My science and technology museum

Chapter 334 Mechanical Ascension

Under everyone's gaze, the energy-stimulated special amorphous alloy showed powerful and excellent properties as expected. At this time, let alone deforming it with fingers, even a powerful sniper rifle could not retain its shape. Leave no trace.

This is exactly the advantage of the amorphous alloy mechanical body.

Under normal circumstances, the body is similar to that of ordinary humans and has better properties than metal and steel.

But as long as the energy is actively released to stimulate the body, it can immediately enter combat mode and explode with extremely powerful destructive power.

at the same time.

Hu Xinren's excited voice suddenly sounded in the experimental cabin: "The feedback results of the materials are out. All the data exceeded the expected values. We succeeded."

"You have done a very good job. We will officially start the research and development of the mechanical body immediately." Although Xu Lei had already guessed this result, he could not hide his excitement when he heard the news in person, and immediately issued the order without hesitation. received the order to start developing mechanical bodies.

He even seemed to be able to imagine in his mind what kind of surprise it would bring to extraterrestrial civilization when such a special space force to protect human civilization appeared.

When Gu Sanlin saw that he had successfully synthesized a special amorphous alloy, he did not take the credit for himself. Instead, he looked at Xu Lei with admiration and respect: "I'm afraid I will never be able to catch up with the dean's understanding of materials in this life. , I was able to successfully synthesize this amorphous alloy material only because of the theoretical guidance of the dean, and I learned a lot."

Xu Lei knew Gu Sanlin's character very well, so he didn't say anything else at this time.

He just paused briefly and then added: "And this time I will also be fully involved in the research and development and manufacturing of the mechanical body."

Previously, in order to avoid using the brain as much as possible, when synthesizing special amorphous alloys, Gu Sanlin and others mainly personally analyzed the characteristics and test data of various materials.

Xu Lei plays more of a guiding role.

That's why Gu Sanlin said that just now.

But things are different now.

Now that the synthesis method of special amorphous alloy has been successfully mastered, the amorphous alloy mechanical body should be manufactured as quickly as possible.

After all, the relevant technical knowledge is stored in his mind. If he does not personally participate, the efficiency of the entire project will undoubtedly be much slower. This is not a situation he wants to see.

Therefore, we must have the determination to do nothing but succeed or succeed.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Gu Sanlin, Hu Xinren and the others could say anything, Chen Shihe beside him suddenly said: "I don't agree with this. High-intensity research work will increase the burden on your body. If this continues, you will I can't hold on." He looked at Xu Lei with worry in his eyes and decisively rejected the proposal.

Mainly during this period, Chen Shihe has been by Xu Lei's side and is very aware of his physical condition.

Just talking about the synthesis of amorphous alloy materials, even if Gu Sanlin and the others were given instructions on how to operate it, they would suffer from sudden fainting and nosebleeds from time to time, which was enough to prove that his physical health was not optimistic.

Chen Shihe was really afraid that Xu Lei would have an accident.

What is even more unexpected is that at this time, even Xingtong next to him began to take the initiative to take over the conversation: "Boss, please leave the specific matters to me."

There is no doubt about Xing Tong's ability.

And also has relevant experience.

You must know that the mechanical body she is using now was designed and manufactured by herself.

With her participation, the progress will undoubtedly be much faster.

But Xu Lei shook his head: "I will give you corresponding tasks to complete, but it is precisely in order to speed up the progress of this project that I need to personally participate in it." After saying that, he quickly turned around. Facing Chen Shihe's worried face, he comforted her: "Don't worry, Shihe, I'm sure nothing will happen to me."

Little did he know that both women were thinking about his body.

But that’s exactly why it’s necessary to take risks.

To put it simply, his current body is like a broken water tank, and the water inside is flowing out every minute.

When the water is completely drained, his body is almost exhausted and can no longer provide energy for the brain to keep it running.

And this time won't be too long.

Knowing that there will be no good results from continuing to wait, it is better to take the risk and manufacture the amorphous alloy mechanical body as soon as possible, even if this will increase the speed of the water flow.

Chen Shihe has been with Xu Lei for almost twenty years, and she knows Xu Lei's character very well.

The moment she saw the other person's eyes, she understood that she could not change his decision. Although her heart was full of worries, she finally softened her face and nodded softly: "I believe you can succeed, no matter what you become. , I will also protect you."

For this reason, others naturally can't dissuade him.

Only Xingtong's simulated mechanical body showed a bit of envy after seeing Xu Lei and Chen Shihe hugging each other.

But she concealed it very well.

Not seen by anyone.

As an advanced artificial intelligence, she will only completely follow the procedures and instructions to complete various tasks.

No matter how much information you absorb, you cannot give birth to your own independent consciousness.

But as she continued to grow over the years, especially after receiving the energy blessing of a quantum computer, she developed some special feelings for her boss, Xu Lei, who had the highest control authority over her.

Even she didn't notice it herself.

Especially after relying on the power of quantum computers to swallow up the program from extraterrestrial civilization, the frequency of independent consciousness gradually increased.

But she didn't know how to face this unprecedented thing, let alone calculate the final answer.

For this reason, he had to conceal his independent consciousness as much as possible.

Normally, he still executes various instructions in a programmed manner and does not expose any clues that may arouse Xu Lei's suspicion to the outside world.

But for some reason, after seeing the relationship between Xu Lei and Chen Shihe, she actually had the idea of ​​envy and even wanted to experience it.


Without Xu Lei's instructions, she would never have done anything to hurt Chen Shihe.

Because that will make your boss sad.

With Xu Lei's decision, the rest of the things went smoothly.

In the following two months, with Gu Sanlin's continuous synthesis, a large number of special amorphous alloy materials were produced.

Xu Lei, Hu Xinren, Song Lexingtong, and the help of battleship maintenance robots successfully used special amorphous alloy to create two complete mechanical bodies.

The energy supply at its heart is the latest generation of super solid-state batteries developed by Future Technology.

Due to the two months of painstaking research and the frequent stay up all night to catch up on the progress of the project, Xu Lei's body was almost overwhelmed, so at this time he did not bother to conduct further comprehensive testing of the amorphous alloy mechanical body, and announced on the spot that it would be launched Mind uploading experiment.

As the most important advanced technology of the Human Security Alliance, consciousness uploading mechanical ascension is an experiment. It is impossible for representatives of other alliances to not show up.

The key is that they are also very worried about the results of this experiment.

Afraid of something unexpected happening to Xu Lei.

By this time, everyone knows that the crisis of mankind has not been resolved yet, and that mysterious extraterrestrial civilization will enter the solar system sooner or later.

Facing such a strange and powerful enemy, apart from Xu Lei, who has the ability to lead all mankind to defeat the enemy, there may not be anyone else who can shoulder the burden.

As for the Human Security Alliance, the so-called most powerful rights organization in human civilization, it is nothing without Xu Lei and Future Technology, so no one wants to see problems with Xu Lei.

Because that would be tantamount to chronic suicide.

They and even the entire human civilization will be wiped out by extraterrestrial civilization.

It's just a matter of whether you die sooner or later.

Thursday, May 21, 2037.


Everything is appropriate.

Shenzhou experimental module.

The experimental cabin was not spacious at this moment, but it became even more crowded due to the arrival of Yu Hongliang, Enoch and other alliance parliamentarian representatives.

Everyone stood around in a tacit understanding, all eyes focused on the two silver mechanical bodies on the middle platform.

It is an amorphous alloy mechanical body.

Compared with ordinary humans, the height of the amorphous alloy mechanical body is about 1.9 meters, and the whole body shows a dark silver color. In addition, if you want to watch the platform under your feet carefully, the people around you must raise their eyes slightly.

Visually, it gives people a tall and mighty feeling.

The key point is that the two amorphous alloy mechanical bodies have a muscular body shape. It can be said that there is no trace of fat on the whole body. They are simply the body that men dream of.

It's far from comparable to the gym.

After watching it for a short time, even many members of parliament had the idea of ​​uploading their consciousness.

However, they also need to comply with the mechanical body management regulations issued by the Human Security Alliance.

In a healthy state, it is not allowed to voluntarily give up the body to upload consciousness.

But to be able to become the parliamentary representatives of the alliance, they are basically in their seventies or eighties. When their life span is about to end, they can naturally apply to upload their consciousness to become a mechanical body to continue to protect human civilization.

It is also worth mentioning that the appearance of the two mechanical bodies is almost exactly the same. Only after the human consciousness is uploaded, will it automatically make appropriate adjustments based on the original image.

After all, when energy is not injected, the external simulated muscles of the mechanical body are soft.

In addition, unlike the genderless setting of amorphous alloy mechanical bodies, Xu Lei set up two structures for men and women during manufacturing.

The height of the female robot body is slightly shorter than that of the male body.

This can also save a lot of amorphous alloy materials, thereby creating more mechanical bodies.

You must know that there is a gap of nearly 2 billion right now.

At this time, because there were several consciousness transmission lines connected to the virtual helmets inserted into the back of the heads of the two amorphous alloy mechanical bodies, the sci-fi feeling also attracted many people to talk about it.

"This is a mechanical body that can perfectly integrate human consciousness. It looks really good!"

"How fast can this machine be produced?"

"Congressman Xu is indeed the top scientist of our human civilization. He has actually created two mechanical bodies that can accommodate human consciousness in such a short period of time. It seems that today will not disappoint anyone.

"Can these devices alone achieve consciousness uploading? Are there higher risks in today's experiment?"

"A space force composed entirely of this kind of machinery, I don't know how much combat effectiveness they can exert."

Xu Lei, who was already sitting in the seat next to him, did not speak after hearing what everyone was talking about. He just glanced at Gu Sanlin next to him.

After receiving Xu Lei's signal, Gu Sanlin immediately stepped out and took the initiative to introduce the data of this amorphous alloy mechanical body: "As you members can see, this mechanical body retains some of the physical characteristics of humans to the greatest extent, although it does not have weapons. functional, but has extremely strong defensive power when powered and can adapt to various combat environments."

"When the Space Force is formed in the future, we will set up a powerful laser weapon for all Space Force members."

"As for the manufacturing efficiency of this kind of mechanical body, it is currently impossible to set up a complete production line due to the limited space of the warship. Once the Earth Star is mass-produced, the annual production capacity can exceed hundreds of millions."

The reason why Gu Sanlin dared to say this was because he had absolute confidence.

Although the Earth is currently no longer suitable for human habitation, relying on intelligent industrial robots can build unimaginable high-tech product production lines, coupled with the mining of moon and Mars resources, there is no need to worry about materials.

At most, the synthesis of amorphous alloys will require more processes.

But if we go all out in manufacturing, it is absolutely no problem to have an annual production capacity of over 100 million units.

In this way, when the ten-year plan for human civilization is completed, the number of mechanical bodies will directly exceed one billion. The space force formed will not only have strong combat effectiveness, but also support the construction of planetary super cities.

After listening to Gu Sanlin's introduction, everyone else around him took a breath.

I didn't expect that such a mechanical body could have such a great effect.

However, compared to the surprise of others, Yu Hongliang, who was already gray-haired in the crowd, frowned.

As if thinking about something.

Just when Xu Lei was about to get up and walk towards the two mechanical bodies, wearing a virtual helmet to complete the consciousness upload, Yu Hongliang could no longer hold back and immediately stopped him: "Wait a moment, Mr. Xu, I think today's experiment It’s just too risky and should be tested by others first.”


Yu Hongliang is worried about Xu Lei.

The two have worked together for such a long time, although Yu Hongliang has great trust in Xu Lei and believes that he can create miracles.

But he didn't dare to gamble this time.

If something goes wrong during the experiment and the consciousness upload fails or is directly dissipated, it will be a huge loss to the Human Security Alliance and all mankind.

It is not impossible to even indirectly lead to the extinction of human civilization.

So no matter how confident Xu Lei is in today's experiment, he will not agree.

Yu Hongliang's meaning is also very simple.

Anyway, a total of two amorphous alloy mechanical bodies were created this time, so it is entirely possible to let others test them first, and then let Xu Lei upload his consciousness after confirming that there are no problems.

This can ensure Xu Lei's safety to the greatest extent.

As Yu Hongliang put forward this suggestion, he immediately received support from all the representatives present.

Everyone thinks that we should find a tester first.

"Congressman Yu's proposal is very reasonable, and we cannot let Congressman Xu take this risk."

"Congressman Xu, I hope you can think about it carefully."

"It is indeed too risky to conduct experiments rashly. Safety should be ensured before proceeding. This is also for the sake of the future of the entire human civilization."

"I also think this method is feasible. After all, the number of mechanical bodies is sufficient."

"Dean..." Faced with this situation, Gu Sanlin also hesitated.

There is no doubt that no one wants to see Xu Lei get into trouble. Finding someone to take the lead can undoubtedly avoid many risks.

In fact, Xu Lei was mainly too impatient. The load on his body prevented him from thinking about the problem as he wished. This situation was very uncomfortable.

Now that I finally have the opportunity to solve the problem, it’s normal to be anxious.

If he didn't have the physical condition, Xu Lei would definitely be more cautious and steady according to his previous behavior.

But now that Yu Hongliang and others have reminded him, he can no longer be so radical. It is indeed safer to find someone to conduct experiments first.

Especially when he noticed Chen Shihe's eyes, he lost his temper even more.

I had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Okay then, let others experiment first."

When he said these words, others around him, including Yu Hongliang, finally relaxed a little.

But when things got to this point, a new problem arose.

That's who will complete the consciousness upload test.

First of all, Xu Lei did not undergo conscious slumber, so to ensure the effect of the experiment, a sleeping consciousness cannot be pulled from a virtual independent space to participate in the experiment. It must be a living person.

Although this violates the regulations governing mechanical bodies, it is okay to make occasional changes for the future of human civilization.

What's more, Xu Lei is the author of the regulations.

What surprised Xu Lei was that this problem did not bother him for long, and he soon heard a familiar voice coming from behind Yu Hongliang.

"Let me conduct the experiment. I believe there will be no problems with Senator Xu's products."

Xu Lei looked in the direction of the sound. When the owner of the sound appeared in his field of vision, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he saw an acquaintance.

It was the soldier king Lei Zhan who was brought to Xingyuan Comprehensive Demonstration Hospital by Yu Hongliang.

Xu Lei clearly remembered that Lei Zhan unfortunately lost his arms while performing a mission. At that time, Future Technology released neural prosthetics, so they used this technology to install two mechanical neural prostheses for him.

This allowed Lei Zhan to regain his former combat effectiveness, so that he could continue to serve at the base.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for several years, the other party would still follow Yu Hongliang.

And also boarded the Future battleship.

Although he was very confident in the two amorphous alloy mechanical bodies he had built, Lei Zhan was experimenting for himself after all, and the two of them could be called friends, so he hesitated and asked.

"You have to think carefully about Lei Zhan. Once your consciousness is uploaded, you will be a real mechanical life form from now on."

"There's no way to be human again."

Xu Lei briefly explained the powerful relationship to the other party, and the final choice was entirely up to him.

Faced with these words, Lei Zhan still smiled, and then slowly raised his hands and said calmly: "I am very sure of my choice. Anyway, I am half human and half machine, so I just took advantage of this opportunity to let... Change yourself completely.”

After listening to Lei Zhan's explanation, Xu Lei thought about it and thought that no one was more suitable for this test than him.

After all, I believe he has become very familiar with his mechanical neural prosthetics over the years.

In addition, Yu Hongliang did not speak at this time, and it was obvious that he also agreed to let Lei Zhan participate in the experiment.

The more he felt the condition of his body, the more Xu Lei didn't want to waste time by waiting, so he didn't say anything more and directly agreed to Lei Zhan's request.

"Then I wish you to become the first human being in the world to achieve mechanical ascension."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Lei Zhan was guided by Gu Sanlin to get behind one of the amorphous alloy mechanical bodies and put on a virtual helmet.

When the virtual helmet was officially activated and Lei Zhan's consciousness was extracted from his brain, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

But this time he will wake up in a brand new body.

at the same time.

Including Xu Lei, everyone's eyes were focused on the amorphous alloy mechanical body that Lei Zhan uploaded his consciousness to, wanting to discover his changes immediately.

But I don’t know if the experiment failed. As time passed by, no new changes appeared.

This situation also made everyone present worried.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't the machine wake up?"

"Could it be that the experiment failed? I don't have good news."

"God bless you."

Compared with the worries of others, Xu Lei still looked calm at this moment.

These two amorphous alloy mechanical bodies were manufactured by him personally, and he knew their conditions very clearly, and there would be absolutely no such thing as an experimental failure.

Facts have proved that his judgment was not wrong.

After about a minute passed, under everyone's gaze, the amorphous alloy mechanical body on the left slowly opened its eyes, and looked at its hands and body very curiously.

It's like a child getting a new toy for the first time.

Facing such a shocking scene, the others could no longer hold back the excitement and shock in their hearts.

Yu Hongliang even shouted tentatively: "Lei Zhan?"

"I'm the one commanding. I feel like I'm in a very strange state right now." The exact same tone came from the mouth of this mechanical body, proving once again that he was the Lei Zhan just now.

By this time, everyone knew very well that the experiment was indeed a success.

Humanity has achieved mechanical ascension through consciousness uploading.

When Xu Lei heard Lei Zhan's answer, he was completely relieved and took the initiative to walk to Lei Zhan's new body.

"Don't be too nervous. Your consciousness has just merged with this mechanical body, and you can't yet reach perfect control. You won't have any strange feelings after a couple of days of adapting."

After briefly explaining some of the situation to the other party, he asked again: "I want to know what you felt during the process of uploading your consciousness just now?"

"It was very cold at first, and then my whole body suddenly became warm again. When I opened my eyes, it was like this now." Faced with Xu Lei's question, Lei Zhan recalled all his experiences just now and told them.

If Xu Lei had some doubts about this amorphous alloy mechanical body just now, now he just wants to upload his consciousness as soon as possible and truly experience this so-called mechanical ascension.

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