My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1173: There will be your home in the future

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

"Can I choose one now? Isn’t it OK? I think Brother Mu is good, I will marry him in the future!"

Jingxi's tone is firm, and it seems that she really is not married!

Jing Rui's head is too big, although many children will love early, but Jing Xi is too early!

"You and Musen are close relatives, and the consequences of getting married will be very clear to you. If you stop here, you will not be allowed to see Musen again!"

Jing Rui clapped directly and pinched the little flame in her sister's heart.

At Jingxi's age, where does she know what love is, and she doesn't understand what is behind the word "marry".

She may just like Mu Sen's sunshine and heart.

At the moment, she has no other feelings for Mu Sen, but it is not necessarily when she grows up.

Therefore, Jing Rui felt that it would be better to cut off Jing Xi's thoughts directly.

Will Jingxi lack a good man in the future?

Will not!

She is the jewel in the palm of the Jing family, and the suitor can go from the earth to Mars!

As long as he doesn't die, as long as the Jing family is still there, Jing Xi will be safe and stable forever.

Jingxi didn't care about Jingrui's ban at all. She felt that it was easy to find Musen.

However, the next day, she discovered that if Jing Rui objected to what she did, there would be countless obstacles, and she wanted to see Musen simply impossible!

Forget it, go to Musen in a few days, she thought it would be interesting to follow Shu Yin to do virus research!

Jing Zhi was banned by Jing Rui for a week. For a week, he was forced to stay in his villa, and he could not go anywhere, and no one was allowed to see him.

Jing Zhi now hates Xiao Yue. He doesn't know that Xiao Yue fainted because Jingxi threw a virus on her, thinking she was hungry again!

He hated his teeth and made up his mind. As soon as he lifted his foot, he immediately sent Xiao Yue away. It is best not to appear in City A forever!

Every time she appeared, he followed bad luck!

What a real disaster star!

Xiaoyue didn't know that she had been blacklisted by Jing Zhi. She was infected with a virus and the whole person was weak.

Only Shu Yin and Peter can get rid of the virus on her body. The two of them cooperate to draw blood for Xiao Yue's blood test, and then continuously input the medicine.

Xiaoyue didn't care about Peter, she just stared at Shu Yin staringly.

She has never seen such a beautiful woman!

Like a fairy who does not eat fireworks, it is cold and cold, and does not like to talk, but every time he speaks, the sound is pleasant.

Shu Yin has been busy and fulfilled recently, and because Peter has also come to City A, her mood has obviously improved.

When Jing Rui drove her home in the evening, when she saw her lips with a smile, she couldn't help but ask, "What's the joy?"

Shu Yin smiled: "No, but I like my life now, I think everything is just right, better than I thought!"

"Then do you want to be better?"

Shu Yin shook his head immediately: "No need, this is enough!"

Jing Rui sighed helplessly: "You are enough, but I am not enough! And my mother always wants to see you, I will take you home tomorrow!"

Shu Yin's subconscious evasion: "Too fast, will you?"

Jing Rui grabbed her hand at once: "No, just tomorrow!"

"But I haven't prepared gifts for your parents!"

"I'm ready, I don't need you to prepare!"

"But I don't have clothes to wear, and I should always be serious when I see them."

"I am also ready, there are many, you just pick whatever you want!"


"That's it! My parents will come back from Hot Spring Villa tomorrow, and we happened to bring Xixi back together!"

Jing Rui overbearingly settled the matter. If he didn't take Shu Yin home one day, he wouldn't be at ease all day.

After seeing the parents, this matter is officially settled, and the subsequent engagement and marriage is a matter of course.

Shu Yin bit his lip and could only recognize it.

She really should come to visit Jing Rui's parents!

After one night of anxiety, Shu Yin woke up the next day and her eyes were slightly blue.

Fortunately, the time is about noon, she still has enough time to pack up.

After Shu Yin finished washing, she opened her closet and was stunned by the clothes inside!

She thought that Jing Rui said that she had prepared clothes for her yesterday, but she just talked about it casually. She didn't expect it to be prepared, and there were so many!

Various colors, various styles, and all are bought according to her figure.

Shu Yin opened the shoe cabinet again, as expected, there were all kinds of shoes inside!

She really has a feeling of being supported by local tyrants at the moment!

Too extravagant!

She suddenly laughed, thinking that after living with Jing Rui in the future, maybe it would really get better.

A pair of arms stretched out from behind and hugged her.


Shu Yin turned her head slightly, looking at Jing Rui's perfect profile, and said softly: "Too much!"

"Not much. Your boyfriend has money. You don't have to save it for me. When you go to my house, you know that I am nothing. My dad is the real loser. As long as he feels suitable for my mother, he must Will buy it home!"

Shu Yin had heard his parents' things from Jing Rui's mouth more than once. She was a little envious and yearning.

It is the best thing for two people to love and love for a lifetime and to go through life together.

She turned around and buried her face in Jing Rui's chest: "I suddenly wanted to go to your house!"

When Shu Yin rarely had such gentleness, Jing Ruiqing couldn't help but hug her and whispered in her ear: "Yinyin, there will be your home in the future! My mother will like you very much!"


Shangguanning urged Jing Yichen to return to Lijing Community from Hot Spring Villa early in the morning.

"Today my son is going to take his girlfriend home, we have to go home and prepare!"

Shangguan Ning was a little nervous and full of expectations. She felt that she must leave a good impression on the girls.

She knew that Shu Yin had no parents, so she wanted Shu Yin to feel the warmth of her family.

She started instructing Jing Yichen since last night. When she meets Shu Yin, she must be gentle, and don't be too cold to scare people.

Jing Yichen couldn't help crying and laughing: "Why are you so nervous, the person who should be nervous is Shu Yin! You relax, everything in the house is ready, you don't need to do anything."

Shangguan Ning does not know how to cook. Second, she is not good at tidying up housework. She has a servant to do everything in the house. She is really nervous!

"I have to change my clothes. This color is too bright, don't make people laugh."

Jing Yichen's eyes were cold: "Who dares?! It's already pretty, no need to change!"

"Then should I put on make-up and make hair? Otherwise, I don't look energetic."

"It's not necessary! You'd better look better without makeup!"

Shangguan Ning finally couldn't help laughing: "I will become an old lady in the future, do you also think I am the most beautiful?"

Jing Yichen spit out a word for granted: "Yes!"

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