the two-way absolute rights guarantee in the virtual world and the real world.

Even with future technology, overseas forces cannot make waves no matter what measures they take.

Faced with such a situation, Ma Teng was definitely not willing to watch his plan being frustrated, so he came up with a new idea.

That is, in the name of the company, employees are allowed to rush to buy virtual helmets today, and the company will provide certain subsidies. Thinking that tens of thousands of people in the company will buy them at the same time, tens of millions of virtual helmets can be bought at least a few hundred units. .

These will be the capital for Penguin to enter the virtual world.

In order to enhance competitiveness as much as possible, Ma Teng also ordered people to purchase a lot of future technology holographic quantum intelligent terminal equipment to ensure that employees would use this equipment to rush for it.

For company employees, virtual helmets have already left a deep impression in their hearts. Knowing that this represents the direction of future development, they naturally want to buy one. With the company's subsidies now, it will definitely be a joyful rush to buy, so even now It was late at night but everyone was still in high spirits.

As for why everyone is asked to stay in the company to snap up purchases, it is because they are worried that staying at home may cause them to miss out on snap up purchases due to some special circumstances.

After all, given the current significance and popularity of virtual helmets, hundreds of millions of people may be trying to grab them tonight. There are only tens of millions of virtual helmets available, so no matter how you look at them, they won’t be enough.

It has to be said that this is exactly the case.

When the rush-purchase channel was officially opened, tens of millions of virtual helmets were sold out in just two seconds.

Even the virtual cabins priced up to millions are not left.

This caused a moment of wailing in the Penguin Building, which seemed to underestimate everyone's expectations for the virtual helmet.

"Damn it, seconds are gone!"

"This is such a fast hand after being single for many years, and I haven't even reacted yet."

"My virtual helmet, damn it!"

"You can't get it tonight, and only a very small number of units will be released every day. I'm afraid it will be even harder to snap up."

"Why don't you let me snap it up? I'm still waiting to experience the virtual game!"

But just as Ma Teng planned, the tens of thousands of employees in the entire company are definitely not all the air force, and there are also many people who are favored by the goddess of luck who successfully grab it.

no doubt.

These people received eager looks from everyone.

"I got it!"

“The payment was successful, that’s great!”

"I'm so lucky tonight, I feel like I could buy a lottery ticket."

"Now I'm just waiting for Brother Shunfeng to deliver the things. It's really exciting!"

"I really envy."

"Why wasn't I the one who grabbed it?"

It is worth mentioning that since the virtual helmet was shipped from Binjiang City and there was no advance warehousing and transportation, it would take two days to go to another province even if the tailwind was faster.

"Chairman, the preliminary statistics of the virtual helmets that have been grabbed are out." At this time, Zhang Tiandong, who was full of excitement, did not bother to knock on the door and broke into the lounge, wanting to report the situation to Ma Teng immediately.

"Okay, well done." Ma Teng, who was sitting on the sofa patiently waiting for the results, suddenly stood up and cast a pair of expectant eyes at the other party: "How many virtual helmets have been purchased in total? Have they reached the expected value?"

Zhang Tiandong nodded: "Preliminary statistics indicate that the number of virtual helmets is more than three hundred, and there are also several virtual cabins."

"not bad."

Ma Teng seemed quite satisfied with this number, and his expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

After a tactical pause for a few seconds, he spoke again: "These virtual helmets will be our capital to enter the virtual world. In addition, players will be selected from these employees who rushed to buy the virtual helmets to form a glorious game guild. First, build up the reputation and framework." Say it again."

"Don't worry, Chairman, I will get it done." Zhang Tiandong said decisively, his eyes full of confidence.

Ma Teng was relatively confident about Zhang Tiandong's working ability. Considering that it was already late, he quickly ordered: "There is nothing to do today. Let everyone go back as soon as possible."

"It's the chairman."

Zhang Tiandong nodded again, then turned and exited the office.

In addition to the virtual world, as the world's first virtual game, Glory will definitely become a hot spot of attention.

Establishing a game guild can play a huge role in subsequent operations.

Maybe there will be a global competition for the Giant Glory virtual game in the future.

Until Zhang Tiandong's figure completely disappeared from the field of vision, Ma Teng was seen touching the quantum device in his hand, and the holographic screen instantly appeared in front of him.

You can see the words payment successful on it.

With Ma Teng's current grade, he is really not very interested in things on the Internet, but the virtual helmet launched by Future Technology this time gave him the idea of ​​​​experience, and it is related to the future development of the company, so he naturally also participated. There was a rush to buy.

Perhaps because his luck had not been completely exhausted, he successfully purchased a virtual cabin.

"The virtual era has arrived, and people are really looking forward to it!" Finally, as Ma Teng's voice sounded, the lights in the building began to gradually go out.

Tonight will definitely be a sleepless night for Future Technology's warehouse and Tailwind personnel. In order to allow users to receive the virtual helmet as soon as possible, they started distributing goods in the middle of the night.

Shipments will be issued in order of paid orders.

Although they are more tiring, the faces of those Shunfeng guys are always filled with joy.

Because of the special nature of the virtual helmet, Future Technology and Shunfeng signed a transportation agreement, requiring Shunfeng to carry out transportation and distribution alone.

Do not mix with other express delivery.

And there is a higher unit price commission.

In addition, the virtual helmet has been registered with aviation and is transported by airplane in most areas. The timeliness is relatively fast and users will not have to wait too long.

The next day.

With the expectations of users in Binjiang City and the province, the virtual helmets that were snapped up were successively delivered.

The first thing everyone does when they get a virtual helmet is to complete the binding and enter the virtual world and virtual game.

Of course I haven't forgotten the most important thing.

That is to top up virtual currency.

Some people have enough courage and accurate judgment, so they directly make a large recharge to buy a house in a residential area in the virtual world.

Because for many people, with a virtual helmet, they will definitely stay in the virtual world longer than in the real world. Since housing prices in the real world are out of reach, why not choose a house in the virtual world.

Not to mention it's cheap enough.


Some people also purchase game props in the Glory virtual game to help their game characters quickly level up.

These are all within the scope allowed by the rules, and the official will not intervene. Anyway, Xingpu is enough to ensure the healthy and stable operation of the virtual world.

As for those glorious old players, after using the virtual helmet to go online again, they will receive an initial prop as compensation. Although the quality of the prop is not very high, it is enough to make them different from others in the early stage, and they will also be Players that major game guilds compete for.

On the other hand, those who had deleted their accounts impulsively were even more sad after hearing the news.

I regretted it so much that I vomited blood.

It is also worth mentioning that some people have found that using virtual helmets to work in the virtual world is extremely efficient.

For example, a task that usually takes eight hours to complete can be completed in two hours in the virtual world. The rest can be done whatever you want in the virtual world, or directly connected to the virtual game.

For this reason, many companies have begun to gradually promote the use of virtual helmets for employees to work.

One can imagine.

Near future.

When virtual helmets become a device owned by everyone, there will be no need to go to the company to work. Employees can complete their work efficiently by wearing virtual helmets at home.

But it also requires companies to buy places in the virtual world.

It can only be said that the funds obtained from selling regional buildings in the virtual world are much more than the selling price of the virtual helmet.

So in a way, the price of tens of thousands of virtual helmets is still high.

Xu Lei naturally has plans for this. When the new base is put into use to ensure the supply of virtual helmets, and when they are launched in overseas markets, domestic prices will usher in a new wave of reductions.

It’s also about earning influence.

There was a time when the masses were overwhelmed by the heavy workload and had no life of their own.

However, now that virtual helmets have completely solved this problem, society will undergo earth-shaking changes, which can be said to be a major change that has never been seen in human history.

Another characteristic of human beings is that they like to show off.

For the first batch of users to grab the virtual helmet and the first to get it, after truly experiencing the power of the virtual helmet, they will naturally take the time to post their experience on commonly used website platforms.

As a result, many related articles and videos appeared on the Internet that day.

The comment area is full of lemon sourness.

"Thank you for the invitation. I just went downstairs to pick up the express delivery. I haven't used it yet."

"Is the original poster from Binjiang City? You actually received the goods so quickly. Mine is still in transit."

"I'm jealous!"

"You lucky dogs, can you stop showing off?"

"I just charged 10,000 virtual coins. Anyone who has props for the Glory virtual game can chat with me privately."

"Boss, please take off my knee. I actually charged one million directly."

"A piece of advice for those who haven't grabbed a virtual helmet yet. Don't be stingy when it comes to buying virtual currency. It will definitely retain its value better than gold. The virtual world is definitely a great existence."

"I really love Mr. Xu. No matter what he does in the virtual world, he is very efficient. It is foreseeable that human technology will usher in a big explosion in the next few years."

But as the saying goes, everything is a double-edged sword.

Major social changes will have two consequences.

Human civilization moves towards progress.

The structure of the world collapses.

Perhaps the younger generation is willing to accept the convenience and experience brought by virtual helmets, but in the minds of many older generations, this is dancing on the edge of a knife.

It can easily lead to social unrest.

So while everyone is immersed in the changes brought about by the virtual world, many people on the Internet are questioning this and demanding that future technology should shut down the virtual world and abolish the currency system of virtual games to make them pure games.

Those who support this view include many lawyers, professors and other well-established people.

It can be said that only they, the ideological die-hards, are not afraid of the influence of today's future technology.

However, after all, they are not very good at operating the network, so the noise they caused could not make waves at all, and everyone's attention still stayed on the virtual helmet.

Everyone is thinking about when they can get the virtual helmet.

at the same time.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

Chen Shihe, who was wearing a black hip-hugging business suit in the conference room, was reporting to Xu Lei on the sales of virtual helmets in the early morning.

"Report to Mr. Xu."

"Our virtual helmets and virtual cabins were sold out in just two seconds yesterday. The warehouse is currently cooperating with people who are following the wind to seize the time to ship and transport the products."

"Very good." Xu Lei nodded without changing his expression.

Although Xu Lei had expected this result, he still couldn't help but feel excited after learning that tens of millions of virtual helmets were snatched up in just two seconds. Unexpectedly, the outside world's expectations for virtual helmets far exceeded his. imagination.

After all, even if most people adopt installment payment, the sales volume brought to the company will be astronomical.

What's more, there are so many people recharging in the virtual world.

However, because most virtual helmets are still on the transportation road and in warehouses, Xu Lei's influence has only grown to a small extent.

But I believe that when users get the purchased virtual helmets in a few days, the influence will be increased by at least about 100,000 according to the previous conversion ratio.

Just as Xu Lei was thinking about this, Chen Shihe's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Currently, we plan to release one million virtual helmets every day to satisfy users' rush to buy them. This can be achieved with the efficiency of the existing production line, that is, in a short time. It may not be available in overseas markets yet.”

This content of Chen Shihe's report must be supported by Hu Xinren's data, and Xu Lei had no objection to this.

Just talking about overseas markets again, we have to mention the new production base.

As soon as the idea came to mind, Xu Lei immediately turned his attention to Jia Zhongjie: "How is the progress of the new virtual helmet production base?"


"Now the location of the new base has been determined, and it has also entered the construction stage. With the cooperation of Professor Hu's intelligent modular production line, I am confident that it will be put into use within two to three months."

Faced with his boss's inquiry, Jia Zhongjie immediately assured him.

Since Qin Xiaoman and Zhao Lijiang are basically at the Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital, they did not participate in today's meeting, so they cannot ask about the progress of the prosthetic nerve connection. Considering that this is also related to the increase in influence, Xu Lei was also secretly thinking about whether to take the time to go there in person.

Xu Lei didn't need to worry too much about the rest of the meeting. After all, there was no point in worrying about the new base.

Anyway, with Liu Gaowen in charge and the funds in place, it will definitely not take too long.

Jia Zhongjie said two to three months, which is relatively conservative under normal circumstances. In reality, it is estimated that it will be completed in less than two months. As long as the base is put into use, tens of millions of virtual helmets can be produced every month.

Not only can it quickly satisfy the domestic market, it can also be officially launched for sale overseas.

But just when Xu Lei was about to stand up and announce the end of the meeting, he noticed that Chen Shihe's face looked a little unnatural. Thinking of what happened with Xingtong last time, he asked directly: "Does Shihe have anything else to say?"

"Mr. Xu, there is indeed a small matter." Seeing that he was named, Chen Shihe no longer concealed anything: "You'd better take a look at this first."

But instead of reporting directly, she took out the holographic quantum terminal device and projected a holographic screen.

He did not forget to explain to everyone: "The above article was just published today. It criticized our company's virtual helmet and even asked us to close the virtual world. It was only because the popularity was relatively low that I hesitated whether to present it at the meeting. Report up."

Speaking of which, Xu Lei had not met anyone who dared to openly question future technology for a long time. Now when he heard what Chen Shihe said, he became a little interested.

The same is true for Jia Zhongjie, Lu Hongbo and others here.

They all looked at it carefully.

Looking around, Xu Lei saw that the person who posted this article was called Ruan Deshou. Judging from the situation, the account should be using his real name.

As for the content of the article, the central idea is also very clear, which is to accuse Future Technology of hastily building a virtual world and opening a currency system such as virtual currency, which will seriously affect social stability and should be closed immediately.

Looking down, he saw the character information that Chen Shihe had investigated.

Nguyen Duc Tho.

Professor at Teito University.

internal reference member.

Well-known expert in the field of economics.

"Good guy, you have a lot of titles." Xu Lei complained secretly in his heart.

In the comment area of ​​the article, the number of people supporting and opposing it is basically mixed. It is obvious that the article is not very popular and has not attracted too many people's attention.

But when Lu Hongbo and the others finished reading it, they felt a little unhappy. Before Xu Lei could react, they couldn't help but start a discussion.

"The professor's targeting is too obvious. Our virtual helmet is obviously the highest technology of human civilization, and it is something that can lead human civilization to a new level. How could he just turn off the virtual world just because he said so?"

"The development of civilization is inherently accompanied by turmoil. How can we always stay in our comfort zone?"

"It can only be said that his understanding of virtual helmets is too one-sided, and I'm afraid he has never really experienced it. I think publishing this article is just to gain popularity."

After hearing what Jia Zhongjie and Lu Hongbo said, Chen Shihe was too lazy to pay attention to them. He still looked at Xu Lei and asked, "Mr. Xu, how should we deal with this article?"

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