My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 87: It's all rubbish [Second update]

Remember-remember\\【End-this-God-station\\】Input-in-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m


Facing the questioning of a group of noble children, a deacon of the Magic Association showed embarrassment on his face, and said: "Everyone, the improved magic of the Magic Association has been certified and cannot be fake. It is very clear above. Magic-like, there are certain requirements for magic talent..."

A young man said angrily: "You mean, all of us are trash and rubbish, we can't learn your magic?"

The deacon of the Magic Association waved his hands repeatedly and said, "We didn't mean that..."

The young man said coldly, "Then return the gold coins to us!"

Several deacons shook their heads and said, "This type of magic has indeed been successfully verified."

The magic certification of the Magic Association is very strict. Although no one in the headquarters of the Magic Association has successfully verified this improved magic that has just been passed on from the branch, it has already been verified in the Yapo City branch. Among the two magicians verified, one It's just a small deacon, and the other person is Angus, the president of the Yapo City branch.

Lord Angus is a strong man at the level of a great magician, and he is now at the headquarters of the Magic Association. As long as he is asked to come forward and verify again in front of them, he can stop these people's mouths.

It's just that Mr. Angus is discussing matters with high-level officials, so he can't come forward for the time being.

Those young people didn't believe in such a thing at all. One of them looked at several deacons angrily, and said, "If you can find someone who can cast that kind of magic today, I will admit that I have no magic talent and I am useless. I'm rubbish, if you can't find it, your Magic Association will not only return our gold coins, but also publicly apologize to us!"

"what happened?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures came in from the outside. The one who walked in the front was a tall woman. Whether it was the dozen or so young people in front of him, or a few deacons of the Magic Association, they saw When the young woman vibrated, she immediately saluted and said, "I have seen Your Highness."

The woman looked at the crowd, and finally looked at a young man, and asked, "Alan, what are you doing here?"

"Your Highness is just right." The young man pointed to several deacons of the Magic Association, and said: "The Magic Association violated the kingdom's laws and sold us invalid magic at a high price, but refused to pay gold coins and apologize..."

After listening to the young man, the woman looked at a deacon and asked, "I don't think the Magic Association would do such a thing. Is there any misunderstanding?"

The deacon smiled wryly, and said, "Your Highness, that kind of magic indeed has extremely high requirements for the talent of a magician, not all magicians can perform it..."

"How dare you say that!"

"This is just an excuse for you to cheat!"

"And that damn Chen Luo, who actually joined forces with the Magic Association to cheat!"


The young people were furious when they heard the words, and were about to continue reasoning with the deacons, the woman stopped them with her hand, looked at the deacon, and said, "What kind of magic are they talking about? If what they said is true, then the magic The association should give an explanation, if it is their problem, I will ask them to apologize to the Magic Association and send the gold coins."

The deacons of the Magic Association naturally didn't worry that the person in front of her would not pay for learning magic, so they quickly fetched materials for her.

After the woman finished reading it, she returned it to the deacon of the Magic Association, with a look of surprise on her face, and asked: "Is there really someone in the Magic Association who can release dual-element magic at the same time?"

The deacon of the Magic Association nodded, and said: "In addition to the proposer of this improved magic, the great magician Angus has also personally verified it."

A young man snorted coldly and said, "Your Highness, don't listen to their lies unless..., unless..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a curtain of fire and water rising from the young woman's side at the same time, and he stood there dumbfounded.

That kind of thing, actually someone can do it!

There was a shocked expression on his face, which was more unacceptable.

He couldn't accept it. He was called a magic genius since he was a child, and he couldn't even learn magic from an apprentice.

The expressions on the faces of everyone present were exactly the same as his.

Before seeing this miraculous and unbelievable scene, they decided that the Magic Association and that damn reformer named Chen Luo were joining forces to cheat money, and it was just an excuse that learning this kind of magic requires special talents.

Facts have proved that the Magic Association and the magician named Chen Luo are not lying.

This unbelievable thing, really someone can do it.

And they couldn't do it because..., as the additional description of the improved magic said, they weren't talented enough.

In their own words, they are trash.

They are all rubbish.


"Sorry, we were wrong."

The description of the improved magic is already very clear. If no one can cast this kind of magic, it is the Magic Association who is cheating money.

But if there is one person, even if there is only one person who can perform it, then the Magic Association cannot be blamed.

After all, the Magic Association has explained clearly in advance that this type of magic has special requirements for the talent of magicians, and ordinary people cannot learn it.

Obviously, they are ordinary people, not special at all.

How menacing the sons of the nobles came when they came,

How disheartened I was when I left.

The woman had already dissipated the fire and water curtains, and a rare surprise appeared on her usually calm face, and she said softly: "It turns out that magicians can release dual-element magic at the same time. Since water and fire elements can , then the water system, the wind system, and the soil system should also be able to..."

The deacon showed admiration on his face, and said: "Your Highness's wisdom is convincing. What you just said is exactly the combined magic that the association is discussing. The presidents seem to want to use it as the first magic besides the four magics." Five branches..."

"Combined magic..." The woman looked at him and asked, "Has anyone already proposed it?"

The deacon nodded and said, "It's Mr. Chen Luo who proposed improving water magic."

"Chen Luo..." The woman whispered the somewhat strange name, and asked, "Is there such a powerful magician in every king?"

"Mr. Chen Luo is not from the capital." The deacon smiled and did not continue on this question, and asked, "Your Highness is here at the Magic Association today, what is the matter?"

Only then did the woman remember her real purpose for coming to the Magic Association, she stopped thinking about Chen Luo, and said, "I want to be certified as a senior magician."

Her words caused a moment of silence among the crowd who had been paying attention to this place from the beginning, and then immediately became noisy.

"What, senior magician, if I remember correctly, His Highness is only 21 years old this year!"

"A 21-year-old senior magician, she is really the darling of the gods..."

"It's nothing, the one from the Stern family, but she became a senior magician at the age of 20, and I heard that she majored in more than one department..."

"Although His Highness's talent is good, it's not as good as that one."

"No matter how good other people's talent is, it has nothing to do with us. It's about the combined magic they mentioned just now. I've never heard of it before. Who is Chen Luo..."


After an hour of grace, when the young woman came out from the Magic Association, the cyan magic robe on her body had already had a ripple on her chest.

Many people in the Magic Association cast shocked and envious eyes on her.

"Congratulations to Your Highness for being promoted to a senior magician." A female companion beside her looked at her and sighed: "Your Highness's magical talent is so enviable, even the president can't help but praise..."

The woman shook her head and whispered: "But it's still not as good as her..."

She calmed down, stopped thinking about these things, and murmured: "Chen Luo, the fifth branch of magic, who the hell is he, who can think of using magic like this..."

The female companion beside her also showed curiosity on her face, and said, "Yeah, I've never heard of this name before, Chen Luo, Chen Luo, if he can come up with such a theory, he must be a magister at the very least..."

As soon as her words fell, a group of people passing by them stopped suddenly, and then there was an uproar of anxiety and excitement.

"Chen Luo!"

"Where is Luoshen?"

"Does anyone know Luoshen?"


Judging by their clothes and the medals on their chests, they are obviously scholars of the Mathematical Association.

Seeing her female companion who was surrounded by a group of excited mathematicians who kept questioning and panicked, the young woman stood there with extreme doubts on her face and murmured: "Chen Luo..."

[ps: I recommend my good friend July’s new book "Han Que", readers who like serious textual research and history should not miss it. 】

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