My science and technology museum

Chapter 392 This is a misunderstanding

As Xu Lei issued the order, under the watchful eyes of the entire ship, an assault ship approached the core area of ​​the wormhole and instantly disappeared from sight. It entered the so-called space channel and reached a strange and unknown galaxy in a short time.

Xu Lei Lei Zhan and others in the main ship command hall saw this scene in their eyes.

Although the target had disappeared, he still did not look away. While he was nervously looking forward to it, he was still a little worried.

If the wormhole structure here is indeed stable and the other end is safe, then the dispatched assault ship should return safely soon. After all, this is the function of creating wormholes in the universe.

It is essentially no different from a star gate.

It's just that one is completely artificially constructed, and the other is born naturally.

To be precise, Xu Lei was still quite nervous at this moment, fearing that unexpected changes would occur that would affect the fleet.

If the assault ship that went to explore the wormhole first never returns, then should we continue to send warships in? If we give up using this wormhole, we will not be able to reach the Pioneer Galaxy in a short time.

It's really a dilemma.

As for Lei Zhan beside him at this time, he seemed to be able to guess Xu Lei's mood, so he just paid attention to the changes in the wormhole on the screen and did not ask about it.

It turns out that this wormhole was indeed discovered accidentally by Fogli's fleet, and the Pioneer Empire was not aware of it yet.

No battleships were dispatched for the blockade.

Less than half a day.

The familiar assault ship was seen flying out of the wormhole space again, and it did not appear to be damaged in any way.

Seeing this, Xu Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Very good, it seems that this wormhole can be used." As soon as he finished speaking, he ordered Lei Zhan: "Let the personnel on the ship report the details of the wormhole immediately."

"It's sir, I'll contact you immediately." Lei Zhan replied with joy on his face.

For him, although this half-day was not that long, he had to suppress all his emotions in his heart and just wait without knowing the outcome. In a way, it was a kind of torture.

Now that I finally got the good news, I feel naturally happy.

Because this means that the fleet will soon reach the Pioneer Galaxy and give the other party a big surprise.

Soon after Lei Zhan got the relevant information, he reported it as soon as possible: "Now it can be confirmed that the structure of this wormhole is very stable, and judging from the star field coordinate map recorded after our assault ship entered the wormhole, , it should be quite close to the Pioneer Galaxy."

As he spoke, he moved his fingers a few times in front of the console and uploaded the footage recorded by the assault ship to the main screen of the command hall.

Xu Lei looked around and saw a rather unfamiliar galaxy.

If we judge based on this picture alone, we cannot be sure that it came from the vicinity of the Pioneer Galaxy.

Fortunately, there is a large amount of navigation record data among the captured Pioneer Empire battleships, and it is relatively simple to obtain the results through brain comparison.

In just a few minutes, it was concluded that the location of the wormhole exit was less than one light-year away from the Pioneer Star.

In other words, as long as we safely pass through this natural wormhole, with the overall speed of the Alliance fleet, it will take almost a few months to enter the Pioneer Galaxy, and the distance will be shortened by a lot.

After completely confirming this matter, Xu Lei finally understood why Fogli chose to take the risk and let the fleet pass through the wormhole.

After all, being able to reach your destination in a short time is by no means an ordinary pleasure.

At this time, Xu Lei no longer had any worries and immediately issued an order: "The entire ship is preparing to sail into the wormhole to prevent any weapons from being activated."

Whether entering a wormhole or a star gate, the most fearful thing is the stability of space.

Although the structure of the wormhole here is relatively stable, if the warship accidentally fires and attacks during the passage, it is likely to cause the entire wormhole to collapse.

At that time, the fleet will be scattered and transported to a strange space, and maybe it will be directly torn into pieces.

Therefore, you must take all precautions before officially entering.

It is worth mentioning that Lei Zhan is also a veteran in terms of security and has a wealth of risk-avoidance methods. So he quickly started taking action after receiving this order, commanding the warships to enter the wormhole in order.

Since the safety of wormholes has already been considered, this process will not take too much time.

Xu Lei sat upright in advance and performed various protective operations. After the Star Destroyer, which was the main ship, also followed the fleet into the wormhole, he immediately noticed that the warship's space radar system had lost its function and the main screen became pitch black. .

Sudden changes may cause other people to panic.

Worried about the safety of the battleship.

However, Xu Lei behaved very calmly and did not take this change too seriously.

The main reason is that he has used the star gate more than once before, and he knows that this will happen to the battleship or spaceship after entering the star gate.

It is the impact caused by spatial fluctuations.

He did not forget to appease the others and immediately shouted: "Don't worry, everyone. This is a normal effect caused by passing through the wormhole passage. The battleship will naturally return to normal after leaving the wormhole."

that's all.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When the main screen in the command hall was restored to its original state as Xu Lei said, his vision suddenly became clear.

The faintly shining stars in the star field ahead can be seen faintly.

Nine times out of ten it is the Pioneer Galaxy.

"Have we successfully passed through the wormhole? We don't even feel it at all." After the battleship gradually stabilized, Lei Zhan unlocked the safety device on his seat and looked at the unfamiliar environment outside while feeling quite curious.

Obviously he knew that wormholes could save a lot of time, but he couldn't imagine that it would be so refreshing.

At this time, Xu Lei checked the situation of the entire fleet and confirmed that no warship was damaged. He couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and turned to Lei Zhan and said, "When we have our own star gate, You will find that interstellar travel may be faster than traveling to a certain city on Earth."

"If that's the case, then I'm looking forward to it more and more." Lei Zhan was immersed in what Xu Lei said, full of hope for the future of mankind.

After successfully arriving near the Pioneer Galaxy and identifying the star in the other galaxy, Xu Lei would definitely not waste time at this time.

Dang Ji led the fleet towards the target with a wave of his hand.

Out of the scope of the wormhole, the Alliance fleet naturally turned on its maximum power, allowing the fleet to sail at the fastest speed.

Try to catch the enemy by surprise.

Win this battle at a very small cost.

Perhaps because of the accurate target, the fleet traveled for several months without realizing it.

And officially entered the Pioneer Galaxy.

With the help of the powerful space radar system on the Star Destroyer, a comprehensive scan directly displays the Pioneer star where the Pioneers mainly gather, as well as the various planetary fortresses and defense systems that exist in space.

In terms of quantity, I don’t know how many times more there are than the solar system.

To enter the inner solar system and launch an attack on special planets, one only needs to break through the defensive ring of the solar system near the orbit of Neptune.

But facing the pioneer galaxy, it is necessary to advance towards the core region step by step.

If it were a fleet composed of medium-sized battleships, it would be really difficult to attack them.

In particular, there are several space parking ports in the galaxy, where a large number of warships are parked.

No matter what kind of changes the planet encounters, they will start to set off within a short time and launch a fierce attack on the invaders.

After all, the Pioneer Empire is a civilization whose development is based on invading other civilized galaxies, and it naturally has a unique way of defense. Otherwise, the civilization has reproduced for so many years and may have been wiped out by other civilizations long ago.

Unfortunately this time they encountered a large Star Destroyer.

Facing a powerful plasma cannon that can be fired at will, no matter how many galactic defenses there are, the final result will be nothing but destruction.

There is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

At this moment, as the Alliance warship officially entered the Pioneer Galaxy, Lei Zhan, Gustav and the others became more and more excited, and they wanted to immediately drive the warship to start a battle to avenge the previous changes in the solar system.

You know, that's what they're here for.

"Sir, let me lead a few battleships to clear out the surrounding defensive fortresses first, and ensure that the mission is completed."

At this time, Lei Zhan had just spoken, requesting to be in the starting lineup. Gustav on the screen was a little unhappy and quickly said: "Our Second Fleet is also confident to complete the mission."

Xu Lei listened to the argument between the two and knew that they both wanted to contribute to the alliance.

At the same time, I want to take this opportunity to sharpen the entire fleet.

Compared with the Pioneer Empire fleet, although the Alliance fleet is currently equipped with the strongest warships in the Orion spiral arm, it cannot compare with the Pioneer Empire in terms of interstellar combat experience, especially in large-scale battles.

Now that there is finally such an opportunity, how could the two of them, as fleet leaders, miss it.

However, in the end, neither of them got this opportunity.

In this scene, Xu Lei had a smile on his lips, turned his eyes and glanced at Lei Zhan and Gustav respectively, and then said with a serious look on his face: "I don't plan to send any battleships there. Destroy the defensive fortresses.”

The words just fell.

Then, under the confusion of the two people, they issued the final order to the fleet: "Star Destroyer prepare plasma cannons for me to clear these obstacles!"

"Yes, sir!"

With Xu Lei speaking, the crew members responsible for the specific operation of the warship did not dare to hesitate.

The plasma cannon started immediately.

That's right.

The main reason why Xu Lei did not allow the battleship to take the lead in destroying the enemy's defensive fortress was because he was worried that it would cause unnecessary losses to the alliance fleet.

After all, the Pioneer Empire currently occupies a geographical advantage and can completely block the Alliance fleet with the help of defensive fortresses. In addition, the number of battleships in its home base will certainly not be small.

If Lei Zhan and Gustav went there rashly, they would inevitably be at a disadvantage.

Even if the battleships equipped by the Alliance fleet are much more powerful than the Pioneer Empire battleships.

Regarding this cross-system operation, Xu Lei did not want to cause casualties to the Alliance fleet. It was best for the warship to return to the solar system without falling.

As for the so-called grinding, the same goes for using the virtual world.

The main weapon of the main Star Destroyer, the plasma cannon, is extremely powerful and can attack from a long distance. In addition, the cooldown time of the neutral particle cannon is much shorter than that of the Forerunner Imperial battleship, and it can destroy all defenses in a very short time. fortress.

At that time, the Pioneer Star can be completely surrounded.

Just as Xu Lei was thinking about this, the sound of the battleship brain immediately came to his ears.

"The plasma cannon is being prepared..."


"The target has been successfully locked. Do you want to launch?"


As Xu Lei uttered those two words in a deep voice, two spherical plasma cannonballs were immediately shot out from the Star Destroyer's main weapon and flew towards a safe defense fortress on the periphery of the Pioneer Empire at extremely fast speeds.

Lei Zhan, who was standing next to him, saw how quickly Xu Lei acted and knew that his request was impossible to agree to.

Of course he didn't have any dissatisfaction.

I just look forward to being able to go into battle and kill the enemy in person.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and blurted out almost subconsciously: "By the way, sir, do you need to bring Misty here again?"

In his opinion, since Misty is very important and he will be relied upon to maintain the operation of the Pioneer Star in the future, he should be present when facing such an important occasion.

When Xu Lei heard this, he shook his head: "It's not time for him to appear yet, let's finish this battle first."

The Pioneer Empire has always been in absolute pride. This can be seen from the original Misti and Fogli. Therefore, if they are not beaten to completely surrender and deeply understand the true heritage of the solar system, then even now It can calm the situation, but there will be disadvantages in the future.

What's more, in Xu Lei's opinion, the number of pioneers exceeding 10 billion is too many.

If it could be reduced, they wouldn't need to constantly search the surrounding galaxies to select targets suitable for bullying.

Lei Zhan naturally would not question Xu Lei's decision. After receiving such an answer, he said nothing more and just kept his eyes on the main screen of the Star Destroyer, wanting to see the power of the plasma cannon immediately.

Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the spherical ion cannon fired by the plasma cannon is as high as several million degrees, so it can easily melt various substances.

After the Pioneer Empire defense fortress discovered the existence of the plasma cannon, it was already a little late. Faced with this kind of dimensionality-reducing blow, there were no countermeasures at all. Many Pioneers were destroyed along with the defense fortress before they had time to evacuate. Destroyed together with the plasma cannon.

The scene can be said to be spectacular.

It's like setting off a beautiful firework in space.

And this is just the beginning.

The cooldown time of the plasma cannon is very short, and two Star Destroyers are attacking at the same time. After a few rounds, the outermost defensive fortress is basically turned into garbage.

It no longer has any effect.

The Pioneer Galaxy, which was originally relatively peaceful, suddenly became bustling with activity.

At this time, Xu Lei became calm and gave the fleet new instructions: "Continue to move towards the Pioneer. In addition, the entire fleet should be prepared for the impact. The opponent's fleet should launch a counterattack."

The Pioneer Empire is still a second-level civilization after all. If it is suddenly attacked by such a fierce attack, it will definitely react in a short time.

Send your own fleet to fight.

In this case, the Alliance fleet must be prepared.

Prevent the battleship from being attacked by the enemy's neutral particle cannon, otherwise even if the battleship can withstand it, it will be damaged and lose its combat effectiveness.

Lei Zhan and Gustav, who was staying in another Star Destroyer next to him, were all focused after hearing this order, adjusting the warships in their fleet at any time.

So soon the alliance fleet put up a special formation.

The Star Destroyer with strong defense sailed at the front of the fleet, using energy shields to block all enemy attacks. The remaining battleships used neutral particle cannons and rail guns to fire freely from behind.

As a result of this tactic, the Alliance warships did not suffer any damage.

On the other hand, the fleet of the Pioneer Empire decreased from time to time, and one after another exploded in space.

It can be said to be a unilateral crushing.


It has taken tens of thousands of years for the pioneer civilization to flourish, but this is the first time it has suffered such a big loss.

Seeing the rapid reduction of planetary defense fortresses and the continuous destruction of battleships, the news was quickly passed to the Military and Administrative Palace in Antedes, the core underground city of Pioneer Planet. As the current king, Gadra held an emergency meeting.

It is worth mentioning that due to the special environment of the Pioneer planet, most of the planet's surface is covered by rock formations.

So the pioneers all lived in cities built five thousand meters underground.

As the first city in the pioneer empire, Antedes not only had the largest population, but was also relatively prosperous, with various core institutions of the empire.

At this time, in the palace in the center of the city, Gadra, the king with a huge simple crown, sat uneasily on the main seat. Below him stood several pioneers in red. They were the core personnel of the pioneer empire.

A bishop-level herald like Mestiphogli.

But their lifespans are much longer than those of pioneers with royal status.

Because the situation was very anxious, Gadra did not hesitate for the first time and directly asked one of the bishop-level pioneers: "Thoth, what is the situation now? Have you determined the true identity of the enemy?"

Today is simply full of weirdness for Gadra.

Originally, he was worried about his children Fogli and Misty, wondering when they would be able to capture the weak civilization and return to the Pioneer star. However, he did not expect that a fleet of unknown origin would raid the Pioneer star system.

And he immediately launched a thunderous attack, catching them off guard for the first time.

This is simply a great shame for the Pioneer Empire.

The enemy must pay a heavy price, after all, they were the ones who invaded other galaxies in the past.

Toth, who was named, could see that his expression was very solemn at this time. He paused for a few seconds when facing the king's inquiry and then replied: "The great King Gadra, according to the news from the front line, the attacker who attacked us... It's the Setan Star Destroyer, and the outer defensive fortress has been completely destroyed."


"A Star Destroyer from Setan?"

"How can this be?!"

After hearing Thoth's answer, Gadra was immediately shocked.

Obviously this result was not expected at all.

Not only him, but also the other bishop-level pioneers next to him looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

Setan is the only third-level civilization in the Orion spiral arm, and has jurisdiction over them. After all, looking at the Orion spiral arm, only Setan City has a branch of the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

With such an identity, how could they suddenly attack their pioneer empire?

What's more, even if their actions against the solar system violate the rules of the Authority, they would never be so direct under normal circumstances.

At least a notification should be issued first.

It is precisely because they understand these situations so well that they express confusion about the current situation.

Soon after Gadra calmed down a little, she quickly asked: "Is there any misunderstanding here? Why did the Star Destroyers of Setan attack us? Can we establish contact with them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding bishop-level pioneers could not sit still, and they all spoke in agreement.

Mainly, the name of the main planet Setan is too big, even if you think about it, you can't even think about it.

"Setan is a third-level civilization. We must not break out and cause friction with it, otherwise it will definitely be us who suffer in the end."

"I suggest you try to contact the other party first, so as to resolve the misunderstanding."

"The power of the Star Destroyer is not something we can withstand. Please be careful, King."

"Although the relationship between the Pioneer Empire and Setan is not as close as that of Green Planet, there has never been any friction. I think there must be a misunderstanding."

Listening to the suggestions of many bishops, Toth's face became more and more ugly, and then explained: "We have tried to contact each other for a long time, but they have been launching fierce attacks on our battleships and defensive fortresses. There is a big threat. It means destroying the Pioneer Star.”

When the situation was introduced here, everyone couldn't help but become serious.

Obviously the situation is somewhat beyond their control. If they continue to let the peace process go, the Pioneer Star will soon cease to exist.

Who doesn't know the power of plasma cannons.

At this time, everyone had to focus all their attention on Gadra, knowing that the decision could only be made by the king at this time.

Seeing that a second-level civilization of his own was inexplicably reduced to the point of extinction, Gadra was also under great pressure at the moment, especially after meeting the eyes of many bishop-level pioneers below, he was even more panicked.

Finally, after careful consideration, we decided to seek help from outside.

Because everyone knew very well that with those two Star Destroyers around, even if they sent all the fleet to fight, they would only suffer heavy losses in the end.

The gap in civilization level is not so easy to bridge.

Thinking of this, Gadra straightened his body immediately, and then ordered: "Immediately send someone to the Galactic Civilization Management Branch of Thousand Stars City on Setan Planet, and ask Lord Quan Yi to come and bring justice to our Pioneer Empire."

"As you command, my king."

After receiving the order, Thoth immediately knelt down on one knee in response, and then quickly walked out of the palace.

With the convenience of the Star Gate, you can reach Thousand Star City in a short time. As long as Quan Yi, who is the head of the Galaxy Civilization Administration branch, is found, I believe the crisis can be resolved naturally.

After all, all civilizations know that the person in charge is also from Setan.

It is most appropriate for him to negotiate with the fleet of Setan.

Unfortunately, although Gadra had a good idea, he didn't know that the one controlling this fleet was not Setan, but the weak civilization solar system he mentioned.

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