My science and technology museum

Chapter 290 Reaching tens of millions of influence

"The first batch of ilmenite-rich lunar soil will soon be transported through the space elevator, which will bring us sufficient helium-3 resources."

"So research on controllable nuclear fusion technology must also be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

"Convene this meeting today."

"The main discussion is whether to cooperate with overseas forces in research and development."

"Accept their application to join the controlled nuclear fusion research project."

Imperial capital.

Headquarters of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yang Senping, who was sitting on the dean's seat in the conference hall, looked around the crowd and told the main purpose of the meeting.

The news that the Guanghan Palace lunar base has been officially built and that lunar resources will be mined cannot be concealed from the other four superpowers, including the Northern Magnesium Eagle and the Bear Kingdom.

So they proposed cooperation at a joint meeting.

Gather the power and resources of multiple forces around the world to jointly develop controllable nuclear fusion technology.

And by the way, they also attracted small forces like Neon Hanguo.


After the live broadcast of the Guanghan Palace Moon Base, overseas forces will send congratulations immediately.

At present, the research on controllable nuclear fusion by various parties basically focuses on deuterium and tritium as the nuclear fuel used to produce fusion.

Deuterium is found in large amounts in all water on Earth.

Tritium does not exist in nature.

It needs to be produced by neutron bombardment of lithium.


By moving to helium-3, another isotope on the periodic table, nuclear fusion could become more accessible.

Helium-3 is a light, non-radioactive isotope of helium.

Fusion reactors using helium-3 could provide a highly efficient form of nuclear energy with little waste and negligible radiation.

However, helium-3 is almost non-existent on Earth.

And small amounts of helium-3 are produced by geological activities and nuclear weapons testing.

On the contrary, it is abundant on the moon.

It can be said that whoever masters helium-3 resources will be more confident in developing controllable nuclear fusion technology.

That is the artificial sun.

Completely change the energy structure of human civilization.

Those overseas forces are not fools. Seeing that Yanfang's space elevator will continuously transport helium-3 from the moon to the earth, some actions must be prepared in advance.

If they choose to work together on research, if controllable nuclear fusion is successfully conquered in the future, they will also be able to enjoy the convenience it brings.

But if you continue to rest on your laurels.

When Yan Fang comes up with an artificial sun on his own, their situation will become even worse.

By then, its international status will decline even further.

You need to completely look at other people's faces.

You must know that it was precisely because they chose to block technology that Yan Fang himself conquered one advanced technology after another.

Until today, it was crushed by future technology across the board.

With the lessons learned before them, they will definitely not make the same mistakes again.

Tripp, who was the first to react to this, chose to put down his face and actively joined other forces to express his desire to jointly develop controllable nuclear fusion technology with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In addition, he expressed his sincerity and promised to use all his technical experience in nuclear fusion research over the years.

Send the best scientists in this field to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to participate in research work.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this cooperation is reached, it will be equivalent to concentrating the world's top forces to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology, and its progress will definitely be much faster than now.

Maybe within five years, the artificial sun can be conquered and mankind can officially move towards a first-level civilization.

Since this matter has a large impact and is related to the future global pattern, a decision must be made after careful consideration.

What's more important is to leave professional matters to professionals.

The above expressed support for the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

This important decision-making power was left in the hands of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As a result, Yang Senping, as the dean, was under tremendous pressure and could only hold this meeting to let everyone vote by a show of hands.

But it should not be said that today’s meeting is of high value.

Everyone here is an academician.

Some people in related fields came specially from branches across the country to participate.

This is enough to prove the importance that Chinese Academy of Sciences attaches to this international joint cooperation.

But due to the importance of this matter, after Yang Senping's opening remarks, the conference hall couldn't help but fall into a brief silence.

Although everyone was thoughtful, no one spoke rashly.

Yang Senping was able to reach the position of dean by slowly working his way up from being an academician. At this moment, he understood to some extent what everyone was thinking.

Basically there are two views.

That is to say, they believe that they have enough strength to conduct research on controllable nuclear fusion alone and do not need the intervention of external forces.

The other believes that with the joint efforts of the entire international community, research on controllable nuclear fusion will definitely advance significantly, which will be beneficial to the development of human civilization.

After all, time is everything.

The sooner you enter a first-level civilization, the better you can ensure your own safety in the galaxy.

In this way, even if the solar system is really invaded by alien civilization one day, I believe that humans can protect themselves.

Otherwise, mankind may not even have controllable nuclear fusion, and may only be beaten.

However, a decision must be made in convening this meeting. Seeing that it was reaching a deadlock, Yang Senping could not help but frown.

Finally, after a slight hesitation, he turned his attention to a middle-aged man next to him.

"Academician Li."

"You are the person in charge of the artificial sun project at Luyang Science Island. I think you have the most say in this matter."

"It's better for you to tell me your opinion first, right?"

"Dean Yang, it's very difficult for you to push me out now!" Li Chengzhe showed a wry smile when he heard his name being called: "Why don't you give me an idea."

"Okay, say whatever you want. The content of today's meeting is for everyone to speak freely and actively discuss." Yang Senping glanced at Li Chengzhe and dropped this sentence again without question.

Hear this.

Li Chengzhe also immediately understood that he couldn't get through it.

As the person in charge of the Luyang Science Island Artificial Sun Project, the team he leads has been developing controllable nuclear fusion technology for many years, and has also made breakthrough progress that leads the world.

It has successfully achieved combustion for 100 seconds at 200 million degrees Celsius.

Completely breaking the world record.

In fact, when he was informed by Yang Senping to return to the Imperial Capital headquarters to attend this meeting, he guessed that he would inevitably express his opinions.

After all, he was the project leader.

The key point is that he is more aware that the opinions of many academicians here are not very unified.

No matter what decision is made in the end, there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied and think it is a wrong decision.

But now that Yang Senping has spoken, he can't hesitate any longer and has no choice but to speak out his thoughts according to his own understanding.

“I think many people here know that most of our Science Island members have studied in overseas nuclear fusion research centers, including myself of course.”

"Although we are temporarily leading the research on artificial suns and have also broken the world record."

"But we have to admit that overseas there is a lot of technology and experience we need."

"There are other forces involved."

"I believe that controllable nuclear fusion technology will be conquered faster."

Like Pei Hongyin, Li Chengzhe also wants to see the advent of controllable nuclear fusion as soon as possible.

The best way is undoubtedly joint research.

After all, they achieved a record of burning for 100 seconds at 200 million degrees Celsius, but this is still a long way from true controllable nuclear fusion.

It is even possible to stay stuck at a certain stage throughout your life, unable to make new progress.

Therefore, he himself supports joint research.

In the past, the major forces restricted each other's technologies and would not share their own technologies with each other.

This has led to the slow development of science and technology, and human civilization has never been able to officially enter the first level.

At present, because of the space elevator and future technology, they have successfully persuaded them to show their kindness. This is definitely a good opportunity for the development of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

What's more, Yan Fang is already in a leadership position, so even if controllable nuclear fusion is implemented, it will not have any impact.

In this case why not.

If nuclear fusion can really come out early, it will definitely be a good thing for human civilization.

As Li Chengzhe's words fell, the entire conference hall fell silent, and everyone's expressions became very solemn, as if they were thinking about some important issues.


Objections were quickly raised.

"I don't agree with cooperation. Now that we can obtain lunar resources through the space elevator, there is no need to share this convenience with overseas forces."

"I believe that with our own efforts, we can achieve controllable nuclear fusion."

"We were able to build an atomic bomb back then, and I believe that controllable nuclear fusion is no longer a problem today."

"I support Academician Li's point of view. Perhaps controlled nuclear fusion can really be born in our hands, but if cooperation can be carried out faster, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages."

"There are nearly ten countries in total involved in this cooperation. No matter whether it is successful or not, we will always have the most say."

"With the emergence of space elevators, the value of lunar resources is far less than before, so cooperative research is feasible."

Seeing that the two groups started to argue, and the entire conference hall became very lively, Yang Senping also knew that he could not continue to go offline. At this time, he had to stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

"Stop arguing yet."

"The truth becomes clearer with more debate. This method must be right first of all."

"If this continues like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to make any decisions until nightfall. In my opinion, everyone should show their hands and vote by the majority."

I have to say that Yang Senping is quite prestigious as the dean. After saying these words, the conference hall suddenly became quiet.

Although some people still complain, they can only admit that this is the best way.

After all, you can't choose a plan that most people don't support against all opinions.

So I can only choose to acquiesce.

See this scene.

Yang Senping was also very satisfied, and then spoke again: "Then please ask the academicians who agree to conduct joint research to vote by a show of hands."

The words just fell.

Looking around, I immediately saw many people raising their right hands.

At this point in the meeting, the result is very obvious, that is, most people agree to jointly conduct research and development of controllable nuclear fusion with other overseas forces.

Although Yang Senping almost guessed the result, he still responded in a matter-of-fact manner: "Everyone's decisions will be recorded and compiled into a report and submitted. If there is no problem and passes the review, this international research project team will be established soon. "

"That's it for today's meeting. Everyone can go back first."

As Yang Senping officially announced the end of the meeting, all the academicians in the conference hall stopped wasting time and stood up and walked outside.

But just when Li Chengzhe was about to leave, Yang Senping's voice rang in his ears again.

"Academician Li, please wait a moment."

"Does Dean Yang have anything else to explain?" Li Chengzhe paused and turned to look at Yang Senping again, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Is such that."

"In my judgment, the cooperation is basically a done deal. As the person in charge of our artificial sun project, you must be prepared in advance."

"We will then establish communication with scientists dispatched overseas and strive to conquer controllable nuclear fusion as soon as possible."

This cooperation is led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Therefore, once the project team is established, those overseas forces that choose to join the research will definitely send scientists in the field to assist in research and development. After all, they belong to different nationalities. If they cannot coordinate with each other in a short time, it will definitely affect the controllable nuclear fusion. Research progress.

Since Li Chengzhe just proposed to agree to international cooperation, he must have made various preparations.

Faced with Yang Senping's reminder, he didn't have much of a reaction. He directly assured him: "Don't worry, Dean Yang. As long as all the resources are in place, we will definitely be able to develop a real artificial sun."

Yang Senping naturally has great trust in Li Chengzhe's abilities.

Otherwise, the artificial sun located on Science Island would not have made such great progress, and it has now successfully broken the world record.

And even after the meeting, Yang Senping was still not idle.

First, I compiled today's meeting into a report and submitted it to the above, and then attended a special meeting.

This proves that everyone from top to bottom attaches great importance to this international cooperation opportunity.

that's all.

The result was just as Yang Senping guessed.

The superiors quickly approved the report and decided to accept joint research applications from overseas forces.

Yang Senping was appointed as the overall project commander.

Academician Li Chengzhe is the main person in charge.

It is required to strive to conquer controllable nuclear fusion or make breakthrough progress within five years.

It is equivalent to a new five-year plan on energy issues.

The main thing is that no matter how you look at it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As long as controllable nuclear fusion technology can be conquered, then humankind will set its sights on the galaxy.

There is no way he is still staring at the Earth Star.

After all, in the solar system alone, there are many planets containing resources waiting for humans to exploit them.

If they have already reached the first level of civilization and are still fighting among themselves, then it can only be said that the situation is too small and it is destined to be difficult to achieve big things.

in addition.

It is worth mentioning that the Chinese Academy of Sciences did not choose to keep this international joint research project confidential.

Almost as soon as the details were formally determined, they were officially announced.

no doubt.

When the news spread on the Internet, the popularity and topic views exploded to the top.

Even easily surpassing the popularity of virtual helmets.

There is a grand scene of celebrating the New Year online.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology has always been called the ultimate problem of mankind. It represents whether mankind can officially enter the first-level civilization and reach a new level.

As long as humans master controllable nuclear fusion, the energy system will undergo complete changes.

Fossil energy will be eliminated, and there will be no more pollution on Earth and stars.

Since a long time ago, various countries have been conducting research on controllable nuclear fusion. Although there has never been a breakthrough, every time news comes out, it will arouse everyone's excitement.

For example, Science Island's artificial sun achieved 200 million degrees for 100 seconds. When the news came out, it shocked the whole country.

Everyone was immersed in that joy and pride.

Even though everyone knows that it is basically impossible to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

But this does not affect the yearning for it.

But today is different from the past.

People once said that poverty limited my imagination. Because of the limitations of the times, everyone thought that controllable nuclear fusion was something very far away.

It doesn’t even have anything to do with my own generation.

But with the emergence of future technology, things that only appear in science fiction movies, such as quantum computer holographic screens, have become a reality, and even cancer, known as the nemesis of mankind, has been cured.

Coupled with the recent space elevators and virtual helmets that have almost subverted everyone's cognition, after experiencing these unimaginable things, everyone suddenly feels that controllable nuclear fusion does not seem to be a problem.

It is entirely possible to develop it.

What's more, this time is different from the previous solo battles. Several of the most powerful superpowers in the world are working together to conduct research on controllable nuclear fusion.

No matter how you look at it, this is a must-win situation.

This made everyone full of confidence in this and began to imagine the changes after mankind mastered nuclear fusion.

Many professionals and professors in related fields also expressed their opinions.

To sum up, we are basically optimistic.

It is believed that it is possible to conquer controllable nuclear fusion technology within five years.

After all, in addition to joint research by multiple parties, this time there is also ilmenite containing helium-3 element mined from the moon.

It's like adding wings to a tiger, so there's no reason why it can't fly.

This makes it possible to see excited and supportive remarks everywhere under the content of the five-year plan for controllable nuclear fusion.

“Are we finally going to challenge humanity’s ultimate problem?”

"In five years, I really don't know if we can succeed."

"Controllable nuclear fusion may still be like a chasm for us now, but I believe that when human civilization officially becomes a first-level civilization, you will find that it means nothing when you look back."

"Controllable nuclear fusion technology will eventually be under our control."

"This time it seems that the whole world is very determined. It is the first time that powerful forces have joined forces. I believe there will be no problem."

"I have even experienced virtual games in my life. Isn't it normal to see controllable nuclear fusion again?"

"Let us look forward to the unprecedented event in five years!"

"Thanks to the space elevator, otherwise it would be simply unrealistic to mine lunar resources so easily."

“Projects that do not involve future technology research still feel unstable!”

Perhaps it is because Future Technology has created too many miracles. While everyone supports the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some people also express regret that Future Technology cannot participate in the project.

In their view, the success rate will be higher with future technology.

But it's a pity.

But everyone also knows that virtual helmets are rapidly occupying the global market, and the number of people online every day in the virtual world has increased to the limit. Future technology will indeed not put down the virtual helmet business to focus on other projects.

Fortunately, this time the Chinese Academy of Sciences did not conduct its own research.

With the help of global resources and technology, even without future technology, I believe we can make great progress.

After all, although most people support future technology, they don’t think that the power of one company can match the cooperation of several major global superpowers.

Unfortunately, the outside world does not know that Xu Lei did not participate in this project because all his energy was focused on the Science and Technology Museum.

After the increase in influence in the past few days, his influence has successfully reached 10 million points.

Ability to unlock new booths.

In this case, he must confirm the status of the unlocked exhibits as soon as possible, and how can he be in the mood to participate in this project.

Tuesday, January 4, 2028.

Laba Festival.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the room of the headquarters building, Xu Lei walked out of the virtual cabin with excitement on his face: "More than four hours have passed. Under normal circumstances, the influence should reach 10 million points."

In the morning, he couldn't wait to enter the hall of the Science and Technology Museum, but he was a little disappointed.

The influence is still a little short of 10 million.

Since there is no passage of time in the Science and Technology Museum, he certainly cannot stay in the hall and wait for the final influence to rise.

So I had no choice but to return to the real world, lie down in the virtual cabin in my room, and play the Glory virtual game for a few hours.

Just go and unlock the new exhibit now.

After murmuring softly in his mouth, Xu Lei no longer hesitated. He immediately lay on the bed, closed his eyes tightly and controlled his consciousness to return to the Science and Technology Museum.

And just as he calculated, as soon as he stepped into the hall, he noticed the new booth with the flashing light screen.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei was too lazy to go to the virtual reality technology booth to check the specific influence value. He walked directly to the new booth and skillfully reached out and placed his hand on the information screen next to it when he arrived.

"I shouldn't be disappointed this time. I wonder what exhibits will be unlocked?"

“And the space above the museum.”

“After accumulating so much influence, it’s time to open up.”

When the exhibits on the booth began to appear, Xu Lei was also muttering to himself. It could be said that he could not forget the space above the museum.

I want to know what kind of special existence it is.

Is it the same layout as the lobby?

According to his previous analysis, it is very likely that the total amount of influence must reach a certain value before he, the owner of the museum, can unlock the authority of the upper space. If he still cannot find the way up this time, it means that the value of influence is not yet high enough. Too much.

But Xu Lei didn't want to see this situation.

He still prefers his own judgment, because he always feels that after unlocking new exhibits this time, the upper space of the museum is likely to undergo new changes.

Just when Xu Lei's mind came to this point, a special device with a twisted shape that resembled a twist appeared on the booth.

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