My science and technology museum

Chapter 367 Hundreds of Millions of Contribution Points

"Stabilize the ship, can you take this guy down?"

Xu Lei's thinking was running quickly, and his first reaction was to find a way to get the female sea dragon louse to leave the frigate, otherwise their situation would not be optimistic.

Unlike medium-sized battleships and large Star Destroyers, frigates are only more than three hundred meters long as small battleships.

And the degree of defense is limited.

With this female insect's body length of almost fifty meters, it can easily destroy this battleship.

Then everyone will fall into the ocean.

You must know that for mechanical life, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced in the ocean.

Only Lan Jun, who is a Blue Scale Star, is not affected.

If they were attacked by the queen leader again, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Even if the nearest warship wants to rush to rescue, it will still need a certain amount of flight time.

Therefore, the best way at the moment is to get this female insect off the battleship first, then activate the weapons on the battleship to strike, and wait for the support of nearby battleships to encircle it.

However, the captain's answer was disappointing.

"No, sir."

"Now the warship's close-in defense weapons have been damaged."

"If the main weapon is used, it will cause irreversible damage to the warship."

"The request for help has been sent out."

"Soon the nearby warships will come over to deal with this queen leader together, and we just need to reinforce it for a while."

As the captain of this frigate, he knows the situation of the battleship better than anyone else.

Xu Lei would not doubt his words.

After all, all the claws of this female insect are now pierced into the hull of the warship, making the body and the warship closely fit. At this time, no matter what kind of weapon is used, it will cause damage to the warship.

What's more, based on the armor defense of ordinary sea dragon lice, the queen leader's own might be increased a hundred times.

The weapons of the ordinary frigate really may not be able to cause damage to it.

But just as the captain finished speaking, there was another violent shaking inside the entire ship.

But then there was a strange sound.

It was obvious that the leader of the Sea Dragon Lice Queen was not satisfied with the current state and was still attacking the battleship.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more serious, Xu Lei's face became serious. He knew very well that if the sea dragon louse's sharp mouthparts were used to destroy the battleship, this small frigate would not be able to hold on for long.

It is basically impossible to wait for reinforcements to arrive in this state.

Mainly because there are warships here now, their safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

At least the opponent can't attack them directly now.

If the battleship crashes completely, the huge size of the leader of the sea dragon louse queen can easily swallow them and bite them to pieces.

You must know that even a swarm of ordinary sea dragon lice can still eat up all the Sethans.

So Xu Lei understood that even if he was considering his current situation, he couldn't do nothing.

So after thinking carefully for a few seconds, Xu Lei made a very bold decision and immediately expressed his thoughts to the captain beside him.


"I have an idea."

"Open the hatch immediately and I'll go get rid of this big guy."


Xu Lei's idea was to come forward and kill the leader of the queen by force.

This was not an act of overconfidence.

First of all, he has the highest combat power among the entire battleship, and has the experience of successfully integrating living metal.

Even if he is unfortunately bitten by the opponent, he can withstand it for a period of time with his body fused with living metal. Besides, his overclocked state is not a vegetarian.

Although I did not bring the three neutral particle guns with me during this operation.

Even the clothes he wore were laboratory work clothes.

But at least there is no shortage of swords on the battleship.

Besides, he has far more weapons than these.

In fact, in addition to these external conditions, he also has his own selfish motives.

I want to take this opportunity to truly test my strength.

The main reason is that the previous battle with ordinary sea dragons was a one-sided massacre. He didn't even have to deal with the black wolf team with much effort. In addition, he has wiped out the entire sea dragon race so easily, which always gives him a way to earn contribution points. It feels too easy.

If this queen leader could be killed with one's own hands, the final outcome would undoubtedly be much more perfect.

However, his bold idea frightened the captain.

Putting aside the attitude shown by the fleet's top commander, Qiao Xiuer, towards Xu Lei, it was impossible for him to let Xu Lei leave the battleship and take risks outside alone just because he could develop the Sun No. 1 biological agent.

What's more, we still have to deal with the queen leader of the Zerg tribe.

But before he could object, another anxious voice came from behind.

"No, you can't go."

There was obvious worry and concern in his tone.

As for the owner of the voice, it was obvious that it was Lan Jun, the princess of the Blue Scale Empire.

To be honest, Lan Jun himself didn't know why he suddenly shouted these words. He just didn't want Xu Lei to take risks from the bottom of his heart.

I'm afraid something will happen to him.

After all, in her mind, Xu Lei belongs to the kind of top scientist who can help the civilization of the entire galaxy.

How could he die in the words of the leader of the Zerg Queen?

Mainly after accepting Xu Lei's identity as a scientist, he naturally believed that the opponent had almost no fighting power and was absolutely impossible to match the leader of the Zerg Queen.

Although the captain was somewhat confused about Lan Jun's appearance here, he still followed her words and echoed: "It is too risky to go out and fight the queen leader of the Zerg. Our battleship can definitely hold on until reinforcements arrive."

As the saying goes, time waits for no one.

Xu Lei is really not in the mood to talk about these things with the captain and Lan Jun.

Since words can't work, then you have to use your identity and rights as the person responsible for the action.

"I am the commander of this mission."

"Follow my orders."

"Open the hatch."

"Yes, sir."

As a soldier on Setan, the most important iron rule is to absolutely obey the orders of your superiors.

So even though the captain disagreed with Xu Lei's actions and thought it was a joke with his own life, he had no choice but to carry out the commander's orders unconditionally.

So Dang even opened the hatch.

Xu Lei naturally did not waste time on this, and immediately took a sword and left the control cabin.

Only a confident smile and a simple sentence are left.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can deal with this female insect."

After saying this, the figure disappeared from the captain's sight, leaving Lan Jun without even having time to say anything.


Seeing that there was no way to change things, the captain cursed on the spot.

While paying close attention to the situation above the battleship, he also asked nearby battleships to come to support as quickly as possible, for fear that something unexpected might happen to Xu Lei.

Even if Xu Lei himself asked to kill the queen leader of the Zerg, if an accident occurred and was even serious enough to be killed and eaten by the opponent, then the entire battleship might be punished.

Because this is a huge loss to the entire galaxy civilization.

But now everyone has run out, so we can only pray to hold on for a little longer.

As long as the fleet gathers, no matter how many Zerg Queen leaders appear, they can be completely eliminated.

In addition, compared to the nervous captain, Lan Jun, who was also paying attention to the situation at the moment, was filled with question marks.

She really couldn't figure out why a scientist would volunteer to deal with the Queen's leader alone.

This is really too abnormal.

But for some reason, at this moment, she suddenly remembered the rumors she heard when she first returned to Blue Scale Star.

I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart.

"Could it be..."

"Did he really kill tens of thousands of sea dragon lice all by himself?"

Xu Lei had only shown her to be a top scientist before, and the bounty hunter teams had left the Blue Scale Star because they had no contribution points to earn, so she had no chance to prove it.

So he accepted the identity of a scientist.

But now that he saw Xu Lei being so decisive and facing the leader of the sea dragon group alone, his original idea was somewhat shaken.

But it's not too troublesome to prove his guess at this time. Just look at the battle between Xu Lei and the Queen's leader.

"This is the first time I've seen such a big bedbug."

"But you're ugly to me."

Xu Lei came to the top of the battleship, holding the Storm Saber in hand, looking at the leader of the Sea Dragon Lice Queen lying on the hull, and couldn't suppress his desire to complain.

As a human who has lived on the planet Earth since childhood, I can't help but want to crush these bugs to death.

Although the one in front of me is a bit bigger, there should be no problem.

And after all, Xu Lei did not hesitate at all with the Storm Saber in his hand.

He raised his hands and stabbed the opponent in the back.


As the crisp sound came out, he took a step back due to the huge force of the counterattack, and even the blade was trembling slightly.

On the other hand, there was only a shallow mark left on the other party's body.

It didn't break the defense at all.

"It's really hard!"

But just when Xu Lei was complaining to himself, the leader of the Sea Dragon Lice Queen suddenly turned around and pulled out two forelimbs and stabbed Xu Lei quickly as if he was irritated.

The speed is so fast that it is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Xu Lei was very aware of the power of this guy's claws, which could easily penetrate even the hull of a ship. If it fell on him, there would probably be two holes.

Even if you can rely on your body's self-repair function to recover as before, you will still be affected to some extent.

You must know that Xi Shuo, the head of the Qianxing City Security Administration Bureau, suffered too much damage in the war. Although he could be repaired, he lost the qualification to continue to fuse living gold.

So Xu Lei never wanted to get hurt unless he had to.

After decisively entering the overclocking state, Xu Lei suddenly felt that the opponent's attack speed was slowed down many times in his sight, and he could even judge the opponent's attack trajectory.

Relying on this advantage, he seemed to have demonstrated perfect evasion skills.

Both sides are incredibly fast.

And when more than a dozen rounds were going on, Xu Lei suddenly found an opportunity, swung the storm sword with both hands again, and accurately chopped one of the opponent's forelimbs.

With the whole body's strength poured into it, this time the forelimbs did not show the same defensive power as the back.

He immediately separated from his body and fell into the sea from the battleship.

At this time, the captain and Lan Jun who were in the battleship's control cabin were already completely stunned.

The whole person was completely shocked.

It was unimaginable that Xu Lei, as a scientist, could display such amazing speed, and even cut off one of the forelimbs of the leader of the Zerg Queen while dodging the attack.

You must know that as a mechanical life, it may not be difficult to burst out at such a speed, but being able to successfully dodge the opponent's flexible attacks every time is something that even the best Sethans cannot do.

At this time, the captain finally understood why the fleet's supreme commander Qiao Xiuer and the commander Shi Huang were so interested in Xu Lei, a person from a small civilization.

"It's incredible."

"How many life-and-death battles does it take to train this kind of master-level dodge?"

The captain didn't know that Xu Lei could enter the overclocking state, so he thought that his ability was honed in life and death battles.

Very much admired for this.

It's no wonder that Xu Lei would take the initiative to kill the leader of the Zerg Queen. If he had this kind of strength, he would probably do something crazier than Xu Lei.

On the other hand, the princess behind, Lan Jun, was a little pleased.

He whispered like he was talking to himself.

"It turns out it's all true. In addition to being a great scientist, he is also a powerful warrior who can fight against the leader of the Zerg Queen alone."

"I misunderstood him."

"I must apologize to him solemnly."

"Will he forgive me?"

Xu Lei naturally doesn't know what Lan Jun and the captain are thinking at the moment, and he doesn't have time to think about it now.

The inexplicable large number of deaths of her descendants had made the Queen very irritable.

That's why they exploded and attacked the battleship crazily.

An object far larger than this.

It would be absolutely impossible to happen in normal times.

After seeing Xu Lei provoking itself, its first reaction was to kill him.

After all, one must not underestimate its wisdom.

But it would never have thought that it would encounter a tough problem this time.

Commonly known as kicking the iron plate.

Not only that all his attacks were neutralized, but even his forelimbs were chopped off.

It’s simply a matter of what is tolerable and what is intolerable.

So in the next second, I saw it pull out all its claws from the battleship, open the hard armor on its back to reveal the wings underneath, obviously trying to use the thirty-sixth strategy as the best strategy.

It is precisely because it has wisdom that it knows what it needs to do most.

That is, propagating the race.

Seeing that the Blue Scale Star is no longer suitable for survival, and now it encounters a formidable enemy, it must choose to run away from the planet.

It's just a pity that its movements are completely invisible in Xu Lei's overclocked state.

"I just want to run now, I'm afraid it's a little late."

Understanding the other party's plan, Xu Lei naturally would not just watch it run away. With a cold snort in his mouth, he immediately bent his legs slightly and jumped onto the Queen's leader's back.

And stabbed the sword hard into the joint part of the body.

Obviously he intends to fight to the end.

The severe pain completely caused the leader of the Zerg Queen to lose its flight direction. After leaving the battleship, it was a complete rampage without any trajectory.

The scene became very funny at one point.

At this time, Xu Lei also noticed that many black spots were approaching in the sky not far away, and gradually enlarged in his field of vision. They were obviously the escort fleet coming to help.

The captain who also discovered this situation in the battleship's control cabin quickly issued an announcement.

"All warships should not attack the female worm. Commander Xu Lei is still on the female worm."

"Find a way to control the flight range of the female insect."

"In short, we must not let it escape."

Under the command of the captain of Xu Lei's battleship, the battleships that successfully arrived to support immediately formed a large net, covering the sea dragon mother lice inside.

This limits its flight range.

Seeing that this battle was almost at its end, Xu Lei was too lazy to hide his clumsiness any longer.

While holding the knife in his right hand to steady his body, he raised his left hand and aimed it at the head of the leader of the Zerg Queen, and directly fired the rail gun mounted in his left arm.

After continuously attacking several words, the head of the leader of the sea dragon queen was completely blown to pieces, and the whole body was like a hailstone smashed into the sea. Finally, the body floated on the sea like other ordinary sea dragons.

The entire sea dragon louse group was finally wiped out, and Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole person stood on top of the leader's body, waiting for the battleship to come and take him back to the main city of Blue Scale Star.

Thinking that you can get your contribution points right away, which can be exchanged for living gold for a large Star Destroyer, as well as Galaxy Coins that can be consumed normally, even though you have been calm for a long time, you can't help but feel a little excited.

He also really wants to know what changes will happen to his body after he continues to fuse new living gold.

The most important thing is that after this matter is over, he can go to the Green Planet to solve some minor problems and purchase a medium-sized battleship to build a truly powerful fleet for the solar system.

I believe that at that time, the Pioneer Empire had no choice but to bow down and surrender.

Speaking of which, he had been away from the solar system for a few years, and he rarely missed the development and conditions there. He didn't know how many heavy cruisers he had built.

And the construction progress of the solar system defense zone.

Fortunately, according to normal circumstances, the fleet of the Pioneer Empire should still be on the way, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the solar system, so there is no need to worry too much.

that's all.

Not long after Xu Lei returned to the battleship, he was immediately greeted by cheers from all the crew.

Almost all the Saitan crew members admire Xu Lei.

But this left Lan Jun still without a chance to apologize.

Every time I was interrupted by someone else.

It is worth mentioning that Solar System One finally demonstrated extremely excellent functions and successfully eliminated all sea dragon lice in the ocean in a short period of time.

In addition, the queen leader was also killed by Xu Lei, which means that there are no more sea dragon lice in Blue Scale Star.

As for the fleet, the Zerg crisis on the Blue Scale Star has been successfully resolved, and Qiao Xiuer is also preparing to return to the Setan Star.

As for the rest of the battlefield, it can only be left to the Blue Scale Stars to handle it themselves.

at the same time.

In the main ship of the fleet, Xu Lei finally saw more than 100 million contribution points.

and various items to be exchanged.

Among them was living gold worth a million pieces, which Xu Lei was determined to get.

The only regret is that Lan Jun was unable to complete his apology until the fleet set off through the star gate and returned to Setan.

Although Xu Lei didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all.

However, it can be expected that in the future, Mr. Lan will definitely think of that majestic figure standing on the corpse of the leader of the Sea Dragon Queen more than once.

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