My science and technology museum

Chapter 387 How could there be a Star Destroyer here?

"You really underestimated the other party. They can actually find our main ship. But once you come, don't think about leaving. I want to meet the other party in person."

September 7, 2055, Pioneer main ship, core command and control hall.

On the captain's chair, which symbolized power, Fogli was wearing silver light armor. He showed an unprecedented calm expression when reporting to his subordinates, completely without the panic and anger when the battleship was damaged before.

This situation made the subordinates beside him a little stunned.

It took a long time before I heard a slightly worried voice.

"Mr. Bishop, is it inappropriate for you to go there in person? Judging from the strength shown by the other party before, it is very dangerous."

As soon as he finished speaking, several ambassador-level pioneers around him quickly echoed his words.

"This is just too dangerous."

"Burton is right. The opponent is very strong, and I don't recommend the bishop to take risks."

"We can send personnel to expel it. In the end, the other party is just a single life form. Even if it is out of the category of carbon-based, there are still ways to kill it."

They are well aware of the importance of the commander to the fleet, especially when they are at a disadvantage. Judging from the current situation, they have a high probability of victory by annihilating the civilization in this galaxy. Therefore, at this time, they should fight steadily and give full play to their abilities. The advantages.

Be careful not to be greedy for merit and to advance rashly.

But Fogli had his own ideas.

"I have made a decision on this matter, no need to say more." He raised an arm to interrupt the persuasion of several people, and walked straight to the weapons platform.

The resolute attitude was completely different from that in the defensive ring battle.

It left many pioneers scratching their heads.

He couldn't guess what his supreme commander was thinking.

Worried that Fogli would be in danger, Burton, as a subordinate, had no choice but to lead the guards to follow him.

"The number of crew members is about three times that of the previous ship. That's great. It seems that this is indeed the main ship of the enemy fleet." Xu Lei came to the lower cabin of the battleship and looked around at the pioneer guards surrounding him. He was secretly happy in his heart, and couldn't help tightening the storm sword in his right hand.

Faced with a one-third accuracy rate, his final choice was the right one.

He couldn't think of any other possibility for such a large number of guards, except that it was the headquarters of the fleet's highest command.

At present, the two battleships of the Pioneer Empire are attacking Titan with all their strength. In just a few rounds, all the heavy rail guns in the orbit of the planet are about to be destroyed.

Although the ground defense system is still resisting tenaciously, it still cannot change the final result.

It's just a matter of time.

Fortunately, after the members of the Space Force relied on cruisers and smaller landing ships to get close to the enemy battleships, they staged the combat plan used by the First Fleet and the Second Fleet in the solar system defense ring, and were willing to destroy the battleships with the determination to die. The weapon system finally gave Titan a certain chance.

What Xu Lei had to do was to seize this opportunity, seize control of the main ship as quickly as possible, and completely reverse the situation.

"Bugs are just bugs, no matter how many they are, it's useless!"

After activating the taunting skill with a cold shout, he directly raised his sword and rushed into the enemy camp.

Judging from the momentum alone, it is more like Xu Lei himself surrounded these pioneer guards.

What greeted them was only unilateral massacre.

If you want to use a game to describe the scene in front of you, the most suitable one is undoubtedly Fruit Ninja. Ordinary pioneers have no chance to fight back in front of Xu Lei.

After Xu Lei fused the living gold, he was equivalent to having superhuman strength and attack speed even with full defense. In addition, under the overclocking state, even the Zerg's moves can be predicted and cracked in advance, not to mention that he is not good at individual combat. Pioneer civilization.

Facing non-carbon-based life forms, their failure is doomed.

five minutes later.

The passage corridor inside the ship was filled with a pungent smell, and behind Xu Lei and at his feet were the bodies of ordinary pioneers.

Many of them are piled together, bringing a strong visual impact.

After all, the pioneers are much taller than humans, and the more so, the greater the contrast.

On the other hand, the remaining guards were maintaining a distance of more than ten meters from Xu Lei, and their feet were slowly stepping back uncontrollably. Even if they held powerful laser energy weapons in their hands, they could not bring any harm to their trembling bodies. sense of security.

No one dared to step forward rashly.

It can be said that they really felt fear at this moment.

Trembling from the heart.

Mainly based on Xu Lei's current body strength and recovery speed, if he wanted to cause damage to him, he would need at least a neutral particle cannon-level weapon.

Just based on the weapons in the hands of these guards, hitting the body is probably the same as scratching an itch.

Facing a monster that cannot be killed by any attack, as a life form with advanced intelligence, it would be abnormal not to be afraid. This is the reaction of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages engraved in the genes of life.

Although Xu Lei was in this situation, he did not take the initiative to attack again. He just marched towards the command and control cabin resolutely.

at the same time.

In a cabin at the end of the passage corridor, Fogli looked at Xu Lei through the ship's monitoring system, this non-carbon-based life form that caused heavy losses to his fleet and put him in shame.

"As a pioneer warrior, how can you retreat to the enemy? I will let them continue to attack." Burton was very dissatisfied with the actions of his soldiers. He believed that the retreat had lost the face of the pioneer empire, and he did not wait for Fogli to speak. Couldn't help but yell angrily.

But just as he was about to go out and direct the battle, he found Fogli's arm appearing on his chest: "Don't worry, just keep it like this."

"It's the Bishop."

Upon hearing this, Burton was stunned for two seconds, and then quickly answered.

Naturally, he didn't know Fogli's intention, but as a subordinate, there was nothing wrong with obeying the orders of the superior. Moreover, he had a vague feeling that the bishop seemed to be confident this time and that the progress of the matter was under control.

Soon, as he continued to pay attention to the monitoring screen inside the ship, he saw that Xu Lei suddenly changed after walking forward for more than ten meters.

The originally normal passage corridor suddenly raised two gates, directly trapping Xu Lei in the middle.

It wasn't until he saw this scene that a smile appeared on Fogli's face, and he said to himself in a very cruel tone: "It doesn't matter if I can fight again. Now that the space for movement is restricted, it's better to be honest." Stay in there and be at my mercy.”

Although he has the status of a member of the royal family, his ability to become a bishop-level pioneer and the commander of the imperial fleet is still based on his own abilities and the rich experience accumulated from many years of fighting in the galaxy.

He is by no means a useless puppet.

When he learned that there was a living entity in this galaxy that could seize control of a battleship in a short period of time, he knew that this was a huge hidden danger and must be resolved as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will inevitably affect the plan for this solar system battle.

Considering that the opponent's body is extremely strong, it is difficult for individual weapons to cause damage to it.

So the final solution changed from killing to restricting the space for movement.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect the next battle.

Although the appearance of this battleship is no different from other battleships, it can be used as a command ship and must have some special functions.

Its biggest advantage is that there are many hidden gates in the battleship. When invaded, the gates can be released to delay the enemy's actions or trap them in place. In addition, the gates and surrounding ship walls have been strengthened, even if they are Even destroying it with a neutral particle cannon takes a lot of effort.

That's why he didn't panic when he learned that the main ship was attacked.

Previously, he was worried that Xu Lei would choose other battleships to attack, causing further losses to the fleet's strength. Unexpectedly, he arrived directly.


"what happened?"

Xu Lei raised the gate in an instant, muttering secretly in his heart while decisively raising his hand to strike.


As the dull voice sounded, his face could not help but become a little gloomy: "The situation is a little dire now, the material of the gate is actually so hard!"

This is not the first time he has entered the interior of the Pioneer Empire battleship, but similar situations have not occurred before. If he cannot break through the gate in time and reach the control cabin, I am afraid that it will be too late.

He didn't want to see the devastated Titan Fortress.

So the next second he gathered his strength and slashed several times at the gate and the inner wall of the ship, leaving only a trace without exception.

Just relying on the sword to forcefully open the gate, I don't know how long it will take until the year of the monkey.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei couldn't help but regret. He should have brought the neutral particle gun on the spacecraft with him when he entered the battleship.

Although the power of the neutral particle cannon is limited compared to that of a battleship, the damage it does to something like a battleship is definitely much higher than that of a sword, and it may even be able to penetrate the gate in front of you.

It was just that he used up the energy of the neutral particle gun when creating a gap in the battleship. Considering that it would take some time to recharge, he conveniently stayed on the Golden Crow spacecraft.

After all, who could have imagined that this would happen.


"It's not that bad."

At this time, Xu Lei forced himself to calm down and tried to use overclocking mode to detect surrounding objects.

See if you can find any loopholes.

After experiencing so many things, he knew very well that the more critical the situation, the more he had to stay calm. Only in this way would he not be dominated by emotions.

Find light in darkness.

Otherwise, once you cause chaos, you will basically be sentenced to death.

Unfortunately, the battleship is also a medium-sized battleship. Although he has powerful computing power that far exceeds that of Xingtong, if he wants to forcibly gain control of this battleship, he must reach the core command and control cabin.

In addition, Xu Lei also found that he seemed to have lost signal contact with the outside world, as if there was some kind of shielding mechanism around him.

And just when he started to get a little anxious, the next second he saw a virtual screen suddenly appear on the gate in front of him, with a figure of a pioneer individual life on it.

As the figure came into view, Xu Lei said almost subconsciously: "Are you the supreme commander of this fleet?"

Yes, he guessed Fogli's identity.

Mainly, Fogli's dress and appearance are too similar to that of Misti, especially the spindle-shaped crown that is far larger than the size of ordinary pioneers. It is an important morphological feature of the royal family members of the pioneer empire.

On the screen, Fogli didn't show any surprise that Xu Lei guessed his identity. After all, he could easily seize the battleship of their pioneer empire, and his strength was naturally extraordinary. It would be surprising if he couldn't even guess his identity.

It is worth mentioning that Fogli chose to meet Xu Lei in this way at this time for only one purpose.

That's mockery.

And to show the power of the Pioneer Empire as much as possible.

"You are right, I am Bishop Fogli, the supreme commander of this rescue operation."

"If according to your civilization, that idiot Misty is my brother, I think he should still be alive now." When he took the initiative to introduce his identity, his tone was full of arrogance and arrogance.

Xu Lei scoffed when he heard this.

It was clearly an invasion that violated the rules of the Civilization Administration, but it could be called a rescue. This kind of shamelessness was even worse than that of humans.

It just makes people feel disgusted and disgusting.

I wish I could kick him hard through the gate.

Especially when it comes to Misti, there is no intention of rescuing him.

He even wished the other party would die.

Although Xu Lei has temporarily lost his mobility, he will not give in to the enemy. He immediately said: "The solar system belongs to the intelligent civilization of the Milky Way. The civilization serial number is 108. You pioneers can launch an invasion wantonly without fear of punishment from the Milky Way Civilization Administration. ?"

"Correct me, you are wrong about one thing. We are only here to rescue members of the imperial royal family." Fogli did not take Xu Lei's words to heart at all, and still shamelessly sophistry: "On the contrary, you imprisoned me at will to pioneer the empire. People, what’s more, even if the Civilization Administration intervenes, are you sure they will move towards a weak first-level civilization?”

"Only the strongest in the galaxy have the final say."

"It's okay if you don't have the strength, but if you don't even have the background, you can only accept the takeover by a higher civilization."

Xu Lei was forced to listen to these self-righteous words and did not respond aloud.

The mind is in a state of alert operation, using its own overclocking mode to continue looking for ways to escape.

On the contrary, Fogli was still not satisfied with this, and continued: "By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. Soon the planet behind your defense line will be completely destroyed by the great Pioneer Empire fleet."

"Enjoy it."

When he finally said this sentence, his screen automatically shrank to the upper right corner of the screen, and the main area was replaced by a new screen.

Quickly focusing his gaze to watch, Xu Lei discovered that this was exactly the scene of the Pioneer Empire battleship attacking Titan.

According to the real-time playback on the screen, it can be seen that the defense system in Titan's orbit has been completely destroyed. Although the Space Force members desperately resisted, they still could not stop the two battleships from advancing towards Titan.

Basically reached the sky above Titan Fortress.

Seeing that the Titan Fortress was in danger, and the newly built Yuanxing Level 3 civilization battleship production line was about to be destroyed, Xu Lei would definitely be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

I can only try to control my emotions and calm down forcibly.

I quickly analyzed the overall situation in my mind. Facing the delayed Lei Zhan, it seemed that there was really no way to save the day.

The face under the facial defense suit was very gloomy.

On the other hand, Fogli in the cabin showed unprecedented happiness at this time. The haze caused by the defeat in the defense ring of the solar system suddenly disappeared. Seeing the enemy being held in the palm of his hand and playing with it at will, he felt particularly comfortable. .

Although Xu Lei was not seen in an angry and helpless manner, he was finally relieved.

"The biggest problem of ants is that they don't realize their own weakness, and they try to bring down the elephant with a little courage. This is so sad." After gradually regaining his composure, Fogli slowly spoke like this to himself, I don't think the situation is likely to change.

In his heart, this galaxy has long been in his possession.

The subordinates next to him couldn't wait to compliment him, with only four words written on their faces that looked like aquatic insects.

Praise my Lord.

"That's too high, Lord Bishop. I didn't expect you to easily solve this biggest hidden danger to our fleet. I think the enemy won't have much resistance."

"The order goes down, let the battleship speed up, and solve the civilization in this galaxy as soon as possible so that we can report to the Imperial Military and Administrative Department." After hearing Burton's compliment, Fogli issued a new order without much hesitation.

Burton immediately nodded and responded: "It's the Bishop."

Fogli raised his eyes again and glanced at Xu Lei on the screen: "Without the protection of a strong civilization, no matter how strong an individual is, it will be useless." After saying this, he prepared to leave.

But just as he turned around, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xu Lei taking off the defense on his head, revealing his handsome face that was not inferior to Bai Gu.

Subconsciously he stopped.

Such a bizarre behavior makes it difficult not to be suspicious.

"Do you want to surrender and admit defeat?"


"What is he planning?"

Almost instantly, a large number of thoughts flashed through Fogli's mind, but he couldn't be sure.

But this doubt did not last long before his whole person was taken over by panic.

Because when he saw Xu Lei standing there, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was sure that it was a mockery of him. In the next second, in addition to the image that passed into his eyes, four words rang in his ears.

"You lost!"

Since he spoke the language of the pioneers, he heard it clearly.

In an instant, he came to his senses and looked like he was facing a formidable enemy: "No, something is wrong!"

Burton and several other ambassador-level pioneers beside him were dumbfounded when they saw the huge gap between Fogli's performance before and after, and had no idea what was going on.

Fortunately, the answer came soon.

Just when they were puzzled by Fogli's performance, the latest picture on the screen gave an explanation.

Their eyes converged, and at some point a huge blue spherical object appeared on the screen, and hit the battleship at an unimaginable speed. What shocked everyone present was that the blue spherical object was easily destroying one of the battleships. After the battleship, the castration continued unabated and hit another one.

It can be said that when the two battleships came into contact with the spherical object, the hulls seemed to be melted, and eventually turned into countless fragments with the big explosion, successfully creating some space junk for the solar system.

As for the pioneers in the battleships, there is no doubt that there is no possibility of survival.

The two battleships that were originally high and ready to attack Titan Fortress turned into garbage in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention that Fogli was dumbfounded, even if the current king of the Pioneer Empire came over, he would say a curse word, because it was obvious that this level of attack had already exceeded the level of the existing civilization.

Fogli saw Xu Lei's abnormal behavior and guessed that things might not be that simple.

But he didn't expect that the situation would develop in a direction that he had never expected.

Seeing the two battleships attacking Titan turned into pieces, he was stunned for a while, and then murmured in disbelief: "How is this possible? It's just a weak first-class civilization. With the fleet of the Pioneer Empire, it should be easy The best thing to do is destroy them, why would a Star Destroyer appear in a place like this!?"

"There should never be any large battleships here..."

"There must be something wrong."

Perhaps the truth of the matter was too difficult to accept, and Fogli's calmness just now was lost to no one knows where.

In front of many ambassadorial pioneers, he did not maintain his image at all.

Confusing words kept repeating in his mouth.

As a member of the royal family of a second-level civilization pioneer empire, he still has a lot of discernment.

After seeing the spherical object with unbelievable speed, he immediately understood that it was the plasma cannon, the main weapon of a large Star Destroyer.

Lasers are used to heat heavy hydrogen to millions of degrees to turn it into a plasma state, and then electromagnetic technology is used to wrap the charged particles into balls and launch them out to destroy the target.

Plasma cannons are far more powerful than neutral particle cannons.

Coupled with its short weapons readiness time, a single Star Destroyer is enough to defeat a fleet of battleships.

This is suppression between technologies.

But looking at the entire Orion spiral arm, the only civilization with a Star Destroyer is Setan.

Why did it suddenly appear here?

They even destroyed the warships of their pioneer empire just because they didn't agree with each other.

Could it be that the Galaxy Civilization Administration has been alerted?

Or maybe other civilizations in the spiral arm intervened halfway?

A large number of thoughts flashed through Fogli's mind, and he denied them one after another, but he never thought that this Star Destroyer came from the solar system.

At the same time, Xu Lei inside the gate finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that at the critical moment, the three Star Destroyers he exchanged for his contribution points on Setan finally entered the solar system, and reestablished authority connections with him. After all, the performance of large battleships in all aspects was much higher than that of battleships.

The inner walls of the surrounding battleships alone cannot completely isolate the transmission of signals.

So Xu Lei decisively gave the attack order to the Star Destroyer. Relying on the amazing speed of the plasma cannon, he successfully carried out long-range strikes and easily destroyed the two battleships attacking Titan.

Seeing the power of the plasma cannon for the first time, Xu Lei was also very excited.

At the same time, he also knew that this battle was coming to an end.

"It's very confusing now, isn't it? Then I will return to you what you just said. To get around, you really need to have strength and background. So these Star Destroyers are the biggest background of the five thousand years of human civilization in our solar system! "

As he finished these heartbreaking words to Fogli, three large Star Destroyers appeared on the screen very appropriately.

The length of the five-kilometer-long hull alone gives people a strong visual impact, as if any means are in vain in front of them.

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