My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1002 Siren Fortress Battlefield

Fierce artillery fire continued to explode water columns on the sea, and the smoke in the sky obscured the originally dark red sea, making this place look as terrifying as purgatory.

But for such a scene, the two sides fighting fiercely in the sea seem to have long been accustomed to it.

It seems that such a scene can more fully inspire the most violent side in their hearts, releasing firepower to their heart's content, showing a cruelty that is completely different from what they had before.

"Musashi, lead Shige Sakura to suppress the enemy's fire on the left side. Don't focus on Empress's hull. Concentrate your fire on one of her main guns!"

On the battlefield, Bismarck continued to issue instructions, and relying on Geryon's protective and offensive posture switching, she had more opportunities than others to observe Empress's movements, so this scene happened.

Following Bismarck's guidance, countless thunder and artillery shells bombarded the main cannon on Empress' side, and there were more artillery shells to block her movement.

When the shell was about to hit the Empress main gun, it was blocked by a layer of blue film. Chongying and others were not discouraged by this, but continued to attack.

The shield module in the overload module can be said to be very shameless. As long as it has energy, it can defend against most artillery attacks.

A large number of attacks were blocked, but some still hit Empres's naval guns. The originally blue-black naval gun was burnt, but it did not affect the gun's continued firing, but it seemed that the interval between firing was a little longer than before.

Although this gap is very small, it was still sensitively captured by Bismarck.

"Confirm that the attack is effective and continue the attack."


But to maintain such an attack rhythm, you need to withstand more attacks. This is not only a great test for the offensive side, but also for the ship girls on the defensive side.

The more damage he endures, the more fierce Arbiter Empress's counterattack becomes. Moreover, such a group attack makes it easy for people to catch the concentration point of their own position, and the opponent's barrage will invade. In this way, the original They were under some defensive pressure and it was even worse.

"The opponent's firepower is too strong. Whether it is the main fleet or the vanguard fleet, pay attention to your position and don't concentrate too much. It is very likely that the defensive shield will burst in the next second."

Prince Eugen, who was holding on at the front, said quickly through the communicator. This sentence is not meant for the iron-blooded camp, but for all current camps.

But even with her reminder, the position of hundreds of ships was still too dense compared to a single Arbiter Empress.

Soon, under the attack of several missiles falling from the sky, the already fragile crystal shield suddenly broke. The vanguard fleet and the main fleet were completely exposed to the attack of Arbiter Empress.

Despite the restraint of the Ember Fleet, the entire team quickly suffered damage.

"White Eagle's Baltimore ship has more than 70% damage to its hull. Please temporarily withdraw from the battle and conduct emergency repairs!"

"The damage to the Kursk ship belonging to the Northern Alliance has reached the critical point of 80%. Please temporarily withdraw from the battle and conduct emergency repairs!"


For a time, reports like this kept ringing in the communicator, which invisibly put great pressure on everyone!

"Approved, the ship can withdraw from the battle when the damage to the hull reaches more than 60%. After reaching a safe distance for emergency repairs, it can rejoin the battlefield! When retreating, report to the team flagship, and cross-cover firepower between each other to avoid formation confusion. .”

Bismarck's voice rang in the communicator, and there was a rapid report. Then, a large number of offensive formations turned into defensive formations, and dozens of ship girls continued to retreat slightly away from the battlefield under cover.

Under the premise of following Bismarck's words, everyone covered each other when retreating, and did not continue to expand the original damage when the formation was relatively chaotic. This is something to be thankful for.

However, such a result has a lot to do with Tiehe's recent high-intensity battles and mutual cooperation and tacit understanding.

Nowadays, the ship girls of Qin Ge's fleet are no longer the previous team with less combat experience, rich tactics but lack of tacit understanding. The long-term fighting and mutual training have made them very good at covering each other and attacking alternately.

Therefore, even if dozens of ships withdraw from the periphery for repairs, the corresponding firepower has not fallen.

"Huh, what an annoying mouse!" Empress said with a frown.

Although Qin Ge's ship girl is much weaker than others, it does not mean that she is immune to the damage caused by Qin Ge's ship girl.

And they are all ships with contract souls. Although their attack power is not as good as the original prototype ships, they are still relatively powerful, and their potential is even more outstanding than some prototype ships.

Although her own strength is certainly very strong, if she is completely let go, she can kill seven in and seven out of the formation of these ships.

But obviously the situation in front of her did not allow her to do this, and more than a dozen Yan Xianzhun kept staring at her. As planned before, they did not cause her too much harm, but the iron chains and floating spells surrounding her all the time made her extremely cautious.

The attacks of these embers were not comparable to simple ship attacks, and even she had to treat them with caution. Therefore, this formed a great constraint on her. Even if she did not launch a direct attack on her, she did not dare or could not reopen the formation of these embers to directly attack the ships in the rear.

The battlefield was at a stalemate like this, and just like the original plan, her own defeat was only a matter of time.

Even though Empress was very disdainful of such a plan and wanted to fight happily, she still hid her bellicose thoughts when she thought of everything involved in this plan.

At this time, in the unknown space above the sea, Akagi yawned out of boredom, looked at the excited young man beside him with confusion, and said in surprise, "My dear, such a boring battle. , can you also be so happy to see it?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Of course, I rarely see such a scene. Although the duel between the Arbiter, Ember and the ship was all planned, there is no need to have such thoughts. Just watching this battle is very exciting.

Look at the cooperation between those ships. Even if they face such powerful firepower as Enpres, they can still face it calmly. Moreover, when the damaged ship girls were repairing, they were able to keep their formations in order and their firepower was not reduced at all. This shows that the tactical training they usually receive includes instruction in this regard.

Isn't this all interesting? "

"Okay, as long as you like it~"

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