My science and technology museum

Chapter 332 Planning Blueprint

"In the past three days, many air-raid shelters have lost their ability to block the dead materials of extraterrestrial civilizations. Currently, according to statistics, the number of survivors is less than 3 billion."


Core command and control module.

Li Chengzhe took an electronic report and reported to Xu Lei the survival situation of the people on the planet.

It starts with pieces of Pluto falling into the Pacific Ocean.

In just over ten days, the world's population has dropped by half.

This is a huge blood feud.

However, although Xu Lei was filled with anger in his heart, he did not show it on his face.

Because now is not the time.

I believe there will be many opportunities to avenge the blood feud of extraterrestrial civilizations in the future, but the most important thing right now is to ensure the safety of the remaining three billion people.

When Xingtong said before that it would take three days to build a sleeping space for consciousness, Xu Lei had already thought of this situation.

After all, what can be achieved after the renovation of the air-raid shelter is only to delay the impact of death substances. It will definitely gradually lose its function as time goes by. In the end, the people inside will still be unable to avoid the fate of death.

But it is still very good to retain nearly three billion people.

In this way, with the billions of people in underground dormant bases, human civilization can retain at least half of its power. I believe that with the support of technology, it will soon be able to develop again.

Xu Lei knew very well that the longer it took, the more detrimental it would be to the people in the air-raid shelter, so he did not respond to Li Chengzhe, but directly looked at the Star Pupil mechanical body standing next to him: "How is the construction of the virtual space where the consciousness sleeps? Already?"

"Report to boss, the construction of the virtual space where consciousness is sleeping has been completed." Xingtong raised his gaze and answered normally.

Hearing this, Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately issued the final execution order.

"Then let's get started."

at the same time.

Not only the personnel of the Shenzhou, but also the two interstellar battleships Future and Yas are also paying attention to this so-called self-rescue.

Under the gaze of everyone, the surviving personnel in the air-raid shelter were seen holding the virtual helmets in their hands.

After a slight hesitation, he finally put it on his head decisively.

For most people, no one wants to face their own death.

Although becoming a mechanical body will cause you to lose part of your humanity, you will gain a lot of benefits.

Such as a strong body.

A long life.

The key is to join the Human Security Alliance Space Force to fight against extraterrestrial civilizations and personally avenge their relatives and compatriots.

Different from entering the virtual world and virtual games, when everyone's vision returned, they saw that they had arrived in an independent space filled with white light. There was also a special device similar to a biological dormant cabin placed in front of them.

Just when he was wondering about this, Xing Tong's notification sound suddenly sounded in the space.

As long as you lie down in the device in front of you, your consciousness will completely fall into a deep sleep until you are awakened by the outside world and obtain a brand new mechanical body.

In the past few days, everyone made the final choice after careful consideration. Under such circumstances, naturally they would not change their minds rashly, even if they opened the device and lay down.

And the moment the sleeping device was turned off, the person wearing the virtual helmet seemed to have his brain taken away, and he suddenly fell limply to the ground.

But since this is happening in bomb shelters around the world, there's nothing to be alarmed about.

On the contrary, those who were willing to accept death couldn't help but have these fears in their hearts after seeing this scene, so that they changed their minds at the last moment and put on the virtual helmet again to upload their consciousness.

It takes about ten minutes.

Peace returned to bomb shelters around the world.

Xingtong on the Shenzhou also reported this immediately: "According to statistics, the number of sleeping consciousnesses is currently 1.97 billion."

According to previous data, there are less than two billion conscious bodies that choose to sleep, which means that nearly one billion people are willing to accept death.

Hearing this number, Xu Lei frowned slightly: "Are so many people giving up?"

At a time when human civilization is in crisis, these people who give up are undoubtedly selfish.

But it cannot be said that what they did was wrong.

After all, everyone has the right to choose their own destiny.

It is also impossible for Xu Lei to forcefully extract their sleeping consciousness and upload it to the mechanical body in the future.

This is obviously against humanity.

It is not a truly great human civilization.

What's more, when he issued the declaration of the Human Security Alliance a few days ago, he clearly stated everyone's final wishes.

Since the outbreak of the Pluto crisis, less than half of the surviving population of human civilization has survived. Xu Lei believes that he has failed.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. They have no idea about the situation of extraterrestrial civilizations, so how can they formulate the correct response plan.

But the battle is far from over.

No one knows when extraterrestrial civilization will actually enter the solar system, but in order to wake up the sleeping people as soon as possible and successfully form a powerful space force, there are still many things that need to be done next.

And Xu Lei believes that this victory must belong to him.

Now that the Earth and the planet have been completely enveloped by dead matter, no living things can survive on it, so the next step can only be to target planets such as the Moon and Mars that have been conquered by humans.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei no longer hesitated, and immediately told Xingtong: "Inform all representatives of the parliament that the alliance meeting will be held on the Shenzhou in two hours." After speaking, he turned around and looked directly at Li Chengzhe: "In addition, in Building a memorial site near each air raid shelter can also be considered as leaving some spiritual comfort to the survivors."

"It's captain, I'll do it right away." Li Chengzhe nodded and promised.

For the people in the underground dormant base, they will definitely choose to look for their families when they wake up.

Although no one expected that Pluto would have such a backup plan, it is still very good to have a place to miss.

Besides, there are so many corpses around the world, and they all need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are not many intelligent industrial robots, and now their role can only be played on the Earth and the planet, so they are most suitable for doing this kind of thing.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole world will be shrouded in the stench of decay.

Of course, Xu Lei also understands that if he wants to produce a large number of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on the space on the interstellar battleship and the bases on the moon and Mars.

That would be very inefficient.

Therefore, Earth Star always needs to be reused.

Although carbon-based life forms cannot survive normally there, the production lines of various facilities are very complete. Once the amorphous alloy mechanical bodies successfully pass detailed tests, they can be mass-produced directly on the earth and planet.

Letting intelligent industrial robots do the work is undoubtedly the best strategy.


After watching the whole process of this miraculous consciousness sleeping plan, other representatives of the alliance also understood that human civilization will once again enter a stage of rapid development.

Not only must we build a new alien home, we must also improve our strength and be ready to deal with extraterrestrial civilizations.

It is no exaggeration to say that this may be a tough battle.

So after they received Xingtong's notice, they immediately took the battleship's own landing ship to the Shenzhou.

"This should be the first offline congress of congressmen held since the establishment of the Human Security Alliance, right?" In a cabin of the Shenzhou, Xu Lei looked around at the congressmen who had almost arrived, and took the lead in speaking to warm up the situation.

What he said was not wrong.

When the Human Security Alliance was established, Xu Lei proposed to hold meetings in the virtual world because of the convenience and efficiency of each member.

And the proposal was approved by everyone.

It was really unimaginable before that we could all be together face to face like this.

"Yeah, who would have thought that we people would huddle on an interstellar battleship to decide the future of human civilization." As Xu Lei started talking, Yu Hongliang, one of the representatives of the Yanfang Council, quickly took over.

As for Enoch, who was opposite, he was obviously more impatient, and he directly brought the topic back to business: "Congressman Xu, our situation is not very optimistic now, and we must determine the next step as soon as possible."

What Enoch wants to express is very simple. After human civilization encounters this huge crisis, it is like a headless fly at the moment, not knowing what the focus of the next work will be.

Moreover, everyone now knows that the crisis on Pluto is entirely caused by extraterrestrial civilizations.

Since the other party wants to get the Earth Star so much, and would not hesitate to transform Pluto to eliminate all carbon-based life forms on the Earth Star, maybe their presence will soon enter the solar system.

Today, except for three interstellar battleships and several heavy rail guns deployed in Mars orbit, human civilization has no other power that it can use.

It is conceivable that if a conflict with extraterrestrial civilization breaks out at this time, it will be very detrimental to mankind.

Whether it is the antimatter power device inside Pluto or the mysterious dead matter that can wipe out life on the entire planet in a short time, it proves that their technological level is far above that of human civilization, so they must make all preparations in advance. OK.

Humanity will never be able to bear such huge losses as today again.

Perhaps Enoch's words touched everyone's hearts, and the entire temporary conference room suddenly fell into silence.

However, Xu Lei must have anticipated these worries. Since everyone has been specially called to convene this alliance meeting, it is natural that plans and guidelines have been formulated to ensure that human civilization will win in this new civilized war.

This was when Xu Lei saw everyone's expressions, and then he simply operated the holographic smart quantum terminal device on his wrist twice, and a detailed blueprint was suddenly projected in front of everyone.

"This is the ten-year plan for human civilization that I have formulated, which will enable us to have the strength to compete with extraterrestrial civilization as soon as possible."

In fact, there was no need for Xu Lei to explain. Others' attention had already been attracted by this blueprint, and they all concentrated on checking the contents.

The so-called ten-year plan for human civilization.

These are some things that human civilization needs to do in the next ten years.

First, rely on space robots and planetary base personnel to build two super cities on the moon and Mars respectively to complete interstellar immigration and wake up people sleeping in the dormant cabin as soon as possible.

At the same time, the number of star battleships must reach ten.

In this way, it will have space combat capabilities.

In addition, the number of planetary defense rail guns must also be greatly increased to ensure the safety of space super cities.

As for the most important amorphous alloy mechanical body, Xu Lei was personally responsible for the research and development.

Strive to produce enough to assemble a mechanical space force within ten years.

There is also a need to launch detectors to the edge of the solar system or even fly out of the solar system, so that the figures and traces of status civilizations can be discovered in time and prepared for response in advance.

I have to say that the blueprint for human civilization planned by Xu Lei is indeed very comprehensive and detailed. If the above content can be completed in ten years, then even if mankind has not entered the second level civilization, it will not be far behind.

Other members of Congress who were originally worried about the future of human civilization suddenly felt much calmer after carefully studying this blueprint.

It was like I had suddenly found my goal and had a backbone.

Among them, Yu Hongliang repeatedly praised: "It's really great. As long as we can achieve all the goals in this blueprint, even if we really have to go to war with extraterrestrial civilization, we will not be much weaker."

"Although extraterrestrial civilizations don't know why they chose to use Pluto, it can be expected that their vanguard will not be too strong. This creates an opportunity for us." After listening to what Yu Hongliang said, Xu Lei He also immediately expressed his judgment.

If extraterrestrial civilization really sends a powerful fleet to invade the solar system and seize the Earth's star, then it can just press the army directly. With the few small interstellar warships owned by human civilization, there is no way to stop such a powerful torrent of steel.

But since the other party chose to transform an asteroid and use a variety of means to clean up the life forms on the planet, this only shows that their power on the battleship should not be too strong.

In other words, they have only sent the vanguard for the time being.

In this case, human civilization has the possibility of turning defeat into victory.

Xu Lei believes that a fleet of ten interstellar battleships is enough to fight a real interstellar war with extraterrestrial civilizations.

What's more important is that he also holds a trump card.

That is the amorphous alloy mechanical body.

I believe that no matter what, extraterrestrial civilizations would never have imagined that human civilization not only retained enough power in this crisis, but also achieved mechanical ascension to obtain a more powerful mechanical body.

You must know that mechanical bodies are much more powerful than fragile carbon-based life forms.

Of course, in the face of such a promising blueprint, while some people support it, it is inevitable that there will also be some doubts.

For an individual, ten years may be a very long period.

But when it comes to the development of galaxies and civilizations, it's not worth mentioning.

Humanity has been preparing for the disaster of Pluto for seven years, but the final result is still unsatisfactory.

In this blueprint, whether it is two space super cities on the moon and Mars that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people, or a fleet of interstellar battleships, it is full of very high difficulties, and it is expected to be completed within ten years. It is indeed very difficult.

Even some people still find it difficult to imagine that consciousness can be perfectly integrated with mechanical bodies.

After all, the amorphous alloy mechanical body Xu Lei mentioned is still in theory, and I don't know when it will be manufactured and tested.

So when the temporary conference room was silent for more than ten seconds, different voices finally sounded.

"It is not easy to complete interstellar immigration. We don't have much experience in this area, so I am very doubtful about the situation of these two space super cities."

"This blueprint is indeed very good and can help us point out the next direction, but whether it can be completed is unknown."

"Mainly, the number of personnel we have available right now is simply too small."

Currently, the only ones who can contribute their strength normally are the crews of the three interstellar battleships, the Guanghan Palace lunar base and the Mars military base, and a small number of astronauts in the first-class Tiangong space station. All together, they only number about 10,000 people.

Compared with the three billion people left in human civilization today, it is indeed a very small number.

However, there is no way around this. After all, the Guanghan Palace lunar base and Mars military base can accommodate a limited number of personnel, and there is no way to wake up the people in the underground dormant base at this time.

Otherwise, how to place it will be a big problem.

The safest way is to build a space super city first, and after it is gradually put into use, the biological dormant cabins will be transported from the earth through interstellar battleships.

By then, the number of immigrants will gradually increase, and the city's construction progress will also improve a lot.

As for the questions raised by others, Xu Lei did not give much explanation.

He just said with confidence: "With the help of Xingtong's ability, I have initially completed the construction drawings of these two space super cities, and after many calculations and simulations, it has been proved that it can operate successfully."

"Besides, do you think we have other options now?" When Xu Lei said the last sentence, his eyes were directed at everyone present, and his tone was unquestionable.

Because as he said, human civilization has just experienced a huge crisis, which has caused the number of people to drop by half. All we can do now is to go all out, otherwise we will just repeat the same mistakes as today.

As Xu Lei finished speaking, the others no longer had any objections.

After all, apart from the ten-year blueprint for human civilization that is now in front of them, there is no other suitable plan to implement.

"I believe that the blueprint planned by Councilor Xu can be realized. If anyone disagrees, please withdraw from the Human Security Alliance and find a biological dormant cabin to sleep." Yu Hongliang, who was firmly on Xu Lei's side, at this time He slammed the table without giving any face to the other representatives.

Even Enoch, who was next to him, nodded and said solemnly: "No matter how difficult this process is, we should persevere to the end."

Speaking of which, the ten-year blueprint for human civilization proposed by Xu Lei was officially unanimously approved by the Human Security Alliance.

And then it will also enter the execution stage.

Finally, after suitable appointment arrangements, the Future went to the moon to be responsible for the construction of the lunar lunar city, while the Yas flew to Mars to expand the Mars city based on the Mars military base.

The space shipyard continued to manufacture star battleships.

It is also worth mentioning that the production plan for the remaining seven warships will also include two cargo warships designed by humans.

In Xu Lei's plan, the size of these two cargo warships will reach the size of medium-sized warships and will be used to transport resources and various weapons supplies in the galaxy.

Only by ensuring good logistics and cooperating with other heavy cruisers can the maximum advantage of the fleet be brought into play.

As for the Shenzhou, it is temporarily parked between the Earth, the Earth, and the Moon.

Mainly in the next time, Xu Lei needs to research the first amorphous alloy mechanical body on the Shenzhou.

no doubt.

The amorphous alloy mechanical body is related to the smooth birth of the space force.

If it cannot be manufactured, then it will be meaningless for the people in the air-raid shelter to use virtual helmets to upload their consciousness and fall asleep. This is definitely a situation that Xu Lei does not want to see.

More importantly, Xu Lei can now feel his physical condition very clearly.

To say it was terrible would be an understatement.

Especially after the relevant manufacturing technology information and knowledge of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies are transmitted to the mind, the degree of brain development has been improved accordingly, and the load on the body is also increasing. If it continues like this, it is likely to cause damage to all organs in the body. Death from exhaustion.

Because even if the energy from the whole body is extracted, it cannot satisfy the needs of the brain.

When I was in the Science and Technology Museum, because I was in a special space, my body would not be affected by any negative effects. Therefore, even if the relevant manufacturing technology of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies was transferred to my mind, I did not feel anything bad about my body. Strange.

But as the consciousness of the Youxin air-raid shelter personnel uploaded to the sleeping events in the past few days, he could feel the obvious backlash.

Even Xu Lei had a feeling that his current state could not be maintained for much longer.

Therefore, no matter what, the amorphous alloy mechanical body must be perfectly manufactured as soon as possible. Only in this way can he be reborn and successfully save himself. Otherwise, let alone completing the ten-year blueprint for human civilization, I am afraid that he will not survive that time at all.

You must know that in order to minimize the use of the brain, Xingtong was basically responsible for the design drawings of these two space super cities.

And after several calculations, it was determined that the city would be qualified only if it could operate normally and meet human needs.

However, he also understood that in order to create a perfect amorphous alloy mechanical body, the use of the brain was definitely indispensable, especially the research on various technical knowledge in the mind.

Although this will increase the burden on the body to a certain extent, in order to completely solve this situation, we can only bite the bullet and continue.

Of course, Xu Lei did not intend to go it alone in the manufacture of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies. In order to ensure the safety of the scientific researchers in the company's research center and institute, he moved all their dormant cabins to the Shenzhou star battleship.

Now is the time for them to realize their own value.

So after the first offline meeting of the Human Security Alliance ended, before Hongliang Enoch and the others left to return to their battleship, Xu Lei came to the place where the dormant cabin was stored.

Prepare to take the initiative to wake them up and speed up the manufacturing of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies.

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