My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1017 Battlefield and Worries

Although the only arbiters who rushed forward were Empres and Strenkus, it did not mean that only these two people participated in the battle.

The other four arbiters also launched their own attacks at the same time. Although everyone was far away, the sea and sky seemed to be covered by barrages and artillery fire in an instant.

It seemed that such a situation had been anticipated, and only Enterprise and Reputation Counterattack Sisters were left to fight Empress and Strenkus. The others had already passed the two arbiters and pounced directly on the others in the rear.

The battlefield was divided in an instant, and all kinds of barrages flew on the sea surface, causing waves to form. The entire battlefield turned out to be extremely gorgeous.

Just when everyone was fighting fiercely, far above the sky, Qin Ge was looking worriedly at the situation below.

"Commander, are you nervous?" Guanghui asked gently.

After all, Qin Ge's hand had been holding hers since just now, and she could clearly feel the temperature and strength of that hand.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Guanghui and nodded, "If you say you are not worried, it is absolutely impossible. This battle belongs to the Arbiter and Ember. Although we are involved, those two groups are fighting The aftermath of the release was already like a turbulent wave, and I was really worried that they would be harmed."

Guanghui smiled and said, "Commander, don't worry. As ship girls, we are aware of being hurt, and now we are not the main attack direction, but more auxiliary attacks. In this case, there will be more attention. To avoid their attacks, so even if you receive some damage, it won’t be too serious.”

"Having said that, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If that happens, it's really hard to say. If possible, I want to inform them then so that they'd better pay attention." Qin Song said.

"Ha, this is not necessary, just let nature take its course." Song Qingge turned his head at this time, looked at Qin Ge and said, "Besides, if an accident occurs, I have a remedy here."

Qin Ge's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something, "Are you talking about the same as Helena?"

Song Qingge touched her nose, "Helena is special because her body exists, so I can only extract her previous data from her memory and intercept it.

This kind of rebirth is not called copying. To use a more professional term, it is called stripping. But if it is your ship girl, then there is no need to bother. Although the ship girl does not have the soul that humans have, she also has core data similar to the soul.

And it is recorded in the host of this world, so it is very simple to resurrect. "

"Is that so?" Qin Ge suddenly felt relieved. Looking at the people still fighting on the sea, he finally let go of the worry in his heart.

The battle on the sea is still going on, and the most intense one is the one-on-one battle between Empress and Enterprise.

The two of them shuttled across the sea, each attack hitting each other's vital points, but they were easily dodged. Naturally, only two people knew the thrill of it.

Other battlefields are not easy either, especially the two new Arbiters who have appeared. Their suppression of the Ember Ship Girls is no weaker than that of Hermet and the others.

On the other side, Qin Ge's fleet frowned as he watched his carrier-based aircraft fall one after another under the influence of Stelenkus' gravity field.

"The scope of the gravity field is really too large. It not only affects artillery shells, but also affects carrier-based aircraft. When my carrier-based aircraft passes by the gravity field, as long as the gravity changes slightly, the control will be deformed. Several fleets of carrier-based aircraft have now been destroyed by crashing into the sea.

If we want to achieve the expected support, we must first solve the gravity field, otherwise our attacks will be very limited. "

Hearing Enterprise's words, other aircraft carrier girls also nodded at the same time.

"The company is right, and the same is true for our carrier-based aircraft now. Even if a carrier-based aircraft breaks through the obstacles of the gravity field and successfully attacks the Arbiter, the damage caused is all blocked by the shield, which is almost negligible.

If we want to cause foreseeable damage, we must first resolve the existence of the gravity field, so that we can provide timely support. "Akagi also frowned and nodded. The gravity field in front of him was really too much of a hindrance. If they kept breaking through the gravity field like this, their carrier-based aircraft would soon be exhausted.

"I understand." Bismarck nodded, and the communicator connected to the direction of Reputation, "Reputation, counterattack, we must first get rid of Arbiter Strenkus. The existence of the gravity field hinders our support, and even the aircraft carrier Mom’s plane can’t cross the gravity field at all.”

"I have seen such things, so what do you think?" Shengming asked while fighting Strenkus.

"We don't have a very good method. Now we can only follow the way we attacked Strenkus before, covering it with a lot of firepower to offset his shield, and then you can deal with it at close range." Bismarck said.

"Understood, we will keep a safe enough distance from her, and we will need your help next." Reputation said.

"Understood!" Bismarck responded quickly, then changed the channel of the communicator and said to everyone in the fleet.

"Now we will target Stelenkus and pour all the firepower on him. It doesn't matter even if we miss him. The most important thing now is the covering firepower.

It was necessary to make her gravity field impossible to exist so comfortably, and everyone quickly executed it. "


At this time, no one raised any objections. Everyone was united. After knowing Bismarck's order, everyone adjusted the muzzle of the gun almost at the same time and locked their eyes on Strenkus.

Countless artillery shells, or barrage, poured out, although due to the obstruction of the gravity field, these artillery shells and the barrage were not able to turn around enough.

But sometimes quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. When the sky full of cannonballs and various barrages fell around Strenkus, the sky filled with water splashes exploded from around her.

Strenkus, who originally relied on the shield to protect his reputation and fight back, wanted to use the gravity field to change the tricks of these shells and the trajectory of the barrage.

There were too many people supporting him at this time, and the countless barrage and artillery shells were blocked by the gravity field and changed their directions, so it was impossible for them all to fall on Strenkus. But there are still some fish that slip through the net.

And with the help of this support, the reputation and counterattacks on the side began to continuously weaken Strenkus's shield.

As long as Trenkus's trouble is solved, the next battle will be much simpler. .

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