My science and technology museum

Chapter 312 It can definitely be solved

Following Xu Lei's firing order, one of the heavy rail guns fired a tungsten alloy shell under the influence of nuclear fusion reaction energy and accelerated it to one thousandth of the speed of light.

At the same time, when the artillery shell approaches the target, the fragmentation fuze is automatically triggered to explode, maximizing the killing range.

In the core command cabin of the battleship, Xu Lei, Yu Hongliang, Li Chengzhe and others saw that the meteorite was directly broken into pieces under the impact of the heavy rail gun. They could not help but secretly swallow their saliva. They did not expect the power of the main weapon of the heavy hammer cruiser. It's so scary.

According to this destructive power, if a sufficient number of heavy rail guns are deployed in the orbit of the planet, it is entirely possible to destroy Pluto.

By then Pluto will break into countless small pieces, and then burn through the friction of the Earth's atmosphere, and the rest will hardly cause much disaster.

Totally within the affordable range.

However, at present, the heavy rail gun can only be regarded as one direction, and subsequent careful demonstration and calculation are needed.

Furthermore, since we want to ensure the continuation of human civilization, we must formulate multiple response plans to provide double or even triple insurance on the earth and planet.

"This thing is really powerful. A meteorite of that size will be gone if you don't have it." Yu Hongliang, who was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, couldn't help but express his heartfelt emotion. When he spoke, his eyes always stayed on the spot where the meteorite was hit. on the screen.

I just feel that my choice to board the Shenzhou was a very correct decision.

Li Chengzhe, who was next to him, was not to be outdone and quickly took over the conversation.

"Dean, according to the feedback data, the Shenzhou's heavy rail gun has reached its theoretical power." Unlike Yu Hongliang, his entire attention was still on the data.

Although the heavy rail gun has not had the opportunity to be tested before, there is a set of theoretical power values ​​at the beginning of its manufacture. Only when this value is reached can it be considered the main weapon of the heavy hammer cruiser.

Otherwise, it is a defective product.

In fact, when the Shenzhou began its main body docking, Xu Lei was somewhat worried.

I am afraid that the effect of the battleship's main weapon is not ideal.

After all, the heavy rail gun is likely to be used in the Pluto incident a few years later. If it fails to reach the power value, it will inevitably affect the whole body and affect the overall situation.

Fortunately, it turned out that his worries were completely unnecessary.

The heavy rail gun has produced very ideal results, fully meeting the Science and Technology Museum’s introduction to this second-level civilization technology exhibit.

To be honest, Xu Lei believed that even if the Shenzhou could not 100% replicate the overall performance of the Hammer cruiser, it could at least reach over 90%.

It is a very successful and great work.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that humans have entered a first-level civilization and mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Otherwise, the technical means and warship materials will not meet the requirements, and the interstellar warship eventually produced will be nothing more than a slightly larger ordinary spacecraft.

Free navigation within the star system is simply impossible.

"It seems that our efforts have not been in vain. Let's continue to move towards Mars and strive to complete the construction of the galaxy monitoring station as soon as possible." Xu Lei looked at Li Chengzhe who was full of excitement, and while praising him without hesitation, he did not hesitate in this matter. What a waste of time.

Then he brought the topic back to business.

At present, Pluto is approaching the Earth every minute and every second. Under this urgent situation, the monitoring station on Mars must be completed as soon as possible to ensure that the flight status of Pluto is observed at all times.

Understand the status of Pluto in real time so that you can adjust your plan in a timely manner.

Mainly on the way Pluto flies towards the Earth Star, it will pass through several other eight planets, and what will happen is unpredictable.

Maybe it will be captured by a certain planet and make Pluto its satellite, so naturally everyone will be happy.

Humanity's crisis resolves itself.

But if Pluto continues to accelerate, then humanity's response plan must also improve its progress.

This is equivalent to a two-party game process.

Especially in Xu Lei's plan, at least three response plans must be prepared to deal with the crisis caused by Pluto. There is really no time to waste.

Li Chengzhe naturally understood what the current situation was like. Now that the power of the heavy rail gun was confirmed, there was no need to waste time by continuing to search for targets and test launches.

After reacting, he immediately nodded sharply: "It's the dean."

From the inside out to the performance, there’s nothing to complain about.

Speaking of which, when Li Chengzhe was still in charge of the artificial sun project, he was quite proud, thinking that they were the most likely to conquer controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Besides, their artificial sun was leading the world at that time, and they indeed had this proud qualification.

But from the establishment of the Future Science and Technology Fusion Institute to the development of controllable nuclear fusion technology and the construction of fusion power stations to change the domestic energy structure, it was like a loud slap on his face.

For the first time in my life, I had doubts about my years of research.

It wasn't until he got the opportunity to participate in the construction of a fusion power station and learn about nuclear fusion-related technologies that he truly admired future technology from the bottom of his heart, expressed envy of Xu Lei's abnormality, and finally only had deep admiration. .

Especially after becoming the deputy director of the Future Technology Nuclear Fusion Research Institute and participating in the interstellar battleship manufacturing project, he became more and more aware of the gap between himself and Xu Lei.

We fully understand why future technology can grow enough to reverse the fate of human civilization in just a dozen years.

So now he will never have any doubts about Xu Lei's orders.

And as the Shenzhou continued to fly toward Mars, the scene of the heavy rail gun destroying meteorites under the operation of Xingtong was also shown in the live broadcast room, allowing the audience to truly understand the power of the heavy rail gun.

You must know that many people do not have a deep concept of asteroids, they are just larger meteorites.

Seeing how easily the railgun destroyed a large meteorite with a diameter of more than 500 meters, I suddenly felt that destroying Pluto was not a problem, so that the last trace of fear of the crisis of human extinction disappeared unconsciously.

Many people even expressed their intention to buy products from Future Technology companies to support them and help Future Technology create more interstellar battleships.

After everyone's emotions were completely ignited by the performance of the heavy rail gun, they suddenly became more excited and excited.

I don’t feel at all that it’s already late at night on Earth and Star.

I just kept expressing my excitement at the moment through barrages.

"It is indeed an interstellar battleship. It is so powerful."

"Suddenly I felt that even if Pluto came, it would still be able to smash it to pieces."

"This piece of advice is posted separately. I will save it and read it slowly."

"It's still a real punch. No matter how good the special effects team is, it can't produce this kind of effect."

"Everyone should eat and drink. Isn't it just a slightly larger asteroid? There are future technologies to worry about."

"I hope everyone will buy more future technology products. It is everyone's responsibility to build star battleships."

"Although it's late at night, why am I not sleepy at all?"

"Staying up late is harmful to the body. Of course such a wonderful live broadcast will last all night. It's almost dawn here."

Since it would take almost a day for the Shenzhou to reach Mars, Xingtong intelligently controlled the flight according to the predetermined route, so Xu Lei and the others did not need to control it too much.

So I occasionally watch live broadcasts when I’m bored.

Even Xu Lei was thinking that if he had known that he would be so idle during the flight, he would have taken Chen Shihe to Mars with him.

In this way, you can also play poker and have some entertainment.

But one thing that made Xu Lei feel good was the special meals on the battleship.

It tastes great.

Two days of space flight experience was fleeting.

Monday, April 15th.

As the orange-red planet grew larger and larger in the field of view, Shenzhou finally reached the vicinity of Mars successfully.

When the speed gradually slowed down, it finally parked above the orbit of Mars.

Due to the special characteristics of the Shenzhou, it is definitely impossible to land directly on the surface of Mars. At this time, the role of the six landing ships parked on both sides of the ship's hull is reflected.

Just as Xu Lei was preparing to arrange for the landing ship to land, a signal from the Mars military base suddenly appeared on the battleship's main screen.

"This is a Mars military base. I am astronaut Ye Junmin. Welcome Shenzhou to Mars."

"The landing location coordinates have been transmitted."

"We will coordinate with you at the target location."

Xu Lei looked at the familiar figure appearing on the screen, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

When the space elevator was spliced ​​and completed its first operation, it was transporting Ye Junmin and several other astronauts to the moon to implement the base plan.

Now in the blink of an eye, Ye Junmin has completely grown up in a few years.

Have the ability and perseverance to work hard on Mars and work hard for the Mars military base project.

After hearing this, Xu Lei immediately responded: "Shenzhou received it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he ordered Li Chengzhe: "Open the starboard side of the ship, let the astronauts prepare, and take the three landing ships on the starboard side to land on the surface of Mars and take the equipment down."

And before Li Chengzhe could answer, he turned around and looked at Xingtong's mechanical body.


"You should go down with them too."

"It's the boss." Xingtong didn't hesitate at this command, nodded and walked towards the starboard side of the battleship.

Unlike staying in the ship, taking the landing ship to the surface of Mars requires wearing the latest version of the space suit, which is definitely more difficult to operate.

Neither he nor Yu Hongliang and Li Chengzhe are astronauts, and they have not received systematic training in these operational knowledge, so it is better to command from the main ship.

Anyway, after transporting the equipment used to build the monitoring station, Ye Junmin and the others will install it themselves, so it won't take too long.

When the installation is completed, Xingtong will naturally take over and conduct debugging to ensure that the status of Pluto can be monitored.

As for Xingtong, he was also dispatched because Xingtong's body is a mechanical body. Even on Mars, he does not need to wear a space suit. Compared with other astronauts with limited movement, he is undoubtedly more efficient.

Li Chengzhe, Yu Hongliang and others are very clear about their own abilities. They believe that they do not have the professional qualities of astronauts, so they have no objection to Xu Lei's arrangement.

Of course, there is still great temptation to go to Mars.

But this time, after all, it is a mission, not just a trip to Mars. The pursuit of efficiency must be the main focus.

Not long after.

As more than a dozen astronauts prepared to enter the landing ship, the starboard side of the ship slowly opened, and three landing ships were released to fly towards the surface of Mars.

Because of the information access just now, Ye Junmin has already transmitted the exact coordinates of the landing. With Xingtong operating the landing ship, there will naturally be no problems in the process. Soon, under the welcome of Ye Junmin and other Mars base station personnel, the three ships The landing ship successfully landed at the target location.

"Is this the landing ship that comes with the interstellar battleship? It is not even a little bit better than the spacecraft we used before." The garrison personnel in space suits looked at the three landing ships with envy on their faces.

Hearing the voices of teammates coming from the communicator, others expressed their emotions not to be outdone.

"Times are developing and technology is advancing, but we just haven't caught up with the good times."

"Who says it's not the case? If this thing had existed, I'm afraid a Mars military base would have been built long ago."

What they said is correct. The construction of a Mars military base is much more difficult than that of the Guanghan Palace lunar base. The efficiency of transporting resources and personnel using only one nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft is indeed very slow.

Because of this, until now, the Mars military base has only a barely functioning prototype, which is still far from the designed scale.

If the Shenzhou came out earlier, then with the Shenzhou's flight speed and the efficiency of the six landing ships, I am afraid that both bases would be built.

"It's time for us to get to work. The task given by the headquarters this time is to complete the construction of the monitoring station as soon as possible." Seeing that the three landing ships had landed smoothly, Ye Junmin, the captain, reminded him and immediately stepped towards the landing ship. Go.

After hearing this, others naturally did not dare to delay any longer and quickly followed.

Although they have been stationed at the Mars base during this period, they still know what is happening on the Earth.

Although they don't have to worry about the crisis on Pluto when they stay on Mars, if the Earth planet disappears, they won't be able to survive long without the supply of resources.

After all, the Mars base is not yet self-sufficient.

Knowing how important the monitoring station is to observing Pluto, they will definitely not slack off.

If they are allowed to complete the construction of the monitoring station on their own, there may be no way. A clever woman can't make a meal without rice, but now with the help of interstellar battleships, there is naturally nothing to say.

Just when Ye Junmin and others went to respond, they saw that the hatch of the landing ship had been opened from the inside, and the crew members inside stepped out one after another.

Originally, this was supposed to be a relatively harmonious scene. As partners and colleagues, we met on Mars. No matter how you looked at it, there was a memorable atmosphere. But what made Ye Junmin and others dumbfounded on the spot was that there was a beautiful-looking girl with a perfect figure in the middle. Walked out.

It is normal for female crew members to perform missions. For example, there are female astronauts on Mars bases.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything surprising.

The key point is that this girl only wore a blue cabin suit, and her entire face was directly exposed to the thin air of Mars.

His eyes widened almost instantly, and his gaze was filled with horror through the mask of his spacesuit.

The body stayed in place as if it had forgotten its movements.

"Captain, did you see it?" He paused for a few seconds before whispering into the communicator.

Ye Junmin quickly responded to this: "Nonsense, I'm not blind yet."

"In an environment like Mars, we don't even wear space suits, and we don't seem to feel any discomfort. Have we encountered aliens?" As the voice on the channel rang again, several people couldn't help but become nervous.

They came out of the Mars base without any equipment. If they really encountered aliens, they would not even be qualified to resist.

Fortunately, the crew members traveling with Xing Tong seemed to have noticed the changes in Ye Junmin and the others. When the situation was a bit overwhelming, they quickly connected to their team channel to explain.

"Don't worry, you guys. This is the mechanical body of Future Technology's special brain star pupil. It was specially sent by Dean Xu to help us transport the monitoring equipment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xingtong next to him immediately added: "The equipment used for the Mars monitoring station is all here. Let's unload it as soon as possible."

Ye Junmin and others are stationed at the Mars military base. Although they have never seen the Star Pupil mechanical body, they are still familiar with its name, especially when they heard that Xu Lei specially sent it.

After his expression returned to normal, he quickly ordered the team members: "What are you still doing? Transport all these equipment to the base."

"It's captain."

After learning that they had misunderstood, the other people did not dare to waste any more time and quickly stepped forward to disassemble the equipment with the assistance of the space robot.

However, seeing that Xing Tong's body could walk freely on the surface of Mars, everyone said nothing on the surface, but they were quite envious in their hearts.

After all, they need to wear bulky space suits for daily operations, which leads to a serious decrease in various efficiency.

In addition, Xingtong's appearance seems to be no different from that of humans, and the thoughts in this regard are even more intense.

It can only be said that the weak body can ascend mechanically. This sentence does make sense.

However, with the current technology, it is not yet possible to create a mechanical body that can accommodate human consciousness for a long time. After all, Xingpu is essentially just a series of intelligent programs.

It is fundamentally different from complex human consciousness.

But what is certain is that if human consciousness can be separated from the body, it will most likely be more powerful than the intelligent brain.

In other words, it is essentially an intelligent brain.

Relying on the help of Xingtong and the space robot, it didn't take long for the equipment carried by the landing ship to be successfully transported to the Mars base, and the installation started immediately.

Originally, according to Xu Lei's instructions, Xingtong and the others could return to the Shenzhou after transporting the equipment.

However, considering the effectiveness of the Mars base, simply leaving the installation task to Ye Junmin would definitely take a lot of time and affect the subsequent plan to resolve the Pluto crisis.

After asking Xu Lei for instructions, Xingtong finally stayed at the Mars military base for a while and actively participated in the equipment installation work.

With Xing Tong personally installing the equipment, not only the efficiency was greatly improved, but also debugging time was basically eliminated. Ye Junmin and the others did not even have a chance to intervene in the whole process.

I couldn't help but admire Xingtong's mechanical body even more.

I thought that if a few could be sent to the base, then building the base would be almost like cheating.

About a few hours passed.

While Ye Junmin and the others were still looking for opportunities to help, Xingtong had already started the device program and began to search for the location of Pluto for real-time tracking.

Judging from the appearance of the equipment alone, it is similar to a space telescope, but it is larger and has more functions.

In addition, it is observed on Mars, and the data obtained will be more accurate.

"The equipment has been debugged properly. It will run on its own and track the position of Pluto in real time. If there are no special problems, you don't need to ask."

After completely completing this mission, Xing Tong turned around and confessed to Ye Junmin for the first time, but because Xu Lei was not here, he could not feel the slightest emotion when speaking.

Ye Junmin naturally had no objections to this, and Wen Sheng quickly said, "Don't worry, we will do these things well."

When things got here, Xingtong and the other crew members no longer wasted any more time, and then under the escort of Ye Junmin, they entered the landing ship again and took off back to the Shenzhou.

Looking at the landing ship gradually disappearing in the field of vision, Ye Junmin and the others were filled with emotions.

One of the base guards even took the initiative to ask: "Captain, do you think we can defeat the crisis brought by Pluto?"

When the news about Pluto first came out, they thought about this problem more than once. They were worried about what they would do if the Earth planet was hit by Pluto and human civilization would be annihilated. What could they, the aliens left behind, do? What?

Maybe he was confused by this before, but now he is extremely determined.

After truly seeing the foundation of human civilization, it seems that Pluto is not as scary as imagined.

So when faced with this problem, Ye Junmin turned around to face his team members, and then said categorically: "Don't worry, we humans can definitely solve Pluto, I believe it."

After speaking, he raised his gaze again until the three landing ships completely disappeared from sight.


The screen turned to the Shenzhou side.

When Xingtong completed simple debugging and tracked the traces of Pluto, the battleship also received observation information. One of the high-definition pictures taken of Pluto was particularly eye-catching.

"Is this Pluto? It's really not small!" Yu Hongliang was the first to express his opinion after carefully looking at the photo of the all-black irregular asteroid on the screen.

Xu Lei didn't say much about this, but casually uploaded it to the live broadcast room as an Easter egg at the end of the live broadcast.

Now that the Shenzhou mission to Mars has been successfully concluded, there is no need to continue the live broadcast on the return trip.

In addition, the first interstellar battleship of human civilization has entered service, and it has also brought such great popularity and attention. No matter what, Xu Lei feels that the influence it can gain should not be too little.

So I also want to enter the Science and Technology Museum as soon as possible to check it out.

If the growth rate is fast, there is no need to be too anxious to purchase technical viewing rights for secondary technology exhibits.

After all, the technological exhibits of the second-level civilization are also divided into levels. It is undoubtedly the most beneficial to gain more influence and buy more practical exhibits.

Anyway, the technology he currently possesses is enough to solve the crisis on Pluto.

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