My science and technology museum

Chapter 309 The Biggest Lie

With the joint confirmation of Future Technology and the space agency, when the asteroid incident was reported, it quickly attracted the attention of the higher authorities, and several major meetings were held overnight. Although no one wants this to happen, they can only do their best to deal with it.

In addition, the higher-ups also gave absolute support to Xu Lei's decision to hold a global press conference and announce the news on the spot.

We will actively communicate with global forces to jointly develop solutions.

And when the news about the press conference spread, many people couldn't help but have a question in their minds?

What's going on?

The sun comes out in the west?

Mainly, everyone knows that Xu Lei has always been relatively low-key on the Internet, and he is the kind of person who goes deep and simple. Even when the company holds a new product launch conference, it is basically left to his subordinates to host it.

Last time, it was because of the profound significance of the virtual helmet that I became the keynote speaker for the first time.

But now the Internet is in harmony, and Future Technology has not released any new products in the recent period. How could it suddenly hold a press conference?

Especially the one that is globally oriented.

This is totally out of character.

So as soon as the news appeared on the Internet, it aroused speculation among a large number of netizens.

Some people are even outrageous enough to say that Xu Lei may be stepping down from his position as president of Future Technology and retreating behind the scenes. In short, more and more versions are emerging.

But there is no doubt that this sudden press conference for the world is not that simple.

Maybe there is something big to announce.

For this reason, reporters from domestic mainstream media rushed to Binjiang City one after another when he saw him. Even journalists dispatched overseas were like cats smelling fishy smell, insisting on entering the scene to get first-hand information.

Its popularity is unmatched by any star.

Of course, some people have not forgotten what day tomorrow is. Thinking that Xu Lei will hold such an unusual global press conference on April Fool's Day, the lack of guarantees is a joke he made to people around the world, although the price of this lie is too high.

"Is Mr. Xu really going to step down as president and choose to retreat behind the scenes?"

"Are you kidding? Mr. Xu is only in his thirties, how can he retreat behind the scenes at this time?"

"It's not impossible. You must know that in addition to being a future technology boss, Mr. Xu is also the youngest academician. Maybe he plans to become a scientist with peace of mind."

"Mr. Xu, how can I live without you!"

"According to Mr. Xu's character, if a global press conference is suddenly held at this time, I'm afraid things will definitely not be simple."

"Tomorrow is April Fool's Day, and this is a joke Mr. Xu made on all of us."

"If it was really an April Fool's Day joke, then this would be the biggest lie of the century."

"Anyway, this press conference will be broadcast live online. We will know what exactly is going on tomorrow."

Xu Lei naturally did not have the time or energy to understand the discussions on the Internet. When human civilization is in danger of survival, it is most important to formulate a plan to solve the asteroid impact disaster as soon as possible.

Fortunately, with Xing Tong's brain, we can get the most ideal response to the asteroid through careful calculations.

And this process doesn’t require much effort.

The key is to actually implement it but it is very difficult.

This requires the joint efforts of all mankind to twist their forces into one rope.

The next day.

2 p.m.

Binjiang City Longhu High-tech Park.

April Fool's Day.

The conference lecture hall in the headquarters building has been prepared. Dozens of reporters from various news media around the world are gathering here, waiting for Xu Lei's arrival.

At the same time, all cameras in the conference hall were aligned with the main podium to start live broadcast.

Even though the press conference has not officially started, the barrage refresh rate in the live broadcast room has already reached its peak.

Everyone is discussing the content of this meeting.


"Where is I, Mr. Xu?"

"Front row."

"Who knows why this press conference was held?"

"I guess it's an April Fool's Day event."

"This unprecedented large-scale battle, are you telling me that you are joking?"

"Mr. Xu doesn't even bother to joke like this."

“It always feels like something big is happening.”

While everyone was anxiously waiting for the answer, Xu Lei was sitting on a chair backstage, letting Chen Shihe arrange his clothes.

"It's okay, Mr. Xu." Chen Shihe stood beside Xu Lei, smoothing the last wrinkle with his hands, and reminded softly.

Because Chen Shihe has been in charge of the company's business and has not participated in the projects of the research center and institute, she does not know about the asteroid at the moment, and is not even sure why Xu Lei suddenly held this global press conference. meeting.

It's just too weird.

After working as Xu Lei's assistant for so many years, she thought she knew him well enough, but this incident made her feel frustrated.

But despite this, she still didn't ask too much.

"Is it time for the meeting?" Xu Lei stood up and asked casually.

Chen Shihe nodded: "Yes, Mr. Xu."

Hearing this, Xu Lei stopped hesitating and immediately walked towards the stage. As for Li Chengzhe, Gu Sanlin and others who were also staying backstage, they had complicated expressions when they saw this scene.

They know that soon the world will no longer be peaceful.

Everyone must do their part to prevent this disaster.

The reporters who had been waiting in the conference lecture hall for a long time finally saw Xu Lei appear and immediately swarmed forward to ask all kinds of questions.

Everyone wants to be the first to grasp the first-hand news.

If there weren't Cheng Fei and other company security personnel around to maintain order, the microphone would have hit Xu Lei's face.

"Excuse me, does Mr. Xu have any decisions to announce at this press conference today?"

"There are many rumors out there that you will step down as president and retreat to the company's behind-the-scenes management. Is this true?"

"Mr. Xu, have you ever thought about your life-long events?"

"Hello Mr. Xu, I am a reporter from Neon Country. What do you think of the statement that holding a press conference on April Fool's Day online is the biggest lie of this century?"

Xu Lei knew his mission today very well, so he didn't take the noisy environment around him to heart. He paused for more than ten seconds. After the reporters finally regained their composure, he slowly spoke out. The real purpose of holding this global press conference.

"As this reporter said, today I am holding a global press conference in the name of future technology to announce something, and this matter concerns everyone."

As Xu Lei said that he really had something big to announce, the eyes of every reporter in front of him suddenly lit up, and even the barrage in the live broadcast room temporarily disappeared.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Lei, wondering what could enable Xu Lei to hold a press conference.

"Just ten days ago, based on the observation data of the Tiangong Space Telescope, we accidentally discovered an asteroid flying at high speed near the orbit of Neptune."

"After calculation and analysis."

"This asteroid originated from the Kuiper Belt and changed its orbit due to the influence of Neptune's gravity."

"Unfortunately, it's heading towards Earth."

"According to careful simulation calculations, the asteroid itself is about 20 kilometers in diameter. If it is not prevented, it will collide with the Earth and the planet in seven or eight years."

At this point, Xu Lei did not continue, but made a tactical pause.

After all, so much information needs to be digested by others at once.

Originally, in everyone's imagination, what Xu Lei was going to announce should be related to future technology, but in the end, he brought up such a topic about a disaster for all mankind.

Many people didn't react for a while and were stunned on the spot.

There was almost no barrage refresh in the live broadcast room, and the world view was strongly impacted.

It took almost half a minute for him to react, and then he began to output extremely crazy language.

Although Xu Lei can't see the barrage in the live broadcast room now, he can still hear the voices of reporters in the conference report hall. They are basically surprised and unbelievable.

I even thought today’s press conference was indeed an April Fool’s joke.

"Asteroids hitting the Earth, isn't this a plot that only appears in science fiction movies?"

"Is it Mr. Xu talking about the new movie they invested in?"

"Where did the asteroid come from? I knew this must be an April Fool's joke."

"Did I hear you correctly? An asteroid with a diameter of twenty kilometers is bigger than the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs more than 60 million years ago."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"Oh my god, I must have been awake just now."

Listening to everyone's words, Xu Lei's face remained calm. It was obvious that he had already guessed that this scene would occur.

Human beings are always full of fear of unsolvable disasters and are unwilling to face them.

this is normal.

The key is to build public confidence.

Let them know that an asteroid with a diameter of 20 kilometers is not terrible, and humans have the strength to resolve this crisis.

Then Xu Lei started talking again.

"The current flight trajectory of this asteroid has been confirmed by us and the space agency. This disaster is 100% likely to happen. No one should take chances."

"And we have named this asteroid Pluto."

"But there is no need to be nervous. There are still several years before Pluto reaches Earth. With our current technological level, as long as all mankind works together, we can resolve this crisis."

At the same time, as Xu Lei spoke these words, the three-dimensional scene of the model constructed by Xingtong was also played on the conference hall screen.

So that everyone can have a clearer understanding of this disaster.

As for Chen Shihe, who was standing backstage and paying attention to Xu Lei throughout the whole process, he subconsciously covered his mouth after hearing the news.

There was a huge wave in my heart.

I never expected that things would be so serious.

It may be difficult for outsiders to believe everything Xu Lei said, but she firmly believes in it.

Because she knew Xu Lei would never joke about such a thing.

Especially when I think about Xu Lei bearing such heavy pressure alone during this period, I can't help but feel a little sad.

"It must be very hard for you, Mr. Xu, to bear the life-and-death pressure of all mankind on your own body." He murmured these two words softly to himself, and then his eyes gradually became firm, as if he had made up his mind.

But even though Xu Lei brought out the Future Technology and Space Administration to prove the existence of Pluto, many reporters still expressed doubts about it and boldly asked questions.

I simply don’t believe that an asteroid will hit the Earth.

"Mr. Xu, the fact about the asteroid is unbelievable, so I want to know how you can prove it?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Lei followed the voice and found that the person asking the question was a blond and blue-eyed overseas female reporter.

"Your Mandarin is pretty good." He joked with a smile on his face, and then replied confidently: "According to our calculations, Pluto will appear again in five days, and observatories in various countries can observe it through telescopes. By then, all People will understand that what I said today is true."

After saying that, he turned around and left without remaining on the podium.

Only the reporters were left in confusion.

The purpose of his press conference was to announce the existence of Pluto to the world. Now that the purpose has been achieved, continuing to talk about it will not have any good effect.

On the contrary, it may be counterproductive.

Because for a person who is willing to be ignorant, if he does not believe it, it is useless to say anything.

They have to discover it on their own.

Before convening today's meeting, Xu Lei had already thought of the possible situation, so he specifically asked Xingtong to calculate the time when Pluto could be observed.

Exactly five days later.

When observatories around the world confirm the existence of Pluto, many things will go smoothly.

As for Pluto, it was he who named the asteroid himself.


No one expected that the press conference that originally attracted global attention would end in just a few minutes, let alone that the content of the conference would be about an asteroid with a diameter of 20 kilometers.

As a large number of news reports spread online that day, the whole world fell into an atmosphere of panic.

Overseas forces are urgently demonstrating the existence of Pluto, and all astronomers must closely observe the situation near Neptune's orbit in five days.

In short, all kinds of comments are popping up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

However, compared with mainstream overseas voices questioning this matter, most domestic netizens believe it.

Because many people discovered that when Xu Lei held a global press conference, all major TV stations broadcast it in real time, which was even more impressive than the Spring Festival Gala broadcast during the New Year.

Everyone is not a fool. Seeing that the officials have achieved this level, it naturally shows that the existence of Pluto is indeed confirmed.

That is to say, one day eight years from now, when everyone looks up at the sky, it is very likely that they will see a huge planet impact.

But no one felt panic about it.

Instead, he used a humorous tone to poke fun at himself online.

"Our generation has witnessed so much history, including asteroids hitting the Earth."

"How should I put it? Anyway, I believe that future technology can solve this crisis."

"I also absolutely believe in Mr. Xu."

"Although the diameter of this asteroid is larger than that of the dinosaurs, we must know that we are a first-class civilization that has even mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology. It is not difficult to solve an asteroid."

"Everyone should eat and drink. No one can stop us if we really come."

"If you have any regrets, hurry up and finish it in the last few years. Maybe human civilization will really come to an end by then."

Maybe it’s because of the existence of future technology that makes everyone feel very safe.

Thinking that since Xu Lei took the initiative to disclose the news and was confident of leading all mankind to resolve this crisis, it meant that the matter was not so bad that it was irreversible.

What's more, there are still several years before the disaster occurs, so it is completely useless to think too much.

But if you want Pluto to be a sure thing, you still have to wait for the observation results from various forces in five days.

That night.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the living room of the headquarters building, Xu Lei stood in front of the holographic three-dimensional screen with a solemn expression, personally adjusting various data of the model in front of him.

"Xingtong, if you change a material, you must increase the quality of the device."

"Continue to increase the number of engines."

"Simulated impact."

The model he built was naturally not a heavy cruiser, but a special kinetic energy weapon.

Facing the menacing Pluto, with a diameter of an astonishing 20 kilometers, it would be too difficult to destroy it using nuclear weapons, and it may even affect the environment of the Earth.

In this case, using kinetic energy weapons to impact Pluto and force it to change its orbit is undoubtedly the most appropriate solution.

According to Xu Lei's plan, the kinetic energy weapon will be launched in advance at a calculated time, and will eventually collide with Pluto near Jupiter. As long as Pluto's flight orbit changes, it may be captured by Jupiter and become a satellite of Jupiter.

By then, the crisis of human civilization will naturally be lifted.

In order to knock the 20-kilometer-diameter Pluto out of its original orbit, the kinetic energy weapon must not only have a large mass, but the core is the power engine.

Fortunately, now that humans have the technology to manufacture interstellar battleships, they can fully apply the nuclear fusion power engine of the Heavy Cruiser to kinetic energy weapons. According to Xingtong's calculations, as long as ten such kinetic energy weapons are built, they will be enough to hit Hades. The star causes it to deviate from its orbit.

However, because the models of kinetic energy weapons have just been constructed, and some are still in theory, it may take some time to actually start manufacturing them.

That is to say, Xu Lei has detailed interstellar battleship manufacturing technology in his mind, which helps him greatly shorten the design process of kinetic energy weapons, otherwise humans will definitely spend a lot of time on this matter.

No matter what, there are at most eight years left for humanity at the moment, and nothing can be wasted.

It's just that the Future Technology Nuclear Fusion Research Institute is responsible for the manufacturing of heavy hammer cruisers. If it is responsible for the manufacturing of ten kinetic energy weapons, it may be overloaded and eventually fail to be completed within the specified time.

All eggs must not be put in the same basket, and the future of human civilization cannot all be pinned on kinetic weapons.

Therefore, the manufacturing work of the heavy cruiser cannot be stopped.

If something happens to the kinetic weapons, the heavy hammer cruiser with extremely strong combat effectiveness will become the trump card to ensure the continuation of human civilization.

Even if multiple preparations are made, I am afraid that even the dormant cabin will have to be taken out in the end.

Speaking of which, ever since the new exhibit was unlocked in the Hall of Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei had forgotten about this dormant cabin, thinking that it had no use value.

Although promoting hibernation pods can also earn influence, under normal circumstances who would need hibernation pods.

What's more, he can only sleep for fifty years.

Just relying on the purchasing power of those who are dying is simply not enough to cover the cost.

However, things are different now. With the threat of Pluto, no one knows what the final outcome of Earth Star will be.

To take a step back, if humans fail to prevent the impact of Pluto in the end, the environment behind the Earth star will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

No longer adapted to human life.

The main reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs was drastic changes in the environment.

Even if the environment can be transformed with powerful technology, it will take time. In this case, the role of the dormant cabin is reflected.

If a dormant base is built deep underground to temporarily put humans into a deep sleep, then it is possible to survive after Pluto hits the Earth and ensure the continuation of human civilization.

This is equivalent to the last guarantee for mankind.

However, to manufacture kinetic energy weapons and ensure the continued output of the Heavy Cruiser, we also need to build a dormant base deep underground.

Just one item is an unimaginable amount of work.

Therefore, Xu Lei knew very well that before implementing these plans, the integration of the earth and star forces must be completed to ensure that the power of all mankind can be concentrated to deal with this crisis.

"Let's get here first today. It's not easy to complete the modeling in a few days." I don't know how long it had passed, but Xu Lei asked Xingtong to turn off the modeling of kinetic weapons, and whispered softly to himself: "I hope that in five days There should be a good situation. If anyone doesn't care about the interests of all mankind, then you can't blame me for using thunderous means."

There are currently nearly two hundred forces in the world, large and small, and it is difficult to guarantee that their hearts will be together and they will work together for the future of human civilization.

Therefore, if he wants to ensure that his plan can go smoothly, Xu Lei will definitely deal with the hidden dangers first if he encounters them.

But just when Xu Lei was about to take off his clothes and go to bed, he suddenly received Chen Shihe's application.

I learned that the other party wanted to take a private elevator over.

Thinking that Chen Shihe might have something important to deal with at night, he didn't think much and directly agreed to the other party's entry.

But when the elevator door opened and Xu Lei raised his gaze, he suddenly froze in place.

Because she is different from her usual image of wearing a professional suit, Chen Shihe is only wearing a suspender pajamas at this moment, and a large area of ​​white and tender skin is exposed to the field of vision.

"Shihe, what are you doing?" Xu Lei asked softly in confusion.

In response, Chen Shihe showed unprecedented determination and replied with a smile on his face: "I don't know if I can survive this crisis for all mankind, but I really don't want to have any regrets."

After saying that, without waiting for Xu Lei to answer, he quickly stepped forward and hugged his neck tightly. When Nuan Yu was in his arms, many years of emotions turned into a tide, and everything came naturally.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Xu Lei woke up. Looking at Chen Shihe's figure in his arms, he became more determined to save this crisis.

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