My science and technology museum

Chapter 383 This is not the place for you to act wild

As a bishop-level pioneer of the Pioneer Empire, Fogli is very aware of the technical difficulty of light-speed spacecraft, and they have not been able to master it so far.

Therefore, the fastest sailing ships are battleships.

But now, he discovered a light-speed spacecraft in a weak first-level civilization. It completely went against the common sense of civilization development. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

But he soon accepted this fact.

Although the speed of this spacecraft has not yet reached the speed of light, it is to avoid accidentally flying out of the solar system.

Just because its sailing speed is much faster than that of a battleship, it can be confirmed that the opponent does have the ability to sail at the speed of light.

Seeing that the enemy spacecraft was about to break into the fleet, Fogli quickly came to his senses. He knew that now was not the time to worry about the origin of the spacecraft, but to stabilize the current situation. So he immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Here I stopped this spaceship. No matter which civilization it comes from, we can't let it get close to our fleet now."

Without knowing the details of the other party, one must remain sufficiently prudent. Fogli did not want to make a low-level mistake like Misty's.

After the fleet entered this galaxy, it first encountered well-constructed space defenses, and now it encountered a light-speed spacecraft, which made this weak civilization show a hint of weirdness.

Faced with such a situation, any carelessness may bring failure to yourself.

After all, who knows if the spacecraft carries some special weapons, so the best way is to stop it.

And if this light-speed spacecraft is brought to the Pioneer Star, it may also promote the empire's technological update in the field of light-speed spacecraft and become a civilization that masters the manufacturing technology of curvature space engines.

I have to say that Fogli made a good calculation.

"It's the Bishop."

Due to the hierarchical suppression among the pioneers, the ambassador-level pioneers responsible for the actual operation of the battleship naturally did not dare to have any objections to Fogli's decision.

After a quick response, he immediately took action.

Next second.

I saw dozens of assault ships changing formations.

Cooperate with the surrounding frigates to try to intercept the spacecraft.

Even offensive measures were taken.

However, as a large amount of ammunition poured towards the Golden Crow, it was all empty in the end.

Didn't have the slightest effect.

Not to mention the Golden Crow's astonishing flying speed and its ability to flexibly avoid attacks from battleship weapons. The backward weapons carried on a small battleship alone are not qualified to compete with light-speed spacecraft.

All they could do was watch the Golden Crow pass through the interception and rush towards the fleet.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Alliance's First Fleet and Second Fleet also accelerated past the encirclement and flew toward the fleet.

The entire battle situation can only be described in four words.

Lead the charge.


The Alliance fleet had no intention of counterattack.

Always rush to the battleship behind at the fastest speed.

Under normal circumstances, with the Golden Crow's light-speed warp spacecraft attracting the attention of the Pioneer Empire fleet assault ships and frigates, the Alliance fleet can completely launch a counterattack. In this way, it can definitely destroy a large number of enemy warships by surprise. While suppressing the enemy's arrogance, you can also The morale of the soldiers and crew here will also be higher.

But the alliance fleet gave up the attack.

Of course, this tactic also puzzled the Pioneer Empire fleet.

"Your Majesty Bishop."

"We cannot intercept this spacecraft. The opponent will soon enter the range of the battleship's close-in defense gun." Looking at the situation displayed on the screen, the ambassador-level pioneer reported slightly worriedly.

"very good."

Hearing this, Fogli subconsciously clenched his fists and whispered these two words.

A pair of translucent wings behind it trembled slightly with excitement, and then he ordered in a cold voice: "Prepare close-in defense guns. Since they want to attack our battleship, let them come back without any return."

As an excellent combat commander, Fogli quickly understood that the opponent wanted to target the battleship.

Hoping to destroy the core strength of the fleet.

It is even possible to have the determination to blow up the battleship.

But these were not enough to worry him, and there was nothing to be afraid of at all.

The close-in defense weapon system of a battleship is much higher than that of an assault ship in both power and firing speed. It becomes a real nightmare when the enemy enters the attack range.

Even under the dense launch network, even the light-speed spacecraft cannot escape safely.

Originally, he was worried that under the close-in defense weapon system, his own assault ships and frigates would be accidentally damaged.

But now they are all on the periphery of the fleet, and they are vaguely forming an encirclement. If they just wipe out the interstellar power in this galaxy in one wave, I believe it will be much easier to attack the civilized planets here.

The ordinary pioneers operating the battleship this time did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to execute the order after receiving the order.

But will things really go as Fogli expected?

At least Xu Lei would not agree.

"About to reach the target range, slowing down..."

In the cab of the Golden Crow, Xu Lei listened to the prompts from the spacecraft system, picked up the neutral particle gun beside him, and gave the command to the spacecraft: "Open the hatch for me."


"This operation is extremely risky. Do you confirm?"


Xu Lei's attitude is very determined.

After confirming again, the hatch above the Golden Crow slowly opened, and all the force brought by the high-speed flight acted on Xu Lei.

Even though the feet and legs are fixed to the spacecraft, it still takes a certain amount of effort to ensure the stability of the body.

In other words, Xu Lei relied on his mechanical body and integrated more than ten living gold enhancements. If an ordinary human were to perform this operation, he would be completely torn into pieces in an instant.

Of course, he also had a special purpose in doing so.

At this moment, he was wearing a black suit, holding a neutral particle gun while avoiding attacks while moving quickly, aiming at the anti-matter power engine of one of the battleships, and then decisively pulled the trigger.

With the power of the neutral particle gun, it may be difficult to cause serious damage to the battleship.

However, as long as the engine of a battleship is hit, it will basically be in a damaged state. If the damaged engine of a battleship exceeds half of the total engines, the battleship will basically lose its ability to move and cannot sail normally.

Until then there is nothing to worry about.

Even if we ignore the invaders of these pioneer empires, they cannot pose a threat to the solar system.

By then, when the three Star Destroyers arrive, it will be the end of the entire fleet.

During high-speed movement, it may be difficult for ordinary people to achieve a high hit rate, but for Xu Lei, it is nothing. As long as he enters the overclocking state, basically every attack can accurately hit the battleship's engine. Relying on this A way to gradually disintegrate the power of the Herald Imperial Fleet.

And that's exactly what happened.

Looking around, you can see that the battleship hit by the neutral particle gun shook unbalancedly for a while. Although it quickly returned to normal, one of its engines stopped running.

It is simply not enough to withstand the power of the neutral particle gun.

After proving that his plan was feasible, Xu Lei naturally did not hesitate at all, and the next second he re-selected the target with the help of the spacecraft.

Continue flying around these six battleships.

at the same time.

As the Alliance warships approached the Pioneer Imperial fleet, they also came under heavy attack.

In just a few minutes, several hammer cruisers were seriously damaged.

However, faced with this situation, the crew of the battleship resolutely chose to jump off the ship. The scene can be said to be extremely spectacular.

Of course, they did not choose to jump ship to survive.

If you look closely at the Alliance Mechanical Space Force who jumped from the ship, you will find that they all carry a special launching device to connect themselves to the battleship of the Pioneer Empire, thus making it easier to enter the battleship.

Therefore, although there are fewer and fewer Alliance battleships surviving, there are more and more space forces on the Pioneer Empire battleships, so much so that the close-defense weapons have begun to be destroyed.

It can be said that Fogli has never seen this kind of combat method in his long time as fleet commander. When he saw that the situation was quickly changing to a bad direction, his expression was finally replaced by nervousness and panic, and he lost the emotion just now. His calmness, it is no exaggeration to say, is simply a completely different person.

"How could it be like this!?"

"Where is the recorded first-level civilization?"

"It's okay if there is a light speed spaceship, but now the neutral particle gun is actually used."


By this time, Fogli was no longer in the mood to maintain his quality, and started to curse.

The emergence of major light-speed spacecraft and neutral particle guns overturned his understanding of first-level civilization. Judging from the current situation, the level of civilization in the solar system is definitely more than one.

But this happened to be recorded by the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

However, he no longer had time to think about these issues right now, and his ears were filled with the nervous reports from his subordinates.

"Reporting to the Lord Bishop, one engine of the battleship on the left has been damaged, and the other mechanical beings are destroying the close-in defense weapon system of the battleship."

"The battleship hull on the right side was damaged."

"There is no way to attack now, and we must find a solution as soon as possible."

"These hateful mechanical life forms are about to enter the battleship."

As the situation became increasingly tense, the command and control hall of the main ship was completely in chaos.

Many pioneers began to worry.

After all, if the opponent really enters the battleship, they alone are no match for the mechanical life.

Looking at the entire Orion Spiral Arm, there is only a third-level civilization of mechanical life on Setan. Therefore, for the Pioneer Empire, they have never encountered relevant opponents, so they appear to be so passive at the moment.

There is a sense of helplessness.

At this time, Fogli also understood that the situation was not very optimistic, and it deviated greatly from his original estimate. If he did not quickly think of other ways to reverse the situation, he was afraid that the fleet he had brought would fail. Misty's footsteps.

I remember that he often talked about this matter in the past to mock Misty.

I think it is disgraceful that he has damaged the reputation of the Pioneer Empire and is actually included in a civilization that has just entered the first level.

But it wasn't until he actually fought against the civilizations in the solar system today that he realized how wrong he was before.

The truth is that he has always underestimated the enemy's strength.

At present, the core strength of six battleships is at a disadvantage, not to mention that Misty only piloted one battleship before, how could he not lose.

However, although Fogli is aware of the seriousness of the problem, this does not mean that he is ready to sit back and wait for death.

As a bishop-level pioneer of the royal family of the Pioneer Empire, he has his own firm belief. Even if he fights to the last battleship, he will never surrender and admit defeat. In this regard, he is very different from Misty.

After a while.

As Fogli fell into deep thought, he finally made up his mind and made a bolder order.

"Move all the assault ships and frigates over and attack these nasty mechanical life forms. I want to see how hard their shells are."

The battleship's close-in defense weapon system was severely damaged. In this case, we could only rely on small battleships to attack flexibly. At least we had to remove the mechanical bodies that had been attached to the surface of the battleship first. They could not be allowed to enter the interior of the battleship under any circumstances, otherwise Soon they will lose control of the battleship, and the situation will be extremely critical.

However, there are certain risks in using small warships to attack.

First of all, the targets are all on the surface of the battleship. If the assault ships and frigates attack, it will definitely cause damage to the battleship hull.

Even if a battleship is a medium-sized battleship and its hull has high defense, it will never be able to withstand attacks continuously.

If the damage is serious, it will give the space force an opportunity to enter the warship.

Therefore, as soon as Fogli's order was issued, one of the ambassador-level pioneers raised objections: "Your Majesty, this will also cause damage to our battleships. Is there a new plan?"

As soon as he entered the solar system, he was hit on the head with a stick. Now he was angry. Seeing that his subordinates dared to question his plan, he immediately scolded him unceremoniously: "You think there is a better plan now?" Can you go and execute it? If you don’t want to do it immediately, do as I say.”

"It's your Lord Bishop, I will execute it immediately." Sensing Fogli's anger, the ambassador-level pioneer did not dare to have any objections and quickly responded respectfully.

that's all.

When the command is issued successfully.

The assault ships and frigates that were originally responsible for the surveillance and encirclement also started rushing towards the area where the battleships were located again, and launched a fierce attack at the same time.

The weapon power of small battleships is indeed weak, but the number of battleships that cannot withstand them is large enough, and a dense firepower network is re-formed in a short period of time.

Although this indiscriminate attack did cause damage to the battleship, it also effectively suppressed the actions of the Alliance Space Force. Unfortunately, some members of the Space Force were directly damaged and their consciousness was seriously damaged after being hit.

In a sense literally dying.

But for members of the Space Force, they are not afraid of this kind of death.

After all, when I chose to upload my consciousness in the air-raid shelter, it was equivalent to experiencing a death. Later, I relied on the amorphous alloy mechanical body developed by future technology to continue to survive for so many years, and now I am dying to protect my home and family. I have something in my heart. Just proud and determined.

At the last moment when consciousness dissipates, everyone is looking in the direction of the Earth Star.

Xu Lei saw the scene in his eyes. Although he knew that every member of the Alliance Space Force had no complaints, as the supreme commander of this battle, he could not just watch the soldiers die.

Since the Pioneer Empire Fleet is not willing to resort to self-destructive methods, he must also go crazy this time.

"The solar system is definitely not a place where you can run wild!"

With a secret murmur in his heart, his hand suddenly accelerated again, and the neutral particle gun continued to shoot at the same position of one of the battleships.

The battleship's hull may be able to withstand one or two neutral particle gun shots, but when the number of attacks continues to increase, it will completely lose its ability to defend itself.

And things were just as Xu Lei expected.

Just after he fired the fifth shot, he saw that the battleship had successfully melted into a hole.

Faced with such an opportunity, Xu Lei could not hesitate. After controlling the spacecraft to quickly approach the gap, he decisively pulled out the Storm Saber from behind and jumped directly into the battleship.

Inside the battleship, the pioneers inside could only rely on laser weapons and light armor. These alone could not harm Xu Lei's body, so at this time Xu Lei was like a wolf entering the flock of sheep and directly started the killing mode.

Letting the enemy attack him, his hands wielding the sword never stopped.

It didn't take long for the entire battleship to be filled with the corpses of ordinary pioneers and ambassador-level pioneers.

The scene was extremely shocking.

As for his goal, it is also very clear, that is to go directly to the core command and control room of the battleship and forcibly seize control of the battleship.

At that time, this battleship can be relied on to attack the remaining five battleships.

This is used to mitigate the enemy's offensive and provide opportunities for members of the Space Force to attack.

If everything goes well, I believe that the Alliance's first and second fleets alone can win this battle, and even the third fleet that stays near the orbit of Titan does not need to participate in the battle.

As for the main ship of the Pioneer Fleet, Fogli was frightened when he saw the powerful combat power displayed by Xu Lei.

Unexpectedly, someone could take on a battleship alone.

For their pioneer civilization, this was simply unimaginable.

Seeing that the battleship was about to lose contact, he was panicking. After all, the battleships were not far apart. If Xu Lei chose to ram directly after seizing control of the battleship, he was afraid that the main ship would be damaged. very serious.

You must know that the main ship is the core command center of the fleet. Once it loses its effectiveness, the entire fleet will be like a headless fly.

Completely losing the ability to fight.

I'm afraid that in the end, they will either be completely wiped out by the solar system, or they will escape from the solar system.

And no matter what, it is not what he, the bishop-level pioneer fleet commander, wants to see.

So at this critical moment, Fogli could not control that much and directly issued an order: "Order all warships to accelerate at maximum power and sail directly to the opponent's civilized planet, destroying their foundation first."

"It's the Bishop."

Obviously, he has made a plan to lose both sides. Even if the battleship control authority is taken away, the solar system will have to pay a heavy price.

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