My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 828: Wolf with goat's skin

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Zheng Qinan and Zheng Jing and his son are dedicated to this line of business. The experience of solving the case has accumulated to a terrible point. It is impossible for ordinary people to lie under their eyes. achieve.

Although Gu Qianyue obviously possesses extremely high psychological qualities and near-perfect disguise, when someone is unprepared, one of the most vulnerable points in the center of the pokes must have an instinctive reaction.

Zheng Jing sneered in his heart, his anger could hardly be contained!

It turned out that Gu Qianyue turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing!

The whole family looked away!

Fortunately, he never planned to let Zheng Lun out, let alone Zheng Lun to marry Gu Qianyue, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

Zheng Jing walked out holding the fish tank, but Gu Qianyue's hand under the table clenched tightly.

It wasn't until he found that Zheng's family treated him exactly as before, and his hands gradually loosened, and the dark bird of prey in his eyes slowly dispersed, regaining his gentleness.

He also brought snacks to Zheng Lun today.

Zheng Qinan was drinking tea, watching Gu Qianyue intimately handing Zheng Lun a snack and helping her to pour hot tea and help her prepare tissues.

No complaint that Pei Xinhua is very optimistic about Gu Qianyue, he is elegant, has a good personality, a good family background, and takes care of Zheng Lun like his family. It seems to be a very suitable son-in-law.

The most important thing is that he has a personality similar to Zheng Lun. He loves quietness and does not like being too lively. If there is a lifetime, there will be no major contradictions.

Zheng Qinan looked at the dim sum in the box and smiled and said, "Qianyue, your mother's craftsmanship is really good. I thought mother Lunlun made dim sum very well. I didn't expect a mountain outside the mountain! It's tempting to just sell No wonder, Lunlun loves to eat."

He said, picking up a small piece of snack and tasting it.

It's just that the dim sum is a bit crisp, he bit a bit and dropped a small piece on the ground.

Gu Qianyue glanced at the debris that fell to the ground, withdrawn his gaze, and smiled modestly: "Where and where, uncle won the prize, Aunt Pei also made delicious snacks, but my mother saw that Lunlun likes to eat , Just study this every day at home, so there are more tricks."

Zheng Qinan smiled and said to Gu Qianyue again, then got up and left to go to work.

He usually said a few words to Gu Qianyue, he would not talk too much, and today is no exception.

Before leaving, he said to the servant at home: "Go and clean the table under the table. I just lost my snack."

The maid responded with a smile, and packed all the crumbs of dim sum under the dining table into the trash bin, and went out carrying the trash bag.

Outside the villa, Zheng Qinan was waiting in the car.

The servant approached him respectfully, carefully took out the crumbs of dim sum, put it in a transparent plastic bag and handed it to him.

Zheng Qinan took the plastic bag and drove away quickly.

Zheng Jing is responsible for testing the fish, while Zheng Qinan personally finds someone to test the ingredients of the dim sum.

The test results came out one after another.

The fish died from poisoning, and the undigested waffle particles in the belly contained a toxin extracted from plants.

But today's dim sum is not poisonous.

The matter is related to Zheng Lun's life and safety. The father and son did not go home after getting the test results, but immediately met in the police office.

"He is very careful. The snacks he brought today are safe."

Zheng Qinan took a deep breath and spit out the smoke, his expression dignified and killed.

He rarely smokes, and every time he smokes, he will definitely kill.

Gu Qianyue has reached the bottom line of Zheng Qinan, and he will never allow anyone to harm his daughter!

Zheng Jing was even more angry than Zheng Qinan, and he couldn't suppress it at all, almost immediately he wanted to go home and kill the bastard!

However, he is not Jing Yichen, killing people can handle things perfectly and properly. His strength and power are not enough to support him to do such crazy things.

Without saying anything else, killing Gu Qianyue, his parents will certainly not be willing to give up.

They must solve this matter through normal means, that is, they need evidence! A lot of evidence is required!

Zheng Jing finally suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "No wonder he always has enough snacks to eat every time, and he doesn't leave a little bit every time. He wants to eat cleanly! There is a problem, he is ready to destroy all the evidence! It is really impatient to dare to poison Lunlun under our eyes!"

"We don't know much about Gu Qianyue now, and we don't know if his parents are involved in this matter. Don't act rashly. For the first two days, let your sister go to our house and live in a villa in the suburbs. She went to Germany to visit her sick friend. Let's check things first and let her contact Gu Qianyue, otherwise it would be too dangerous."

Zheng Jing blurted out: "She will be scared of living alone in the suburbs, and it is not safe. I will go with her!"

Zheng Qinan looked at his son straight, his eyes were sharp, and he seemed to see through his heart.

Zheng Jing didn't give in at all, and looked at his father brightly.

For a long time, Zheng Qinan said: "You have to do a few things yourself, you shouldn't do it, don't do it. Otherwise, it is not to protect your sister, but to harm her, can you understand?"

This is a special period. For Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun, Zheng Qinan can't take care of it for the time being. The most important thing now is to save Zheng Lun's life and find out why the ancient Qianyue poisoned Zheng Lun.

Zheng Jing nodded heavily: "Dad, you can rest assured, I understand and know the weight. As long as she is my sister for a day, I will not mess up."

Zheng Qinan extinguished the smoke and put it in an ashtray with a low voice: "You understand it, you two are the most cherished children of my mother and you. In our eyes, Lunlun is the daughter. There is nothing else."

"My mother..." If Zheng Lun and him were to live alone in the suburban villa, Pei Xinhua would definitely not agree.

"It's okay. Your mother handed it to me. She is not an ordinary woman. I will tell her the truth. She is not an ordinary woman. Even if you know the truth, you won't show anything."

Zheng Qinan trusts his wife very much. After they have spent so many years together, he has a deep understanding of Pei Xinhua's ability.

She is now willing to be the woman behind him, willing to work hard to take care of a pair of children, but she was also a small famous singer when she was young, and her heart is very powerful and very insightful.

Zheng Jing was relieved that as long as Zheng Qinan came forward, there would basically be no problems there with Pei Xinhua, and then he would give Pei Xinhua another assurance, believing that Zheng Lun would not have to stay at home to see the dangerous ancient times.

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