My science and technology museum

Chapter 398 Don’t regret it

"I read that right, Hai Longtian was defeated like this, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back!"

"He is an elite warrior trained by the House of Representatives, and the amount of living gold he has fused is the highest among all people. Now that he is defeated so quickly, how strong must this Xu Lei be?"

"Judging from the number of golden threads on their bodies, Xu Lei's fused amount of living gold is obviously higher than that of Hai Longtian."

"No wonder Elder Qiao Xiuer strongly recommended him. It seems that he does have some tricks."

"Did you notice that when the two of them fought just now, Xu Lei seemed to be able to predict Hai Longtian's every attack in advance? It was simply terrifying."

Compared to the silence on the battlefield, the crowd of onlookers was already exploding.

They discussed the battle between Xu Lei and Hai Longtian.

His eyes were full of shock.

There was a lot of discussion.

I was impressed by Xu Lei's powerful strength.

If before the battle started, other people on Setan were still a little dissatisfied with Xu Lei and believed that an outsider should not come to rob them of Setan's resources, but now this barrier has disappeared.

Really recognized Xu Lei's identity.

Because everyone is not a fool, allowing a powerful life individual to condense the eternal body will undoubtedly bring greater help to Setan.

What's more, Xu Lei is originally from Setan.

Especially soon, the distribution of crystal core resources held by the Galaxy Civilization Administration every epoch will begin. If Xu Lei fights on behalf of Setan and helps the Orion spiral arm get the largest share of resources, then everyone will receive the dividends. Civilization and individual life.

In this case, I will definitely change my mind and support Xu Lei.

In addition to the ordinary audience, Elder Hai and others sitting in the elders' seats were slightly surprised, as if they did not expect Xu Lei to be so strong.

Only Qiao Xiuer always kept a smile and had no intention of speaking.

But what people didn't expect was that after a pause of more than ten seconds, it was Elder Hai who spoke first: "How did he do it? He was able to display such powerful fighting moves. Xiao Hai did not lose unjustly this time."

"No wonder Lao Qiao admires this person so much. It seems like it's really not that simple!" The elder who was presiding over the battle couldn't help but agree upon hearing this.

Qiao Xiuer felt very good when he saw that Xu Lei was so proud of him, and even the previously hostile Elder Hai had changed his mind. Then he said: "I have said long ago that he is the most promising person to condense eternity." Now, no one should have any objections to this person’s body, right?”

"I agree."

"He does fit."

As the three elders all expressed their opinions, seeing the pressure coming on themselves, Elder Hai had to agree after a slight hesitation: "I... have no objection."

"Well, in that case, let's hurry up and start. I'll announce the results."

The four elders of the House reached an agreement. There was no need to waste any more time at this time. After saying that, the Great Elder was about to stand up and formally announce the result of Xu Lei's victory, and lead him into the Eternal Hall to begin the condensation of the Eternal Body.

But what no one expected was that before the great elder could speak, he was suddenly interrupted by Longshan's voice.

"You are worthy of being the person who single-handedly solved the crisis of Blue Scale Star. As a scientist, you can have such combat power. You are the first one I, Longshan, have ever met."

Looking along the sound, I saw that Longshan had walked from the auditorium to the middle of the battlefield at some point.

Talking to Xu Lei with a smile on his face.

"What does he want to do?"

"We must protect Xu Lei and prevent Longshan from harming him."

"Wait and see..."

When Qiao Xiuer saw this scene, he immediately worried that Longshan would take action against Xu Lei. After all, if Xu Lei was injured at this time, there would be no way to condense the eternal body. This would undoubtedly be beneficial to the interests of the Hongyan Galaxy.

So the first reaction was to protect Xu Lei's safety.

This view was also affirmed by other elders.

Before they could start, the Great Elder raised his hand to stop them, indicating that they should wait and see for the time being.

First find out what Longshan is planning.

The main reason is that Longshan's identity is too special. He is not just a random messenger sent by the Red Rock Galaxy. He himself has the status of a member of the Red Rock Galaxy Alliance.

In a certain aspect, his status is not inferior to that of the elders of the Setan Star Council.

If the two sides really conflict over this, it is likely to create a reason for war in the Red Rock Galaxy.

It should be noted that although the Red Rock Galaxy is a third-level civilization, as the most powerful existence in the Perseus spiral arm, Setan cannot be compared to it. If a war breaks out between the two sides, Setan will definitely suffer.

Even if Xu Lei can condense the eternal body by then, he will not be able to change this result.

After all, the battle between civilizations is different from the allocation of crystal core resources by the Galaxy Civilization Administration. It still relies on the number of fleets. It is difficult for a single powerful individual to affect the battle situation.

The key point is that even if a miracle can be created, the loss of Setan will be impossible to estimate.

More importantly, Setan is the only third-level civilization in the Orion Spiral Arm. Once something goes wrong, the overall strength of the entire Orion Spiral Arm will drop a lot, and it will be completely reduced to the bottom of the galaxy.

Indirectly affects the development of all civilizations within the spiral arm.

Therefore, after Elder Qiao Xiuerhai and others heard the words of the great elder, they immediately understood the meaning.

I had to control my emotions temporarily.

Let’s first figure out the real reason for Longshan’s move.

Anyway, this is the Setan Star House. If the other party really wants to attack Xu Lei, there is still a chance to save him in time.

at the same time.

Not to mention Qiao Xiuer and the others, even Xu Lei himself was confused.

Can't figure out how things are going.

Considering that he and Hai Longtian were in fair competition, he did not use all his strength when he struck. He only made Hai Longtian incapacitated, and he could return to the original state with a little repair later.

After finishing the final attack, he saw Hai Longtian lying on the ground as he expected. He was ready to welcome the joy of victory.

Then go to the Eternal Hall to gather the eternal body.

But he never expected that the news of the announcement would not wait, but would instead attract the envoys from the Red Rock Galaxy.

Faced with such a compliment, Xu Lei looked at the individual life of the Red Rock Galaxy who was only half a meter away from him, and responded after a slight hesitation: "If I am just lucky, saving the Blue Scale Star crisis is the joint contribution of everyone."

Longshan didn't take Xu Lei's answer to heart at all. Before Xu Lei could finish speaking, he brought up a new topic: "I think you should have heard of our Perseus Spiral Arm Red Rock Galaxy, right? There are the most powerful warriors and top scientists there, as well as all kinds of advanced research equipment.”

"If you are willing, I would like to invite you to join the Red Rock Galaxy and work together for the mission of eradicating the Zerg."

"I wonder if you are willing to accept it?"


Longshan wants to persuade Xu Lei to join the Red Rock Galaxy.

After he saw Xu Lei's powerful strength just now, he knew in his heart that he must not be allowed to condense the eternal body, otherwise it would definitely become a serious problem for the entire Perseus Spiral Arm.

But he is on the planet Setan after all, and it is obviously not possible to use violent methods.

What's more, the Hongyan Galaxy really needs Xu Lei's potential in biological genetic research and strives to create biological agents that can completely eliminate the Zerg.

So he came up with this idea in a flash and directly brought Xu Lei into the Red Rock Galaxy to prevent him from condensing the eternal body from the source. In this way, he could be considered as completing the task assigned by Councilor Hiro when he came.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

"Invite me... to join the Red Rock Galaxy?"

Hearing Xu Lei repeating these words in his mouth, he didn't expect that he would be spotted by Hongyan Galaxy.

The whole person looked a little dazed.

Didn't come back to consciousness in time.

Even Elder Qiao Xiuer and the others were slightly stunned. It turned out that Longshan approached Xu Lei to extend an invitation, not to take action.

It is obviously not enough to just watch one's own elites being poached by outsiders. If Xu Lei is really poached, it will be a huge loss to Setan and the Orion spiral arm.

Therefore, at this time, the Great Elder spoke decisively: "Xu Lei is from Setan, and I am about to go to the Eternal Hall to condense the eternal body. How could he join your Red Rock Galaxy?"

Although the surrounding onlookers were all unhappy, they did not dare to publicly accuse him due to their status, so they had to write their attitudes clearly on their faces.

However, Longshan had no intention of paying attention to the Great Elder, and still faced Xu Lei and said: "I am a member of the Red Rock Galaxy Federation. No matter what rights or treatment you can get on Setan, our Red Rock Galaxy guarantees It’s higher, I hope you can think about it carefully.”

"By the way, there is one more thing to remind you."

"I have also heard a little bit about the Eternal Body of Setan. Although it is very tempting to mechanical life forms, the probability of success is very low."

"If the cohesion fails, it is very likely that the mental body will be damaged and self-awareness will be lost."

"I advise you to think carefully and don't overestimate your capabilities."

"If it were really that simple, Setan wouldn't have been unable to make the Eternal Body appear for so many epochs. In the end, they would still have to rely on you, an outsider, to try. This is just their wishful thinking."

Perhaps out of fear that Xu Lei would refuse, Longshan didn't forget to add a few words after setting out his conditions.

It's all about the eternal body.

I want to use this method to make Xu Lei give up condensing the eternal body.

Follow him to the Red Rock Galaxy.

And these words also made Qiao Xiuer completely unable to sit still, worried that Xu Lei would really give up condensing the eternal body for this, in which case all his previous efforts would be in vain.

So at this time, he did not care about the face of the Red Rock Galaxy, and directly accused him sternly: "What does Congressman Longshan mean by this? I think it is our own affairs on Setan that it is not the turn of other civilizations to interfere, right?"

"I just don't want to see a scientist who has the potential to completely solve the Zerg crisis in the Milky Way lose his life like this." Faced with Qiao Xiuer's question, Longshan responded unhurriedly, not too implicitly. reminded Xu Lei.

Seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, everyone could only focus on Xu Lei.

I want to see what choice he will make.

After all, condensing the eternal body must be done voluntarily, and their chamber cannot force Xu Lei to be brought to the Eternal Hall to gather, so Xu Lei's own decision is related to the development of the situation.

It will even indirectly affect the power structure of the galaxy in the future.

Faced with such pressure, Xu Lei raised his eyes to meet everyone's gaze and did not shrink back.

The information about the eternal body that Longshan told is indeed correct, but Xu Lei thinks that he is special, and he always feels that he will succeed, so he has made a decision on this matter long ago.

How can it be troublesome if there is no hesitation in my heart.

As for the conditions offered by Longshan, they are indeed attractive. If the red rock galaxy supports the solar system, I am afraid that the development of the solar system will be even faster.

But both himself and the solar system belong to the Orion spiral arm, and it is impossible for him to move the entire galaxy into the Perseus spiral arm, so even if it is to avoid running back and forth between the two spiral arms in the future, he will not choose to join the Red Rock galaxy.

Besides, with the Science and Technology Museum here, even without the help of the power of the Red Rock Galaxy, it would only be a matter of time before a potion could be developed to completely solve the Zerg crisis in the galaxy.

You must know that the Titan Shipyard in the solar system has been officially put into operation. A battleship can be produced in a few months. The impact it brings is also terrifying. In addition, Halo Heavy Industry will soon release The influence of the new batch of space curvature light speed spaceships is bound to break through the highest value again.

When his thoughts stopped here, Xu Lei no longer hesitated and replied directly to Longshan: "Thank you, Congressman Longshan, for your invitation, but I'm sorry, I have no intention of joining the Red Rock Galaxy at the moment."

Longshan, who originally seemed confident of winning, suddenly turned gloomy after hearing Xu Lei's answer.

Because he knew very well that if he couldn't win over Xu Lei, he would become an enemy.

"Are you sure?" Longshan suppressed his anger and asked again.

Xu Lei nodded: "Yes, I'm sure."

"Very good, I hope you won't regret it." Seeing that all his efforts were in vain, Longshan could no longer control the anger in his heart, and immediately blurted out a harsh word.

Fortunately, Qiao Xiuer and other elders had already come over at this time. Faced with the tense atmosphere, they quickly calmed down and said: "Congressman Longshan specially crossed the spiral arm to come to our planet Setan to give guidance. He must be very tired, so he should go back to his room to rest first. .”

"How stupid!"

Longshan raised his head and glanced at Xu Lei, who was being protected by several elders. After saying these words, he turned around and left immediately.

In any case, he is a carbon-based life form, and his physical strength and other aspects are definitely not as good as those of the Setans, so he will not continue to entangle with them here, otherwise he will lose face in the Red Rock Galaxy.


"I knew you kid wouldn't be intimidated by this. Come with me to the Eternal Palace."

After Longshan's figure disappeared from sight, Qiao Xiuer turned around and patted Xu Lei's shoulder hard, looking very happy.

Xu Lei felt the power coming from his shoulders and responded with a smile: "The things I decide will generally not change, not to mention I am very confident in condensing the eternal body."

"Having confidence is a good thing."

After a brief conversation, Qiao Xiuer also seemed a little impatient. As soon as he finished speaking, he led Xu Lei towards the Eternal Hall, leaving the other three elders standing there and looking at each other with solemn expressions.

Compared with Qiao Xuel's optimism, they were more worried about Xu Lei's Condensation of Eternal Body.

As Long Shan said, if it were really that easy, Setan Planet would never have declined to this level.

"Great Elder, do you think you can make the eternal body come out this time?"

"I don't know." Faced with the other elders' active inquiries, the great elder shook his head and said with a complicated expression: "The next step is all up to him. We can't control anything."

Several people suddenly fell into silence.

Let’s talk about Longshan.

After he returned to the resting room, he still couldn't hide the anger in his heart. He slapped his palms on the alloy table and said with a frown: "This Xu Lei actually doesn't give our Perseus Red Rock Galaxy face, which made me lose my temper today." I’m completely disgraced.”

"Congressman, please calm down. Should we return to Red Rock Star as soon as possible and report the matter to the Federation? After all, the Eternal Body is likely to affect the subsequent distribution of crystal core resources." The subordinates who followed Longshan comforted Longshan and also Don’t forget to ask current questions.

It can be said that it is quite thoughtful and comprehensive.

From the battle just now, it is not difficult to see that Xu Lei is more than just a scientist on the surface. He can easily defeat the management warriors of Setan Planet. If he successfully condenses the eternal body, he will definitely become a powerful enemy of the Red Rock Galaxy.

Affects the allocation of crystal core resources in this era.

In this case, you must report it to your superiors as soon as possible.

Please prepare the federal government in advance.

In addition, they have now successfully completed the task assigned by Representative Shiloh, and there is indeed no need to stay on Setan for a long time.

But when Longshan faced this proposal, he chose to reject it: "I'm not overly worried about this matter. Although Xu Lei rejected our invitation from the Red Rock Galaxy, trying to condense the eternal body is nothing more than a dream."

"Sir, Congressman, are you saying that the other party will definitely fail to cohere?" the subordinate asked tentatively.


Longshan said with certainty: "During this period, I specifically checked the introduction of the Eternal Body in the information treasure house. Although Setan has been trying continuously for many epochs, there has never been a chance of success. I am afraid that now it is even possible to condense the Eternal Body." The body’s resources are running low.”

I don't know if he even believed what he said, but he soon heard Longshan's instructions: "Let's not rush back to Hongyan Star. I want to see with my own eyes that Xu Lei failed to condense and turned into a walking corpse."

"It's Mr. Congressman."

As a subordinate, naturally you cannot disobey your boss's orders, so even though you still have doubts, you have no choice but to carry them out.

Qiao Xiuer led Xu Lei to the hall again, but this time he did not go in. Instead, he told Xu Lei at the door: "Go in, and then you only need to take off your clothes and lie down in the center of the hall. No one can open the hall again until you complete the condensation, so you can rest assured.”

"Yes, I understand." Xu Lei nodded sharply and walked inside.

Many precautions were mentioned on the way here, so there is no need to waste too much time now.

At the same time that Xu Lei's body entered the main hall, the two heavy hall doors closed automatically, as if Qiao Xiuer and Xu Lei were separated into two different worlds.

As the saying goes, let it be what you have come. At this time, Xu Lei no longer thought about the final result. He immediately took off all his clothes according to Qiao Xiuer's instructions and lay down directly in the center of the hall.

If you observe carefully, you will find all the mysterious golden lines carved on the inner wall of the hall, and the final intersection is the central area.

Immediately afterwards.

Xu Lei suddenly found that the area where he was lying began to sink automatically.

Even those lines seemed to have life.

Faced with these strange situations, he suddenly understood that the condensation of the eternal body was finally about to begin.

"The ultimate goal pursued by the mechanical life form, the eternal body, I hope you won't disappoint me." He whispered in his heart, and then he slowly closed his eyes and allowed the hall to change.

Soon the golden lines on the inner wall of the hall became more and more obvious, and finally golden liquid seeped out, and gathered into the groove where Xu Lei was located through these lines, until Xu Lei's body was completely covered.

If Xu Lei checked carefully at this time, he would definitely find that these golden liquids were living gold.

But the quantity is unimaginable.

As the condensation of the eternal body began to proceed, Xu Lei could clearly feel that his body was changing as time passed.

The original amorphous alloy mechanical body was completely replaced by living gold.

Under normal circumstances, during this process, a large amount of living finance enters the body, and the consciousness will be squeezed accordingly, causing pain similar to that of the soul.

But although Xu Lei found that his spirit was indeed compressed and could no longer enter the overclocking state, he felt quite comfortable and there was still no so-called torture as before.

He could even clearly feel the living metal gradually solidifying and changing in his body.

Become skeletal organs, sinews, blood and flesh.

There is almost no difference from ordinary humans, and they have the same number of organs.

That is, they are all replaced by active metals.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the living metal completely condenses his body, he will officially break away from the category of mechanical life form.

It belongs to a special kind of pure metal life.

But unfortunately, this process is relatively slow. I don't know when the eternal body can be truly condensed and come out of the hall.

Since there has been no movement in the Eternal Hall, and the outside world cannot forcefully open it to check clearly, Qiao Xiuer and others also began to worry, not knowing whether it was successful or not.

The main reason is that no one on Setan has been able to condense the eternal body before this, and there is no detailed information in the civilization, so I don’t know how long it will take to condense the eternal body. Although I am getting more and more anxious, I can only wait patiently. .

But seeing that the crystal core resource allocation conference held by the Galaxy Civilization Administration was getting closer and closer, several elders wanted to force their way in more than once.

After all, if Xu Lei fails to come out within the stipulated time, he will not be able to participate in this conference.

On the other hand, Longshan is becoming more and more proud, and still firmly believes that Xu Lei cannot successfully condense the eternal body, and may have died in the hall, so there is no need to report this matter to the Hongyan Galaxy.

And in order to see the miserable look of everyone on Setan Planet after learning the result, he never even left Setan Planet...

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