My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 9 Famous Again

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Teacher Britney was writing hard to check the derivation formula of the geometric sequence. Chen Luo was sitting on the chair next to him, and could feel Isabella's eyes glanced here from time to time.

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, especially when the enemy's father is the city lord.

Now Chen Luo is only thinking about magic and doesn't want to cause unnecessary troubles, not to mention that the two of them don't have any deep hatred, so he plans to take the initiative to resolve this grievance.

He got up and poured a glass of water for Miss Britney, then took another glass, looked at Isabella, and asked, "Sister Isabella, do you want some water?"

Isabella snorted coldly and ignored him.

This woman is really stingy, Chen Luo murmured in his heart, poured her a glass of water, and said sincerely: "It was my unreasonable behavior that offended Isabella-senpai before, Blair apologizes to you again, I hope you can forgive."

Teacher Britney put down her pen, looked at Chen Luo and Isabella suspiciously, and asked, "Is there any misunderstanding between you?"


"Blair accidentally bumped into me the other day."

As soon as Chen Luo said a word, Isabella hurriedly said it.

"Looks like it's just a small misunderstanding." Teacher Britney smiled and said, "Blair must have been careless too. Isabella shouldn't bother with him."

Teacher Britney liked Blair so much, and as her student, Isabella knew she couldn't do anything to him, so she could only sigh in her heart and said, "I've forgotten about this a long time ago. "

Chen Luo glanced at her silently. A woman's mouth is a deceitful ghost. If she had forgotten about this matter long ago, why would she look for him three times a day these days?

With a smile on his face, he said, "Senior Isabella has a heart as broad as the sky, so she will definitely not argue with me."

Not only does Isabella have no breasts, but she also has no breasts at all. It sounds a bit contrary to her heart to say this, but as long as she can get rid of her entanglement, Chen Luo doesn't mind ignoring her conscience once.

Isabella glared at Chen Luo, then turned to Britney and asked, "Mr. Britney, I have a question about magic."

Teacher Britney didn't mind, and said, "Ask."

Isabella glared at Chen Luo again with sullen eyes, and asked, "The speed of magic recitation is too slow. If someone is very close to me and wants to interrupt my recitation, what should I do?" How to do?"

"It's very impolite to be too close to a magician. A vigilant magician won't let others get close easily." Britney looked at her and said: "And, as you are more familiar with the magic element As you become more and more familiar with spells and gestures, the speed of casting magic will continue to increase. Advanced magicians can release simple fireballs in an instant, so fast that even if the distance is very close, others will not be able to respond .”

Isabella showed distress on her face, and said, "But what about when we are not yet proficient in magic?"

Teacher Britney smiled, looked at Chen Luo, and said, "Blair, try to interrupt my chanting before I cast the magic."

Chen Luo hesitated, shook his head and said, "This is not good, will it offend Teacher Britney..."

Britney gave her a reassuring look and said, "It's okay."

Chen Luo is not a mother-in-law either. When Britney started to make the first magic gesture, he raised his arm.

However, he only felt something shaking in front of his eyes, his wrist was suddenly grabbed, and then the world was spinning for a while, before his body fell to the ground, Britney helped him up in time.

Although Chen Luo had also learned Sanda in college, he had no chance to fight back in front of Teacher Britney, and he didn't even have time to react.

Teacher Britney gave Chen Luo a beautiful push, then looked at Isabella, and said, "A lot of times, an excellent magician is also an excellent fighter."

Chen Luo noticed that after seeing this scene, there seemed to be something flickering in Isabella's eyes.

This made his heart chill.

In the next two days, Teacher Britney will write the paper on the mystery of Raus. Chen Luo is still underage and cannot publish articles independently. The article on the mystery of Raus must be written Signed by Miss Britney.

Because of this incident, Chen Luo did not see her in math class, and his life also changed slightly because of the previous paper.

The paper he and Mr. Britney signed was posted on the bulletin board at the gate of the school by Saint Donas College for the teachers and students of the school to look up to.

From the attitude of the academy, Chen Luo clearly felt that scholars are a very respected profession in the Divine Grace Continent, at least in the Kingdom of Lorraine.

Teacher Britney just published an article in the Mathematics Journal of Yapo City, and she was so publicized. It can be seen that Saint Donas College thinks that this is something that makes the college look good.

Of course, if it is an ordinary article, Saint Donas College will not pay so much attention to it. The reason is that the Yapo City Mathematics Association gave a high evaluation to this article by Mrs. Britney, thinking that it is a It is very meaningful, universal and general discovery. The mathematical thinking reflected in this formula is very worthy of learning by mathematics researchers. The Mathematics Branch of Yapo City has made a suggestion to the Mathematics Association of the Kingdom of Lorraine. This formula leads

Into the next edition of mathematics textbook...

The Britney-Blair arithmetic formula appeared in the mathematics textbooks of the Kingdom of Lorraine, which was the glory of the entire Saint Donus College.

There's no question that the name Blair is back in the academy.

And it was only a few days since he caused discussion in the academy last time.

In two months, from a magical waste who couldn't even release the fireball, he became the fastest and strongest man in the second grade. Even Mr. Britney's great discovery in mathematics was inspired by him- -----Countless people are curious about what happened to Blair during the past two months of winter vacation?

What made him change so much?

Teacher Britney, the magic class teacher, the history class teacher, and even Toby have asked Chen Luo this question.

Chen Luo answered like this.

"One day two months ago, I suddenly realized that I will be a second-year student soon, and in two years, I will face the problem of graduation. If I can't master a fireball technique, if I can't pass other subjects , I will not be able to graduate from the college, I will lose my job in the library, and I will most likely starve to death on the street... From then on, I realized that I can't go on like this anymore..."

So in two months, he worked hard, studied hard, meditated every day to enhance his spiritual power, and studied magic. Through his own efforts, he finally made progress today.

Blair is a handyman in the library. Even in the summer vacation, the library of the college is open. He is in the library all summer vacation.

And a few days later, in a math test, the only test paper with a perfect score in the whole second grade was written by Blair, which completely dispelled everyone's doubts. Blair seems to be really different from before.

Of course, even if Blair has temporarily become the fastest and strongest man in the second grade, as a person abandoned by God, it is difficult for him to make progress in magic. limit.

The signature of that paper made all the students in the college, and even many teachers envious. They didn't believe how strong a second-year student's math ability was. What they envied was the care Mrs. Britney took for him.

There is no doubt that Mrs. Britney is an excellent scholar, and anyone can be Blair if she can hold her seriously.


"I've already submitted another article with you as the first signature, and the results should come soon." In Teacher Britney's room, she put down the full-score test paper in her hand and looked at Chen Luo again. Reluctantly asked: "Blair, do you really not think about that anymore?"

Teacher Britney has asked him this question many times, but one person's energy is limited, Chen Luo only has one goal in mind, and he wants to become a holy magister in the shortest time, even though he is still far away from this goal. Far, far away.

Chen Luo sighed, and said helplessly, "But Mrs. Britney, my father's greatest wish was to make me a great magician..."

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