My science and technology museum

Chapter 394 I’m here to settle the debt

"Who are you, and why do you want to attack our Pioneer Galaxy and help this traitor interfere in the internal affairs of the empire?"

Attracted by Xu Lei's voice, Gardra immediately moved his eyes away from Misty, focusing his attention as if he wanted to see something from Xu Lei, and at the same time raised one of his arms and asked sternly.

The Alliance fleet contains warships from different civilizations.

This misled Gardera's judgment.

I thought this powerful fleet was a very special group in the galaxy, interstellar pirates who made a living by robbing warships and merchant ships.

Only they can use a variety of battleships.

However, one problem is that the composition of the interstellar pirates is relatively complex, and they do not have strong logistical guarantees. Their strength is definitely not comparable to that of a real second-level civilization, so they only dare to attack passing transport cargo ships in the galaxy.

Launching a large-scale war directly against a civilized planet like this is undoubtedly asking for death.

Even if you have a Star Destroyer, you will be wanted by the Civilization Administration throughout the galaxy, and there will be no possibility of escape.

But as the other party agreed to talk, what happened became more and more bizarre.

Gadra did not expect to see her useless son again on an enemy warship, and the available information showed that Antedes and other underground cities should have suffered precise strikes because of Misty's betrayal, resulting in Massive numbers of pioneers were buried deep underground.

This made him faceless to the public.

Especially after listening to the discussion of the bishop and pioneer beside me, I wanted to step forward and strangle this traitor to death immediately.

The current complicated situation also made him more curious about Xu Lei's origins, and wanted to find out who caused the catastrophe in the Pioneer Empire.

Anyway, all they can do now is wait.

Xu Lei felt very happy when he saw the furious look of the current king of the Pioneer Empire. This could be regarded as letting him taste the bad consequences, but he had no intention of hiding the identity of himself and the fleet.

Facing Gardra's inquiry, he took his time and chose to speak in pioneer language: "Xu Lei, Commander-in-Chief of the Solar System Human Security Alliance Fleet, I am here to settle accounts for human civilization. I think most of you here are very interested in this name." Get familiar with it.”


When the words "solar system" rang out, the expressions of all the pioneers, including Gadra, changed drastically.

The surprise was replaced by doubt.

It is understandable that the Empire did not know about the solar system in the Mesti Era. After all, no one cared about the solar system at that time and had not registered it with the Galaxy Civilization Administration. But now, humans in the solar system have become the 108th intelligent civilization in the galaxy, and Previously, Fogli had specifically requested instructions from the Imperial Military and Administrative Department for this purpose.

It is difficult to understand this civilization.

What's more, Xu Lei, the manager of the solar system civilization, also contributed to the battle against the sea dragon louse and successfully developed the solar system's No. 1 potion targeting Zerg genes.

This is a treasure trove of information that has entered the Civilization Administration.

But after receiving Fogli's application, they concluded after research and discussion that the solar system was a civilization with backward technology and low level of technology, and the value Xu Lei showed could not explain anything.

Maybe they will choose to stay on Setan for development.

After all, water flows to higher places.

So in the end, the Pioneer Empire decided to continue its attack on the solar system.

Take this galaxy into your pocket.

Anyway, under the guise of saving the members of the imperial royal family, even if the Civilization Administration came forward, it would be hard to say anything.

Mainly judging from the information previously transmitted back by Misty, the solar system is indeed a very suitable star system for the development and survival of carbon-based life. It is no exaggeration to say that it is even related to whether the pioneer civilization can continue.

So you have to get it.

Originally, according to their analysis of the strength of the solar system, Fogli led the most elite fleet of the Empire and should be able to win it without much effort.

They just have to wait for the good news to come.

However, from the moment they agreed to Fogli's continued march to the solar system, the situation was already out of control.

But now when Xu Lei revealed his identity, they were surprised and more suspicious. They really couldn't imagine how a weak first-level civilization could have so many battleships that could only be equipped by a second-level civilization or even a third-level civilization.

The key is to launch a civilized war with great fanfare and destroy all the fortresses in the Pioneer Galaxy in a short period of time.

There was absolutely no thought given to the consequences.

Another question is, if the fleet in the solar system reaches the Pioneer Star, what will happen to Fogli and his fleet now.

I don't know whether he was overconfident in his guess, or he couldn't convince himself that he was somewhat defensive. At this time, before Gadra, as the king, could speak, a bishop-level pioneer beside him took the lead and launched an unbearable question.

"Nonsense. The information treasure trove of the Civilization Administration clearly records that the solar system is a first-class civilization. How can it have so many battleships and Star Destroyers?!"

As this topic was brought up, the conversation suddenly seemed to open up.

Other pioneers began to export.

"No matter what method you used to capture Prince Misty, I advise you to stop as soon as possible, otherwise the Civilization Administration will never let it go."

"There should be no friction between us. It makes no sense for you to use the Star Destroyer to attack wantonly like this."

"No one is above the Civilization Administration. I advise you not to make a mistake. Stop immediately and apologize to our Pioneer Empire and make satisfactory compensation. Otherwise, we will definitely go to the Civilization Administration to sue."

"Shameless ugly bug."


"You alone are worthy of taking advantage of my solar system."

"The Pioneer Empire forcibly invaded my solar system and caused the loss of countless lives of my compatriots. This debt must be repaid today."

Xu Lei condescended to these pioneers and did not take their threats to heart at all, because this showed that facing the battleships of the alliance fleet, they had changed from being strong to weak.

What I am saying now is nothing more than psychological comfort.

As everyone knows, nothing can be changed at all.

Xu Lei's impassioned speech made Lei Zhan and Gustav next to him eager to give it a try.

I want to personally solve these culprits of human disasters.

After all, with the strength of their mechanical life forms, it would not take much effort to deal with large insects that have not left the carbon-based category.

You must know that bugs are bugs, no matter how big they are, it doesn’t matter.

To be precise, compared with the Zerg sea dragon louse that I encountered on the Blue Scale Star, even the Bishop-level Pioneer was simply not good enough. There was no comparison between the two.

at the same time.

The bishop-level pioneer who had just spoken suddenly panicked when he heard Xu Lei's decisive tone.

A bold guess was born uncontrollably in my heart.

Is this really the fleet of the solar system?

The main thing is that if Xu Lei really comes from interstellar pirates or other civilizations, there is really no need to always use the identity of a weak civilization to cover up.

Anyway, just fire the Star Destroyer in hand and that's it.

However, this answer made their bodies tremble uncontrollably. Even the translucent wings on their backs were trembling slightly, and the fear level in their hearts was rising.

As a high-ranking member of the empire, everyone is well aware of the grievances between the Pioneer Empire and the Solar System. It is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship between the two civilizations is life-and-death. The Ministry of Military Affairs' previous approval of Fogli's application also contained this meaning.

I want to get rid of this civilization before the solar system rises.

Otherwise, it will be really difficult to develop into a second-level civilization in the future and then attack their pioneer empire.

In any case, civilization manager Xu Lei has demonstrated his ability in the major event of wiping out the Zerg, and may affect the rapid rise of his own civilization in the future.

But at this moment, Gadra, who had not spoken for a long time, seemed to suddenly think of something, and then shouted with confidence: "Xu Lei, the manager of the solar system civilization, I know that you have been in contact with the life entities of Setan. You must have stolen this Star Destroyer privately, right?"

"That's definitely the case, yes."

"This behavior not only seriously violates the rules of the Civilization Administration, but also violates the laws of Setan."

"Your solar system will bear the consequences for you."

And perhaps in order to convince myself, I emphatically affirmed a few words later.

But when these words reached Xu Lei's ears, he had no other reaction except a slight frown. A king of a second-level civilized empire would use this method to deceive himself in the end, unwilling to accept the cruel reality.

In a way it's really sad.

Even Misty, who had always remained silent next to him, looked a little strange.

But it has to be said that Gardra's performance also made him think of another possibility. If the solar system did not have the support of these powerful battleships, it could face the Pioneer Empire fleet solely by relying on its own strength.

By then, will the members of the Human Security Alliance be like the Gardra in front of them?

I'm afraid it won't be too different.

Although this situation is impossible, and the solar system is not as weak as before, it also makes Xu Lei more determined to be prepared for danger in times of peace. No matter what level of technology human beings have reached, they must continue to improve and progress. OK.

Otherwise, when facing more powerful enemies in the future, you will still be helpless and full of powerlessness.

At the same time, Xu Lei's desire to condense the eternal body became stronger.

Only if your own strength is strong enough can you ensure the stability of civilization and enable it to develop rapidly in a stable environment.

At this point, Xu Lei was too lazy to talk to the group of pioneers below. He just wanted to capture Gadra, and then make Misty the new king with a little effort, leaving the Alliance's second fleet to garrison the Pioneer planet.

Even if there is a satisfactory result.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei did not say any more words to Gadra, and directly calmly ordered Lei Zhan Gustave beside him: "Let's do it, except for the pioneer king Gadra, we will deal with everyone else."

In the future, the Pioneer Star will be firmly in the hands of humans, and Misty is just the spokesperson who pushes it to the forefront.

Under such circumstances, how could Xu Lei leave so many bishop-level pioneers, considering that ordinary pioneers are the best to manage compared to them.

Lei Zhan and Gustav had no sympathy for the pioneer at all. After listening to Xu Lei's slander and insults for so long, their weapons were already thirsty. Now that they finally received Xu Lei's order, there would definitely be no hesitation. .

"It's sir, I promise to complete the mission."

They responded quickly in unison, and then led two teams of space forces to land on the ground and start operations.

The space forces participating in this crusade all have the highest equipment configuration. In addition to holding the latest laser weapons, they also wear defensive suits. It is effortless to deal with these pioneers.

Moreover, the number of guards protecting Gadra and the pioneer bishops was limited, and many of them were buried in the underground city and had no time to evacuate.

As soon as the battle started, it showed a one-sided trend.

Gadela and other pioneer bishops chose to have a dialogue with Xu Lei mainly to take the opportunity to delay and wait for the person in charge of the Civilization Management Branch to come.

But no one expected that the other party actually came from the solar system, and they were not given a chance at all.

Seeing that the number of guards around them was decreasing rapidly, some pioneer bishops panicked and put their hope in Misty on the platform, hoping to use the cooperative relationship between Misty and the civilization of the solar system to save their lives.

Except for members of the imperial royal family, those who can become bishop-level pioneers have lived for a long time.

During this period, I don’t know how many times it went through genetic optimization.

Faced with his long life, who is willing to give up easily? After all, death means nothing.

Therefore, at this time, the so-called empire's face has long been lost.

"Prince Misty, I am willing to support you to become the new king of the empire, and please ask them to stop. The operation of the empire cannot be separated from us elders."

"I am also willing to support Prince Misti."

"This is a very beneficial choice for you!"

"Yeah, tell them to stop, otherwise you will just get a dead civilization."

As for Gadra, he did not expect such a funny scene. As a pioneer bishop at the core level of the empire, he resolutely chose to betray him in order to survive, and in front of the enemy.

With just this scene, the dignity that the Herald Empire had established for a long time disappeared in an instant.

Although he was filled with anger, he was unable to do anything to stop it, so he had no choice but to lash out while he was still free.

"You are simply a disgrace to my pioneer empire."


"I should have dealt with you traitors first just now."

As the saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than death. Perhaps the fire of hope in the heart was completely extinguished. After these two curses, Gardra simply gave up the resistance and stood there waiting to be arrested by the Alliance Space Force.

On the other hand, those pioneer bishops who clamored to defect to Misti were all dealt with in a short time.

The rest can only flee without any purpose.

But where can the Alliance warships hovering in the sky escape?

Their death was doomed from the beginning.

However, when the situation was about to be completely controlled, Xu Lei suddenly sensed some fluctuations in the Star Gate.

It seemed like someone or a battleship came out of it.

After confirming this situation, Xu Lei couldn't help but feel nervous and somewhat worried.

Considering that the Pioneer Empire is also a second-level civilization after all, it may have invited reinforcements from other civilizations. If a fleet really comes out of the star gate later, it will be a big threat to the Alliance fleet.

For safety reasons, he had no choice but to control the Star Destroyer through his mind to lock on to the space where the fluctuation occurred.

If a fleet really comes out of it and it is reinforcements from the Pioneer Empire, then the plasma cannon can be used to attack directly.

Catch the opponent off guard.

In this kind of war that concerns the survival of civilization, there is no such thing as a sneak attack.

The winner is the one who survives until the end.

As the saying goes, strike first to gain the upper hand.

After doing this, Xu Lei did not forget about Lei Zhan, Gustav and the others on the ground, and immediately reminded them: "Stay alert, there are unknown forces coming out of the Star Gate."

To be honest, if something like this happens, the easiest way would be to destroy the star gate immediately.

In this way, the opponent cannot pass through the star gate to the Harbinger Star.

The crisis will be resolved naturally.

But who told him that he also needed this star gate on the Pioneer Star very much, and he must not destroy it before the business was done.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Lei can sense the fluctuations coming from the star gate. Gadra, who is closer to the star gate, naturally also discovered this situation. However, compared to the vigilance of the alliance fleet, he was instantly delighted. occupied.

I couldn't help shouting very excitedly.

"Great, the person in charge of the Civilization Management Branch is here. Regardless of whether you are from the solar system or not, you must accept punishment."

In Gadra's opinion, Xu Lei stole the Setan Star Destroyer and carried out a serious attack on the Pioneer. These all violated the rules of the Civilization Administration. As long as the Civilization Administration people are present, he will be punished. .

You must know that looking at the entire galaxy, no civilization dares to question the authority of the Authority.

So today, not only can Pioneer Star's crisis be resolved, but the other party will also not feel better.

But before he could get happy, his eyes noticed that Xu Lei was still smiling strangely at this time.

His heart suddenly shook.

I don't know what's going on.

Normally, they have reinforcements on the scene, and the other party should be alert and alert, but as the commander, Xu Lei is still smiling, looking like he has thought of something happy.

It left him confused and unable to understand for a moment.

Of course Xu Lei had to laugh at this time.

Because he heard that the reinforcements Gardra was looking for were actually people from the Galactic Civilization Administration.

It was exactly what he wanted.

The solar system currently needs the Galactic Civilization Administration to certify a second-level civilization and establish a second-level star gate on the earth star. Originally, this matter required Xu Lei to go to the Galactic Civilization Management Branch of Thousand Planet City on Setan Planet after solving the Pioneer Star.

Now that the people from the administration are coming, he just needs to apply on the spot.

As for the so-called rules of the administration that Gardera said, he didn't take them to heart at all.

After all, both the two Star Destroyers and the reasons for attacking the pioneer civilization can be said to be impeccable.

It was only because of poor information that Gadla considered the people from the Administration as reinforcements.

that's all.

Probably a few minutes passed.

I saw a ripple-like ripple in the space at the star gate, and suddenly a tall and imposing figure walked out of it, followed by several people wearing clothes with the logo of the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

Apart from that, there is no other figure.

And the imaginary battleship and spaceship did not appear at all.

Xu Lei directly turned on the overclocking state and focused his attention on the figure. After seeing its appearance clearly, the smile on his face suddenly became a little brighter.

Unexpectedly, he was still an old acquaintance.

Quan Yi, the head of the Setan Planet Civilization Management Bureau.

You must know that Quan Yi, as the branch director who was born on Setan Planet, has an extraordinary relationship with Xishuo Qiao Xiuer and others.

It can be said that they are a family.

In addition, although Xu Lei had never seen the unfamiliar figures behind Quan Yi, judging from their attire, they should be inspectors in the Civilization Administration. They are mainly responsible for investigating and handling matters between civilizations and maintaining the harmony and stability of the galaxy.

As long as they are not inspectors from the headquarters, they basically belong to Quan Yi's subordinates.

Since it was an old friend meeting, he definitely couldn't stay on this platform any longer, so he jumped directly to the ground without saying a word.

With his physical strength, there is no problem.

As the saying goes, the bad ones complain first, and soon Xu Lei saw Gadla's face with his own eyes.

Almost the moment Quan Yi walked out of the star gate, Gadra quickly greeted him, and considering his size, he was willing to kneel in front of Quan Yi. It can be said that he was very careful.

"Sir, you must make the decision for me to pioneer civilization!"

First, he placed himself on the weak side in one sentence, and then described the evil deeds of the Alliance fleet: "Xu Lei, the manager of the solar system, used some unknown means to steal two Star Destroyers from the planet Setan, which is a threat to the defense of our galaxy. The fortress and the fleet were struck hard, and the casualties and losses incurred were innumerable.”

"I hope that the Civilization Administration will enforce the law impartially, punish them and compensate our pioneers for their losses."

When Gadela finished speaking, Quan Yi raised his gaze impatiently and glanced at him, and replied calmly: "I know." Then he walked straight towards Xu Lei under his gaze.

They stopped when they were one step away from each other.

"When do you plan to return to Planet Setan? Master Xishuo and Qiao Xiuer are waiting for you." Quan Yi saw Xu Lei again. He took the initiative to say hello and at the same time reached out and patted Xu Lei heavily on the shoulder. After a moment, his attitude was completely different from his attitude just now.

Gardra, who was still kneeling on the ground not far away, opened her eyes wide when she saw this.

I just felt that a lot of question marks suddenly appeared in my heart.

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

"Why am I here?"

He never expected that the person in charge of the Setan Planet Civilization Administration Branch would actually know Xu Lei, and judging from his performance, the relationship was not simple.

At this time, for some reason, he suddenly remembered Xu Lei's weird smile just now. Now it seemed that it was because of this.

But even though he knew that Quan Yi and Xu Lei knew each other well, he dared to have any dissatisfaction at this moment, because he knew that if Quan Yi was offended at this time, the pioneer civilization would not have any good results.

Xu Lei felt the power coming from his shoulders. When asked, he immediately answered with a smile: "There are some things that have not been resolved yet. Originally, I planned to go to the Administration to certify the second-level civilization for our solar system after finishing this matter." In addition, I applied for the Star Gate, and I didn’t expect to meet it here, so I can go directly to the Senate.”

"Don't worry, I will take care of what you said. After all, those two old guys are waiting to witness the birth of the eternal body." Faced with Xu Lei's request, Quan Yi directly agreed.

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