My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1183: conspiracy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

She is only seventeen years old and is a delicate blooming flower.

Her youth, he wanted to fill her with joy, instead of remembering it later, all bitter tears.

Jing Zhi feels that he has always been impatient to do things, especially hates Mo Ji, but in Zheng Yuluo's body, all his impatience has been broken.

Changed someone else and kept crying like this, he turned away long ago.

But this man is Zheng Yuluo, he only has distress and anger, and no disgust at all.

He initially moved pity on Xiaoyue, only because she looked like Zheng Yuluo when she cried.

Jing Zhi held Zheng Yuluo unwilling to let go, allowing her tears to wet her brand new suit and shirt.

This garment is of high value and was given to him by Jing Rui just now, so he can wear it for some formal occasions.

Now, Zheng Yuluo is crying.

"Zheng Yuluo, don't cry, I don't like watching you cry, it's ugly, do you know?"

Zheng Yuluo didn't want to cry, she also wanted to face Jing Zhi calmly.

But reason is one thing, feeling is one thing.

Upon seeing him, her tears were completely out of control.

Zheng Yuluo's clothes had just been torn by Jing Zhi, and a large piece of snow appeared on his chest.

Jing Zhi took off his suit jacket and put it on Zheng Yuluo's body, wrapping her tightly, lest her beauty be seen by others.

Zheng Yuluo had been crying for nearly half an hour, and he was so tired that he leaned on Jingzhi weakly.

Jing Zhi raised her hand to wipe off the tears on her face and whispered: "I came to school to see you several times, and I went to your house to see you, but I never saw you. You are quite cruel, a little explanation Did not give me the opportunity to directly sentence him to death. The murderer went to court and had the opportunity to defend. I might as well be the murderer."

Zheng Yuluo slowly left Jing Zhi's arms, looked up slightly, looked at his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Yue said, you are already with her! You have... slept!"

Jing Zhi was shocked, and then angrily said: "She talks nonsense!"

His angry lungs are about to explode!

How could Xiaoyue say such a thing!

Jing Zhi subconsciously said: "No, it's impossible! Xiaoyue is not the kind of person with the ambitions, she can't even lie! She won't say that, do you admit the wrong person?"

Zheng Yuluo's heart was as cold and painful as it was pierced by a sharp ice cone!

She admits the wrong person? !

That little Yue, is that good?

Xiaoyue has no ambition, is it Zheng Yuluo's ambition?

Such things as scheming, she has lost it since the prospect of the eight-year vision disappeared!

This feeling of not being trusted makes Zheng Yuluo the whole world begin to collapse!

She shook Jingzhi's hand sharply, threw his suit on her to the ground, and left without looking back.

"Zheng Yuluo, you come back to me!"

Jing Zhi didn't know how she was suddenly annoyed again. The matter hadn't been resolved yet, so she left!

Did he spoil her?

Where did she dare to shake her face before?

Zheng Yuluo can't hear any sound now, her ears are all sounds of something deep inside her heart.

Every time Jing Zhi sent Xiao Yue to the hospital, she knew it!

She also knew that Jing Zhi overdrawn the credit card and secretly sent Xiao Yue to North America to study!

She also knows that Jing Zhi personally sent Xiaoyue to the airport. When she left, Xiaoyue was still throwing rain on the crying pear flower in his arms!

However, why would she know all this?

Because it was all told by Xiao Yue in person, not only that, she also sent her a message to let her go to the airport to watch the live broadcast!

Jing Zhi told her today that Xiao Yue had no plans and would not lie? !

What could be more ridiculous than this!

Zheng Yuluo ran like a madness in a large forest in the school, her tears blurred her vision, she was tripped over by the dead branches again and again, but she got up again and again.

It wasn't until she was exhausted that she burst into tears on the ground.

In the woods, occasionally a couple passed by and saw Zheng Yuluo's hair screaming, and all shook his head in pity and walked away.

There are often girls who fall out of love crying, but crying like Zheng Yuluo is still very rare. It can be seen that the wound was very deep.

The bright sun gradually disappeared into the horizon.

Darkness rises, covering the whole woods.

Zheng Yuluo almost didn't even want to get up from the ground. If she could, she wanted to choose to die in this darkness.

In the next life, don't let her fall in love with Jing Zhi again!

The phone kept ringing, and Zheng Yuluo was unheard of.

Maybe Jing Zhi called, maybe not.

Maybe he was still concerned about Xiao Yue, who had no idea, or maybe he had never taken her seriously.

Finally, the phone's small amount of power was exhausted by the ringtone, the glimmer flashed, and then went out.

Like Zheng Yuluo's heart, even the last trace of light was swallowed by darkness.

There was a silence around, under the faint moonlight, the tree shadows were mottled, like the devil with open teeth and claws, with a dark and terrifying atmosphere.

In other words, Zheng Yuluo will definitely not stay in such a place for even a second.

She was timid and afraid of black, and always felt that ghosts would not necessarily come from somewhere to eat her.

But now, she feels good to be eaten.

However, when a snake really appeared around her to bite her, Zheng Yuluo still instinctively screamed and jumped up.

The little green snake may not have thought that the prey has such a high decibel. It was frightened and took the fastest speed of his life to drill into the grass and escaped.

When X is big, there are often small green snakes. In spring and summer, there are often students who bite into the woods and talk about love.

Zheng Yuluo knows that this kind of snake is not poisonous, and in fact, it is not very aggressive. It is probably just hungry. It comes out at night and ignorantly searches for food.

The snake fled, and Zheng Yuluo was scared out of a cold sweat, but it offset some of the inner pain.

In the face of death, people can always be inspired by endless potential.

The evening breeze was a bit cold, Zheng Yuluo clasped his arms tightly and moved slowly in the woods.

In this forest, Zheng Yuluo rarely comes here. This is basically a gathering place for lovers. At this moment, I have been shocked by two pairs of passionate mandarin ducks.

Some embarrassment, Zheng Yuluo wanted to go out soon.

However, she soon discovered that she was lost!

The woods are indeed very large. If during the day, Zheng Yuluo can go out, but there is darkness around the night and there is no way at all.

Zheng Yuluo turned around for a long time. Instead of going out, he walked to the lake deep in the woods.

The lake was sparkling, reflecting the shadow of Zheng Yuluo.

Then, in her frightened eyes, another shadow appeared beside her shadow!

In the dark night, she reached out a hand silently and pushed her from behind into the bottomless lake.

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