My science and technology museum

Chapter 419 I’m so sorry

For representatives of various civilizations who took the risk to come to the solar system to attend this press conference, what they most wanted to see was undoubtedly the actual combat effects of the particle neutralization shield device and the energy shield amplifier.

Xu Lei knows this very well.

For this reason, he deliberately held the press conference in the lunar planet city.

At that time, a battleship strike test will be conducted in the sky.

Let everyone present see the effects of these two devices with their own eyes. Only in this way can they be firmly bound to the solar system.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the press conference, Xu Lei not only arrived at the lunar planet city in advance to prepare, but also explained the specific procedures of the press conference to Lei Zhan, and still asked the warships of their alliance's first fleet to cooperate in the actual implementation of the particle neutralization shield. Defense effectiveness test.

Lei Zhan is naturally eager to get this task.

After all, this means that more ships in the fleet can be equipped with particle neutralizing shields and energy shield amplifiers.

The overall combat power will be greatly improved.

Because based on the current situation in the solar system, the first batch of shield devices and boosters produced by Titan Shipyard will definitely be mainly used to transport them to other civilizations.

It is difficult to equip in a short time.

Su Changfeng, chairman of Xinghuan Heavy Industry, who arrived early, had his own plans.

Although he was very shocked by the effects of the devices developed by Future Technology and used test data to persuade so many civilizations to attend the press conference, in the final analysis, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Even if Lina would not lie to his father, there is still the possibility of deliberate fraud on the part of the solar system.

So he must completely dispel his doubts.

Fortunately, this problem did not bother him for too long. As soon as he arrived in the solar system, he was dragged to the Titan shipyard by Xu Lei.

Confirmed that both the Particle Neutralizing Shield and the Energy Shield Amplifier are real.

And the performance is only much better than the test.

At that moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that in this battle between civilizations, the balance of victory had tilted towards the direction of the solar system, and there was no way to turn back.

Especially after he learned that this device was completely designed and developed by Xu Lei, his heart was filled with waves, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Originally he was interested in the potential of Xu Lei and the solar system, so he did not hesitate to take the risk with Halo Heavy Industry. However, he never expected that Xu Lei's potential was so powerful that he could not only develop Zerg genes in a short period of time. Solar System Potion No. 1 has now designed a device that can change the pattern of civilization in the galaxy.

Coupled with the eternal body that has not appeared for many epochs, I believe that it will not be long before he will completely become a man of the galaxy.

But this also happened to prove that his vision was right.


In addition to being the tallest building in the Lunar City planetary city, the Future Technology Lunar Headquarters also has a wide spacecraft parking area built outside the building, which can accommodate small and medium-sized spacecrafts to dock and take off.

When the new Shadow series transport spaceship produced by the company landed smoothly.

The hatch opens slowly.

The first to reveal their figures were Xingtong, Chen Shihe, and the Space Force Guards.

Then I saw Chen Shihe walking out of the cabin while introducing representatives of various civilizations behind her. Although she faced twenty individuals from different civilizations at the same time, her performance was still generous and confident. It is hard to imagine that dozens of A few years ago, she was an assistant who had just entered future technology.

"Everyone, this is the scientific research headquarters of our future technology. It mainly conducts research and development of genetic medicines. Today's press conference is also held here."

Xu Lei, who was walking towards the spaceship, saw Chen Shihe's performance in his eyes and felt proud in his heart.

Originally, he just asked Xingtong to go to the star gate to meet the representatives of various civilizations, and then lead them to the lunar planet city to attend the press conference. However, after learning about it, Chen Shihe took the initiative to offer to receive these civilization representatives. After all, she is now the company's nominal representative. principal.

It should be responsible for the corresponding business.

What's more, the company is bound to deal with more alien civilization group forces in the future, so this can be regarded as adaptation in advance.

Xu Lei knew Chen Shihe's character, so he finally agreed.

Turns out she did a pretty good job.

It is also worth mentioning that Xu Lei also saw several familiar figures in the crowd.

For example, Misty from Pioneer Star and Lan Jun from Blue Scale Star.

The Pioneer Star is an affiliated civilization of the solar system, so this kind of situation is bound to happen. As for the Blue Scale Star sending its own princess here, it is somewhat unexpected but it is reasonable.

However, after he stopped in front of everyone, Xu Lei took the initiative to say hello to another person: "Mr. Downs, welcome to our solar system as a guest. I believe you will have a good experience today."


The other party was none other than Tang Sige, the head of the Tangs family of Yam Civilization.

Perhaps wanting to seize this opportunity, Tangsge decided to go in person after communicating with the federation.

That's why this scene happened now.

Su Changfeng, the civilized representative who came to the press conference, introduced it in detail, and the most important one was Tang Sige, so Xu Lei remembered it very clearly.

After all, among the nearly twenty civilizations, the Yam civilization has the strongest overall strength.

Not only is it about to enter a third-level civilization, but there is also a certain amount of friction in the Red Rock Galaxy. It is undoubtedly the best partner in the solar system.

At least for now.

Xu Lei is now a well-known figure in the galaxy. He was broadcast live by the Civilization Administration some time ago. His figure of defeating the star beast alone is deeply etched in everyone's mind, so there is no one here who doesn't know him, so it's okay. No need to introduce yourself.

Instead, Tang Sige followed the etiquette of the solar system and took the initiative to reach out and shake Xu Lei's hand, with a smile on his face: "I have heard about your deeds, Congressman Xu, and today I finally have a chance to talk." As soon as he finished speaking, he said His eyes shifted to Su Changfeng next to him: "Xinghuan has found a good partner this time!" Although his tone was slightly teasing, his expression was very sincere.

"I prefer everyone to cooperate and win-win." Su Changfeng responded briefly to Tang Sige's praise with a smile.

Then the two looked at each other, but neither said anything more.

Of course, none of the civilized representatives present were as stable as Tang Sige and could keep their composure.

Soon someone started asking about shields and amplifiers.

"Congressman Xu, are the two devices you developed real? Are the test data fake?"

"That data is really hard to believe."

"We came here at the risk of being targeted by the Red Rock Galaxy. If we don't get a satisfactory answer today, the consequences will not be something the solar system can afford."

"I hope Congressman Xu will not disappoint us." As the conversation was completely opened, there were more and more echoing voices.

Faced with this situation, Chen Shihe was about to explain, but Xu Lei raised his hand to stop him.

Now that he has decided to hold this new product launch conference, Xu Lei has already considered what might happen, and it is not a big deal. Therefore, Xu Lei is very calm at the moment. He first waved his hands to signal everyone to temporarily stop discussing related topics. Open your mouth to respond and explain the matter.

"Everyone, listen to me first."

"The fact that you are here proves that you are willing to believe in our solar system civilization and future technology. Naturally, I, Xu Lei, will not disappoint you."

"Today's press conference will conduct actual combat testing of the warship, and the effectiveness of the device will be determined by then."

"As for now, please remain patient."

"Yes, everyone, if everyone is still not satisfied after the press conference, we, Xinghuan Heavy Industry, will also bear corresponding responsibilities." As soon as Xu Lei finished speaking, Su Changfeng also quickly added.

That confident look really makes people no longer doubtful.

Besides, we are already here, so we don’t care about waiting for a while.

Immediately, the entire atmosphere relaxed, and the civilized representatives who originally raised questions remained silent for the time being.

Seizing this opportunity, Chen Shihe quickly changed the topic and said: "Everyone, please follow me. The headquarters has also prepared various delicacies from Earth and Star for you. You can taste them while participating in this press conference."

When they heard that there were Earth-star delicacies to enjoy, the representatives immediately became interested, and then followed Chen Shihe towards the Lunar Headquarters building.

After all, through the circulation and marketing some time ago, food from the Earth has flowed into various civilizations in the galaxy, and is deeply loved by carbon-based life forms.

Prices have increased a lot.

Later, the Red Rock Galaxy suddenly began to target the solar system, making it impossible to buy these earth-planet foods.

Now that you can enjoy it with the opportunity of attending the press conference, there is no reason to miss it. Even Tang Sige, the head of the Tang Si family, is at the front of the team.

It seems that they are afraid that they will be robbed later and they will not be able to eat something hot.

Facing this scene, Xu Lei was full of embarrassment. If he had known that Dixing's food could have such a miraculous effect, why would he have wasted his words just now.

"Let's go in too."

Finally, he glanced at Su Changfeng with a wry smile, and then returned to the building together.

Although this new product launch is for civilizations across the galaxy, it is actually no different from previous global launches, and the process is basically similar, except that the audience has changed from corporate customers on the planet to civilizations in each galaxy. .

Not long after.

When these civilization representatives all sat down and began to taste some snacks on Earth, Xu Lei also came to the stage to introduce the company's two products in detail according to the procedures.

"First of all, welcome to all of you who have taken the trouble to travel across tens of thousands of light-years to the solar system to participate in this new product launch."

"This time our Future Technology launches two products, the particle neutralization shield and the energy shield amplifier. Please allow me to introduce them in detail..."

Without exception, those who can sit here are all living beings with extremely high IQs and master all kinds of technical knowledge in their minds. Therefore, Xu Lei did not talk about too many complicated things. He mainly focused on introducing the advantages of these two products and their Extremely high value.

"Our particle neutralizing shield is equipped on large battleships, which can increase the defense effect by 10% on the original basis."

"If used with an energy shield amplifier, it can reach up to 35 percent."

"In addition, these two devices can also be used on medium-sized warships, and the defense effect remains unchanged."

When Xu Lei said this, he could see that the actions of the representatives of the civilizations below stopped involuntarily, and they concentrated on checking the content on the virtual screen in front of Xu Lei.

It seems like even the food has lost its appeal.

Some of them couldn't help but talk in low voices, their voices unable to conceal their excitement.

"According to this content, it is indeed the same as the test video we saw. This is enough to greatly improve the overall combat power of the fleet."

“It’s a really good opportunity for us.”

"If all warships can be upgraded, there is no need to be afraid even when facing the Red Rock Galaxy."

"It seems that this time it was not in vain."

At this time, Tang Sige couldn't hold it any longer and immediately asked: "Can we see the actual application effect of the device on a battleship?"

Xu Lei thought to himself that he is just waiting for your words.

Now that the atmosphere has been set in place, it would be unreasonable to delay it any longer.

So he quickly replied: "I have prepared this a long time ago. Please look outside."

The words just fell.

All the representatives present moved their eyes to look outside.

Looking through the completely transparent special defense material, what he can see is a medium-sized battleship with eight power engines. Since it is not very far from the building, he can clearly see that the hull is intact and all functions are operating normally.

At this time, Xu Lei also explained from the side: "I think everyone is familiar with this battleship. It is the best-selling medium-sized battleship of Starlink Heavy Industry, and it is also the target of this test."

Considering that we wanted to impress the representatives of these civilizations, we did not use the unique Kamikaze battleships of the solar system, but the products of Halo Heavy Industries. After all, their battleships have high sales volume, and many civilizations have Purchased used.

The data from the test will be more convincing if you know the basics.

While the representatives of all civilizations were completely immersed in it, Xu Lei dropped another bombshell.

"Next, a Star Destroyer will use a plasma cannon to strike it from a distance. At that time, you will see with your own eyes the powerful effect of the device."

Everyone knows that a battleship cannot withstand the power of a plasma cannon. The test target is now so close to the building. If something goes wrong, they will also be affected.

Therefore, in this case, even if you are willing to believe in the effects of particle neutralization shields and energy shield amplifiers, you do not dare to gamble with your own life. If the confession is really revealed in this distant and unfamiliar galaxy, I am afraid that it will be too late to regret it. .

So after a slight hesitation, someone raised an objection: "Congressman Xu, is there something wrong with this test? The power of the plasma cannon is no joke."

"Yeah, why not change the testing method."

"It's okay to move this battleship. It's really too dangerous now." Many representatives agreed.

Unfortunately, Xu Lei kept a playful smile when he heard this, and then explained helplessly: "I'm really sorry, this test was programmed in advance, and the Star Destroyer should have launched an attack by now."

He knew very well that only by leaving a deep impression on the representatives of civilization present could the effect of the device be truly demonstrated, so how could he change what he had designed long ago.

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