My science and technology museum

Chapter 411 What can they not change?

As the equipment of the Titan Shipyard continues to improve with the support of Setan, it can be said that a streamlined battleship manufacturing method has been formed, and the production of a Source medium-sized battleship can be completed in a very short time.

In addition, some of the products of Future Technology were previously sold to other civilizations, and the influence they brought was not small.

Although it has not yet reached the highest value last time, it has exceeded 100 million points.

According to past experience, it is enough to exchange for a piece of third-level civilization technology. As long as the selection is appropriate, there is no problem in attracting second-level civilizations in the galaxy. As the saying goes, too many ants will kill the elephant. If the second-level civilization can unite, , the Red Rock Galaxy will no longer have any deterrent power.

But the most important thing is the selection of technological exhibits.

You have to choose from thousands of choices.

"It seems that I have to stay in the Science and Technology Museum for a long time, and I don't know if I can find such a suitable exhibit."

Xu Lei was thinking secretly as his thoughts were running, not daring to slack off in any way.

If the meeting was not still going on, he might have directly let his consciousness enter the second floor of the Science and Technology Museum and search for suitable items among the massive technology exhibits.

For other members and representatives in the conference hall at this time, after hearing Xu Lei's answer, the worries in their hearts suddenly disappeared a lot, as if the haze hanging over their heads had dissipated.

Because everyone knows Xu Lei's character very well, and he will never say anything he is unsure about hastily.

The current answer is so decisive and affirmative, that must be an idea or even a detailed method. In this way, we only need to manufacture this thing as soon as possible, and then use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate with other civilizations in the galaxy.

Finally, he tied them all to his own warship.

Maybe then they can force the Red Rock Galaxy to give them a taste of being jointly targeted by other civilizations.

Although the solution proposed by Xu Lei sounds extremely difficult and impossible for anyone to complete, when the words come out of Xu Lei's mouth, it is completely different.

After all, Xu Lei led mankind to create one miracle after another.

Nothing is impossible for him.

Therefore, everyone was very convinced by what Xu Lei said.

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall became much more relaxed and harmonious, and soft conversations could be heard from time to time.

"It's really admirable that Congressman Xu came up with a response plan in such a short period of time. We look so useless in comparison."

"Who says otherwise? Congressman Xu always makes people so reassuring."

"Now that humans are no longer limited to the solar system, we must also keep pace with the times and communicate more with alien civilizations. Otherwise, if our ideas are too backward, we will not be qualified to continue to serve as members of the alliance."

"You're absolutely right. Councilor Xu's ability to remain calm at such a time must be related to his visits to various galaxies."

"I think Senator Xu is strategizing. I'm afraid he has already guessed that the Red Rock Galaxy will be detrimental to us, and he has already prepared this plan."

"Humanity is really lucky to have Councilor Xu here!"

Xu Lei heard these words in his ears, and his mind couldn't help but become active.

As a representative said, humans have been trapped in the solar system for many epochs and have never communicated with alien civilizations. For the core personnel of the Human Security Alliance, they may be very capable and can ensure the survival of human civilization. It operates normally, but if it steps onto the big stage of the Milky Way, its own capabilities will seem a bit stretched.

For example, this time the Red Rock Galaxy was targeted, it was completely helpless.

The reason to blame is still lack of vision and knowledge, and the lack of further improvement in thinking.

Perhaps this weakness is not so obvious now, but once the solar system truly grows into a powerful civilization in the galaxy, the problem will be very prominent.

In any case, personal power is limited.

It is even more impossible for Xu Lei to manage the development of such a huge civilization on his own, so the best way is to let these people improve themselves.

The thought stayed here, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind: "If there is an opportunity, we should organize a few more civilization exchange activities, so that the people in the alliance can learn the advanced management experience of other civilizations."

His method is quite simple.

After the solar system resolves this matter, it will offer to other galaxies to send personnel to exchange and learn from each other. I believe that other civilizations will definitely not refuse by then.

As the saying goes, only by learning from each other's strengths can we continuously improve ourselves.

The management methods of other civilizations may not be suitable for humans, but their ability to grow and develop to this day shows that there are merits in them. In this way, as long as there are enough civilizations to communicate and learn, sooner or later a set of rules and regulations suitable for humans will be figured out.

Of course, this matter is a matter for later, and the most urgent task is to create the exhibits first.

Fortunately, now that the solar system has the support of Setan, materials and basic technologies have been improved. Even if it is faced with the third-level civilization products in the science and technology museum, it will not take too much effort to reproduce them.

The key is to pick the right stuff.

Just as Xu Lei was thinking about this, he heard Yu Hongliang's voice again: "Congressman Xu, if you need any help in the process of manufacturing this product, please feel free to ask the alliance. The responsibility for all mankind must not be shouldered by you alone.”

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Xu Lei nodded and answered.

At present, the entire solar system has a lot of resources. Since it is to prevent the entire civilization from being targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy, Xu Lei will naturally not only use the foundation of future technology.

The main reason is that even he has not confirmed the real information about the item yet, so it is indeed a bit early to say this.

At this point, the meeting has basically come to an end.

Although the whole process did not take too much time, after all, the matter has been resolved. It is necessary to seize the time to discuss the response plan. It would be a waste of energy to continue the meeting.

Besides, if we get this thing out as soon as possible, the situation in the solar system can be restored as soon as possible.

So Xu Lei didn't have any further delay. After the meeting, he explained to Yu Hongliang, Enoch and the others a few times, and then immediately returned to the rooftop spaceship, preparing to return to Binjiang City first.

at the same time.

As Xu Lei analyzed, because of the broadcast statement issued by the Red Rock Galaxy, the entire Milky Way civilization suddenly became very lively.

Especially on the Galaxy Civilization Administration platform, users from various civilizations are talking about it.

Most of them blame the Red Rock Galaxy for what they did.

It even includes civilizations within the Perseus spiral arm.

It can be said that Red Rock Galaxy has aroused public outrage and its reputation has plummeted.

The image of Xu Lei and the solar system is relatively good among all civilizations. They have made outstanding contributions to the eradication of the Zerg. Coupled with the invasion of earth and star delicacies, their favorability is rising like a spaceship.

But now because of the declaration of the Red Rock Galaxy, there is almost no way to eat the delicacies of the Earth Star, so how can I feel better.

So he spread his anger on the Red Rock Galaxy.

The key point is that in the past, the Red Rock Galaxy was the most powerful civilization in the Milky Way. It was deeply admired by the individuals of all civilizations, and they expressed envy from the bottom of their hearts to the warriors who could join the Red Rock Galaxy fleet.

But it is really a great shame to have to cause trouble for the civilization of the fleet commander just because they lost to Setan in the distribution of crystal core resources.

This is like the star you are chasing suddenly collapses.

Just open the official platform section of any authority, and almost everything discussed will be in this regard.

"Previously, I had speculated whether Hongyan Galaxy could accept this defeat, but I didn't expect that it would take this method to retaliate. It simply lost all the face that Hongyan Galaxy had fought for before."

"The federal members of the Red Rock Galaxy are not good at this time. No wonder they lost to Setan."

"It's obviously the commander's fault, but he wants to impose his fault on a second-level civilization. I can't stand it at all."

"You have the ability to target Setan. It's really shameless to coerce a second-level civilization like this."

"Does the Galaxy Civilization Administration just not care?"

"How we manage it, and which company we cooperate with or not, are all the rights of civilization itself."

"I just became obsessed with the food produced in the solar system. Now because my own civilization does not dare to offend the Red Rock Galaxy, there is no way to buy it anymore."

"Who says otherwise? Without the delicacies of the solar system, life would be boring."

"Some time ago, I saw that the civilization of the solar system had launched a very interesting virtual game that allows users to compete with other civilizations. I was originally very interested in it, but now I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see it again."

The comments on the Authority's platform will naturally be seen by the Red Rock Galaxy Federation, but they don't care about it.

Even though the excitement was getting louder and louder, there was still no reaction.

On the other hand, Longshan, who had retained his status as a congressman, took the reputation of his own civilization very seriously. Seeing that the entire galaxy was criticizing him, he couldn't sit still and had to go to Congressman Shiro to see if any rescue measures could be taken.

"Congressman Hiro, our situation is not good now. Many users on the authority platform are dissatisfied with the broadcast statement we issued."

"Are we..."

Red Rock Star.

Central Special Zone.

In the room on the top floor of the Federal Building, before Longshan could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Hiro sitting on the chair: "They are just some of the lowest groups in civilization. Their words have no value, as long as Just be civilized and sensible."

"If we don't let the solar system clearly realize the power of our red rock galaxy, I'm afraid everyone will want to step on us in the future."

As the oldest member of the Red Rock Galaxy, Hiro is undoubtedly very arrogant.

In his view, users who like to post various comments on the management platform are basically at the bottom of their civilization and have no say at all.

It serves no purpose other than posting these complaints.

It would really be a loss of face if Hongyan Galaxy had to deal with it personally just for such a trivial matter.

What's more, all he wants is to block the solar system so that it cannot integrate into the big stage of the Milky Way. There is no need to care about the opinions of other individuals. Anyway, no matter what others say, the Red Rock Galaxy is still the most powerful civilization in the Milky Way.

No one can shake this?

After being scolded by Hiro, Longshan still complained in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything more.

After all, he made such a big mistake in the information about the Eternal Body this time. Although most of the responsibility was taken by Ba Jun, his status as a councilor would not have been preserved if Hero hadn't spoken out.

So in this case, how dare he raise different opinions.

Dangzhi replied obediently: "I understand, Representative Hiro, I am too nervous."

After hearing Longshan's words, Hiro's mood immediately relaxed a lot, and then he asked a new question: "What's the situation on Setan? Are they taking any action?"

The relationship between Setan and the solar system is unusual. As the only third-level civilization in the Orion spiral arm, measures will definitely be taken.

This is also what Shiro is most worried about.

If Setan really succeeds in helping the solar system resolve the crisis, the deterrent power of the red rock galaxy will further decline, and it will even give other civilizations the feeling that the red rock galaxy cannot even suppress Setan.

It will undoubtedly make the Hongyan Galaxy passive, which is equivalent to stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

So Hero would never allow this to happen.

No matter what, the solar system must be restricted from all aspects, so that Setan's efforts will be in vain.

And in order to promptly detect the actions on Setan Planet, he specially sent Longshan to take charge of this matter, so that even if something happened, he could adjust his strategy in time.

Perhaps it was due to the previous miscalculation of the impact of Xu Lei's inability to condense the eternal body. After receiving this task from Shi Luo, Longshan could be said to be extremely serious. Not only did he ensure the accuracy of the news, but he also sent it back as soon as possible. .

Since he had stayed on Setan for a long period of time and had established many information channels, this task was suitable for him.

At this time, when he heard Hero asking about this matter, he immediately replied: "According to the information I got, the elder of the Setan Star Council personally contacted the civilizations in the Orion spiral arm, but they were also worried that they would become the second one. The solar system is basically taking a wait-and-see attitude.”

"However, those interstellar groups that cooperate with the solar system are basically families, and they dare not offend our red rock galaxy. They have already cleared all ties with the solar system."

"I think they may report it to the Civilization Administration in the future." When he said the last sentence, Longshan paused for a few seconds.

Hero heard the news and couldn't help but have a smile on his face. Obviously, the development of the matter was completely within his expectation. It was basically a foregone conclusion at the moment. No matter how hard the solar system worked, it could not change the fact that its development was locked.

"Those interstellar group families know each other."

"Now that the external business of the solar system has been stopped, the power of the Setan family alone cannot change anything. As long as we do not relax restrictions, the solar system will never be able to continue to develop."

“It would be good to maintain the status quo from now on.”

"This can be regarded as solving a potential competitor for our red rock galaxy in advance."

"As for the Civilization Administration, there is no need to worry. Everything we do is within the rules of the Administration."

"Even if the administration sends an inspector to mediate, I can choose to refuse."

Saying what he was thinking in one breath, the smile on Hiro's face grew wider, as if he had seen victory waving to him.

In fact, he chose to attack the solar system, even at the cost of losing the reputation of his own civilization. In addition to wanting to give the solar system a warning and take the opportunity to let other civilizations know how powerful the Red Rock Galaxy is, more importantly, he wanted to consider the future.

As a rare special mechanical civilization, Setan has an advantage over carbon-based civilization.

Only because there is only a third-level civilization called Setan in the Orion spiral arm, their strength is at the bottom and they cannot get enough crystal core resources in every era.

This allowed the Red Rock Galaxy to continue to grow until it became the strongest civilization in the galaxy.

But it was at this time that the solar system came into his sight.

At the beginning, he was interested in the solar system, mainly because its half-carbon-based, half-mechanical life structure was in some ways more special than that of Setan. After all, both life structures came from the same planet.

Even if you look at the entire galaxy, it is very rare.

But after taking a closer look, he discovered that the solar system was developing at an alarming rate, almost all in the midst of a technological explosion.

Technologies that should not have appeared have entered civilization ahead of schedule.

What is even more disturbing is that it did not take long for the solar system to go from being registered with the Galaxy Civilization Administration to being certified as a second-level civilization. This kind of development speed is unmatched by any civilization in the galaxy.

In addition, Xu Lei, as a scientist, also condensed the eternal body on Setan, which proves the development potential of the solar system.

It is no exaggeration to say that given time, the solar system will become the second level three civilization in the Orion spiral arm, and will even be more powerful than Setan.

By that time, not only will the Perseus spiral arm completely fall from its position as the leader of the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way, but the status of their red rock galaxy in the Milky Way will also plummet.

But after all, the Solar System is now a second-level civilization certified by the Civilization Administration, and they have no way to use force to nip the threat in the cradle in advance.

So we can only block their technological development.

As a second-level civilization, it is definitely impossible to advance to the third level by yourself. As long as the solar system cannot establish cooperation with other civilizations, technological development will stagnate.

This will not pose a threat to the red rock galaxy.

Compared to eliminating a huge risk, the loss of reputation is nothing.

As for Longshan next to him, he definitely didn't expect it to be so far-reaching, so all he could do was execute the order unconditionally.

After hearing what Hero said, his original worries disappeared immediately, and he immediately said: "So we can rest assured that the solar system can no longer reverse the current situation."

"Next, you should continue to pay attention to the developments on Setan Star. As for the solar system, you don't have to worry about it. They can't change anything." After thinking for a while, Hero said to Longshan again to ensure that things would never get out of his hands. Take control.

It's a pity that Hero never knew that choosing to ignore the solar system was his biggest mistake.

Long Shan was in a good mood, and immediately stopped staying at Shi Luo's place. He made a solemn promise and walked out.

Hiro stared at Longshan's back until his figure completely disappeared from sight, then sat back on his chair, his face instantly turned cold, and at the same time he murmured to himself: "This has never appeared in many epochs. So what about the eternal body, we are not helpless now."

At this moment, it seemed as if his short red hair had become enchanting.


Let’s talk about the solar system.

After Xu Lei returned to Binjiang City from the Imperial Capital Alliance Headquarters, he did not go directly to Longfor High-tech Park, but returned to Longfor Manor first.

No matter what, I just returned to the solar system after such a long time. I haven't had time to meet my daughter's parents yet, and I have to be busy with things in the Red Rock Galaxy. Now I finally have some time to spend with my family.

Perhaps because she didn't expect Xu Lei to come back so soon, Xu Xuan was also very excited after seeing her father.

It allowed Xu Lei to enjoy family happiness for a period of time.

On the other hand, Chen Shihe was a little absent-minded. He wanted to know how the matter was resolved, but he was also afraid of disturbing Xu Lei and his daughter's alone time.

It wasn't until the two of them returned to the bedroom late at night that she finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to ask: "How is the situation? Is there any solution from the alliance?"

"Do not worry."

Xu Lei hugged Chen Shihe and kissed him on the forehead, and then said with relief: "The response strategy has been formulated at the alliance meeting. I think it should be able to eliminate the impact of the broadcast statement issued by the Red Rock Galaxy."

"Well, that's good. No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will fight with you." Chen Shihe nodded obediently and then buried himself in Xu Lei's chest.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Lei has completely separated from the original mechanical structure of life after condensing the eternal body.

Although flesh, blood, bones, and internal organs are all composed of active metals, they are actually not much different from humans. They only have a long lifespan, can directly absorb energy from the universe and undergo fusion reactions in the body, and the body is difficult to be damaged by foreign objects.

My only regret is that I can no longer conceive offspring.

So at this moment when our eyes are facing each other, how can we not do something joyful?

When the time came to the second half of the night, Chen Shihe had dragged his tired body and fell into a deep sleep. Although Xu Lei was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his consciousness had actually entered the Science and Technology Museum.

In order to eliminate the impact of the Red Rock Galaxy on the solar system as soon as possible, he must hurry up and find suitable technological exhibits.

Limited reach must also be considered.

In addition, none of the technology exhibits he had marked before could meet this demand, so he still had to search for suitable targets among a large number of booths.

There is no doubt that it is a very large project.

Fortunately, there is no passage of time in the Science and Technology Museum, so he can search patiently inside, otherwise the day lilies would be cold.

"It's really a headache. I don't know when it will be found. I hope it goes smoothly!"

In the upper space of the Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei once again stood at the entrance, looking at the endless booths with the same appearance. He felt helpless in his heart, but for now he could only endure the boredom of looking for them one by one.

I just hope that a little bit of luck can lead to him encountering the booth that is suitable for the exhibits.

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