My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1144: viral spread

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Jing Rui didn't react when he heard Lucas' words, but the cold wind was dull.

Jing Rui's biggest secret is the virus in the blood. How could Lucas know about this? !

If the people at the Virus Research Institute know this secret, they will definitely gather together again and it will definitely be bad for Jing Rui!

However, Jing Rui is here right now, so he doesn't need to deal with it.

He only needs to wait for Jing Rui's order.

Jing Rui had heard from Shu Yin long ago, knowing that Lucas might have guessed that his blood was different, so when he heard him, nothing happened.

He walked around the bed and walked to the other side, stepping on Lucas on the ground.

Lucas screamed in pain, but Jing Rui stepped harder.

He stared at Lucas lying on the ground coldly, and said in a cold tone: "A dead man, it doesn't make sense to know any secrets! The last time I let you escape, you dare to come again! Since you came to die , Then don’t want to go back!"

Shu Yin heard a scream in the bathroom, panic-stricken, immediately wiped her body and walked out of the bathroom in her clothes.

Later, she saw Jing Rui stepping on Lucas's feet, both of them were obviously angry, and they looked like they were going to kill each other.

And beside Jing Rui, he was standing in a cold wind that was poised to take off.

Jing Rui and Han Feng are in her room. She is not surprised. She just didn't expect that Lucas was there!

Shu Yin guessed that Lucas should have come to get the virus that she had made an appointment with, but was just hit by Jing Rui.

Both Jingrui and Lucas looked at Shu Yin at the same time. Before Jingrui spoke, Lucas roared first: "Cherry, I'm your righteous father, how did you treat me like this?! Let him go! I am Come to get my virus, I have already paid the money, if you want to pay the bill, I will kill you!"

Jing Rui heard him dare to kill Shu Yin in his own face, and stepped directly on Lucas's face. He stepped on his pale face and distorted it. He couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Shu Yin smiled when she saw Jing Rui bullying Lucas so miserably.

She was holding a towel, wiping her wet hair without any hassle, and then walking briskly to Lucas, squatting next to him, laughing and saying, "Lucas, you have today too! See you It’s so miserable, I think the sunshine today is exceptionally beautiful!"

Today is a cloudy day outside, there is a large cloud of dark clouds, how can there be any sunshine!

"In the future, don’t just mention what is righteous and not righteous. Don’t you know that I hate these two words the most? I will feel very bad when I hear these two words. It’s about to be unlucky, you seem to like being abused!”

Lucas squealed, but he couldn't speak. His eyes were covered with red blood, and his eyes were glaring out, but his face was pale and very scary.

Shu Yin was not afraid at all. She grew up so big that she had been bullied by Lucas for so long.

Except for the last time he injured him with a grenade, she never hurt Lucas again.

She can only barely protect herself, and can only make Lucas fear for her by exhausting her efforts, and dare not move her, but she has no way to step on Lucas.

Shu Yin stood up and patted Jing Rui's chest happily, said intimately: "My dear, you are awesome! It is rare to see Mr. Lucas so embarrassed. I am afraid he has never been so embarrassed in his life!"

Jing Rui was called "dear" by Shu Yin and was still in front of others. Jing Rui was a little unaccustomed.

But even if I am not used to it, I still feel very happy.

After all, this is a qualitative leap!

Shu Yin has always been shy, she has never called a nickname, she just called his name directly.

It seems that Shu Yin's hatred of Lucas is not so deep!

Han Feng heard Shu Yin called Jing Rui so intimate, and felt that goose bumps were about to rise!

But he seemed quite happy to see Jing Rui. He instantly felt that he was a little redundant.

But Lucas, a dangerous man, is still here, and he can't go out, lest Jing Rui and Shu Yin have any accidents.

Jing Rui did not feel that the cold wind was superfluous. The cold wind always followed him. He was used to it and would treat him directly as air.

He stepped on Lucas under his feet, letting him move, and looked at Shu Yin's small, blown face: "When I came in, he was lying on your bed."

Shu Yin froze for a moment, and she suddenly understood why Jing Rui had such a big fire!

She frowned and said, "I don't even know when he came. It seems that I have to change rooms. I don't want to sleep on the bed where he lay!"

Jing Rui also guessed that Shu Yin did not know that Lucas had entered her room, otherwise she would not be able to take a shower.

When he first came, he was so angry that he ignored this question.

He could not tolerate any other man lying on Shu Yin's bed, even if Lucas was holding Shu Yin's name!

Lucas stepped on his head, but his hands were movable.

He glanced fiercely, squeezed his hand into his clothes, drew out a virus ball, and then slapped it **** Jing Rui's calf.

The virus ball is made of ultra-thin transparent silicone. When Lucas pressed hard, the silicone shattered immediately. The virus poured into Jing Rui's calf, and then quickly began to spread.

Jing Rui's calf soon became numb, his movements were severely affected, the strength of his feet was no longer controllable, Lucas took the opportunity to escape.

The accident happened too fast, and the cold wind stood far away from Jing Rui, and it was too late to save Jing Rui.

He turned to catch Lucas, but Jing Rui sternly stopped: "Stop! Cold wind, don't pass!"

Han Feng is used to executing Jingrui's commands. At the most critical time, his body and brain will follow Jingrui's commands for the first time.

So he stopped immediately, staring at Lucas with a cold face, waiting for Jing Rui's next instruction. It seemed that as long as Jing Rui said a word, he would go up and Lucas desperately.

Jing Rui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Han Feng's obedient did not attack Lucas.

He didn't want Hanfeng to take risks.

Lucas must have prepared a lot of viruses, he worried that the cold wind will also be eroded by the virus.

This is his most loyal and effective man, and his brother who has grown up together for many years. It is a person like his brother who has protected him for many years. Jing Rui does not want Hanfeng to make unnecessary sacrifices.

"Cold wind, back away! Without my orders, do not approach him!"

Han Feng retreated with red eyes. He knew that Jing Rui was afraid that he would get a virus.

At this critical moment, he was not impulsive.

In the eight years he spent with Jing Rui, he actually rarely defies Jing Rui’s orders,

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