My science and technology museum

Chapter 330 Amorphous alloy mechanical body

There are an unimaginable number of technological exhibits in the upper space of the Science and Technology Museum. If Xu Lei wants to find the right one, he can only check the template information displayed on the information screen next to the booth, so this requires a lot of time and a little luck.

Otherwise, even if he keeps searching, it may be difficult to find a suitable target.

The key point is that the information we have about the dead matter produced by extraterrestrial civilization is very superficial, and we don’t know which direction to start solving it.

Fortunately, there is no flow of time in the Science and Technology Museum.

Xu Lei can keep searching until he determines the required technology exhibits.

It's just that this process is extremely boring.

"It seems that there are too many technological exhibits to choose from, which is not a good thing sometimes!"

At this time, in the upper space of the Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei looked at the boundless exhibition booth. He really couldn't suppress the feeling of complaining in his heart, and couldn't help but murmured to himself.

He still remembers that when he first unlocked the upper space of the museum, he was very happy, thinking that he had finally opened the biggest treasure.

But now it seems that it is also a double-edged sword.

Although only one of the technological exhibits from level zero and level one civilizations in the hall can be unlocked at a time, they can basically meet his needs due to the identity of the cheap museum owner, which can be said to save a lot of time and effort. energy.

For example, the gene cloning technology unlocked when the biological dormant cabin's influence reaches 10 million points.

It will play a great role in the restoration of Earth's biological organisms and organ cloning.

In some ways, it can extend human life.

In the past, humans relied on smart medical care and nanorobots to extend their lifespan, which can effectively treat physical diseases.

However, there is no way to deal with the natural aging of organs.

With advanced gene cloning technology, human organs can be cloned in large quantities, and if problems arise, they will only need to be replaced.

I believe that with the help of new organs, there will be no problem in living for ten or twenty years longer.

If we just want this technology to be effective, I'm afraid we have to wait until all humans on Earth are settled. After all, Earth is obviously no longer suitable for life.

Unless that dead material will disintegrate on its own over time.

It's a pity that Xu Lei can only think about the convenience like that in the museum hall. After all, there are so many exhibition stands waiting for him to check them out one by one.

With his thoughts stuck here, Xu Lei immediately made up his mind, and then immediately walked towards the nearest booth.

Although there are reduced forms of exhibits on the booths, for many technologies, it is impossible to effectively judge based on body shape information alone. If you really choose according to this method, you may be missed.

He didn't want to end up doing useless work.

Therefore, it is most reliable to check the information screen next to the booth.

You must know that the choice of technology exhibits this time is directly related to the life safety of nearly 3 billion people. In addition, with his 50 million influence, he can only buy one. In this case, he must be extremely cautious. OK, make sure the selected technology exhibits can effectively solve the current dilemma.

Anyway, no matter how long he stays in the Science and Technology Museum, the real world will only last for a few seconds at most, and it will not affect anything.

The most important thing.

There won’t be any negatives inside the Science and Technology Museum.

In other words, here he can use his brain to analyze problems at will without causing any burden on the body.

that's all.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Xu Lei's figure is still moving between booths.

But he never made a choice.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Xu Lei also discovered a technological exhibit called Gene Optimization Fluid. Judging from the above evaluation, it can optimize genes and strengthen themselves.

Although it is impossible to determine how much life span can be increased, it is very suitable for human civilization.

The required influence is 40 million points.

But in the end, Xu Lei did not choose to purchase it, and only used his authority as the owner of the museum to temporarily mark it.

Because genetic optimization fluid may be very suitable for human civilization, but in this case it is undoubtedly no more than useless. After all, the first problem to be solved is to ensure their lives, not to extend their lifespan.

Otherwise, even if the genetic optimization fluid is produced and taken by the personnel in the air-raid shelter, they will be killed by the dead matter as soon as they leave.

It has no effect at all.

In the final analysis, Xu Lei's influence is limited.

Otherwise, it’s okay to buy it directly first. Anyway, you can transfer it into your mind and develop it whenever you want.

Fortunately, he can mark the selected booth so that he can see it clearly and intuitively next time, without having to search again like now.

In fact, after actually experiencing this boring search experience, Xu Lei increasingly wanted to add a search function to the Science and Technology Museum so that it could be more efficient, but the result was that it didn't.

And he, the library owner, cannot add this feature.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei somewhat understood why the previous owner ran away.

But as the saying goes that the revolution has not yet succeeded and still needs to continue to work hard, Xu Lei's actions of making complaints about himself did not delay at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that now he is like a retrieval machine.

Always check each booth.

The only consolation is that every time I come to a new booth, the technological exhibits I see are brand new. Especially those technological exhibits from the third-level civilization are so exciting that I want to buy them immediately and use them in human civilization.

In this way, let alone dealing with extraterrestrial civilization, he felt that he could directly enter the opponent's hometown.

Unfortunately, this is just a thought.

Today, mankind has not yet entered the second-level civilization, and there is a huge gap between it and the third-level galaxy civilization.

Especially the levels of various basic technologies.

Even if you purchase this kind of technological exhibit from a third-level civilization, there is currently no way to reproduce it. It is an existence that can be viewed from a distance but cannot be played with.

It's better to be realistic.

Of course, it is indeed unavailable for now, but maybe it will be in the future.

After all, although human civilization has suffered this disaster, Xu Lei still believes that with the Science and Technology Museum, human beings will become a level three civilization sooner or later, and then these advanced technological exhibits can be effectively used.

So all the technological exhibits that Xu Lei thought were useful were marked.

As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade. This is equivalent to saving energy for the future.

I don't know if Xu Lei was lucky this time. After passing the genetic optimization fluid, a technological exhibit, it didn't take long for him to make a new discovery.

Standing in front of this brand new exhibition stand, Xu Lei first looked at the suspended objects above. After careful inspection, he found that it was a silver humanoid mechanical body. Judging from the appearance and feel, he didn't know that it was built by Xingtong himself. How powerful is that mechanical body?

It's like a work of art.

The reason why he was interested in this technological exhibit was mainly because of an idea he had previously had.

Mechanical ascension.

As the development of his brain increases, the energy provided by the body's cells can no longer support the operation of the brain, so it puts a burden on the body.

There are basically two options to change this situation.

Give the brain a body.

Optimize your own genetic functions.

If the brain consciousness is uploaded to the mechanical body, even if the consciousness may gradually dissipate over time, it will be hundreds of years at least.

Compared with ordinary human lifespan, it has been directly increased several times.

And have stronger physical and computational reaction speed.

For example, in the crisis of Pluto, if human civilization achieves mechanical ascension, there will be no need to worry about this kind of dead matter.

However, the mechanical body produced by the existing technology cannot accommodate consciousness for a long time. In addition, this will completely subvert the traditional social system of moral concepts. Implementation will face increased resistance, so there has been no progress until now.

Now that I happen to come across a related technology exhibit, I must study it carefully.

When his thoughts reached this point, Xu Lei no longer hesitated and immediately moved his eyes to look at the attribute content template on the information screen next to him.

Name: Amorphous alloy mechanical body

Evaluation: How you use it determines its value!

Level: Second level civilization

Influence: 40 million/51 million

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

"The museum's evaluation of this technological exhibit is quite special, but unfortunately the information available is limited." Looking at the content above carefully, Xu Lei frowned subconsciously.

Although it was indeed a special mechanical body as he thought, the evaluation given by the museum did not contain any valuable information.

It's really impossible to know its true function just from the contents of these templates.

After comprehensive analysis, the civilization level to which the exhibits belong is a second-level civilization, which meets his conditions.

The same 40 million points of influence as the previous genetic optimization fluid can be afforded. The key is that I don’t know whether it can become an exhibit that solves the situation on the earth and stars.

Xu Lei himself still has certain expectations.

The scope of influence of the main dead matter is too large, and the remaining time is limited, so it is impossible to remove it.

So I can only think of other ways.

If this amorphous alloy mechanical body can carry human consciousness, then it only needs to allow people to upload their consciousness. Although it has since escaped the category of carbon-based life, it can at least survive in another way, and it will not affect Reunion with family.

As for other needs, they can also be fulfilled through the virtual world.

It can be said that it is indeed a good method.

But if Xu Lei's judgment is wrong, he will lose 40 million in influence and will no longer be able to purchase other exhibits.

People hiding in air-raid shelters will also lose their last hope.

But thinking about it from another aspect, people on the earth planet are destined to die, and Xu Lei's own ability is also helpless.

However, relying on the Science and Technology Museum gave me one more opportunity.

Looking at it this way, there is nothing to regret. As the old saying goes, just try your best. As for the result, it all depends on luck.

Besides, if we continue to search, we may not get good results.

Because as Xu Lei continued to deepen, he found that the number of technological exhibits of third-level civilizations increased significantly.

Influence requirements have been significantly increased.

This shows that he has probably entered a higher-level exhibit area.

Not to mention whether the 50 million points of influence are enough, I am afraid that the existing technology of mankind is not qualified for research and development at all.

After carefully weighing it, Xu Lei finally decided to purchase this technological exhibit. He always felt that since the museum gave such an evaluation, the value of it would never disappoint him.

"The influence of 40 million is 40 million. I believe that your choice is definitely right." As he murmured in a deep voice, he decisively reached out his finger and pressed on the note in the lower right corner of the information screen, and paid 4,000. Thousands of impacts and purchase viewing rights.

When the total number of influence dropped to tens of millions, a massive amount of technical information suddenly came into view.

For him, what he wants to do most right now is to quickly confirm whether his choice is correct, so he will definitely not hesitate too much in this situation.

Immediately concentrate on checking.

Xu Lei can be said to be extremely familiar with the relevant technical knowledge and information of the science and technology exhibits in the science and technology museum. Coupled with the understanding and integration ability that comes with his identity as the museum owner, he can master them all without much effort.

But it has to be said that the technical knowledge involved in this technological exhibit was beyond his imagination.

a long time.

Xu Lei looked away from the information screen.

His face was extremely calm at first, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised into a smile.

This is a confident and happy smile.


His choice worked.

According to the detailed technical knowledge information inside, this amorphous alloy mechanical body is a game toy of a certain second-level civilization.

Players fight by transferring their consciousness to the mechanical body.

In this way, no matter how much damage is suffered, the body will not be affected. It can be said to be the most exciting but safest game.

Because the life of their civilization is relatively special, they look down on the so-called mechanical ascension, so after the amorphous alloy mechanical body was developed, it has been used as a special game toy.

However, the performance of this mechanical body is not weak at all.

The special structure of its head can accommodate consciousness for a long time and achieve perfect control over the body.

Coupled with many properties such as super hardness, corrosion resistance and interference, it can definitely be called a great work. If it is simply used as a game toy, it does feel like an anti-aircraft cannon to fight mosquitoes, which is too much of a waste of resources.

And this body also has a special anti-intrusion function.

As long as the access to consciousness is completed, it will automatically exclude the intrusion of other consciousnesses, which is a great guarantee for the user's safety.

After transferring the manufacturing technology of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies into his mind, Xu Lei finally understood the Science and Technology Museum's evaluation of this exhibit.

It is indeed pertinent and correct.

He was very happy that he made the right choice.

Otherwise, even if we continue searching, we probably won’t get better results than this.

Of course, this does not mean that the human crisis can be solved.

Because he is now facing a new problem, that is, how to manufacture the amorphous alloy mechanical body as quickly as possible.

According to the introduction in the technical knowledge, with the technology and resources currently available to human civilization, there is no problem in synthesizing this special super amorphous alloy. As for the energy source of the mechanical body, it needs to be replaced with human beings' own energy source. Research results.

Otherwise, the difficulty of manufacturing the mechanical body will skyrocket.

After all, the most important thing now is to create an amorphous alloy mechanical body as soon as possible, and energy and other aspects can be upgraded later.

What's more, with the continuous upgrade of battery technology by the Future Technology Research Center in recent years, the latest super battery is not only smaller in size but also has several times better battery life.

In addition, the amorphous alloy mechanical body also has a solar charging function, which can last for ten or eight days without any problems under normal circumstances.

It's just that the number of people surviving in the air-raid shelters is at least three to four billion at the moment. Even if all the manufacturing plants are running, it will probably take years and months to complete this number.

You must know that it took several years to produce these one billion biological dormancy chambers.

I'm afraid the air raid shelter won't last that long.

In order to think about the countermeasures, Xu Lei did not choose to control his consciousness and leave the museum. Instead, he sat down directly on the spot.

At this time, you still need to consider this issue when returning to the real world.

But there is no need to worry about the physical burden in the museum, so he can use his brain unscrupulously, and I believe his efficiency will be improved a lot.

that's all.

As Xu Lei's brain worked rapidly, his thinking became clearer.

Since consciousness transfer is used to solve the dilemma, the body will lose value for the people in the air-raid shelter. The most important thing is to preserve their self-awareness.

With the current manufacturing level, it is indeed impossible to produce so many amorphous alloy mechanical bodies in a short period of time.

But it is entirely possible to seal everyone's consciousness in some way, just like the dormant personnel in the underground dormant base.

Just one dormant body, the other just pure consciousness.

What needs to be known is that this sleeping time is probably longer than the personnel in the underground dormancy base. This must ensure that the consciousness will not dissipate on its own during the sleeping process, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

As these thoughts continued to appear in his mind, Xu Lei's eyes became firmer.

There is no better way now. In this case, we can only try it first before talking.

However, before it can actually be carried out, it is necessary to analyze the plan through Xingtong's calculations to determine the probability of feasibility.

After quickly deciding on the next plan, Xu Lei suddenly lost interest in staying in the museum, and immediately controlled his consciousness and returned to the real world.

Xu Lei slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed, flipping through the new technological knowledge he got from the museum in his mind. When he saw that less than half a minute had passed, he immediately took out his holographic smart quantum terminal device to wake up the star. Hitomi.

Mainly based on the situation in the real world, he had just come from the core command and control module to rest.

It would be inappropriate to look for Xing Tong's mechanical body at this time.

Anyway, whether it is a mechanical body or an avatar, it is the same to Xingtong, there is no difference.

When Xing Tong's virtual image was projected from the device the next second, Xu Lei went straight to the point and expressed his thoughts. After all, there was nothing to hide when facing Xing Tong.

After Xingtong received the information her boss said, she paused for a few seconds before answering: "I can build an independent virtual world in the virtual world to block the uploaded consciousness and let them temporarily fall into a deep sleep. .”

Hearing that his idea might be realized, Xu Lei suddenly showed an excited look on his face.

As long as these conscious bodies can be ensured to sleep safely, the Human Security Alliance can slowly create amorphous alloy mechanical bodies.

After preparing the body, transfer the corresponding consciousness body into it.

At that time, it will break away from traditional carbon-based life and truly realize the so-called mechanical ascension.

So Xu Lei couldn't wait and asked quickly: "Is this approach feasible? How long will it take to build an independent world?"

"I cannot give absolute certainty. The result of the conscious body's sleep will be uncontrollable."

"Building independent worlds takes days."

Although the answer Xingtong gave was like cold water pouring on Xu Lei, he was much calmer, but he was not surprised.

Consciousness is the most mysterious and complex thing in the human body.

Forcing it to separate from the body and fall into a deep sleep is indeed prone to unpredictable consequences.

For example, consciousness cannot be awakened, or memory loss occurs.

However, it is impossible to achieve 100% guarantee with the existing technology, so the only way to determine what will happen in the end is to try first.

Otherwise, human civilization will only have one billion people left.

After thinking about this, Xu Lei finally made up his mind and directly issued the final order to Xing Tong.


"Start building the sleeping space for your consciousness immediately."

"Let smart industrial robots ensure the supply of virtual helmets in air raid shelters."

"It's the boss." A familiar voice came from the device, and then Xingtong's virtual projection disappeared.

Although we don’t know how long it will take Xingtong to build a sleeping space for consciousness in the virtual world, but judging from the situation of dead matter on local stars, the sooner the better.

As for ensuring the supply of virtual helmets, it is because in order to successfully complete the upload of consciousness, it is definitely impossible to complete without the virtual helmet as a medium.

Although many people in the air raid shelters carry virtual helmets, I believe the gap is definitely not small.

Fortunately, the virtual helmet is already a relatively mature product. Even if production was discontinued in order to manufacture biological dormant cabins, the number put on the market is definitely large.

Relying on intelligent industrial robots for collection and transportation should not be a problem.

After finishing these things, Xu Lei did not go to the core command and control cabin to take charge of the work. Instead, he continued to lie down and fell asleep.

In the past few days, he had not had much rest due to the matter of dead matter. In addition, the overloaded use of his brain had made his body exhausted. After all, although he would not be affected by these negative effects in a museum, he could not put the reality into perspective. The world is wiped out altogether.

Taking advantage of the slight improvement in the situation, he took the time to sleep. After all, there was still a big battle waiting for him.

Xu Lei slept for almost ten hours during this sleep. When he woke up refreshed, he briefly finished washing and then walked straight towards the core command and control cabin.

Prepare to formally announce his plan to everyone.

In any case, the plan of amorphous alloy mechanical body and consciousness sleeping is extremely shocking and dangerous. According to the rules of the Human Security Alliance, a meeting of parliamentarians must be held before formal implementation. Anyway, in his current capacity, it is just a process.

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