My science and technology museum

Chapter 413 Project Begins

"Where are we going? Have you found a way to deal with the Red Rock Galaxy?"

Friday, November 9, 2057.

solar system.

Flying to the cockpit of the light-speed spacecraft Golden Crow on Titan, Xu Lei heard Linna's question in the back row and explained casually: "Go to the largest shipyard in our solar system. As for the countermeasures, we do have some ideas."

After contacting the Setan Star Council and asking them to transport the required materials through the star gate, Xu Lei immediately set off for Titan.

Because Lina was very concerned about this matter, she had to take her with her.


Xingtong was sitting on the seat next to her.

Although Linna decided to advance and retreat with the Solar System on behalf of Halo Heavy Industries, she was also secretly under tremendous pressure. Especially when she saw the group's various businesses suffered setbacks, she was even more anxious. The reason why she followed Xu Lei was because she wanted to see herself Can you provide help so that we can formulate a response plan as soon as possible.

Solve the current passive dilemma.

You must know that although her father is the chairman of Xinghuan Heavy Industries, the elders in the group are not fuel-efficient lamps either.

If they see that the group's interests continue to decline, they may force Linna's father to change his decision.

Of course, how could Xu Lei not be aware of the difficulties faced by Halo Heavy Industry? However, at present, the particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier only exist in theory. Not even a prototype has been produced, and it is not suitable for public announcement yet.

So taking Lina with her to Titan is the best way to reassure her as soon as possible.

What's more, Linna is a Green Star and a daughter of the Star Ring Heavy Industry Group. Although their group is not yet capable of manufacturing large-scale Star Destroyers, they believe they can provide advice and help in certain technical aspects.

At least her knowledge is much higher than that of Li Chengzhe and other scientists in the solar system.

Speaking of which, when Xu Lei asked for special materials from the Setan Star Council and said that he would develop a new technology to solve the problem of the Red Rock Galaxy, both Qiao Xiuer and the Great Elder expressed doubts.

Not optimistic about this technology at all.

Mainly in their opinion, Setan Star, as a third-level civilization, cannot well eliminate the impact of the Red Rock Galaxy. What can a second-level civilization alone do.

There is a high probability that self-deception is a waste of time and resources.

But because of Xu Lei's identity and the advantages brought by the eternal body, they finally agreed to the request.

Xu Lei did not mention the particle neutralization shield device and the energy shield amplifier. He also wanted to give them a surprise. After all, if the overall strength of the Saitan fleet increased by 40%, the gap between it and the Red Rock Galaxy would be great. There is not much difference left.

Another reason is that after all, there is a mixed bag of good and bad people on Setan Planet, and information is easily leaked.

If the Red Rock Galaxy learns about the particle neutralization shield, no one can guarantee whether the other party will take further measures.

Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to get the final result first.

Only by obtaining detailed warship comparison data can other civilizations in the galaxy be convinced. Otherwise, nothing can be accomplished by just talking.

As for Xing Tong to follow him to Titan, it was Chen Shihe's idea.

The conditions on Titan are not as good as those on Earth, and Xu Lei is personally responsible for this project this time, so Xingtong can provide some help.

Anyway, there is nothing that Future Technology can do right now.

After careful consideration, Xu Lei felt that having Xingtong by his side would really benefit the progress of the project, so he agreed to Chen Shihe's proposal.

You must know that due to the influence of the eternal body, he has no way to enter the overclocking state. In this case, Xingtong, as the brain, undoubtedly has a computing advantage.

It can help him build a data model and complete the preliminary work in the shortest time.

Originally, Linna had not been in good condition these past few days and had been worrying about the situation of the group. Now she suddenly heard Xu Lei say that she had found a way to deal with it. It can be said that her emotions instantly became excited.

Regardless of the fact that he was still in flight, he quickly asked: "Really, what method have you come up with to deal with the Red Rock Galaxy's targeting of the solar system?"

"If you need help from our Star Ring Heavy Industry, just ask, my father has given me the maximum authority." Just after the question was raised, he added this sentence decisively.

Seeing Lina being so enthusiastic, Xu Lei felt dumbfounded.

However, with the assistance of materials and equipment from Setan, plus the site of Titan's shipyard, it would be no problem to create particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers.

There is no need for any help from Halo Heavy Industry in this matter.

However, we are waiting for the promotion of subsequent devices and dealing with other civilizations, but we cannot do without such a good platform as Star Ring Heavy Industry.

Thinking of this, Xu Lei replied: "You will know the solution when you wait until Titan. As for your Halo Heavy Industry Group, I will definitely ask you for help in a while."

"According to your solar system civilization, we are just grasshoppers on a rope now. We should help each other."

After hearing Xu Lei's answer, Linna stopped asking any more questions and just made a casual joke.

In fact, according to normal understanding, Linna should never believe that Xu Lei could come up with a solution to being targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy in such a short period of time.

After all, there is a big gap in civilization levels.

But she didn't know if it was because of Xu Lei's confidence and the miracles he created when she got along with him that she was infected. She didn't have any doubts when Xu Lei answered.

It was as if Xu Lei had long been determined to be able to solve the crisis.

It’s just that we have to wait and see with our own eyes to see what the situation is.

But if Xu Lei really has a plan to deal with the Hongyan Galaxy, she also needs to report the news to her father in time so that the group can be prepared in advance to launch a counterattack.

What is worth mentioning is that Xingtong remained silent all the way to Titan. Even after the birth of self-awareness, he still performed his duties as an optical brain. If Xu Lei hadn't been thinking about the particle neutralization of the shield device, , I definitely have to take the initiative to chat with Xingtong for a few words.

that's all.

Relying on the speed of the Golden Crow, it didn't take long for the spacecraft to land at the Titan Fortress parking area.

After several years of improvement and construction, the scale of Titan Fortress has now expanded compared to before, and it is gradually catching up with the two planetary cities of Lunar City and Mars City.

In addition to some of the space force stationed here, it also includes ordinary human scientific research teams from the earth.

Among them is Li Chengzhe, deputy director of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

and scientists such as Gu Sanlin.

Mainly responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Titan Shipyard and ensuring the normal production and manufacturing of battleships.

In addition, they will continue to delve into new knowledge and technologies, and even learn about the technologies of other alien civilizations through the Galaxy Civilization Administration platform.

It can be said that there is truly no end to learning.

After Xu Lei learned about this situation, he was very pleased.

As the saying goes, if you don't advance against the current, you will retreat. With the rapid development of human civilization, if you cannot continue to improve yourself, you will soon be eliminated by civilization, and the technology you master can no longer guarantee the development of civilization.

After all, we cannot reverse history no matter what.

Since Titan Fortress is equivalent to a special independent space compared to the entire Titan planet, the environment in the fortress may not be as beautiful as the Earth planet, but it can still allow ordinary humans to live and work normally.

Don't worry about the various dangers on the planet.

It was obviously the first time for Linna to come to Titan. After seeing the huge shipyard located to the east of the fortress, she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

"I really didn't expect that your solar system would develop so fast. Compared to ours, the accelerator button has been pressed dozens of times. Even this shipyard is probably not inferior to our Green Star!"

When she first met Xu Lei, the solar system was still a weak civilization that had just advanced to the first level.

Not even certified by the Bureau of Civilization.

Finally relying on the contribution points obtained from wiping out the Zerg, in order to improve the strength of civilization, it can only be used to purchase battleships.

But now the solar system is not only a second-level civilization, but also has a production line for manufacturing medium-sized battleships. Even if this cannot be achieved without the help of Xu Lei, it is enough to be called a miracle.

But after the surprise, Lina was most happy.

Because the more powerful the solar system becomes, the more it proves that their vision of the Halo Heavy Industry was right.

"If you understand carefully, there may be even bigger surprises." Faced with Linna's emotion, Xu Lei immediately stopped and turned around to respond meaningfully.

Then he continued to move without saying another word.

The Titan Shipyard that Linna saw at the moment was only the appearance, and she did not know what was going on inside. She had no way of knowing that this shipyard could produce large Star Destroyers.

Therefore, the value of the Titan Shipyard cannot be compared to the production line on Green Planet.

In particular, the Kamikaze series of battleships produced by the Solar System itself have far more powerful performance than other battleships.

At this moment, Xu Lei also noticed several familiar figures approaching them.

The leader among them is Li Chengzhe.

"Dean, I finally have a chance to see you again." When he came to a stop half a meter away from Xu Lei, Li Chengzhe quickly took the initiative to say hello. In his excitement, he held Xu Lei's hands and shook his head slightly. Tremble.

Since the completion of the Titan Shipyard, they have not seen each other again, and they have been unable to continue to gain new knowledge from Xu Lei.

For this reason, Li Chengzhe and others had no choice but to study alien civilization technology.

Now that Xu Lei has returned to the solar system, he has to personally take charge of a brand new project. How can they not be excited? Everyone knows how Xu Lei performs outside.

"Yeah, long time no see. How is the situation at the shipyard now?" Xu Lei responded softly with a smile on his face, not forgetting to pay attention to the situation here.

"After being targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy, all the battleship orders previously scheduled by several second-level civilizations were suspended. However, the production of battleships is still in progress. The alliance plans to equip all of them into the fleet by then, and gradually replace other battleships with poor performance. of battleships."

What Li Chengzhe missed the most was when he reported to Xu Lei. Now that he had such an opportunity, he naturally did not hesitate to introduce Titan Fortress.

Although Xu Lei nodded frequently in affirmation, Linna next to him had a wry smile on his face.

The battleship orders of the Solar System were completed with the help of their Halo Heavy Industry platform, so she knew very well that the detailed data of the battleships produced by the Solar System could be said to have better performance than their battleships.

I still remember that when she first learned that the Kamikaze series of battleships were designed by Xu Lei, she could not help but admire him.

So now even though their battleships are said to have poor performance, they can't find any reason to refute it. Who would let this be the case?

But in the end, she agreed: "With the performance advantages of your Kamikaze series battleships, if the entire fleet is equipped, I am afraid that there will be few second-level civilizations in the galaxy that surpass yours in overall strength."


Several people were talking as they walked towards the residential area in the central area of ​​Titan Fortress. After arriving at the place where they would live for some time in the future, Xu Lei asked again: "Have you done everything I told you before?"

"Don't worry, Dean."

"Professor Gu and I have sorted out an area in the shipyard as required, and the materials and equipment from Setan have also been received."

"That's good." Hearing Li Chengzhe's affirmative answer, Xu Lei nodded with satisfaction.

On the other hand, Gu Sanlin next to him couldn't hold back his curiosity at this moment, and asked directly the next second: "I don't know what project the dean is going to carry out this time. With it, we can eliminate the influence of the Red Rock Galaxy on us. Does it have an impact?”

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengzhe immediately pricked up his ears, obviously also curious about this.

Although Linna and Xingtong did not speak, their eyes were on Xu Lei.

It's a pity that Xu Lei didn't tell it directly this time.

"Let me give you a break first. In the next few days, Xingtong and I will try our best to complete the early data model construction of the device. You will know when the time comes."

"It's the dean." Faced with such a result, although Li Chengzhe and Gu Sanlin felt regretful, they didn't say anything more.

Anyway, according to Xu Lei's previous speed, I believe the model will be completed in a few days. By then, we will naturally know what this mysterious project is like.

And just when Xu Lei was about to immediately start building the data model of the particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier, Linna's voice sounded next to his ears: "Then what should I do next? Do I have to do it with you? Build a model together?”

Xu Lei knew that Lina would never be idle, but after all, she had never been exposed to anything related to energy shields. Participating in the construction of the early model of the device might have counterproductive effects, so after thinking for a while, he said: "This time You can just follow these two professors to help in the shipyard first, I will be out soon."

"Okay then, I'll wait to see your device." Hearing this, Lina curled her lips and had to agree.

With the completion of the project, the research and development of the particle neutralization shield device has officially begun.

Relying on the detailed technical formulas and information knowledge in his mind, and with the help of Xingtong, Xu Lei's early model construction was very smooth. As for Li Chengzhe, Gu Sanlin, Lin Linna and others, they continued to arrange the project research and development space in the shipyard.

Ensure that subsequent manufacturing work can be wirelessly connected to Xu Lei, and strive to complete this project in the shortest possible time.

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