Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Shu Yin was very happy and looked around. No one noticed them. She tipped her toes and kissed quickly on Jing Rui’s lips. Then she left her blush and bowed her head in a hurry. Go forward.

Jing Rui didn't expect Shu Yin to take the initiative to kiss him. This was the first time she kissed him actively, and it was when there were so many people.

He stretched out his fingers and stroked the lips that Shu Yin kissed, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance on her.

A smile appeared in his eyes, striding after him.

There were grilled chicken wings on the street, and Shu Yin could not move his feet as soon as he smelled the smell.

She stood next to the stall, looked at Jing Rui with pitiful eyes, and grudgingly spoiled him: "I'm hungry!"

With Shu Qing's cold personality, it is not easy to make her act spoiled. Today, when she is shopping, her distance from Jing Rui is quickly shortened, and her nature is also released.

Jing Rui didn't have any resistance to her coquettishness, holding her flexible waist and saying to the boss: "Five strings for my girlfriend."

One string is two chicken wings, and five strings is ten.

So many chicken wings are enough for her to eat!

Shu Yin's eyes flashed, regardless of jumping up to kiss Jing Rui's cheek, excitedly said: "You are so good to me!"

Jing Rui was kissed by her coldly, and her heart softened.

He wished to hold Shu Yin to kiss her fiercely, but after all he was worried that there were too many people here, but he turned to kiss Shu Yin's face and said softly, "It's a fool."

The owner of the barbecue stall has already been surprised by this kind of situation. Many young couples will come to eat his barbecue at night, and there are many intimate actions between each other. In contrast, these two only kissed their faces. normal now.

He cheerfully roasted five strings of chicken wings for Shu Yin, sprinkled with cumin and pepper. Seeing Shu Yinsheng was a rare beauty, it was pleasing to watch, and he also gave Shu Yin more A small skewers.

Shu Yin happily received it, and there are still many good people in the world!

She took the ten roasted wings as her own and handed the small skewers to Jing Rui: "Here, this is yours!"

Jing Rui took the skewers with tears and laughed, and took her to laugh at her while walking: "It's so late, eat so many chicken wings, are you afraid of gaining weight?"

He forgot that he bought so much for Shu Yin!

Shu Yin ignored the newly baked chicken wings and took a bite. The fragrance was tender, and she wanted to swallow her tongue together.

She asked vaguely: "Will you not want me if I'm fat?"

Jing Rui smiled: "Of course not!"

"Then what am I worried about, let go and eat!"

What is fearless, this is it!

Jing Rui just dug a hole for himself!

Be careful when you talk to this girl in the future, otherwise she will be surrounded by her if she is not careful!

It’s not good for a girlfriend to be too smart. It takes a lot of brain cells.

As Shu Yin walked, she happily ate while eating. When she saw interesting things, she would gather up and take a look.

Jing Rui bought water for her, and bought a pack of tissues, and wiped the traces of her lips from time to time.

Since Shu Yin knew Jing Rui, he never thought that one day, he would take care of her so carefully and pamper her.

He is the most noble prince, the most arrogant killer, and the most ruthless ruler.

He has always been high, even for her, it was once so unattainable and out of reach.

She used to receive his orders on her mobile phone every day and meticulously execute his will.

Now, he has become her boyfriend!

Fate is so amazing!

All the misfortunes of the past were dissipated by his appearance. All the pain she had suffered before was worthwhile because she waited for him.

Ten chicken wings were eaten up by her unconsciously. She rinsed her mouth, and as soon as she looked up, she met Jing Rui's soft and spoiled gaze.

He gently wiped off the water stains on the corners of her lips and smiled and asked her: "I'm full now? I can eat so much that I'm afraid I can't afford you anymore."

Shu Yin stared blankly at his handsome face under the street lamp. The light yellow light on his face softened his edges and corners, weakened his indifference, and gave him a different charm.

"Why are you so good to me?"

Jing Rui smiled faintly: "If you are good to you, you run, not good to you, don't you go to the end of the world. Where will I go to find you then?"

Shu Yin stretched out her slender fingers and gently touched Jing Rui's face. She whispered: "Thank you, I am so happy today, I have never been so happy."

Jing Rui held her in her arms and finally couldn't help bowing her head and kissing.

There are pedestrians around him, but he doesn't care anymore, he just wants to kiss her!

Shu Yin shyly shy in his arms, she was embarrassed to kiss in public in this way, but she did not push away Jing Rui, no one knew her anyway, obey her own heart, just kiss him!

Hanfeng not far away saw that the boss kissed Shu Yin so lingeringly, that the whole person was not good.

This is too dog abuse!

It has been a night of abuse, and finally a fierce dose!

Too humane!

Don’t know if he doesn’t have a girlfriend?

I wonder if he has no time to fall in love?

If you go on like this, he will just try to kiss a brother!

He's all twenty-six, and the first kiss hasn't been offered yet!

I think he is handsome and handsome, handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng, Wenwu Shuangquan... there is no woman looking at him!

This unscientific!

Even the elders like the ten-year-old iceberg plus the ruthless killer, all like Shu Yin's beautiful girl. Why is he such a good boy that everyone loves, is he still single?

This unscientific!

The cold wind's fragile little heart suffered 10,000 injuries.

Jing Rui didn't know that he had abused his most powerful man with bruises all over his body. He half-hugged the breathing Shu Yin, clasped her fingers tightly, and walked slowly towards the hotel.

Shu Yin complained in a low voice: "I've eaten so many chicken wings, will I get fat? I blame you, I bought so much, it's causing me to grow meat tonight!"

The little woman in love changes when she says she changes, and she puts all the blame on his head if she doesn't agree, and her IQ drops sharply.

Jing Rui couldn't smile, and Shu Yin's IQ had better be maintained at this level, so she couldn't run away at all.

He also did not argue with the willful little woman, because of her willfulness, his face lightly said: "It's okay, if you are fat, I want you too. It's a big deal. Let's get fat together!"

Shu Yin glanced up and down at Jing Rui's near-perfect figure and said suspiciously: "Can you also get fat?"

Jing Rui's body is full of strong muscles. He exercises all year round and eats several times more than her, without even a trace of fat on his body!

Jing Rui flirted with her affirmative tone: "It must be fat! Don't believe it, you can try to divide your chicken wings in half!"

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