My science and technology museum

Chapter 307 Hammer Plan

Xu Lei saw the changes in the faces of everyone below, and after a tactical pause for a few seconds, he went straight to the point and stated the purpose of the meeting.

"The reason I am calling you here today is because after careful consideration, the company has decided to implement a new research plan, and our Nuclear Fusion Research Institute will be fully responsible for it."

At the same time as the voice sounded, Xingtong had already transmitted the plan to the holographic screen in front of everyone.

The main screen in the conference lecture hall has also changed.

"Plan Hammer."

First, four eye-catching red characters burst into view, and underneath was a rotating virtual model that resembled a rocket.

Just a bit thicker.

This plan is a simplified version that Xu Lei created over the weekend. It contains various instructions for the heavy cruiser, as well as a rough manufacturing and assembly process.

After all, since we want to build an interstellar battleship, if we don’t even have a rough plan, it will inevitably make the scientific researchers in the institute think that the company is taking it for granted.

At this time, the scientists who saw these contents showed shocked expressions, as if they did not expect that the second project of the institute was still eye-catching.

Since the establishment of the Future Technology Nuclear Fusion Research Institute, it has first successfully conquered controllable nuclear fusion, and now it is developing interstellar battleships. This kind of courage and strength may not be matched by any other research institute in the world.

Even the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is full of talents.

This is also the reason why Li Chengzhe is willing to serve as the vice president of the institute.

"Dean, is this a battleship?" Li Chengzhe couldn't hold back his excitement and quickly turned to Xu Lei to ask.

"You are right. The next task of the research institute is to develop this real nuclear fusion engine interstellar battleship." Looking at Li Chengzhe's expression that was almost trembling with excitement, Xu Lei nodded: "This matter is yours The vice-dean must do his part."

After receiving Xu Lei's personal confirmation, Li Chengzhe could no longer suppress his emotions and clenched his hands tightly.

There was a huge wave in my heart.

Future technology has successfully conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology with unimaginable astonishing efficiency, and deployed fusion power plants at all costs. How could it not be possible to not consider interstellar battleships?

After all, the development of human civilization cannot be separated from interstellar battleships.

Recalling that two years ago, I was still worrying about extending the burning time of the artificial sun, but now I have to participate in the research and development of interstellar battleships.

There is no doubt that he is lucky.

"It was indeed the right decision to follow Dean Yang's suggestion and join the Future Technology Fusion Research Institute." As the idea emerged, he sighed secretly in his heart.

As for Wu Chuping on the other side, he stood up abruptly without even caring about his identity and the situation he was in: "Dean Xu, does your institute really want to develop an interstellar battleship using a nuclear fusion power engine?"

"Commander Wu, you are a bit wrong." Xu Lei stretched out his hand to signal Wu Chuping to sit down temporarily, with a smile on his face: "In fact, the Hammer Cruiser has completed the rough design with the help of Xingtong, so we We are very confident that it will be produced, and more detailed information can be obtained from the Heavy Hammer Project."

With Xu Lei telling such a big piece of information, everyone hesitated and quickly checked the content on the holographic screen in front of them.

Anyone who is engaged in scientific research knows that research from scratch and manufacturing based on drawings are completely different things.

The difficulty is even more different.

If it is true, as Xu Lei said, that Future Technology has completed the design of the battleship and built the model, then I believe it will not take long for humans to have interstellar battleships.

After Wu Chuping sat down again, he opened this heavy-hitting plan with excitement and anticipation.

Suddenly detailed data information came into view.

As the Science and Technology Museum commented, the Hammer Cruiser looks inconspicuous due to its thick and simple structure, but its combat power is not weak at all.

The entire battleship is 376 meters long and is driven by six nuclear fusion power engines.

The main weapons are two heavy rail guns, nine forward space torpedo launch ports, and 42 large-caliber close-in rapid-fire cannons.

In addition, 6 planetary landing ships and 3 repair ships can be parked in the two sides of the ship.

Although the length of this battleship is not yet up to the level of a medium-sized battleship, its relatively complete configuration is enough to allow human civilization to truly possess excellent space combat capabilities.

In addition, based on the nuclear fusion power engine manufacturing technology carried by the Heavy Cruiser, the performance of the Qiankun II nuclear fusion power unit can be further optimized, and then a cargo warship for transporting planetary resources can be designed by itself.

Or a small shuttle to and from the surface of the Earth and the spaceport.

In short, all the manufacturing technical knowledge of the heavy cruiser must be brought into full play and completely squeezed out.

This way the value of the 30 million influence will not be wasted.

The most important thing is that this approach is more conducive to the development of human civilization. Otherwise, all types of warships have to be obtained through science and technology museums, which is putting the cart before the horse.

Humans can accept help from science and technology museums, but they must not become dependent.

Xu Lei saw this very clearly.

Not long after.

Wu Chuping was the first to read through the contents of the plan.

Although many of them have not had time to take a closer look, based on the knowledge he has, he can judge that this heavy cruiser can be built with great confidence.

Thinking about the Mars military base, because there is currently only one nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft, the construction progress is very slow, which is completely incomparable with the original construction of the Guanghan Palace Base on the Moon.

But once the heavy cruiser is put into service, let alone the 6 planetary landing ships it comes with, the light battleship can fly at one thousandth the speed of light, which can directly maximize the efficiency. A round trip from the earth to Mars will only take a few seconds. days time.

With his heart beating uncontrollably in his chest, he made a categorical promise on the spot: "Dean Xu, regarding the manufacture of the Hammer Cruiser, our space agency will help unconditionally no matter what you need during the manufacturing process. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

"I believe the same is true for the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Li Chengzhe said not to be outdone.

As for the many scientific researchers sitting below, their faces were also full of excitement and anticipation, and they couldn't wait to get into manufacturing work right away.

For them, everyone knows what this heavy cruiser represents, which is equivalent to pushing human civilization to a whole new level.

The significance is unimaginable.

As participants in the Heavy Hammer Project, not to mention being remembered by history, at least this honor is extremely heavy.

Seeing how everyone expressed confidence in the Heavy Hammer Project, Xu Lei couldn't help but relax a lot, knowing that the Heavy Hammer Cruiser would be officially put into service soon.

It turns out that it is a wise decision to make a plan before the meeting.

No matter what, everyone's emotions were aroused by him.

It still proves the old saying, if you don't know how to lead a team, you will have to work until you die.

"That's great. Thanks to your words, I am more confident in building the Heavy Hammer cruiser." Xu Lei nodded to the two of them respectively, and then formally issued an order: "Starting from tomorrow, the Heavy Hammer plan will be implemented. In everything we do, priority must be given to the manufacturing of all components of the heavy cruiser."

After saying that, he turned his attention to Wu Chuping: "Commander Wu, your space agency may have to trouble the near-Earth space port to carry out modifications."

"Don't worry, I promise to complete the task." Wu Chuping promised.

Since the recent spaceport was built and put into operation, the near-Earth spaceport has become significantly deserted.

It serves more as a counterweight for the space elevator.

Under normal circumstances, the Shenzhou spacecraft flying back from the moon docks directly with the Tiangong space station to complete the transportation of supplies.

Because the various components of the Hammer cruiser need to be finalized in space after they are manufactured, the nearly idle near-Earth space port has become the most suitable place.

However, if it is to be used as a place for assembling battleships, it cannot simply function as a spaceport. It will take some time to transform it.

For example, adding a powerful and flexible space robotic arm.

At that time, the institute will provide a detailed transformation plan, and it will not be difficult for the space agency to pass the space elevator.

In short, so far it is still within Xu Lei's plan.

At this point in the meeting, the basic main content has been explained, so Xu Lei simply made arrangements for the fusion power station and Qiankun II device in the following time.

With the nuclear fusion power engine manufacturing technology, Qiankun 2 must be directly optimized. By then, it will be able to achieve ultra-high speed no matter where it is mounted. After all, this is a real battleship engine, and the flight speed in space can reach thousands of kilometers. The existence of one-half the speed of light.

Then when the meeting ended, everyone left quickly, wanting to take advantage of the remaining half of the day to carefully study the informative plan.

Wu Chuping was specially called by Xu Lei from Dengtian Island to help. He will also be involved in the manufacturing of battleship components in the future, so he will stay at the research institute for the time being.

All work on Dentian Island is on track.

The operation of the space elevator and the operation of the Moon Guanghan Palace have their own set of careful procedures.

As long as there is no emergency, there is no need for Wu Chuping to take command. As for the Mars military base that is still under construction, since most of the time is spent watching the spacecraft flying in space, there is no need to worry about it in real time.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Lei finally decided to carry out the Heavy Hammer Project in secret after repeated considerations, and did not choose to make it public.

Mainly different from the previous high-end product technology, the star battleship is a real killer weapon.

At least this is the case for Earth Star.

If it is made public in a high-profile manner, it will inevitably cause panic among some people.

Especially overseas.

At that time, there may be some talk that future technology will dominate the earth, the stars, and rule all mankind.

Although Future Technology does not care about these at all now, in order to create a good environment for the manufacture of heavy cruisers, it is still necessary to carry out this plan secretly.

When the heavy hammer cruiser is officially launched, it will not be able to overturn no matter what the wind and waves are.

This makes the public unaware that while they are still immersed in the joy of reducing the prices of all Future Technology products to reward users, Future Technology is building interstellar battleships that can affect the progress of human civilization.

Science fiction movies reflect reality, and that's probably it.


The next morning.

Binjiang City.

Ping County.

Future Technology Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

As soon as it was time to go to work, more than a hundred scientific researchers were already in place.

At this moment, they were divided into several teams and stood outside the laboratory, but without exception, their eyes were focused on Xu Lei in front.

Listen quietly as Xu Lei gives instructions to Gu Sanlin in front of him.

"Professor Gu will be responsible for the materials required for each component of the battleship. I will ask Xingtong to send you the relevant information later. Be sure to ensure the supply of materials for each department."

"It's the dean. I promise to complete the task." Gu Sanlin puffed up his chest and solemnly promised.

In order to ensure that the Heavy Hammer Project can be completed smoothly and save as much time as possible, Xu Lei transferred some scientific researchers from the company's research center.

More than a hundred scientists have successfully participated in the Hammer Project.

As a top scientist in the field of materials, Gu Sanlin would not miss such a project.

Xu Lei has great trust in Gu Sanlin's ability. Many of the advanced material types currently mastered by the company can be used directly. The rest will not be a problem according to the corresponding synthesis technology, but it will take some time and energy.

After finishing handling the materials, Xu Lei remained motionless and shifted his gaze to Wu Chuping next to him.

He said very humbly: "Commander Wu, I leave you in charge of the armored cabin, the main structure of the battleship."

"It should."

Upon hearing this, Wu Chuping nodded calmly and did not take any credit.

As for Li Chengzhe, who is the deputy director of the research institute, Xu Lei assigned him to be in charge of the battleship's engine system.

Build those six fusion-powered engines.

In the evening, Xu Lei had already assigned warship manufacturing tasks according to each person's area of ​​expertise, so it only took ten minutes to complete the arrangements in the morning meeting.

In this way, everyone has corresponding tasks, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

If you encounter difficulties in the manufacturing process of battleship components, it is not a problem with Star Pupils and a virtual helmet. You can completely build a virtual scene based on the technology in Xu Lei's mind, and then let everyone simulate and experience it independently to overcome it.

In this case, when the heavy cruiser is completed, everyone's level will also improve to a certain extent.

Of course, Xu Lei, who is building the heavy cruiser, will definitely not be idle.

After all, in addition to the overall cabin structure and core engine power system of the heavy cruiser, weapons and equipment are also important components.

Xu Lei was originally supposed to be responsible for the manufacturing of nuclear fusion power engines, but for researchers in institutes and research centers, the weapons field involves military industry, which they are not good at.

Especially the heavy rail gun, which is the main weapon, uses the powerful energy of nuclear fusion reaction to accelerate the projectiles. Its technology is many years ahead of the Earth Star.

In space battles, it is indispensable for destroying enemy warships and spaceships.

If the heavy rail gun cannot be manufactured, then even if all other components of the Heavy Cruiser are completed and transported to the near-Earth space port through the space elevator for assembly, it will still be an ordinary warship that can only be used for flight transportation.

There is no fighting ability at all.

It would be an understatement to call it a moving target in space.

It was out of this consideration that Xu Lei decided to personally take charge of the manufacturing of the battleship's main and auxiliary weapons.

Fortunately, after Hongliang learned about the Heavy Hammer plan, he directly called in several military industry experts to provide support, which immediately relieved Xu Lei's pressure a lot.

The main reason is that Xu Lei has detailed technical knowledge in his mind, but it is still the first time for a new daughter-in-law to get into the sedan chair.

Without rich experience, the process will definitely be bumpy.

The military experts sent by Yu Hongliang just made up for this weakness.

He is confident that the heavy rail gun will become the core component of the first completed cruiser.

"Gong Zhao and Gong Su, welcome you to our institute for exchange and study."

Near noon, Xu Lei finally met the two military experts sent by Yu Hongliang, and took the initiative to greet them.

"Dean Xu is too polite. Commander Yu has already told us to fully cooperate with you when we arrived." Zhao Jingbin quickly stretched out his hand to hold Xu Lei, with a gentle smile on his face.

As for Sunan next to him, he was more direct: "I wonder what type of weapon your institute wants to develop?"

Although Yu Hongliang knew about the Heavy Hammer Project, he did not know the specific content. He only thought that Xu Lei was developing a very powerful weapon.

Thinking of the close relationship between himself and Xu Lei, it was natural that he had to express his feelings.

In this way, when the weapons are manufactured in the future, their bases can be equipped first.

Therefore, a transfer order was issued and two military industry experts from the base were arranged to help. Zhao Jingbin and Su Nan hurried to Ping County, Binjiang City before they could figure out the mission of the trip.

Nowadays, everyone knows about the famous names of future technologies.

What's more, the Future Science and Technology Institute has just conquered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, which naturally aroused Sunan's great curiosity.

I want to know what kind of weapons they want to develop if future technology suddenly involves the military industry.

Xu Lei knew that Yu Hongliang would definitely not fool him, so the level of these two people must be no problem. Looking carefully, Zhao Jingbin, who always had a smile on his face, was slightly older. He could see the white hair on his temples. He must be older. Over fifty.

On the other hand, Sunan looked young, probably less than forty.

Since they will also participate in the research and development of heavy rail guns next, Xu Lei will definitely not hide anything intentionally.

Then he was introduced in detail to the crane plan and the heavy rail gun.

"The Hammer Project we launched this time is mainly to build interstellar battleships, and what you will participate in later is the research and development of the heavy rail gun, the main weapon of the battleship."

The words just fell.

Zhao Jingbin and Su Nan suddenly widened their eyes.

The whole person was in extreme shock.


"Main weapon."

"Heavy Railgun?!"

On the way here, they did speculate on the type of weapons that future technology would develop, but they never imagined that it would be an interstellar battleship.

After all, this is equipment far beyond what human civilization currently knows.

After about a few seconds, Su Nan was the first to react and asked with a little trembling: "Dean Xu, what you said is true. I wonder if there is any corresponding information?"

As an expert in the military industry, there is absolutely no resistance to things like the heavy rail guns of interstellar battleships.

If you can really participate in research and development, then this trip to Binjiang City is really the right time.

Faced with Sunan's questioning, Xu Lei did not answer directly, but took the initiative to wake up Xingtong.

"Xingtong, retrieve the relevant information about the heavy rail gun."

"It's the boss."

As Xing Tong's voice sounded, a holographic screen projection suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is some information about the heavy rail gun. You can take a look at it first." Seeing the holographic screen in front of him, Xu Lei briefly explained the situation to Zhao Jingbin and Su Nan.

In fact, Xu Lei didn't need to say much. Su Nan and Zhao Jingbin had already focused their attention on the holographic screen, looking at the content on it fascinatedly.

This time, more than ten minutes had passed before the two men looked away and murmured softly to themselves: "Using the energy of nuclear fusion reactions to launch cannonballs, the range can be up to twice the distance from the earth to the sun. This is really It’s too strong.”

Seeing that the two people had successfully developed a strong interest in the Heavy Hammer Project, Xu Lei immediately hit the rails while the railway was hot with a smile on his face: "Today, the Heavy Hammer Project has officially begun to be implemented. With your participation, I believe that this heavy rail gun will soon be fully operational." Put into use."

Speaking of which, Zhao Jingbin and Su Nan didn't want to waste any more time, so they immediately set an example from the bottom of their hearts.

"As long as Dean Xu believes in us, we will do our best to help your institute complete the manufacturing of the interstellar battleship."

With the two people's guarantee, after lunch, the weapon system that Xu Lei was responsible for finally started to be built vigorously, and the entire research institute was in a tense state.


In the next few months, as Gu Sanlin and the others researched the materials needed for the cruiser, the progress of Wu Chuping and Li Chengzhe's departments suddenly accelerated a lot.

A large number of parts are produced and preliminary assembly and debugging are completed in the research institute.


With the efforts of Xu Lei, Zhao Jingbin, and Sunan, the battleship's weapon system was gradually improved and formed.

Especially the two heavy rail guns, which look filled with chilling air-conditioning from their appearance alone.

However, the launch of the heavy rail gun requires nuclear fusion reaction to provide energy, so it needs to be assembled with the hull before the initial launch can be carried out to test its power.

But after all, Xu Lei was personally involved in the weapon system, and it had undergone many simulation debuggings by Xingtong. It was definitely less prone to problems than other parts of the battleship.

As long as each component is completely completed, it can be transported to the space port via a space elevator to complete assembly.

The near-Earth space port has also been transformed by the space agency and basically has the function of warship assembly. It is now waiting for the day when the warship assembly is officially launched.

I believe that it will also give mankind around the world an extremely shocking surprise.

Wednesday, March 20, 2030.

spring equinox.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the headquarters building at night, Xu Lei, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his arms and gently touched his temples, with a look of regret on his face.

"The influence is still far behind. It seems that we need to find a new way to earn money."

Just now, his consciousness was immersed in the Science and Technology Museum, checking the growth of influence. In the past six months, through price reduction and promotion of the company's products, he successfully built a new fusion power station, but the total number of influence points barely reached 20 million points. .

There is still a big gap between the 30 million points required to view the technical permissions for Level 2 civilization technology exhibits, and the earning efficiency really needs to be improved.

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