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Zheng Qinan saw that Pei Xinhua had started crying softly, knowing that she was unwilling, and comforted her softly: "Don’t cry, don’t you have no confidence in our family? Lunlun lives in our house It’s been 20 years, and the relationship with us is so deep that she won’t be willing to leave, and will be our daughter in the future."


"It's nothing."

When Zheng Qinan interrupted his wife, he said a bit heavyly: "We have also lost our daughter and know the taste of pain. Now that we know who Lunlun is the child, how can we not tell others. Gu Yingjie and his wife are not uncomfortable. Reasonable people, let Lunlun live on both sides, she is the daughter of our two families. Two more people love Lunlun, this is a good thing, don't be mad at family!"

Zheng Qinan said, glancing at Zheng Jing standing next to him.

I am afraid to find Zheng Lun's biological parents, the son is the happiest.

In this way, he basically had no obstacles in marrying Zheng Lun.

Now things have changed, Zheng Qinan's mentality has also changed.

He is also very unwilling to give Zheng Lun. The kind of blood relationship of his biological parents will always be let go, and the best way to make Zheng Lun become their family forever seems to be to let Zheng Jing marry her!

He is now less repulsive about Zheng Jing's marriage to Zheng Lun.

Zheng Qinan was even a little happy. Fortunately, Zheng Lun also liked Zheng Jing. If the two were really married, she would really be the Zheng family all her life, and the daughter of him and Pei Xinhua all her life.

Pei Xinhua was a little ashamed when her husband said that he was "little kid".

She is indeed selfish, more selfish than anyone.

Because she was too afraid to lose Zheng Lun!

This is her daughter, how can you let someone go!

However, she also knew that it would be unfair for the couple Zheng Lun and Gu Yingjie to tell the truth.

In any case, even if Zheng Lun does not live with her in the future, she will not be called her mother, she must tell Zheng Lu the truth.

At night, Zheng Lun was lying on the hospital bed, sensitively aware of Pei Xinhua's strange appearance.

Pei Xinhua was happy for a while, sad for a while, teared for a while, and stared at her hard again, as if she would disappear tomorrow.

However, her body is obviously much better!

Zheng Lun held Pei Xinhua's hand and wrote in her palm: What's wrong?

Pei Xinhua's daughter's pale face showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "It's okay, hello, mother is very happy, we can go home in two days."


Zheng Lun was a little skeptical.

Did something happen?

Two hours ago, my parents and my brother were out of the ward, and the little nurse came in to guard her. She kept guarding her for more than half an hour before the three of them came back.

After Pei Xinhua came back, his expression obviously changed.

Zheng Lun guessed for a long time and could not guess what it was. She thought, maybe it was something about Gu Qianyue. He harmed her like this. I’m afraid that my parents would not let him go easily.

However, if Gu Qianyue was killed, his parents should die sadly.

Zheng Lun guessed wildly, and soon fell asleep.

She has rarely slept these two days, and now her pain has eased, and the danger period has passed, and she can finally get a good night's sleep.

She thought optimistically, maybe she would sleep, and when she got up tomorrow morning, she would be pleasantly surprised to find that she could talk!

It is really painful not to be able to speak.

I hope she won't become a dumb, otherwise she will really collapse.

In the early morning of the next day, Zheng Jing received a text message from Jing Yichen. The text message was very short, with only six words: Zheng Lun was Gu Xi.



Zheng Jing's inner emotions are hard to restrain.

Confirming Zheng Lun's identity means that he can marry Zheng Lun!

Dad has explicitly agreed to let the ancient family recognize his daughter, that is to say, everyone will know that Zheng Lun is not his biological sister, they can get married!

Zheng Jing immediately told Zheng Qinan and Pei Xinhua of the news.

The two of them did not have the excitement and excitement of Zheng Jing, and some were just inexplicably sad and lost.

Zheng Jing smiled and hugged Pei Xinhua with red eyes. He whispered: "Mom, if you can't bear Lunlun, I'll marry her home, she will always be your daughter!"

Pei Xinhua's crying stopped suddenly.

She looked up and looked at the son with good chest, hesitantly said: "This...not great? She is your sister after all!"

Zheng Jing smiled in his heart, Pei Xinhua had shaken, but it was still somewhat difficult to accept the change of their two siblings.

He deliberately said: "Okay, if you don’t want me to marry her, then let others marry her. When she marries into someone else’s house, you won’t see it. People may return to the ancient house and return to our house. It is estimated that there will be less and less, are you really willing?"

Pei Xinhua refuted him subconsciously: "You're not talking about your sister like that! She won't forget my mother!"

However, to say so, she actually played drums in her heart.

Zheng Lun is a filial child, she will be filial to her adoptive mother, and will certainly be filial to her biological parents, so that her time and energy will be divided into two halves!

Besides, Pei Xinhua has been looking for Zheng Lun’s mother-in-law’s wife for so long, but he didn’t find a suitable one. It seems that his own son is the most suitable!


Pei Xinhua sighed heavily, and then patted his son's shoulder, saying: "You let me think about it again, it can't hurt Lunlun. You can't be so casual about this matter, you have to ask the meaning of Lunlun, There is also the meaning of Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi."

Zheng Jing listened to her, but the corners of her mouth were raised with joy.

Pei Xinhua is clearly relieved!

Sure enough, the way to find Zheng Lun's biological parents is right!

Zheng Jing swept away the fatigue and pain of the previous few days, and looked excitedly into the ward, holding Zheng Lun's hand, and said with a smile: "Lun Lun, you get better soon!"

Zheng Lun was so unhappy to see his brother, so he was not sure.

Why are you so happy all of a sudden? What happened to her again?

It's really bad to be ill. She doesn't know any news now and can only lie in bed every day.

She woke up today, the miracle did not happen, she still could not speak, the ulcers of her throat and tongue had not fully healed, and now the words still hurt her throat, she could not make any sound!

Zheng Jing put Zheng Lun's hand on his face, and seeing that she didn't feel happy at the beginning of her illness, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? What are you worried about?"

Zheng Lun wrote in his palm and wrote out his inner worries: Didn’t Dr. Mu say that I am all right? Why am I still unable to speak, will it become dumb?

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