My science and technology museum

Chapter 347 The Threat of the Pioneer Imperial Fleet

This is Xu Lei's first time using the railgun weapon modified from his left arm.

Before this, he had never thought that it would be used on alien life first. He could only say that many things were already destined.

Uzi transformed Pluto.

As a result, human civilization lost more than half of its population.

Forced to engage in interstellar migration.

Someone must shoulder this responsibility.

If Uzi had not transmitted the information of the solar system to the Pioneer Empire and led Misti into the solar system, he would not have died on Earth today.

I'm afraid even Uzi himself didn't expect such a result.

He escaped Misty's punishment, but died in the hands of Xu Lei.

You must know that according to the average lifespan of the Pioneer Empire, he is now less than half over.

Naturally, he doesn’t want to die.

Unfortunately, the moment he chose to step into the solar system, he had lost the right to choose.

I just don’t know if he had any regrets in the second before his death?

The sudden change also left Misti and other ordinary pioneers stunned on the spot. They did not expect that the two sides were still negotiating one second, and that an ambassador-level pioneer would die like this the next second.

No reaction time at all.

But in this situation, no one dares to say anything.

Even Misty is no exception.

After all, as a member of the royal family, he would not put himself in danger for an ambassadorial pioneer. Who can guarantee that Xu Lei will not attack him.

Besides, everyone is already dead anyway.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing from the forest on his face, Xu Lei slowly put down his left hand, stared at Uzi's body that had been blown to pieces with an expressionless face, and uttered another sentence in a cold voice.

"I'll charge you interest this time, so it'll be easier for you."

The Precursor Empire has caused so much damage to human civilization.

There has long been a deadly feud between the two civilizations.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xu Lei to shake hands with the Pioneer Empire just because of Uzi's death.

Right now it can only be counted as interest.

Besides, compared to these ordinary pioneers who were sent to the Lunar Future Science and Technology Research Department, it was really cheaper for them to just let Uzi receive the box lunch.

Mainly facing the culprit of the Pluto catastrophe, not killing him is not enough to make the people angry.

However, Xu Lei is quite satisfied with the power of the small rail gun weapon in his left arm.

Although meteorites were used for testing after the transformation was completed, they have not been used on the enemy yet. Today, this achievement was finally achieved, especially the fragmentation effect produced after the warhead contacts the target, which makes people full of excitement. sense of security.

Even Xu Lei felt that even if Uzi wore the light armor made by the Pioneer Empire, the result would still be the same.

for the rest of the time.

Consider the Harbinger Empire's fleet a threat.

New countermeasures need to be developed.

And because this forest has just experienced a battle, the corpses and limbs of some pioneers can be seen everywhere. Although the mechanical life form can turn off the smell function, it still looks disgusting.

So Xu Lei also planned to return to Longhu High-tech Park first.

And he did not intend to waste the bodies of these dead pioneers. He planned to have the Space Force collect them all and then transport them to the scientific research departments on the moon and Mars.

I thought it might bring considerable scientific research value.

With his brain working rapidly, he quickly planned the follow-up arrangements and gave instructions to the people around him.

"Wear electronic shackles on them, and then transport them to the scientific research departments of Lunar City and Mars City. Maybe we can find a way for humans to return to Earth from them."

"Don't let these corpses on the ground go to waste."

"As for the crashed medium-sized warship, first find a way to transport it to the park. Xingtong and I will decipher the information inside."

Seeing that the battle was basically over, Xu Lei did not drag his feet at this time. After saying these words, he immediately turned around and walked towards the landing ship, preparing to return to Longhu High-tech Park in Binjiang City.

He didn't even look at Misti and the other pioneers at all.

After all, they have essentially lost their value in a way.

All that remains is the research significance.

Mainly in Xu Lei's view, since these pioneers are all carbon-based life forms, they are not affected by the dead matter on the planet.

Maybe you can draw some conclusions from their bodies.

In this way, if human beings are immune to the influence of this substance, they can return to the planet Earth.

You must know the historical process of human civilization for more than 5,000 years. Everyone is still very nostalgic, especially the people of Yan country.

Besides, although Taiyin City and Mars City are good, they cannot compare with Earth Star.

Of course, this is just Xu Lei's idea. Whether anything can be really researched depends on the efforts of Qin Xiaoman and the others.

The medium battleship that crashed in the forest.

Although the power engine and hull were damaged in many places, they still have high research value.

In addition to repairing it, it can add a main ship to the alliance's fleet, and the various information recorded in the key is of extremely high value, so Xu Lei had to transport it to Longhu High-tech Park.

He believed that with his overclocked state and the powerful function of Xingtong Intelligent Brain, he could definitely decipher the battleship.

Getting the information inside is no problem.

Because it can be seen from this battle that the warship manufacturing technology possessed by the Pioneer Empire is indeed far more advanced than humans. However, due to the existence of Star Pupils, this puts them at a disadvantage in the field of intelligence.

Xingtong naturally had no doubts about Xu Lei's orders.

Immediately followed him.

Lei Zhan and Zhang Jingtong still need to stay here temporarily to command, so they have to separate first.

But when they sent Xu Lei and Xingtong to the landing ship, their faces looked strange, as if they had something to say but didn't know how to say it.

It wasn't until the landing ship took off that the two of them sighed softly.

His face was full of sadness.


Then the two of them raised their heads and looked at each other, and finally it was Lei Zhan who spoke first: "Uncle Zhang, do you think Councilor Xu didn't hear you just now?"

"Probably not." Zhang Jingtong shook his head.

When Xu Lei and Misti were talking just now, they almost felt their hearts in their throats when they heard that the fleet of the Pioneer Empire already knew the location of the solar system.

Unexpectedly, before he could taste the joy of victory, another basin of cold water was poured on his head.

They know better than anything about the strength they have now.

Relying on these few small battleships of the Alliance alone, even a single enemy battleship cannot compete with them in a head-on encounter.

How to fight against a powerful fleet.

In their opinion, the fleet of the Pioneer Empire is still a medium-sized battleship.

The technological level of both sides is completely different.

It is a pity that Xu Lei seemed not to hear about such a major matter related to the safety of human civilization, and did not discuss this issue in the future.

They were so anxious that they almost took the initiative to speak.

After all, under normal circumstances, if you learn such important information, you should find a way to learn more about it from Misti.

But because Xu Lei had his own rhythm, they didn't dare to interrupt rashly.

I had to forcefully press it in my heart.

The key is that everyone has not known Xu Lei for the first time. They know that he is a very thorough and decisive person who can create miracles. They should not miss such important information.

At this moment, Zhang Jingtong seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said to Lei Zhan: "We still believe Congressman Xu. Maybe he has his own judgment. All we have to do is execute the order as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't forget to turn his head and glance at Misti.

The meaning you want to express is self-evident.

Obviously Zhang Jingtong was worried that Lei Zhan would ask about the Misti fleet himself.

If it really affects Xu Lei's overall situation, he will only do bad things with good intentions and make the situation more complicated.

After all, Lei Zhan had been following Xu Lei for such a long time. At this moment, he still didn't know what Zhang Jingtong meant, so he immediately promised: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhang, I still have this point."

After speaking, he turned around and ordered the surrounding space forces: "You have heard what the congressman just said, so let's take action as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."


Misty proactively announced his surrender and took out a very valuable special metal living gold.

I just want to gain certain rights for myself.

But now he found out that was not the case.

From the beginning to the end, the other party never made any promises to him.

Seeing his subordinates die tragically in front of him, he didn't really feel regret until he and other ordinary pioneers were put on electronic shackles.

Understand how ridiculous your thoughts are.

You have already invaded other people's planets, so how can you ask others to treat you better?

If he had known that as a member of the royal family, he would become a prisoner of others, he would never have entered the solar system under any circumstances.

However, it is too late to regret now.

And he didn't know what would be waiting for him in the next time.

It is worth mentioning that because the live broadcast on the Weilan website did not stop due to Xu Lei's arrival, when the audience saw Xu Lei again, they immediately fell into excitement and ecstasy.

The number of barrages has shown explosive growth.

Mainly due to the previous destruction of the Shenzhou, and the fact that no relevant news was released subsequently, almost many people believed that Xu Lei was likely to have sacrificed his life in this war with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Now I see that Xu Lei is safe and sound.

And started communication with extraterrestrial civilizations.

The originally worried heart finally relaxed completely.

Especially after seeing Xu Lei personally execute the culprit who caused the disaster on Pluto, he was extremely gratified.

Knowing that Xu Lei is still the Xu Lei who always stands in front of mankind.

"I knew Congressman Xu would be fine, and that's true!"

"Thank God for blessing. As long as Mr. Xu and future technology are here, our human civilization will continue to develop."

"Good kill!"

"Invading other people's civilization for no reason, death is not a pity!"

“I didn’t expect that such an insect would cause such a catastrophe to mankind. It should be cut into thousands of pieces, and even this can hardly eliminate everyone’s hatred.

"As Councilor Xu said, this is just to collect some interest first."

"I hope that one day we can reach the home base of this pioneer civilization and let them experience the taste of invasion."

"I like this method of treating others with their own treatment."

"There are still so many alien life forms alive, which should be able to provide us with a lot of experimental materials."

Since the communication between Xu Lei and Misty was through brainwave translation at the mental level, only those present at the scene could know Misty's consciousness, and viewers watching the live broadcast could only guess based on Xu Lei's words.

It is precisely because of this that the outside world does not know about the Pioneer Empire Fleet for the time being.

Still maintaining a happy mood.

But for ordinary people, this is not a good thing.

After all, the fleet of the Pioneer Empire is still far away from the solar system, and it may take decades to arrive. If you knew it in advance, you would only live in fear and worry all day long.

What a waste of time.

On the contrary, it is better to enjoy the present life to the fullest.

Part of the reason why Xu Lei didn't talk too much about the chaos with Misti was because he didn't want too many people to know about it.

In any case, there is still plenty of time left for human civilization.

A few decades are enough to change a lot of things.

You must know that when Pluto was first discovered, mankind only had seven or eight years left.

Although in the end, mankind paid a heavy price for the modified Pluto.

But as long as we are properly prepared this time, we should be able to avoid this new catastrophe and end this interstellar battle with more appropriate means.

For this reason, in order to celebrate the victory and Xu Lei's safety, Taiyin City and Mars City released a lot of rule information that day. It can be said to be a true carnival for mankind.

Mainly in the eyes of ordinary people, human civilization is finally safe.

However, this kind of information may not be known to ordinary people, but it cannot be hidden from the members of the Human Security Alliance.

For the alliance members, they obviously did not expect that the truth of the matter was like this.

Humanity had just achieved a great victory, and before it had time to celebrate its joy, it encountered an even more troublesome crisis.

The key point is that judging from the current strength of human beings, it is difficult to take advantage.

For this reason, many people want to contact Xu Lei and get a response plan from Xu Lei.

After experiencing so many things, everyone knows very well that if anyone has the ability to preserve the continuation of human civilization, Xu Lei must be the first to bear the brunt.

So in this case, we can only rely on Xu Lei.

Their thoughts were simple. They hoped that this time would be the same as last time. Xu Lei would formulate a suitable response plan, and then the alliance would fully implement it, thinking that it could be completed no matter what in a few decades.

But what they didn't expect was that they couldn't contact Xu Lei at all.

Xu Lei is very aware of the current difficulties that human civilization is encountering, but as the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice.

It's not that simple to find a way to deal with the Herald Empire fleet.

What's more, for Xu Lei, studying the special metal living gold and deciphering the information in the battleship are the most critical right now.

Others are not important.

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from being disturbed, Xu Lei deliberately turned off contact with the outside world.

He also told Xingtong to set up protection.

So that if you want to find Xu Lei, you must go to Dixing Longhu High-tech Park in person.

But this is something ordinary people cannot do.

Knowing that the current situation was like this, even if the representatives of the alliance were worried, they could only wait patiently and did not dare to disturb Xu Lei by force.

Thursday, September 13, 2046.

Earth Star.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the laboratory, Xu Lei was conducting various tests on this dark golden special metal living gold.

After returning from the forest where the pioneer failed, all his attention was focused on this special metal.

That's ok.

Something that can be regarded as a survival treasure by members of the royal family of the Pioneer Empire definitely has a special role. After all, according to the other party, it is worth millions of galactic coins.

First of all, this living gold is unlike any material known to mankind.

It's not even possible to tell whether it was born naturally or whether it was the product of a so-called mechanical civilization.

The most important thing is that Xu Lei doesn't know how to use it.

If Misti is right, this living gold will be of great help to his amorphous alloy mechanical body, and it may reach a whole new level.

Xu Lei didn't think that Misty would lie.

You must know that the communication method they adopt is at the mental brain wave level, and Xu Lei also turned on the overclocking state during the conversation. If Misty has other thoughts in his mind or deliberately deceives him, he will definitely be able to sense it.

Besides, the other party knows his situation very well.

Since they all chose to surrender, they must have wanted to save their own lives.

How could he do something like this that would lead to his own death?

Even Xu Lei thought that even Misty himself didn't know much about this living gold, let alone how to use it.

Whoever made them pioneers was also a carbon-based life form, and they definitely didn’t know much about mechanical civilization.

Although the amorphous alloy mechanical body is more powerful than the original human beings, its potential is far inferior. It was also because of his own reasons that Xu Lei had no choice but to choose to upload his consciousness and embark on the path of mechanical ascension.

Including all members of the Space Force, they were also forced to become mechanical life forms due to the influence of death matter.

However, once the consciousness is integrated with the amorphous alloy mechanical body, it cannot be replaced again, and the consciousness will gradually dissipate as the body ages.

At that time it will be death in the true sense.

After all, there is a fundamental difference between human consciousness and intelligent brain beings like Xingtong.

This time is about five hundred years.

It is for this reason that Xu Lei does not allow others to upload consciousness rashly in the regulations on the management of mechanical life.

Even Chen Shihe and his parents are still ordinary people.

Perhaps the current average lifespan of a human being, which is more than a hundred years old, cannot be compared with that of a mechanical body, but with the development of technology and the upgrade of genetically optimized fluids, the human body may be able to break through its own limits and reach a very terrifying level.

For example, the pioneer imperial civilization.

They are both carbon-based life forms, but have a long lifespan.

If Xu Lei wants to extend his existence, he can only do it with his current body.

Originally, he wanted to see if he could find a suitable solution in the Science and Technology Museum after solving this crisis. After all, his influence points have reached more than 70 million points now.

You may not be able to afford the technology of the third-level civilization, but you can basically choose whatever you want among the second-level civilizations.

But I didn't expect that this time I would just get such a special metal from a certain mechanical civilization from Misti.

Maybe it can bring him an unexpected surprise.

"This thing is really special. With the current level of technology, nothing can be tested." Xu Lei, who held the living gold in his hand again, murmured softly to himself while looking at it carefully.

I stayed in the laboratory for several hours, during which time I used various methods to find the living gold, but none of them were found.

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei was inevitably a little irritated.

Got such a valuable thing but don’t know how to use it.

It's really upsetting.

But just after he said this, his mind was running quickly and he thought of a possibility.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, is it possible that this living gold has similar properties to amorphous alloy and requires energy stimulation to change?"

"It's entirely possible."

"Try it first and then talk."

Xu Lei's idea is not complicated.

Under normal circumstances, the characteristics of amorphous alloy are similar to those of human muscles. It is a relatively soft, elastic and memory material, but it becomes very hard under the stimulation of energy, thus exerting stronger performance in battle.

If we deduce it according to this idea.

Perhaps just by pouring energy into this living gold, changes can occur.

Of course ordinary energy is definitely not enough.

The energy device currently in Xu Lei's heart is the Qiankun No. 3 nuclear fusion reaction device, which can maintain him in an overclocked state for hundreds of years.

There is no doubt about the energy intensity.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei no longer hesitated. After placing the living gold in the palm of his right hand, he decisively called on the energy in the nuclear fusion reaction device, transmitted it to the palm of his hand through his right arm, and then burst out with a blue light.

Even if the laboratory is well-lit, it still cannot hide the color.

What made Xu Lei feel even more weird was that under the wash of this energy, the soft living gold turned directly into liquid and merged into the arm without any control.

"What's going on, bastard!"

The sudden turn of events shocked Xu Lei, and he subconsciously wanted to throw away the living gold in his hand temporarily.

After all, it is very dangerous to enter one's own body without knowing the other person's true situation. If the body is damaged, it will be too late to regret.

However, the fusion speed of this living gold was so amazing that by the time Xu Lei reacted, it had completely disappeared.

Instead, a large number of golden threads began to spread from the wrists to the limbs of the body.

It was as if two special substances had reacted.

In just a few dozen seconds, dark golden threads covered almost his entire body.

Even the skin-like nanomaterials sprayed on the body surface were removed, revealing the original amorphous alloy silver body.

But now the entire silver body is covered with golden threads.

Seems very weird.

Fortunately, Xu Lei did not feel any discomfort.

After noticing that his body no longer changed, he relaxed a little and began to carefully observe the condition of his body.

Not long after.

He made a surprising discovery.

With the current body, after releasing the nuclear fusion energy again, the body can actually change form at will according to the control of consciousness like a liquid.

To put it simply, he can not only transform his arm into a weapon, but also change its shape and appearance. In the future, he will even no longer need to spray nano-skin-like materials. This is obviously the change that occurs when the piece of living gold is fused.

But he doesn't think these are the only effects it brings.

After confirming that he was in very good condition, Dang even walked to another laboratory nearby, preparing to conduct a detailed test on his current body.

Maybe this will bring him unexpected surprises.

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