My science and technology museum

Chapter 381 Solar System Defense Battle

"What is the specific situation? Have you determined the opponent's identity and number of warships? How long will it take to arrive near the solar system's defense ring?"

Wednesday, August 11, 2055.

Imperial capital.

Alliance Headquarters Building.

As soon as Xu Lei entered the conference hall, he took the initiative to ask the representatives present about the discovery of an unknown extraterrestrial civilization fleet in the Kuiper Belt. He wanted to determine the detailed information of the enemy first.

"This is the only scene recorded by the monitoring device. You should take a look first." Yu Hongliang, who was looking sad, finally relaxed his brows slightly when he saw Xu Lei finally coming over, and quickly played the relevant scene again on the virtual screen in the hall.

It can be seen that there are six clear warships in the picture.

In terms of length, they are all medium-sized battleships.

However, due to the limited coverage of the picture, it is still unclear whether there are other warships around these six medium-sized warships.

However, judging from past experience, the number of battleships is probably only a lot more.

After all, the fleet will never travel with only main battleships.

But when Xu Lei saw the appearance of these battleships, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I was greatly surprised.

Because although there is no obvious information on these warships, it is impossible to judge the civilization they belong to, but their body shape is the standard shape of a young cicada monkey.

This form of medium-sized battleship is very consistent with the medium-sized battleship of the Pioneer Empire.

You know, the Alliance has one.

But if it were really the fleet of the Pioneer Empire, under normal circumstances, they should definitely not appear in the Kuiper Belt now.

At first, he captured the royal family member Bishop-level pioneer Mesti.

The information about the Pioneer Star has been basically grasped from the other party.

Far away from the solar system.

Just relying on the sailing speed of a medium-sized battleship, it will never be reached within a few decades.

"What the hell, aren't all these warships equipped with warp space engines?"

Faced with this situation, Xu Lei's heart was filled with questions, and he couldn't help but murmured softly. Although he boldly came up with many ideas, they were all quickly rejected by him.

Not exaggerating.

If the Pioneer Empire fleet wants to reach the solar system in such a short time, unless all their warships are equipped with space curvature engines to force the warships to the speed of light.

But you must know that the length of a medium-sized battleship is up to two thousand meters.

I don't know how many times bigger than the spaceship.

If you want to reach the speed of light spacecraft, you must carry a large number of curvature space engines.

The cost will be unimaginable.

It is even more of a waste to use it on medium-sized battleships.

The key is that as far as he knows, the pioneer civilization has not mastered the light speed curvature engine technology at all.

Otherwise, Mosti would have taken over the solar system long ago.

So this assumption does not hold.

But the top priority now is to determine the identity of the enemy as soon as possible.

and develop response plans.

No matter whether the other party is the pioneer imperial fleet or not, since they can risk violating the rules of the Galaxy Civilization Administration and force the fleet to enter the solar system, they must have a very firm determination.

This must be the most severe test in history for the solar system.

If the prediction is correct, the enemy will definitely launch a crazy attack after entering the solar system, striving to occupy the solar system in the shortest time.

Therefore, the alliance will be under greater pressure.

The key point is that there are six medium-sized battleships, and the alliance's three fleets are absolutely unstoppable.

In addition, he is also very aware of his own strength.

Although the body has become very powerful after being fused with so much living metal, it is still very dangerous to face the neutral particle cannon of the battleship.

It can only contain one battleship at most.

But the remaining five battleships can still easily destroy various space defenses in the solar system.

Even directly carry out long-range strikes on cities on the moon and Mars.

With the planetary defense systems humanity currently has, there is simply no way to defend it.

It is unknown how many casualties it will cause.

It can be said that in just one day, the solar system has changed from a stable and safe state to an extremely dangerous and urgent one.

No one knows what the final outcome will be.

And just when Xu Lei was deep in thought, considering why things turned out like this, he heard the voice of Congressman Enoch ringing in the conference hall: "Based on our preliminary analysis, we are basically certain that this is the fleet of the Pioneer Empire, although we don't know. Why were they able to reach the solar system in such a short time, but there is no doubt that the crisis has arrived."

These words also made the expressions of the representatives present darken.

No one can come up with a countermeasure for the time being.

It is clear that the solar system is on the right track of development, but now something like this happens again.

It was like being doused with ice water suddenly.

The entire venue was silent.

In fact, Xu Lei also believes in the alliance's judgment.

I think Enoch is right.

The fleet currently in the Kuiper Belt should belong to the pioneer civilization.

It's just that it's really hard for him to accept.

There are more than a hundred intelligent civilizations in the main galaxy. With the core strength of battleships, the cultures of different civilizations can be clearly seen.

No one would ever want to imitate other civilizations.

Therefore, the civilization that uses the type of battleships in the virtual screen can only be related to the Pioneer Empire.

Although this kind of sailing speed is very unreasonable, there is obviously no use in worrying about it at this moment.

After all, the enemy fleet will not stop advancing.

In response to this, Xu Lei thought quickly and immediately asked again: "Besides these, is there any more detailed information about the enemy fleet?"

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy and you will be victorious in any battle.

Now that the identity of the enemy is clear, it is best to first understand its strength.

Know the number of their warships.

Only in this way can effective response plans be formulated based on relevant data.

Facing this problem, Yu Hongliang next to him shook his head with a complex expression: "This time the enemy was very vigilant and destroyed all the monitoring devices after discovering the existence of them. The situation in the Kuiper Belt is currently impossible to control."

When Xu Lei asked about this, he also expected that such a situation might exist, but he still couldn't hide the look of disappointment in his eyes after hearing it with his own ears.

This is equivalent to not knowing the enemy's strength clearly.

It's like crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Perhaps because he was too worried about the safety of the solar system, Enoch was not idle at this time. He quickly continued to take up the conversation and added: "Based on the sailing speed of the enemy fleet, they will be able to do it in at most half a month." Pass through the Kuiper Belt and reach the vicinity of the defensive ring of the solar system.”

Everyone present was very upset.

The three fleets relying on the alliance are definitely no match for the Pioneer Empire fleet.

He couldn't even resist it for long.

The result will be that the defensive ring will be destroyed.

The enemy marched straight in.

Attack on Titan, Mars, Moon, Earth.

Even if they don't plan to exterminate human civilization, they will become each other's slaves from now on.

This is something no one wants to see.

Seeing that the situation was in trouble and no one had a good solution, Yu Hongliang seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he turned his attention to Xu Lei and asked excitedly: "By the way, Congressman Xu, didn't you say before that our solar system will soon have three large Star Destroyers? They should not be able to deal with the fleet of the Pioneer Empire." Problem?"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the chat box was opened.

Even other parliamentarians and representatives around them also reacted.

All focused on the Star Destroyer.

When Xu Lei just responded to Earth Star's offline alliance meeting, he made it clear that the large Star Destroyer and the solar system would be supported by Setan Star.

Although there is no way to contact Saitan at the moment, as long as there are large Star Destroyers, it will be very simple to deal with six battleships.

By then all crises will be resolved.

Thinking of this, everyone seemed to see light in the darkness.

His face was full of anticipation.

"Representative Yu is right. Large battleships should be far more powerful than medium-sized battleships, right?"

"That said, we don't have anything to worry about at all."

"If that's the case, that would be great."

"Perhaps this time we can make the fleet of the Pioneer Empire come back without any return, and let them understand that the solar system is definitely not that easy to bully."

Amid the heated discussion among everyone, Enoch couldn't hold back his curiosity and also asked: "Congressman Xu, I wonder when these three Star Destroyers will arrive in the solar system?"

I have to say that Enoch touched on a key point.

As a large battleship and equipped with a plasma main gun, the Star Destroyer would not be at a disadvantage against an entire fleet, let alone a few medium-sized battleships.

A real killer in the galaxy.

It is no exaggeration to say that just one Star Destroyer is enough to destroy an intelligent civilization.

But the problem is that according to the sub-light speed of the Star Destroyer, it will take some time to successfully reach the solar system based on the time distance.

It's too late for now.

Perhaps in the end humans can rely on Star Destroyers to wipe out all the invaders, but by then the solar system may have been devastated.

This damage will be permanent.

Although Xu Lei is very reluctant to break everyone's hope, in the face of the cruel facts, recognizing the reality is the most correct choice.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei sighed first, and then replied in a deep voice: "You are indeed right. Relying on the Star Destroyer, we even have the strength and confidence to counterattack the Pioneer. But the problem is that there is still a long time before the Star Destroyer arrives. For a while.”

"It simply cannot keep up with the enemy's attack speed."

As Xu Lei said his last words, everyone suddenly felt cold.

It took a lot of effort to see hope, but it was extinguished on the spot. This huge gap is really uncomfortable.

But no matter what, sitting around and waiting for death is the most undesirable thing at the moment.

Everyone was disappointed, but then they put forward their own suggestions one after another.

Some people even set their sights on the Titan shipyard.

"I remember that our new shipyard on Titan has been basically completed and will start operation soon. Can we seize the time to develop and produce medium-sized battleships?"

"If it can be realized, the fleet and space force can be mobilized to support the defense ring and try to buy as much time as possible."

When the parliamentarian representative expressed his thoughts, although the others did not respond for the time being, Xu Lei frowned slightly, thinking that everyone was now eager to seek medical treatment.

Not to mention that the Titan shipyard has not yet been completely completed.

The time it takes to produce medium-sized warships alone is beyond the reach of humanity at the moment.

It is completely impossible to rely on the fleet and space force to buy time.

In the war of galactic civilizations, equipment level performance is the last word.

There is a gap that cannot be easily bridged. Even if the Space Force relies on its own mechanical life force to compete with the Pioneer Empire fleet for a period of time, the price paid will be very huge.

Seeing the situation becoming increasingly chaotic, Xu Lei believed that he needed to stand up and make a decision.

After all, the Pioneer Empire fleet is still in the Kuiper Belt, and humans can just use this time to make defensive arrangements in advance.

This can give you some advantage.

Otherwise, if we continue to delay, by the time the enemy fleet reaches the defensive ring of the solar system, it will be too late.

"There is no need to worry about the Titan shipyard. There is simply not enough time left for us." Xu Lei first rejected the idea of ​​the congressman representative, and then said: "It's not like we haven't fought against the battleships of the Pioneer Empire. , and also achieved the final victory, and I believe it will be the same this time.”

"And we're not alone."

"As long as we can hold on for a while and wait until our large Star Destroyer arrives, the enemy's fleet will fall apart in an instant."

At this time, perhaps Xu Lei's confidence and miracles influenced everyone present, and the originally chaotic scene suddenly became calm.

After meeting Xu Lei's firm eyes, it seemed that the fleet of the Pioneer Empire wasn't so scary anymore.

It seems that as long as Xu Lei is here, everything will be no problem.

In the end, it was Yu Hongliang who was the first to react and said on the spot: "I recommend Congressman Xu to be the commander-in-chief of this solar system defense campaign."

"I don't have any objections." Enoch echoed closely.

As Yu Hongliang and Enoch, the two veteran representatives of the alliance, spoke up, others would naturally have no objections.

What's more, Xu Lei is everyone's favorite candidate to be the commander.

Others simply cannot resist this responsibility.

At this time, Xu Lei will definitely not refuse anymore, and he said decisively: "I am willing to take over as the commander-in-chief."

The battle commander has decided on the candidates, and then all that remains is the tactical arrangements.

This is related to the outcome of the battle.

"Congressman Xu, you might as well tell me what you think about this battle."

When Xu Lei heard that Yu Hongliang took the initiative to mention this issue, he no longer concealed his thoughts and simply told everyone directly.

"My thoughts are simple."

"Still giving full play to the advantages of the Space Force as before."

"Take the offensive."

"It's best to seize the enemy's warships, block the Pioneer Empire's fleet from the orbit of Saturn as much as possible, and wait for the support of our large Star Destroyers."

The biggest advantage of the Space Force is that it has strong individual combat capabilities and ignores the environment in space. This is something that not even the pioneer lifeforms can do.

If the space force can be allowed to reach the enemy warship and use violent methods to enter the warship and seize control of the warship, not only the life safety of the space force members can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, but it can also effectively prevent the fleet from heading into the inner solar system.

As long as you persist for a while, when the Star Destroyer arrives, you will completely change your offensive and defensive type.

After Xu Lei finished speaking, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, including Yu Hongliang and Enoch, and they all believed that this plan was feasible.

The key is that there is really no other better way at the moment.

Since Xu Lei is appointed as the commander-in-chief of this solar system defense campaign, his plan must be implemented.

Therefore, the plan was finally implemented by unanimous vote.

At this time, three familiar figures suddenly appeared on the virtual large screen that was originally playing the transmission screen of the monitoring device. They were the commanders of the three fleets of the alliance.

Since the time currently left for humans was limited, Xu Lei did not hesitate. After connecting with the three commanders of the alliance fleet, he issued the order.


"The First Fleet and the Second Fleet immediately rushed to the defense ring to support them."

"The Third Fleet is stationed on Titan and on standby."

"It's Commander Xu. I promise to complete the mission." The three of them answered in unison after receiving the order.

Although these two orders are very brief, they represent the safety of the solar system, so no one dares to ignore them.

But in fact, Xu Lei still had an order that he didn't say.

That is, if the defensive ring of the solar system is lost and the Titan Fortress is destroyed by the enemy, then the new humans with mechanical life on the moon and Mars must be prepared for a bloody battle with the enemy.

At this point, as the three major fleets began to execute orders, Xu Lei should also leave the imperial capital at this time and go to the front line to take command.

After all, he himself is confident that he will fight against a medium-sized battleship, which can relieve some of the pressure on the fleet.

But just when he was about to leave, Yu Hongliang's voice sounded in his ears again.

"And one more thing."

"About the invasion of the Solar System by the Pioneer Empire fleet, do you want to announce it to all mankind?"

And as he raised this question, other congressmen and representatives around him also started a discussion again. From the perspective of words, there were two opinions.

Continue to hide this from the public.

and a full declaration.

Although the reasons given by everyone were very sufficient, since Yu Hongliang raised it at this time, he obviously gave the final decision-making power to Xu Lei.

Xu Lei knew that he had gone to Setan before, and the alliance hid the news.

It is claimed to be conducting secret research.

Perhaps this is indeed done for the sake of the stability of civilization, but this situation is definitely not applicable at the moment.

Before the large Star Destroyer arrives in the solar system, no one knows what the final result of the battle will be, and it is very likely that it will evolve into the participation of all people.

In this way, it is necessary to let the public know in advance and prepare for response.

In addition, Xu Lei also believes that facing the biggest enemy of human civilization again will only stimulate the people's fighting spirit.

Improve morale.

So after thinking of this, Xu Lei had almost no hesitation and made a decisive decision: "The Pioneer Empire has caused us a lot of harm and is the enemy of human civilization. Everyone should know about this and hold a press conference as soon as possible. Let’s announce it.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Yu Hongliang nodded as if he was satisfied with Xu Lei's answer.

No one raised any objections to this, and the solar system once again entered a state of emergency combat readiness.

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