My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1188: One thing for you

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

"What do you say?!"

Jing Zhi suddenly got up, approaching Zheng Yuwei, his expression was cold and cold: "You tell me again!"

Zheng Yuwei was taken aback by his fierce look!

Before, she felt that Jing Zhi was dropped. Now, it seems that he is still the cruel man before!

Zheng Yuwei stuck his scalp to his neck and said disapprovingly, "What are you shouting?! It's the same again! The woman told my sister, you two fell asleep, saying that you fell in love with her, and took her to the airport in person , Spend money to send her to study in North America! She told my sister to quit! You both saw the rape, my sister saw it all!"

Jing Zhiqi's complexion turned pale, and even his heart and lungs hurt!

He intuitively felt that Xiao Yue could not be that kind of person, but he also believed that Zheng Yuwei's words, she would not lie, and there was no need to lie.

Then the problem can only be Xiao Yue's side!

He spent money to send Xiaoyue to study abroad, even his brother didn't tell, and no one knew!

The money was borrowed from Peter, but Peter didn't know where the money was spent.

How could Zheng Yuluo know?

Did Xiaoyue really tell her?

When he was at the airport, he did hold Xiaoyue, but it was Xiaoyue who couldn't prevent him from planting in his arms.

He pushed her away the first time.

If he didn't really hate Xiao Yue always appearing in front of himself, how could he send people out of the country!

In Jing Zhi's impression, Xiaoyue is a girl who has no promise and no intention.

The first time he saw her was in a bar of drunken gold fans. All the people in it were unruly. Only she, like a stream, was obsessed with protecting his innocence and would not be polluted.

She is even a bit foolish, preferring to suffer and suffer, but also to work to earn money to support her family.

At first he wanted to touch her hand, and she all evaded in a panic, and even refused to sit with the drink.

How can such little Yue say what they have slept together? How can Zheng Yuluo withdraw? !

Jing Zhi frowned and said coldly: "Zheng Yuluo misunderstood. I didn't have anything with Xiao Yue. I sent her abroad because I hate her, not because I like her!"

Zheng Yuwei sneered: "Jing Zhi, do you treat everyone else as a fool? That's why my sister will believe your gibberish when you die, and for me, trouble you to compile a decent reason!"

In her heart, she believed that it was not a good thing for Jing Zhi to step on two boats.

Thinking of her sister almost drowned, she couldn't stop the pain.

"Also, your little Yue, who has a black hand behind her, pushed my sister into the safe lake of X. If my dad didn’t go in time, she would have died now! They blame you, you will never again Don't go to my sister! You have a lot of women, and she also likes men!"

Jing Zhi was surprised: "What?"

He didn't know about it at all!

Is this also done by Xiao Yue?


How could Xiaoyue kill?

She usually only bullies, not even counterattacks!

"Impossible, Xiaoyue will not kill your sister, she has only seen your sister once!"

Seeing it is life-threatening. This kind of fierce heart will not even be the murderous killer of Jingzhi.

He still didn't believe that Xiao Yue would do such a thing.

"You must have made a mistake, someone else who killed your sister!"

Zheng Yuwei looked at Jing Zhi with incredible eyes. Her eyes suddenly turned red, her nose sour, and she was deeply saddened by her twin sister.

In fact, she was not sure whether it was Xiaoyue's hand on her sister. Zheng Yuluo said that it should not be Xiaoyue.

However, Zheng Yuwei didn't expect that Jing Zhi was completely unclear about the course of events. He didn't even ask anything, so he directly said that they had made a mistake!

Is he too protecting that little Yue?

If he had a little bit of love for his sister, the first reaction shouldn't be to ask her how is it now?

My sister's life is almost gone, and it happened after arguing with him, doesn't he care at all?

Even if there is no real evidence for what she said, if he loves his sister, no matter who the murderer is, he should suspect Xiaoyue is right!

Zheng Yuwei only felt that all her strength seemed to be exhausted in a flash. She was a little thankful. Fortunately, it wasn’t her sister who confronted Jing Zhi today. Even she felt terrible in her heart. If she heard Jing Zhi’s words, her heart would be Break it up!

She no longer feels like fighting with Jing Zhi. Is such a person worth her hands-on?

"Jing Zhi."

Zheng Yuwei slowly shouted his name and said lightly: "Do you know? Since you disappeared, my sister's entire life has been lived for you."

"She thinks I'm sorry for you. She used to want to end her life many times. She sleeps very light, because every time she falls asleep, she always has nightmares, dreaming that she personally sent you into the fire pit."

"She has depression. She used to be counseled by a psychologist before. Since she found you, she didn't need to rely on a doctor."

"The two of us were originally the same height, but you see, now I am three centimeters taller than her, which is rare in identical twins. Because all her mind is on you, someone has to force me to eat She can eat it."

"I came today, she didn't know, otherwise she would come to you to settle the accounts, afraid I would lose money, but even more afraid of you being injured!"

"When she was unconscious last night, she shouted your name. You said it was ridiculous. She loved her parents and sister the most. She didn't shout, but she missed you like a wolf!"

"My dad doesn't agree with her to associate with you, even close to it. You know how dangerous you are. My dad has two daughters. If my sister followed you, I'm afraid I would be the only one left."


Zheng Yuwei talked a lot, and she didn't shy away from the mistakes they made as a child. All the words were Zheng Yuluo's life different from ordinary people in recent years, and her deep attachment to Jing Zhi.

She glanced at Jing Zhi lightly: "Where are you good? You are not gentle and do not love her, she knows the fierce, and she is messing with other women. Where does she like you?"

It is undeniable that Jing Zhi does have a good pair of skins, and his handsome appearance can inspire women.

He had a cold and evil temperament intertwined in him, which was frightening, but he couldn't help but want to get close.

But Zheng Yuwei knew that her sister definitely didn't like Jing Zhi's appearance. She loved him.

After a long silence in the room, Zheng Yuwei spoke again: "Jing Zhi, I want to ask you something."

Jing Zhi's eyebrows kept tightening, and he could not help but raise his head: "What's the matter?"

"I beg you, let my sister go and disappear from her world in the future!"

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