My science and technology museum

Chapter 349 Is it true, but I don’t believe it

September 15, Saturday, Lunar Taiyin City.

For Misty, these two days in Taiyin City were the darkest and most desperate days in his hundreds of years of life.

The vigorous momentum of the past is no longer visible on his body.

There is only one thought left in his mind, which is to destroy this civilization at all costs.

Let humanity completely disappear from the galaxy.

Even if the other party possesses a terrifying mechanical life form.

Mainly during these two days, he went through several research experiments. Not only did his blood and body tissue have to be extracted, but he also lost any freedom and rights like a white mouse.

A member of the royal family of the former empire.

Episcopal Pioneer.

Now he has become someone else's guinea pig.

How could such a shame be forgotten? It must be washed away with blood.

Even if he had known that he would end up like this, he would not have chosen to surrender even if he fought to the end.

Unfortunately it's too late to regret.

It can only be said that this ending was destined from the moment he stepped into the solar system.

But he didn't give up hope.

Because he still has a trump card in his hand.

That is the Imperial fleet.

As long as the fleet can reach the solar system, he still has a chance to reverse the situation and get out of the current predicament. After all, judging from the two days of experiments, the other party has no intention of killing him.

It's just that the suffering lasted a little longer.

When he first fought against the Alliance Space Force, he thought he had encountered a mechanical civilization, which reminded him of Setan, the only third-level mechanical civilization in the Orion spiral arm.

Pioneer Star, as its subordinate civilization, naturally does not dare to make mistakes.

That's why I decisively chose to surrender.

But after being transported to the super planet city of the moon, he discovered that all the people living here were carbon-based life forms.

Weak and short lived.

This made him understand that what he encountered was not a purely mechanical civilization at all.

It only has high research on mechanical bodies.

Thinking back to the small interstellar battleships they fought against before, I suddenly understood that the opponent was still a weak first-class civilization and could never be the opponent of the Pioneer Empire's interstellar fleet.

He admitted that he had made an error in judgment.

But as long as the fleet reaches the solar system, not only the civilization in this star system will be completely destroyed, but its star system will also be occupied by the Pioneer Empire.

Anyway, the other party has not registered with the Galactic Civilization Administration.

On the other side of Setan, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. There is nothing to worry about tens of thousands of light years away.

What's more, the resources required to use the star gate at such a distance are also very large. Basically, Setan only sends envoys to its subordinate secondary civilizations every hundred years to conduct inspections.

Originally, Misty didn't want the imperial fleet to see him in such a miserable state, which would be detrimental to the dignity of the royal family.

But after trying the feeling of being experimented on, this idea no longer existed. Now he only hoped that the imperial fleet could reach the solar system as soon as possible.

This is his only pursuit now.


"One day I'm going to make you pay."

"Cherish the time you have now."

"The fleet of the Pioneer Empire will eventually completely wipe out this place!"

In the prison specially built for pioneers, Misty, who was wearing electronic shackles, leaned against the wall, his eyes full of ferocity, and he repeated these words in his mouth, as if he wanted to increase his belief in this way.

Use this to help yourself continue to hold on.

Because he already knew that some of the ordinary pioneers who were brought here had taken the initiative to end their own lives.

After all, as a second-level civilized life, even if he is just the most ordinary existence in the empire, he cannot tolerate being treated like this.

The experience of being experimented on day after day was really torture.

In addition, the lifespan of pioneers is still very long, on average it is at least more than a thousand years.

In this case, it is better to solve it yourself.

Although it takes a lot of determination.

It is also worth mentioning that the Taiyin City Future Science and Technology Research Department, which Qin Xiaoman is responsible for, immediately took remedial measures after discovering that a pioneer had taken the initiative to end his own life to prevent a repeat of the incident from happening again.

So much so that even death was a luxury for these pioneers.

It's the so-called cause and effect cycle.

They continue to plunder resources in the galaxy, just like robbers and bandits.

The fate he has fallen into now is entirely his own fault.

Just when Misty was completely immersed in his spiritual world, a young man wearing a white lab coat with the logo of future technology appeared next to the transparent window of the prison.

And shouted something inside.

"Come out."

"We, Councilor Xu, want to meet with you." His voice was cold and emotionless.

If there were an older generation of experts from the company's scientific research department here at this time, they would definitely recognize this young man as Song Le, who took the initiative to participate in the biological dormancy chamber experiment.

Speaking of Song music, there are also some interludes.

Originally, as Hu Xinren's student, he was supposed to follow his teacher and participate in the design and manufacture of the Alliance fleet.

But after Qin Xiaoman received these alien lives, he knew that this was a very difficult and important experimental project, related to whether humans could return to the Earth. Therefore, he discussed with Chen Shihe to recruit a group of young experts from the company's scientific research department to participate in it. .

Song Le learned that he took the initiative to sign up after informing Hu Xinren.

After all, he is such an ambitious young scientist who wants to make more contributions to human civilization.

Hu Xinren naturally did not refuse.

Because he also knows the importance of this project, and the battleship aspect is basically solidified. Small battleships can be mass-produced, but medium-sized battleships similar to battleships cannot be developed. It is useless to retain many outstanding scientists if the essential problems are not solved.

You must know that technology is not so easy to climb.

Fortunately, the Pioneer Empire left a battleship for humanity.

Detailed disassembly studies of the battleships may allow the Alliance fleet to enter the level of medium-sized battleships.

Since the transported pioneers and the members of the scientific research department responsible for this project have worn relevant brainwave communication methods, they can communicate with each other.

Suddenly hearing such news, Misty turned around subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, the other party's top commander would meet with him again.

Originally, he thought he would never have the chance to see her again.

However, Misty didn't expect Xu Lei to release him from the laboratory. After all, he saw Xu Lei decisively defeat Uzi that day.

He had already thrown away those unrealistic ideas.

But he was still curious about Xu Lei's purpose and wanted to know what the other party was planning, so he immediately stood up and walked towards the prison passage without seeing any hesitation.

Precursors are essentially carbon-based life forms like humans.

Just more strength and physical fitness.

But while wearing the electronic shackles, he basically lost his ability to use his hands.

If there is anything else that can be used as a weapon.

That is your own blood.

After all, their green blood is highly corrosive.

After Song Le released him from prison, he took him to meet with Xu Lei. During this period, he followed the rules and did not have any communication with Misty.

Fortunately, Misti had no idea of ​​doing anything about it.

I just want to wait patiently for the arrival of the Imperial fleet.

So the whole process went smoothly and there were no unexpected incidents.

Soon they arrived outside the room where Xu Lei was.

"These are the latest conclusions we have reached after studying pioneer life forms. It is really hard to imagine that there is still such life in the Milky Way."

Qin Xiaoman, who was full of excitement in the room, handed a paper document to Xu Lei and explained the contents at the same time, acting as if he had made some important discovery.

Xu Lei had high hopes for this research.

It is believed that studying pioneer life can help humans return to Earth.

Immune to the terrible substance on Earth.

Seeing that Qin Xiaoman and the others had succeeded in just a few days, he was very interested. After reaching out to take it, he concentrated on examining it carefully.

This document mainly contains some data analysis of the life situations of pioneers.

Although it is not a breakthrough, it points out the direction for subsequent research and proves that the theory is feasible.

No wonder Qin Xiaoman is so happy.

While Xu Lei was checking this document, Qin Xiaoman did not let himself be idle. He still explained from the side: "Report to the dean, based on our research on those pioneer life blood cells, we found that they have an extremely long life span. Lifespan, and indeed immune to the effects of dead matter.”

"You could say they are excellent research material in their own right."

"If it goes well."

"In the future, we will be able to develop an optimization fluid that can greatly extend human lifespan, as well as make the human body immune to the special substances on Earth."

"Relevant research planning is already underway."

After listening to what Qin Xiaoman said, coupled with the confident expression on his face, Xu Lei was looking forward to it, and he did not hesitate in his praise and affirmation when answering.

"Very good."

"Your scientific research department is doing a good job."

"I believe that humans will return to the Earth star sooner or later."

But after saying this, another thought appeared in Xu Lei's mind the next second.

That's the problem with raw materials.

According to Qin Xiaoman's statement, if these pioneer life forms are used to develop optimized fluids that increase human lifespan and are immune to the effects of death substances, then with today's normal human population of more than one billion, I am afraid that just with these dozens of pioneers in the laboratory Definitely not satisfied.

In this case, we might have to find a way to capture more Pioneer Star lives.

It's just that the opponent is an established second-level civilization and has registered with the Galaxy Civilization Administration. Even if humans want to launch a counterattack, it will not be that easy.

Fortunately, it is still a long time ago to talk about these things.

After all, everything is still in the theoretical stage.

I don’t know how long it will take for it to be officially implemented.

The top priority now is to deal with the threat from the Pioneer Empire fleet.

Just when Xu Lei's thoughts became clear again, Song Le's voice sounded outside, which just brought the topic back.

"Professor Qin, Misty has brought you here."

Xu Lei came to see Misti this time mainly for the matter of the space channel star gate.

If he wanted to go to the third-level civilization Setan and register humans with the Galactic Civilization Administration, he had to use the space channel star gate to complete it. However, he did not want to use the star gate in the Pioneer Empire, so he could only ask Misti.

See if you can find a suitable solution.

After all, Misty, as a member of the Pioneer Empire royal family, has traveled to many galaxies after leaving the Pioneer planet.

Of course there is knowledge.

And many of these will not be recorded in battleships.

Of course, Xu Lei also understood that it was not easy to get the other party to cooperate with him.

So at this time, before Qin Xiaoman could speak, he responded directly: "Come in."

Song Le pushed open the door and walked in, followed by Misty who was restrained by electronic shackles.

"We met Bishop Misti again." Seeing Misti again, Xu Lei took the initiative to say hello.

But what he received in return was a cold look from the other party: "I don't want to see you. It's all thanks to you that I have this experience today."

Xu Lei was not angry when he heard this. Instead, he waved his hand to Qin Xiaoman and Song Le and said, "You have nothing to do here for the time being. Go down and do your work first."

"It's the dean."

Qin Xiaoman and Song Le responded in unison, then turned and left.

Xu Lei and Misty were left to talk alone.

However, in addition to the two of them, there was also a Xingtong in the room.

Perhaps he felt resigned to his current situation and felt that no one except the empire's fleet could save him, so Misty didn't care about Xu Lei's feelings at all and sat down directly in front of him.

His attitude was still cold and he said: "Since you sent us here, why did you come to see me suddenly?"

As soon as he raised this question, Misty seemed to have thought of something again, and a proud smile appeared on his face: "Or are you afraid of my pioneer empire's fleet, and now you want to reconcile with both parties."

It's a pity that Xu Lei didn't accept his trick at all.

After sitting down, he did not speak immediately. Instead, he took the initiative to unlock the electronic shackles on Misty.

This approach made Misty's face startled, and then he became extremely nervous.

I always feel like things are not normal.

"If you have something to say, say it. What do you mean?"

Xu Lei will never act recklessly or make fun of his own life.

Since he dared to untie Misty's shackles, it showed that he was confident enough to ensure his own safety. After all, he was a mechanical life form, and after fusing that living gold, his performance in all aspects had improved countless times.

Especially the rail gun built into the left arm can blow the Misty in front of him to pieces in an instant.

There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing that the home court was completely under his control, Misty also showed curiosity, and then Xu Lei stopped beating around the bush.

He immediately said: "I am ready to go to Setan Planet and register the solar system civilization at the branch of the Galaxy Civilization Administration."

Misty was not as panicked as he thought.

It seemed that Xu Lei had already guessed that Xu Lei would have this information.

After quickly adjusting his emotions, he said with slight admiration: "It seems that you have obtained the authority of that battleship. It is really hard to believe that a weak civilization that has just entered the first level has such advanced development in the field of intelligence and brain." .”

The other party knew about Setan and the Galactic Civilization Administration, and its source of information could only be the battleship.

Being able to master these only means that the control authority of the battleship has been changed.

After all, the medium-sized battleship that had been following him for such a long time had become the enemy's trophy, and he still felt a little unhappy.

But when it comes to Xu Lei going to the Setan Star Galaxy Civilization Management Branch, all he can do is ridicule: "It's a pity that you still can't change the outcome of being swept away by my Pioneer Empire fleet."

"Such a long distance, with the flying speed of your battleship, even if you die from exhaustion, you will not be able to reach Setan."

Xu Lei's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly uttered a few words: "Don't forget there is a Star Gate."

"So what if you know about the Star Gate? How dare you go to our Pioneer Planet to ride on the Star Gate? You are simply asking for your own death." Misty became more and more contemptuous and did not think that Xu Lei's idea could be realized.

What Misty said is absolutely right.

As a space passage that can quickly travel to other galaxies, star gates are naturally very strict in terms of supervision and must go through layers of procedures before they can be used.

Life forms like Xu Lei from other civilizations, let alone entering the star gate, would be captured as soon as they arrived at the Pioneer Star.

Xu Lei didn't feel angry at being so despised by Misti, but he still said calmly: "Of course I won't be stupid enough to run to your Pioneer Empire alone, so I need your help."

"Hope for my help?" Misty looked suspicious.

"I would like to know, besides the Pioneers, are there other star gates within a few light years around the solar system?"

At this time, Xu Lei finally revealed his purpose, wanting to learn information about other star gates from Misti.

What made Xu Lei feel hopeful was that just after he finished saying this, he could see the micro-expression on Misty's face changed obviously, as if something on his mind had been revealed.

This made Xu Lei even more certain that Misti also had clues to other star gates.

Today's meeting was indeed worth it.

After all, Xu Lei had activated the overclocking state when Misty came in. Especially with the blessing of the fusion of living gold, any change in Misty's expression could not escape his eyes.

But it is foreseeable that Misty would take the initiative to reveal the location of the Star Gate.

Because if Xu Lei really reaches Setan and completes the registration of civilization, it will be useless even if the fleet of the Pioneer Empire comes over.

So he answered decisively without much thinking: "There is only our Pioneer Empire within dozens of light years around your solar system, so there is no second star gate at all. I advise you to just accept your fate."


"I do not believe."

Xu Lei, who already knew that Misty would say this deliberately, just looked at him with a faint smile.

The expression on his face was clear disbelief.

Just like if you keep making it up, I will just look at you quietly.

But on the one hand, Xu Lei really didn't have much time and energy to spend with the other party. After all, even if the problem of the star gate was solved, how to get there was still a problem.

You must know that the distance of just a few light years is an astronomical figure for humans now.

So in order to resolve this matter as soon as possible, Xu Lei simply became ruthless and tried to use threats to force the other party to submit.

"Since you don't want to say it, forget it. What I don't like the most is reluctance. However, the number and methods of your experiments may increase in the future, but they will all contribute to the scientific development of our human civilization. I believe you will I won’t refuse.”

“Hopefully we’ll have another chance to have this conversation next time.”

After saying these words, Xu Lei had no intention of lingering at all and pretended to stand up and leave.

As for Xingtong, he followed closely behind.

If Misti was still extremely confident, then after hearing Xu Lei's words, he suddenly panicked.

For him, the two days of experimental experience were simply a nightmare.

It was something I had never experienced before in the Pioneer Empire.

Physical and mental torture.

Being able to persevere depends entirely on his willpower.

Because he knew that the empire's fleet would come here sooner or later to rescue him.

But if the number and methods of experiments were increased, it was doubtful whether he could persist. In this matter, Misty didn't have much confidence in himself.

Not exaggerating.

In the few seconds that Xu Lei took steps, Misty completed many struggles in his mind.

Finally, as if he had finally made a decision, he suddenly called Xu Lei from behind: "Wait a minute!"

"Why, our Lord Bishop has changed his mind." Xu Lei slowly stopped after hearing the sound, turned around and responded, his eyes full of teasing.

His judgment was indeed correct.

Even high-status alien life forms cannot stick to their true intentions in human experiments.

Misty is the best example.

But this just made it convenient for him to get the information he wanted easily.

At this time, Misty would definitely not regret and anger Xu Lei again. After taking a deep breath, he replied: "In addition to our Pioneer Star, there are indeed other star gates around this galaxy. They are leftover after the relocation of civilization. Yes, because there are fewer rules there and even the subjects in my pioneer empire sometimes use them."

"Great, where is it?" Xu Lei was very excited when he heard the news.

"According to what you humans call it, it should be Proxima Centauri." Misty spoke slowly and said a very familiar name.

Xu Lei never expected that the star Proxima Centauri, which is well known to humans, had civilizations long ago, and even left space passages like star gates.

The key point is that Misty's spirit did not have any abnormal fluctuations when he said this sentence, which shows that it is true.

There is no false information.

Finally getting the information he wanted, Xu Lei couldn't help but feel much more relaxed.

At least there has been progress against the threat from the Herald Empire fleet.

Under such circumstances, he would not stay any longer. He would seize the time to return to Earth and study the way to Proxima Centauri.

"Congratulations on making the right choice." After saying this to Misti again, Xu Lei stopped wasting time and immediately turned around and left with Xingtong.

But Xu Lei didn't know that just after he walked out of the room, Misty's face instantly turned cold, and he murmured to himself: "So what if you know the location of the star gate, no matter how you use the star gate, It is not a simple matter to open a door or register as a civilized person."

Misty told the information about Proxima Centauri not just to avoid being studied experimentally.

More importantly, he knew the situation there and was convinced that even if Xu Lei could reach Proxima Centauri safely, he would not be able to go to Setan to register a solar system civilization with the Galaxy Civilization Management Bureau.

It's not even guaranteed to come back safely.

When the empire's fleet arrives, the final winner will still be Misti.

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