My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 79 Distress


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Chen Luo looked at Isabella's rabbit, and then at Alice's rabbit. Obviously, no matter what rabbit she was talking about, Alice's was bigger.

It is true that Alice's rabbit is big, but to be honest, it will offend Isabella. If Chen Luo is on Alice's side, Isabella may not talk to him for several days.

Although in this way, Chen Luo's side would be quieter, but no one would warm his bed every night.

Chen Luo shook his head, and said out of conscience: "Almost, I can't tell which one is bigger."

Fortunately, although the war between the two women was raging, it did not harm Chi Yu, and they did not force Chen Luo to make a choice between them.

Can't compete with anyone whose rabbit is bigger, but who can catch more rabbits.

Every area on this mountain has a location designated by the college, and students can hand over the rabbit there after completing the tasks of the practical class.

After Isabella and Alice delivered the two rabbits to the designated positions, they started a new round of competition.

Although the rabbits here can spit fireballs and run fast, they are too cute and not difficult to catch.

The competition between Isabella and Alice is a good thing for Chen Luo. They don't bother him, which just allows him to continue the next experiment.

After being tossed by Chen Luo several times, the rabbit lay weakly on the grass, and hadn't recovered yet.

Chen Luo took advantage of this time to gather a little hydrogen.

The content of hydrogen in the air is not much, and it is not as easy to accumulate as nitrogen and oxygen.

The mental force plays the role of condensing hydrogen and oxygen, and can act as a closed container. As long as the hydrogen content reaches a certain level, a violent explosion can occur.

He carefully mixed hydrogen and nitrogen in a certain ratio, and then hid his whole body behind a big tree in the distance, and finally summoned a little spark, which ignited the gas.


Chen Luo, who was hiding behind the tree, clearly heard a loud noise coming from ahead, and then he came out from behind the tree.

For his own safety, Chen Luo only condensed a small air mass, but even a small air mass was more powerful than Chen Luo expected.

A scorched black depression appeared on the ground, surrounded by scattered soil, which looked like a mess. As for the rabbit that had been tortured by Chen Luo several times --- it had been completely freed.

This is still under the condition that Chen Luo deliberately controlled the power of the explosion. If he let go of all his strength, even if he hid behind a tree, he would end up no better than that rabbit.

Chen Luo sighed, picked up the rabbit, and took out the seasoning packet from his pocket.

This was prepared by him yesterday. During the extracurricular practice, many students would accidentally kill rabbits, and the school would bury them on the spot after collecting them. In Chen Luo's opinion, this was a bit of a waste, and it happened to be lunch time. , he simply used local materials.

Rabbit meat is also a kind of meat that nobles often eat, but their cooking method is really bad. In Chen Luo's hands, this kind of food is delicious no matter whether it is roasted or fried.

The extracurricular practice will last a whole day, and the students will prepare their own bread. After learning that the content of the practice is to catch rabbits, Chen Luo didn't even bring any food.

Magic is convenience. Chen Luo treated the rabbit with the knife he had prepared a long time ago, cleaned it with water magic, then put on seasoning and marinated it for a while, and then hid in a big place where no one noticed. Behind the stone, a grill is set up.

The fat was roasted by the flames and dripped on the firewood, making a sizzling sound. Chen Luo turned the stick in his hand, and suddenly a voice came from behind him.

"Blair, what are you doing here?"

Chen Luo turned around and saw Isabella and Alice standing on the rock, looking at him curiously.

Isabella jumped off the rock, looked left and right, and asked, "Blair, where is your rabbit?"

Chen Luo pointed to the things roasting on the fire, and said, "Here."

"Blair, you killed it!" Isabella was startled, and said, "Blair, the rabbit is so cute, you actually killed it!"

This time, Alice was rarely on the same front as Isabella, looked at Chen Luo, and said in disbelief: "Brother Blair, how can you be so cruel?"

Chen Luo shook his head and said, "I used it to experiment with magic just now, and accidentally killed it. If you don't eat it, it would be a waste."

Isabella pointed to the seasoning packet on the ground and asked, "Then how do you explain this?"

Chen Luo looked at her and asked back: "As a chef, is it strange that I carry a seasoning bag with me?"

Isabella said angrily: "Then you shouldn't eat it..."

"Actually, rabbits are not as cute as you think." Chen Luo looked at Isabella and Alice, and said solemnly: "You don't know, a long time ago, rabbits were a symbol of evil..."

Seeing that he was talking nonsense, Isabella said angrily: "I think you are the symbol of evil!"

Chen Luo didn't bother to argue with her, so he waved his hand: "It's fine if you don't eat."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the two women and concentrated on grilling the meat.

Isabella sat opposite Chen Luo angrily, and took out bread from a small bag slung across her shoulders.

Alice sat on the other side of Chen Luo, keeping a distance from Isabella,

He also took out the bread he had brought.

Chen Luo tore off a rabbit leg and took a bite, with a satisfied look on his face. Although he hadn't done it himself for a long time, his barbecue skills are still there.

When he was in school, he would go out for a picnic with some friends when he was free. His barbecue skills were developed at that time, which is much higher than his cooking skills.

Isabella smelled the aroma of barbecue and gnawed on the bread tastelessly.

Judging from the expression of the guy opposite, the rabbit is not only cute, it may also be delicious, at least better than the bread in her hand.

Chen Luo ate two rabbit legs and half a rabbit. Although he was not full yet, he was a bit tired. He glanced at Isabella and Alice, and found that Isabella had only taken a bite of the bread after a while. Alice only ate two bites of bread.

He looked at Isabella and Alice, and said, "There are still two rabbit legs left. If Isabella and Alice don't eat them, I will throw them away."

Although they had all eaten rabbit meat, it was the first time they saw a live rabbit turned into food in front of them.

The baked rabbit is obviously not as cute as before.

Isabella coughed lightly, picked up a rabbit leg, and said, "No food should be wasted."

Alice picked up the other one and smiled at Chen Luo, "Thank you, Junior Blair."

Judging from Isabella and Alice's genuine behavior, if Chen Luo opens a restaurant here, maybe the business will be very hot.

But it's a pity that nobility would not eat in that kind of restaurant, and ordinary civilians couldn't afford it. In Shenen Continent, selling knowledge is the fastest way to make money.

After eating a simple lunch, Isabella and Alice started their unspoken game again.

Both of them majored in the wind element, and they all started to use levitation. This kind of magic does not have the effect of attacking, but it is very useful to affect the movement of rabbits. However, for more than an hour, the two of them have caught more than a dozen rabbits each. only rabbits.

The rabbits around them have almost been caught by them, and they are no longer as easy to encounter as they were at the beginning.

Isabella and Alice swept deeper into the forest in a tacit understanding.

"You two, don't go any further." Chen Luo followed them, pointed to the front, and said, "The forest in front is no longer within the range of activities defined by the academy..."

Isabella looked at Alice and asked, "How much are you?"

"16." Alice looked at her and asked, "How much are you?"


call out!

A white shadow, under the gaze of the three of them, quickly flashed into the woods ahead.

Isabella said: "Mine!"

Alice glanced at her and said, "I saw it first..."

The two voices fell, and both of them ran deep into the woods.


Chen Luo shook his head, expressing his helplessness to the two women who were comparing with each other, and stepped in to follow.

Although Isabella and Alice majored in the wind system, their levels were too low to use wind magic to increase their speed. After chasing into the woods, the rabbit disappeared after a while.

This place is already outside the scope of activities assigned by the academy, and if you move forward, you may encounter unknown dangers.

The two looked at each other, and when they were about to turn back, there was a sudden noise from the bushes in front of them.

There was joy in the eyes of Isabella and Alice, and they were ready to use the levitation technique to catch the rabbit, but the next moment, their expressions were stunned at the same time.

Because what came out of the dense forest ahead was not a rabbit, but a person.

It was a middle-aged man, he looked a bit embarrassed, his clothes were tattered and covered with stains.

If it wasn't for a magic robe, the two would have thought each other was a savage living in the mountains.

This man is obviously not a savage, because a savage cannot wear a magic robe, and there are three rippling silver lines on the chest of that magic robe.

This is a senior magician.

The man didn't expect to meet two beautiful ladies here. He glanced at the school uniforms they were wearing and asked, "Students from Saint Donas College?"

Isabella and Alice didn't know why there was such a senior magician in this deep mountain, but they obviously couldn't stay here anymore.

Isabella grabbed Alice's arm and said, "The teachers are right ahead, let's go back..."

Alice glanced at the man, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, she nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

However, just as the two of them turned their heads, and within a few steps, a wall of fire suddenly appeared in front of them.

As soon as the wall of fire appeared, it quickly spread to the surroundings, and finally formed a circle, enclosing them and the senior magician.

The man looked at Alice, with a smile on his face, and said, "Beautiful lady, since you have recognized me, do you still want to leave like this?"

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