My science and technology museum

Chapter 415 Extreme Test

As Xu Lei's voice sounded, Xingtong naturally did not hesitate and directly projected the completed virtual model of the particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier.

After Li Chengzhe and others saw these two models, their eyes widened and they were immersed in them.

It's like admiring a piece of art and you can't help yourself.

Soon he was praising her again and again, knowing that his patient waiting during this period was not in vain.

"This device is so exquisite. Its complexity even exceeds the manufacturing of medium-sized battleships. It is simply incredible."

"It is indeed the crystallization of the technological knowledge of advanced civilizations. If it were left to us, we probably wouldn't be able to design such a thing even if it took fifty years."

"The dean has grown to such an extent, it's simply terrifying."

"Being able to participate in such high-tech product research and development with the dean, I will have no regrets in life!"

Compared with Li Chengzhe, Gu Sanlin and others who were unable to extricate themselves, Linna was completely stunned at this moment, and her heart felt like a huge wave. She was not only shocked, but also shocked.

Because of her identity and experience, she can naturally tell that this is an energy shield device used on Star Destroyers, and its technology is only in the hands of a few third-level civilizations and administrations in the galaxy.

It is simply impossible for other low-level civilizations to obtain it.

Even Setan cannot easily give Star Destroyer manufacturing technology to the solar system.

After all, the resources in the entire galaxy are limited and fixed. An additional third-level civilization will inevitably have a certain threatening impact on other third-level civilizations.

Under this situation, the three-level civilizations have reached a consensus that core technologies such as Star Destroyers cannot be leaked to the outside world.

Only low-level civilizations can research it on their own.

But now Xu Lei has built the most important energy shield device of the Star Destroyer by himself. It is really unbelievable. He carefully looked at the model and data in front of him. The efficiency of this device seems to be better than that of the third-level civilization equipment in the galaxy. The Star Destroyer energy shield is even better.

Of course, Lina's shock must be far more than this.

Just as she was thinking about this, Xu Lei's voice suddenly came to her ears: "As you can see, the particle neutralization shield device and energy shield amplifier I designed, its basic performance not only exceeds The energy shield of the current Star Destroyers in the galaxy is about ten percent, and the two devices can even increase it to more than thirty percent when used together."

"The most important thing is that they can also be equipped for use on battleships."

As Xu Lei explained these two devices, Li Chengzhe and others may not yet know their true value, but Linna was already extremely excited.

He suddenly exclaimed: "It can increase the efficiency by 30% and can also be equipped on battleships. How is this possible?"

Attracted by Linna's voice, Xu Lei turned his head with a confident smile on his face: "I wonder if these two devices can attract the civilizations in the galaxy and make them stand on our side."

Suddenly faced with the question raised by Xu Lei, Linna finally came back to her senses. After thinking for a moment, she answered seriously.

"If it's true as you said, once these two devices flow into the galaxy, I'm afraid they will attract not only low-level civilizations, but even those third-level civilizations will want to get them."

Lina was absolutely right.

Because the effects of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers are so amazing, if they are equipped in batches by low-level civilizations on their own fleets, they will inevitably threaten the status of third-level civilizations.

No one can predict what the situation will be like by then, whether it will be good or bad.

In a way it's a double-edged sword.

But Xu Lei didn't care.

After all, the most critical thing right now is to eliminate the impact of the red rock galaxy on the solar system. As for the subsequent matters, there is no need to consider it at all for the time being.

Anyway, there is still the Galaxy Civilization Administration taking care of everything, so there is no need to worry too much.

"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the soil. The most important thing now is to achieve mass production of these two devices." Xu Lei responded to Linna casually, then turned his attention to Li Chengzhe and others, and immediately ordered: "We You all know the projects to be studied next, so get ready to officially start tomorrow."

"In addition, the shipyard will appropriately reduce the production of battleships and focus its production capacity on these two devices first."

After learning from Linna that the troubles in the solar system would be solved soon, Li Chengzhe, Gu Sanlin and others were extremely excited. In addition, participating in this project would also improve their own skills, so of course they would not have any objection to this decision.

I even want to start manufacturing it today.

"Don't worry, Dean, we promise to complete the mission." After issuing the military order in unison, they immediately started taking action.

Linna originally thought she would be disappointed today, but she didn't expect Xu Lei to give her such a big surprise.

And as Xu Lei said, there is no need to consider the consequences of this device entering the vision of galactic civilization at the moment. Let's finish the matters at hand first.

With the advent of this device, in addition to solving the crisis in the solar system, the pressure currently faced by Halo Heavy Industry will be completely dissipated, and it may even be possible to use this opportunity to take the group one step further.

At that time, no one had anything to say.

With a lot of thoughts flashing through her mind, Linna first took a few deep breaths. After her mood became quite stable, she immediately asked Xu Lei: "What can I tell you about the particle neutralization shield and the energy shield amplifier?" Father, he has also been having a headache over the announcement of the Red Rock Galaxy during this time?"

After hearing Linna's inquiry, Xu Lei thought that he would need to use the platform of Halo Heavy Industries to promote this device and invite representatives of various civilizations to come to the solar system for cooperation, so he simply agreed.

After all, he has been in contact with Lina's father and is generally trustworthy.

However, in order to ensure that the project could proceed smoothly, he finally made some requirements.

"Of course, but it's best not to go into details about the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier. In addition, Halo Heavy Industry can start making preparations now."

Linna naturally understood what Xu Lei meant when she heard this, and she had no objection to the decision. She immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

that's all.

The next day.

Under Xu Lei's personal responsibility, the Titan shipyard officially began the production of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers.

As long as the finished product is equipped on the battleship and undergoes final testing, mass production can begin.

As for the Milky Way, there haven't been any big changes.

Due to the deterrent power of the Red Rock Galaxy, the second-level civilizations and affiliated first-level civilizations in the Milky Way no longer conduct business with the solar system, and some even directly prohibit life individuals within their own civilization from going to the solar system.

It is also worth mentioning that because Halo Heavy Industry publicly announced that it would continue to cooperate with the Solar System and ignored the statement of Hongyan Galaxy, Hongyan Galaxy once again issued a broadcast statement, taking the same target against Halo Heavy Industry, in order to warn other civilizations to resist. end.

Let the civilizations in the Milky Way know the determination of the Red Rock Galaxy against the solar system.

Originally, Halo Heavy Industries had chosen to be tied to the Solar System and had already lost many customer channels. After this statement was released, even some battleship materials could no longer be purchased.

This put Starlink Heavy Industry into crisis for a time.

Coupled with the pressure from many senior members of the group, it can be said that Linna's father has withstood a lot of pressure.

Compared with the real person before, it looks a lot more vicissitudes of life.

But what the outside world didn't expect was that just when everyone thought that the Halo Heavy Industry Union had chosen to surrender to the Red Rock Galaxy, Linna's father publicly announced that the group would soon launch a newly developed technological product in the solar system.

We sincerely invite representatives from all civilizations to come and check it out.

Of course, this invitation was not treated in a civilized manner, and everyone became less optimistic about Starlink Heavy Industry, believing that it would most likely follow in the footsteps of Chenxing Group.

In the whole process, the effects of Setan Star and Green Star were minimal, as if they were both shrouded in the haze of the red rock galaxy.

Soon, nearly two months passed. With the personal responsibility of Xu Lei and the assistance of top scientists in the solar system such as Xingtong Li Chengzhe, humanity's first particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier were finally successfully created. .

And equipped it on an active kamikaze battleship.

After all, since it is to test the effect of the particle neutralization shield device in actual combat, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to directly use the battleship to test.

The data obtained in this way are also more convincing.

You must know that outside civilizations are not interested in the so-called new products of the solar system at all.

If you want them to risk the risks brought by the Red Rock Galaxy and go to the solar system to participate in the cooperation conference, you must be convincing enough.

For this reason, Xu Lei also specially transferred a large Star Destroyer from the Alliance Fleet.

Want Star Destroyers to directly attack battleships equipped with particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers.

This is used to determine the defensive effect of the particle neutralization shield when it is attacked by neutral particle cannons and plasma cannons, and test the performance of the shield to the greatest extent.

It is worth mentioning that when this decision was first made, Li Chengzhe and others were frightened.

There are even different opinions on this.

Mainly in their view, no matter how effective the particle neutralization shield is, it cannot withstand plasma cannons when equipped on a medium-sized battleship. If the battleship is destroyed, the fleet wealth will be lost.

After all, it is not easy to build a kamikaze series battleship.

Even if you want to test the defense effect of the device, you can just call a battleship of the same level to cooperate.

Unfortunately, as the designer and manufacturer of this device, Xu Lei is very aware of the defensive effect of the shield.

Although it can't withstand the plasma cannon's attack for a long time, one or two rounds is absolutely no problem.

Among them, the neutral particle cannon is not to mention.

So in the end, Xu Lei overcame all objections and brought over the Star Destroyer from the Alliance's First Fleet.


"Dean, should we consider this matter again? The battleship's weapons are powerful enough to achieve the test effect."

Near the orbit of Saturn, in the control hall of the Alliance's First Fleet Star Destroyer, Li Chengzhe hesitated for a moment before mentioning the matter again.

After all, as the deputy dean, he must stand up for others at this time.

Avoid waste of resources.

After all, the Red Rock Galaxy may have a lot of money, but for the solar system, a kamikaze battleship is a very important core material.

Unfortunately, his words did not make any sense.

Xu Lei, who was standing in front of the console after hearing the sound, looked at the medium-sized battleship equipped with particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers parked in the attack range on the screen, and immediately said: "Don't worry, our kamikaze Battleships are not that fragile, and I believe more in the defensive effect of particle neutralization shields."

"It's Dean, I understand."

Speaking of which, Li Chengzhe dared to say anything more.

I had to agree.

In fact, after participating in the manufacture of the particle neutralization shield device this time, they found out after in-depth understanding of the power of this project that it can definitely change the current pattern of galactic civilization.

But after all, this is the first time the experiment has been carried out, and no one can guarantee that the experiment will be 100% successful.

Definitely choose a slightly conservative approach.

Of course, Xu Lei also considered this. Although he chose a Star Destroyer to attack the battleship, he did not send any crew to the battleship.

The final experimental data is recorded entirely by intelligent control.

Therefore, even if the particle neutralization shield cannot withstand the Star Destroyer's plasma cannon strike, and the battleship is completely destroyed, there will be no casualties.

As for Linna, who had wide eyes next to her, she didn't think about these trivial matters at all.

Right now I just want to see the test results of the device.

Because in her opinion, the success of the experiment is the most important, and there is no need to think too much about anything else.

If the loss of a battleship can be replaced by a perfect test of the particle neutralization shield device experiment, this will definitely be a very good deal.

And just when everyone was getting more and more impatient, Xing Tong's voice finally came to their ears.

"Report to boss, the experimental battleship is ready, the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier are debugged, and the experiment can be started at any time."

"very good."

After hearing the good news, Xu Lei nodded affirmatively, and then directly gave the order: "Turn on the particle neutralization shield and energy shield amplifier, and prepare for the attack."

"Okay boss."

As Xingtong finished speaking, the battleship on the screen was suddenly wrapped in an energy shield without any blind spots.

It is exactly the state of a battleship when it encounters a battle.

However, under normal circumstances, medium-sized battleships choose to rely on armor to resist attacks when attacked. How can they directly turn on the energy shield like here in the solar system?

When the battleship was ready to withstand the attack, Xu Lei turned his attention to Lei Zhan, the leader of the first fleet next to him, and ordered him: "Start the attack, first use the neutral particle cannon to shoot at the hull. "

Although Lei Zhan roughly understood the mission and significance of his coming here when he received the transfer order, he was still a little reluctant to open fire on his own warship now.

So in the end he asked one more question: "Congressman Xu, the neutral particle cannon on the Star Destroyer is stronger than that on ordinary battleships. Do we really want to do it?"

"Hurry up and start. I believe that the device created will definitely not disappoint everyone..." Xu Lei's eyes were very firm when he said this.

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