My science and technology museum

Chapter 301 The most suitable way to obtain

"It will definitely succeed, don't have any problems!"

For the viewers who are watching the live broadcast at this time, this sentence is almost all that comes to mind. Everyone is extremely excited and anxious, hoping to see the spacecraft ignite and start smoothly.

Ye Junmin, who was in the operating cabin of the spacecraft, did not know that so many viewers were paying attention to him, but with such an important task, he was not allowed to make any mistakes, and he was under tremendous mental pressure.

He is the captain of this Mars mission.

He should be the one to start the ignition device and set a good example for other astronauts.

"Course calibration completed."

"Target Mars."

"Let's go~"

As Ye Junmin's voice reached the ground station control center through the communicator and the ears of every user watching the live broadcast around the world, he decisively pressed the ignition device.

It can only be said that the things produced by future technology will never disappoint.

When the nuclear fusion power plant is successfully started.

Immediately, powerful energy was ejected from the tail of the spacecraft, pushing the entire spacecraft out of the orbit of the earth and flying straight to the distant Mars.

At this point in the process, it is basically half done.

Next, just keep paying attention to the flight attitude of the spacecraft to ensure the safety of the astronauts.

Compared with the initial launch and later landing, the risk is not too high. During this period of space navigation, astronauts can also relax as much as possible to welcome Mars in the best condition.

Because we have to reach Mars.

According to the speed of nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft, it will take at least two months.

Faced with such a long flight time, it is definitely impossible to continue the live broadcast, not to mention that as the spacecraft Ye Junmin and others are traveling further and further away from the earth, the effect of the quantum relay station will be greatly reduced.

So just when the screen cut to the perspective of the near-Earth spaceport, and everyone watched the spacecraft gradually disappear into the starry sky, the live broadcast was officially shut down.

And the time after that.

Information on the situation of the nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft will be temporarily blocked until the video footage of the astronauts setting foot on Mars is released.

In a way, this is also to ensure the smooth progress of the task.

Although the live broadcast was interrupted.

But the audience did not complain and were still immersed in the joy of the smooth launch of the spacecraft.

There were barrages flying in the live broadcast room without any screen.

"We made it!"

"The nuclear fusion power device manufactured by Future Technology is indeed trustworthy!"

"Humanity has grown from the earth to conquering the moon, and now it is finally launching a charge towards Mars."

"Suddenly I feel like crying."

"Who knows how long it will take for the spacecraft to reach Mars?"

"Looking at the official statement, it is estimated that it will take at least two months."


"Driving in space for two months is a great test for the astronauts' spirit and psychology."

"It's a pity that I can't live broadcast the whole process, otherwise I would definitely stay in the live broadcast room for two months."

"Everyone has worked hard these days."

"Except for the staff who need to monitor the attitude of the spacecraft, everyone else should rest. There is still a tough battle waiting for us in two months!"

Dengtian Island.

Ground station control center.

Amidst the warm applause, Wu Chuping faced all the staff who stood up and did not hide the smile on his face when he spoke.

The nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft was successfully operated.

This means that they have taken another big step in the aerospace industry.

The significance is immeasurable, and the key is that it makes everyone more confident in this mission.

Due to the suitable launch window and the breakthroughs in nuclear fusion technology made by Future Technology, this mission to Mars is very urgent.

There wasn't much preparation time at all.

Even the nuclear fusion power device, the core of the spacecraft, is only in place before launch.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone, including Wu Chuping, was under great pressure during this period, fearing that something unexpected would happen to the spacecraft.

You must know that this is a real-time broadcast for the whole world. If something goes wrong, it will be humiliating.

The key is that they have never had any serious accidents.

In order to ensure a smooth launch, the relevant personnel can be said to have debugged and optimized each component of the spacecraft over and over again.

Strive to nip all problems in the bud.

Fortunately, no matter how hard you work, you will gain something.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the nuclear fusion Mars-powered spacecraft was successfully ignited and started on its way to Mars.

This made everyone sigh in relief.

At the same time, you really need to take a good rest.

At this time, most people are about to become discouraged balls, and they will definitely not stay in the control center hall.

After listening to Wu Chuping's words, he went to find a place to rest.

Seeing this, Wu Chuping couldn't help but smile with relief. At the same time, he felt more confident about landing on Mars in two months.

He believes that with the support of powerful nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft, humans will be able to conquer Mars.


Let’s talk about Xu Lei who is far away in Binjiang City.

The first thing he did after the live broadcast was to enter the science and technology museum space.

The successful ignition and start-up of the spacecraft was completely within his expectation. There was nothing to worry about. Whether this live broadcast could bring him influence was the core point worthy of attention.

After all, the nuclear fusion power device used by the space agency's spacecraft was manufactured by him himself.

I don't know how good the quality is.

It turns out.

All products produced by Future Technology are indeed of high quality.

Not long after.

When Xu Lei, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly opened his eyes, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.


"Sure enough, I overestimated."

After a long time, two sighs of emotion were heard.

Originally based on the influence generated by the Longhu Fusion Power Station, Xu Lei estimated that this live broadcast could earn millions of influence.

The results varied widely.

It can only be said that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

The influence of the entire live broadcast only increased from the previous 1.26 million to 1.5 million.

The goal of reaching 10 million is still far away.

But after thinking for a while, he figured out the problem.

No matter how many people pay attention to the nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft, even if the spacecraft successfully lands on Mars, these cannot be directly fed back to the public.

Simply put, landing on Mars is of little benefit to ordinary people, at least at this stage.

Everyone is more proud of this.

A strong sense of pride was born from the bottom of my heart.

Fusion power plants are different.

Take the Longhu fusion power station as an example. The energy it generates is enough to meet the province's electricity needs, and it truly serves every human being.

After thinking about these issues clearly, Xu Lei no longer struggled with this matter.

At worst, they will focus all their energy on the construction of other fusion power stations and strive to operate them as soon as possible to gain influence.

Anyway, the influence of tens of millions is only a matter of a few fusion power plants.

"It seems that the nuclear fusion power plant must be shelved first. If I personally participate in the construction of the next batch of fusion power plants, it will be possible to build three fusion power plants at the same time."

As this idea emerged in his mind, Xu Lei's eyes became brighter and brighter while he pondered.

When Xingtong was awakened, he began to make arrangements.

Since this experiment has determined that fusion power stations are the best way to gain influence, he must focus all his energy on this project.

Originally, according to the ratio of relevant scientific researchers, the construction of two fusion power stations could be carried out at the same time.

Now that he is personally involved in leading the team, adding another one will not be a problem.

In this way, it won't take long for three more fusion power stations to be put into use in the country. In addition, with the population of other provinces, they will definitely be able to gather an influence of tens of millions.

Even more.

By that time, the probability of unlocking the upper space will be greater.

As for the previously planned nuclear fusion power plant project, it can be shelved for the time being.

Anyway, these nuclear fusion power devices are intended to be used on aircraft carriers. Now that Yan Guo's voice in the world is unshakable, there will be no problem even if several aircraft carriers are not modified.

I just want to talk to Yu Hongliang.

That afternoon.

Longhu High-tech Park.

Xu Lei in the office connected to Yu Hongliang's remote call. When the other party's holographic three-dimensional projection appeared in front of him, he directly informed him that the nuclear fusion power device could not be delivered on time.

As the commander-in-chief of the base, Yu Hongliang's first reaction after learning about the existence of nuclear fusion power devices was to purchase a few.

To speed up the performance of military equipment.

Who told the person who made this nuclear fusion power device to be an old acquaintance of his?

If you don't take advantage of it, you're a bastard.

Especially today after watching the space agency's live broadcast of the Mars mission, he was even more impressed by the power of the nuclear fusion power device.

He even began to imagine in his mind what the scene would look like after his own aircraft carrier was completely renovated.

It will definitely become the strongest maritime force in the world.

As a result, he didn't hear the good news, but Xu Lei suddenly poured cold water on him.

Suddenly the food no longer tasted good.

"I want those nuclear fusion power units but they are needed urgently. How can I put them on hold temporarily? Besides, the purchase cost will not be reduced to you."

Yu Hongliang thought that Xu Lei might be worried about the procurement costs, and Wensheng quickly added this.

There is a feeling that the nuclear fusion power device is inevitable.

Xu Lei couldn't laugh or cry about this.

Although the space agency paid the full price for purchasing this nuclear fusion power device, Xu Lei really has no interest in money now.

Make key points.

I really don't have any interest.

It's not like Lao Ma is not interested on the surface.

Not to mention that Future Technology has become the most powerful company in the world. Even Xu Lei himself is the absolute richest man, and he is still many times higher than the second place.

In addition, the company is making huge amounts of wealth every moment, so this purchase fee alone is really unnecessary.

In Xu Lei's opinion, nothing is as important as influence.

However, such words must not be said directly to Hongliang. In order to resolve the matter as soon as possible, Xu Lei suddenly brought the topic to the fusion power station.


He did not directly answer Yu Hongliang's question.

"To be honest with you, Commander, I personally hope that the nuclear fusion power device can be carried forward, but there are too few scientific researchers who can engage in the manufacture of such devices, so we have to temporarily shelve the project."

"In addition, I need to participate in the construction of other fusion power stations, and I really can't spare time."

"You want to build a fusion power station?" Yu Hongliang looked a little surprised: "Why do I remember that Academician Pei was responsible for the Longhu fusion power station in Binjiang City."

"Mr. Pei has retired."

Seeing Yu Hongliang talking about this, Xu Lei quickly added: "The sooner the new fusion power station is built, the faster we can complete the reform of traditional energy. Commander Yu, you don't want to see anyone using fossil energy, right?"

"This..." Yu Hongliang was speechless for a moment.

It is recognized that fossil energy pollutes the environment, and it was forced to use it because there was no other way.

Now that controllable nuclear fusion technology has been conquered, if we don't complete the transformation of traditional fossil energy as soon as possible and still use fossil energy with peace of mind, wouldn't it be reversing the course of history?

So Yu Hongliang really has nothing to say about this.

Faced with the excuse given by Xu Lei, Yu Hongliang finally had no choice but to relent: "Well, let's put these fusion power devices on hold until you complete the construction of the fusion power station."

"Commander Yu can rest assured that we are also seizing the time to train experts related to nuclear fusion. I believe that the manufacturing of nuclear fusion power devices will soon form a complete system." After listening to what Yu Hongliang said, Xu Lei did not forget it. Added two more sentences.


He was not comforting Yu Hongliang.

Whether it is to earn enough influence or to cover the world with nuclear fusion energy, it requires the construction of fusion power plants.

Especially if the infrastructure overseas is not good, the construction of fusion power plants will definitely be more difficult than in China.

But Xu Lei alone cannot meet such a large demand.

For this reason, people from the research center and the Nuclear Fusion Research Institute will enter the virtual world during this period and use Xingpu models based on actual devices to learn about the construction of fusion power stations.

This is equivalent to cultivating experts in related fields for the company.

At that time, they can all be sent out to build fusion power plants and nuclear fusion power devices.

Xu Lei believes that if things continue to develop like this, within a few years nuclear fusion will enter the lives of ordinary people like holographic smart terminals.

After discussing the nuclear fusion power device, although Yu Hongliang was not very satisfied, he did not say anything more in the end.

Then he took the initiative to end the call.

After properly solving the trouble at hand, Xu Lei quickly focused on the fusion power station.

Then Xingtong was awakened.


"Bring me all the places where fusion power plants need to be built."

“Choose what’s best for building.”

"Select the list of people who are qualified to participate in the construction of fusion power plants."

Almost as soon as Xu Lei issued these instructions, Xingtong immediately transferred the relevant content to the holographic screen in the office.

The first thing that catches the eye is a map.

It marks the city locations suitable for building fusion power plants. Basically every province has a fusion power plant.

The most conspicuous among them is Jingzhou City.

Xu Lei didn't know much about Jingzhou City. He knew that it was a second-tier city, but excluding the two fusion power plants that had already been approved, it was the easiest place to build.

And it can easily transport the energy generated by the fusion power plant throughout the province.

Just in line with Xu Lei's requirements.

What's more, Xingtong regards this city as the primary construction target of the fusion power plant, so it must be trustworthy.

But before Xu Lei could get happy, he was suddenly helpless by the list displayed next to him.

"It seems that the fusion power station in Jingzhou City is not easy to operate. How can these people do it alone? Almost all the ones who can use it have been transferred away."

The fusion power station is a very large project and requires many relevant scientific researchers to be responsible for the command. It is absolutely impossible to rely on Xu Lei alone.

But judging from the list given by Xingtong, it is obvious that Li Chengzhe transferred all people with relevant experience to participate in the construction projects of two other fusion power plants.

Only a few fringe people remain.

Many have not even participated in nuclear fusion-related projects.

This is equivalent to asking him to bring in a new group of people.

It goes without saying that the construction progress of this fusion power plant will definitely be delayed a lot.

However, it was impossible for him to let Li Chengzhe return the people at this point, not to mention that the fusion power station they built could also bring him influence.

"We can only make do with it for now."

When his thoughts stopped here, Xu Lei murmured to himself and stopped worrying, and told Xing Tong: "Get in touch with Jingzhou City, we will go there soon."

"Okay boss."

Xingtong would only execute Xu Lei's orders unconditionally and immediately responded.

that's all.

In order to start the construction of the fusion power station in Jingzhou City as soon as possible, Xu Lei immediately set off for Jingzhou City after a brief communication with the people on the list.

The company is temporarily in charge of Chen Shihe, Lu Hongbo, Jia Zhongjie and others.

If you have any questions, please communicate online through Xingtong.

Anyway, with the virtual world, no matter where Xu Lei is, he can still participate in the company's weekly meetings.

It is also worth mentioning that after the news of Xu Lei’s decision to build the world’s fourth fusion power station in Jingzhou City spread online, it quickly aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

In particular, users in the province to which Jingzhou City belongs are the happiest.

After Future Technology announced the list of two fusion power stations to be built in the second batch, the users who were not selected expressed great regret.

But I never expected that there would be a twist in the end.

Not only was a new fusion power station temporarily added, Xu Lei also personally participated in the construction.

Just thinking about it makes you feel more secure.

With the construction of the three fusion power plants on track, when February entered, the Spring Festival finally arrived quietly.

It is different from the previous prohibition on setting off fireworks that focused on environmental protection.

Let’s not talk about the restoration of the environment after humans abandoned fossil energy. In addition, fireworks and firecrackers have been upgraded and researched over several generations and replaced with safer materials, so you can see all kinds of fireworks before New Year’s Eve.

This feeling of the New Year, which is like a child, has attracted many people to regain their interest in buying fireworks and firecrackers.

Although Xu Lei chose to stay in Jingzhou City this Spring Festival, he also asked the company to purchase a large number of fireworks to set off in Longhu High-tech Park.

Because I don’t know if Longhu High-tech Park is too attractive, a large number of people choose to stay here every year to celebrate the New Year, and some even directly bring their parents over.

As the Spring Festival approaches, I have to mention one of the regulations of the virtual world.

Since the foundation of human civilization has always been the real world, the virtual world is only an auxiliary tool for human development and rise.

Therefore, in order to prevent everyone from being overly immersed in the virtual world and spend more time with their families, the virtual world will be closed for three days starting from New Year's Eve every year.

At that time, there will be no way to log in to either the virtual world or the virtual game.

This provision also makes the New Year's flavor more fulfilling.

Only those overseas expressed dissatisfaction with this. Although there was a wave of small protests, it was of no use.

At first, Xu Lei was planning to return to Binjiang City for the New Year, but it turned out that he overestimated the personnel he brought with him. During the construction process of the Jingzhou City fusion power station, many mistakes were made due to lack of experience. Had it not been for Xingtong's timely investigation, Hidden dangers, it is estimated that even if the fusion power plant is built, it will not be able to operate successfully.

This has caused the construction progress of fusion power plants to continue to be delayed.

Compared with Li Chengzhe's two fusion power stations, they were almost lagging behind.

Under this circumstance, in order for the project to proceed smoothly, Xu Lei had to temporarily stop work and lead everyone to explain and teach in person in the virtual world.

Although a lot of time was wasted, at least the effect was very obvious, and the subsequent construction of the fusion power plant went much smoother.

When he first decided to build this fusion power station in Jingzhou City, Xu Lei originally intended to have three fusion power stations start up and run at the same time, so that his influence would directly exceed tens of millions.

Now that we are so far behind, we can only try our best to catch up.

However, while domestic construction of fusion power stations is in full swing, overseas aspects are not calm.

Tuesday, March 13, 2029.


Arecibo Observatory.

After nearly ten years, the world's largest radio telescope has been rebuilt.

Originally, this radio telescope with a diameter of more than 300 meters became useless due to an accidental collapse. It was supposed to be abandoned. After all, rebuilding it would require a lot of resources.

However, with the rapid development of Yanfang in extraterrestrial space, especially when it laid out a near-Earth space port and prepared to build a lunar base, overseas parties were somewhat unable to sit still.

For this reason, Lao Te signed an order to rebuild the telescope, thinking that he could use this to obtain more information that would be beneficial to himself.

As a result, with future technology, the other party's development speed was far faster than they imagined.

Not only did it complete the Guanghan Palace lunar base in a short period of time, it also arranged a near-lunar spaceport to transport resources mined from the moon back and forth.

This means that after the telescope is rebuilt, it can only continue its previous mission to observe stars in the galaxy.

As an astronomer, Roman's favorite thing every day is to use the Alley radio telescope to observe the vast galaxies and search for information from extraterrestrial civilizations among the many stars.

He firmly believes that human civilization is not the only one in the vast galaxy.

However, after so many years, this telescope has monitored more than 800 sun-like stars within 100 light years, but unfortunately there has been no harvest.

In the repeated life state for many years, he gradually lost the passion of his youth.

But just today, he never expected that he would actually capture a radio wave signal. This was definitely the biggest achievement in history.

"God willing, I'm finally going to prove my theory!"

Roman, whose whole body was trembling slightly in the control room, was muttering almost madly, without paying any attention to his current state. There was only one thought left in his mind, that is, he was going to try to decipher this signal from extraterrestrial.

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