My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 831: Lingering

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Carcinogenic? !

Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan took a breath at the same time!

Gu Qianyue was so ruthless!

He wanted Zheng Lun's life without thinking about it!

However, Zheng Lun did not have any holidays with him at all. Why did he do this? !

Zheng Jing and Zheng Qinan held a fire at the same time. The father and son now wished to rush to the ancient house immediately, grabbing the clothes of the Gu's couple and asking them, what the **** was the son of a wolf-hearted dog!

However, the words below Mu Qing made Zheng Jing's heart fall to the bottom.

"A Jing, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this toxin is a variant of Yang Muyan who poisoned Zheng Lun, which is an upgraded version!"

Zheng Jing's voice changed, and even his voice changed tone: "Yang Muyan?!"

Yang Muyan's cunning and scheming gave Zheng Jing and Mu Qing all the palpitations. The combined eyes of the two of them are not one-tenth of Yang Muyan's! Far from being too hot, Yang Muyan is an out-and-out demon!

Even if she is dead, she still has a ghost!

Zhao An'an and Mu Qing's wedding was greatly flawed. Now, is it his turn to Zheng Lun?

How much backhand did she arrange when she was alive!

Zheng Jing was so nervous that he could not breathe. He was too afraid of Yang Muyan to deal with Zheng Lun!

Even if Yang Muyan is dead, even if she harms Zheng Lun with the help of someone else's hand, with Zheng Lun's simplicity, it will almost certainly die!

It took a while for Zheng Jing’s blank brain to start functioning again. His voice said dryly: "Could it be that the person who poisoned Lunlun was Gu Qianyue, who now harms her?"

Mu Qing is also not sure, he is not good at this kind of thing, and he is good at conspiracy and tricks, all are people with super high IQ, such as-Jing Yichen.

He smiled bitterly: "Ajing, I don't know about this matter, but judging from the ingredients of the two drugs, that Gu Qianyue must be related to Yang Muyan, even if the person who first poisoned is not him, he also It’s not a good thing. Hurry up and find Jing Shao, his ability to analyze such things throws us hundreds of streets!"

"Okay, I'm going to find Jing Shao!" Zheng Jing said flatly, and then he asked with a slight trembling voice: "Nailun now... will it be all right?"

Zheng Jing has a deep understanding of cancer because of Zhao An’an. This is almost incurable. If it is a kind of gastric cancer, it may still live for ten or twenty years after the diseased site is removed at the early stage of onset. But if it is throat cancer...

Almost mortal!

If this is the case, killing Gu Qianyue will not eliminate the anger and hatred in Zheng Jing's heart.

"I can't judge Lunlun's physical condition now. You will take her to the Mu Family Hospital tomorrow and ask my cousin to do a full-body examination for her. If her poisoning time is relatively short and the toxin content is relatively low, she will be treated now. It's too late, but if the amount of poisoning is relatively large, you should bring Lunlun to Germany immediately!"

Unstoppable panic in Zheng Jing's heart!

Zheng Qinan heard Mu Qing's words, and his fingers were tightly held together. If Zheng Lun had three lengths and two shorts, he and Pei Xinhua would be hit hardest!

He took a deep breath and opened a hands-free mobile phone to Zheng Jing: "Muqing and Lunlun haven't shown any special symptoms yet. It doesn't look much different from usual. The source of her poisoning should mainly come from food."

He thought about it and described his judgment as objectively as possible so that Mu Qing could make the most accurate judgment.

"However, the toxin content in those foods should not be high, and the people who are poisoned are very cautious. Sometimes the snacks they bring are toxic, sometimes they are non-toxic. It was Lunlun and Gu Qianyue who ate it. Since Gu Qianyue also ate those snacks, wasn’t he afraid of causing cancer himself? Or did this toxin have an antidote?"

Mu Qing is also very familiar with Zheng Qinan. He knows that Zheng Qinan is a cautious and logically rigorous person. After listening to him, Mu Qing has some doubts.

"No, some poisons can be used as antidote, but like this chronic carcinogen, there is no antidote at all. If the poisoned person consumes these things for a long time, the cells will change, if Gu Qianyue also eats them. Those snacks, and he is a poisoned person, then his situation should be more serious than Lunlun."

Mu Qing said, a sudden flash of light flashed in his mind: "Uncle Zheng, will the poisoned person not be Gu Qianyue, but the old lady who makes snacks?"

Zheng Qinan said affirmatively: "Whether Mrs. Gu is involved in poisoning. At present, I cannot make an accurate judgment, but Gu Qianyue must be one of the poisoned people. A Jing specially tested him today, and he has shown his feet."

Mu Qing has no clue about the complicated and confusing situation at the moment. He performs surgery very well, but he is confused for analyzing people's hearts and cases.

However, after listening to Zheng Qinan, he had a rough assessment of Zheng Lun's physical condition.

"Uncle Zheng, if Aunt Pei doesn't eat a lot of snacks, and if those snacks are sometimes poisonous and sometimes not poisonous, then Aunt Pei must be fine, as long as you don't eat them in the future. As for Lunlun, since she is basically now There is nothing unusual about it, so her current situation should still be relatively optimistic, don't worry."

Mu Qing's tone was deliberately relaxed as possible, so as not to worry Zheng Jinghao and Zheng Qinan.

"The reason why the anchovies died so quickly is because the fish are much more sensitive to this toxin than humans, and they are very small, have poor metabolic capacity, and are more precious, so they eat a little bit of crushed The crumbs are dead. Lun Lun does not even have a cough symptom now, that is a good thing!"

The comfort of professional doctors is still very useful, both Zheng Qinan and Zheng Jing father and son slightly relieved.

Fortunately, this matter was discovered early, and if it is later, Zheng Lun is really dangerous.

Speaking of it, these little fish that Zheng Jing sent to Zheng Lun saved Zheng Lun's life, otherwise they would not know when it would be poisonous in the snack!

Gu Qianyue was so careful that every time he brought the dim sum to the Zheng family, he would eat it cleanly, and refused to leave a handle at all, even if they wanted to check that there was no dim sum for testing.

Zheng Jing relaxed, and finally did not panic. There was inexpressible gratitude in his tone: "Good brother, thanks to you! I have several forensics here who can't find out what the poison is. When you come back, we Let's go drinking together! How is An An, when can he be discharged?"

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