My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1106: The contest between father and son

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Jing Rui doesn’t want to talk to Jing Zhi about Zheng Yuluo. Every time she appears, Jing Zhi basically has no good things. This is almost a curse!

If the two men continue to toss like this, there must be one who is going to die.

"You smashed other people's bars, and now no one knows how much the wine you smashed is worth, and people will open their mouths for more than three million, and you will pay for this money yourself!"

"I've seen it for a long time. The surveillance in the bar is bad, and there are no other witnesses except the waiter. I don't admit, what can they do with me?"

If such a lawsuit is in North America, as long as there is no conclusive evidence and Jing Zhi does not admit it, he does not need to bear any responsibility.

But now it is in China. If this kind of lawsuit is not used, Jing Zhi cannot win.

"Don't succeed, since you hit someone's bar, you will lose as much as you should."

Jing Rui didn't lack money, he only wanted to make his brother remember a little bit. He couldn't keep everything in trouble.

"This is all your own responsibility, the bar, the police, the Zheng Jing, you do it one by one, I won't intervene. What you do is up to you! "

In Jing Rui's heart, his brother is also very good.

The younger brother should not live under his wings all the time. He has grown up, and one day he will need to fly by himself.

He is capable but lacks experience in handling matters.

In the past, something happened in North America, and the Institute will settle it for him, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

So he still works like a child, regardless of consequences.

This matter should be practiced for Jing Zhi.

Jing Zhi was obviously a little shocked: "Brother, you don't care about me anymore?"

Jing Rui suddenly froze, and his brother really depended on him!

"What does it mean that I don't care about you? This is your own business. You are already an adult. You are the one who caused the trouble and cleaned up the mess. This is not normal? I am two years older than you!"

"But I'm not as clever as you! You used to say that I was a fool. Of course, you are the one who handled this mess! You can work hard, you can make up for the bar and the police, and I am responsible for picking up girls!"

Jing Rui was upset by him!

He should have been dating Shu Yin who just established a relationship this afternoon!

The result was completely destroyed by Jing Zhi!

He didn't say anything, and Jing Zhi was so embarrassed to be a girl? !

If this weren't his younger brother, Jing Rui would surely not recognize his mother's fight!

Jing Zhi saw that his brother's eyes seemed to burst into flames, he shrank, and said pitifully: "Brother, don't you want to hit me? You see I have no good places in my body. Where did you start?" Don’t fight anymore, you can save it and wait until I’m done!”

He always had a way to make Jingrui flatter when Jingrui was about to run away, and let Jingrui's anger dissipate.

He can pretend to be pitiful now, which means his mood has changed.

Jing Rui breathed a sigh of relief. On the way back, the kind of desolation on Jing Zhi's face made people uncomfortable when he saw it.

Jing Zhi, who still liked gags, liked it.

"I can provide you with helpers, lawyers, claims professionals, bodyguards, etc. But the dominance of things is in your hands, my people lend it to you, you can compete with Zheng Jing yourself, I I can help you withstand the pressure on my dad's side."

Jing Rui knew that Zheng Jing had a good relationship with Jing Yichen. Perhaps he had already discussed with Jing Yichen, but he wanted to protect Jing Zhi and fight against Jing Yichen once.

He was thinking about Jing Yichen, and Jing Yichen called.

Jing Rui connected the phone and turned on the hands-free, let Jing Zhi listen together.

"Dad, is there something?"

"Well, Ah Chi."

Jing Yichen's low and short voice came from the phone.

"Achi is right next to you?"

Jing Zhi felt very magical. He smiled and yelled at the phone: "Uncle, how do you know that I am with my brother? You are a half fairy!"

Jing Yichen smiled softly: "What do you two do, I don't know yet? It sounds okay if you are so full of energy."

Jing Zhi's eyes turned and immediately wailed: "Ouch! It hurts me, my front chest and back are all injured, one leg is lame! I can't sleep tonight, I can't lie down, lie down It doesn’t work either, it seems that I can only learn the red-crowned crane, come to a golden rooster to stand alone, and sleep on one leg!"

Jing Rui also said: "Dad, Ah Chi is really serious. If you want to help Director Zheng, then you can do it! I spent so many years to get him back, not to beat him back. !"

Anyway, it is the father and son, there is no need to turn.

Jing Rui knows that his father supports him in everything he does. As long as he expresses his position, his father will basically not intervene.

The reason why he said so cold is actually to the people next to Jing Yichen.

Next to Jing Yichen, sitting a little embarrassed Zheng Jing.

The father and son had ridiculously high IQ. Jing Yichen guessed that Jing Rui and Jing Zhi were together, and Jing Rui also guessed that he and Jing Yichen were together.

"Okay, Dad got it."

It is enough that Jing Yichen helped Zheng Jing to this point.

If two children have to make trouble, then go for it!

It's one thing for him to have a relationship with Zheng Jing, but it's another thing for his nephew's bruises.

Jing Yichen put away his mobile phone, turned off the amplification, and said lightly: "Son, your mother misses you and lets you go home for dinner. Also, your sister is in trouble again at school, you remember to go to school and talk to the teacher tomorrow Apologize, if the school wants to compensate, you just have to pay it."

Jing Rui directly ignored Jing Yichen's first sentence, because he only called Shangguan Ning last night, and his mother's focus is no longer on him, but on her future daughter-in-law!

When he heard that Jingxi was in trouble again, he was almost crazy!

It was only one day after school, and I was in trouble again!

"Dad, I have a lot of things tomorrow, or you go to school to solve your sister's affairs! Anyway, you are also familiar with the school teachers, and you are also a parent. After you go, you will be more sincere!"

"Oh, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, not in city A, so your sister needs your care."

The father and son pushed back and forth, and no one wanted to go to school to shame.

Because of the little witch at home, the hair of both of them is almost white!

"Dad, can we give Xixi away! Let her toss this way, all our family's money will be donated to the education cause!"

"I'm afraid it won't work. Give your sister away. Your mother will give me away immediately. Son, don't you want to change your father?"

Jing Rui smiled and said indifferently: "Well... as long as he can send Xixi away, I can bear another father!"

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