My ship girl, my world

Chapter 106 Glorious Ideal

Six hours actually passed very quickly during the battle.

When Qin Ge used a telescope to watch Belfast sink a Siren mass-produced destroyer in the distance, the light around him said to him, "Commander Qin Ge, the time has come. Let them came back."

"Oh? Is it time already?" Qin Ge put down the telescope in his hand and looked at the watch on his hand. "Is it true? How many enemies have been eliminated and six hours have passed?"

"Haha, Commander Qin Ge, your results have been very fruitful. You destroyed 8 mass-produced Siren ships in 6 hours without any loss of yourself." Guanghui covered his mouth and laughed.

"Indeed, naval battles are like this. Most of the time is spent on the road." Qin Ge nodded and said.

So he picked up the communication device in his hand and spoke to the two people who were collecting supplies dropped by Siren on the distant sea.

"Centaur, after you cover Belfast and collect the supplies dropped by the Siren ship, you two should come back together. Our mission time has come."

"Yes, Commander!"

Soon, the Centaur's voice came from the communicator. It was obvious that she was quite excited now.

Putting down the communication device in his hand, Qin Ge said to Guanghui beside him, "Guanghui, you must have seen a lot of scenes like this, right?"

"Yes." Guanghui nodded and cast his eyes in the direction of the sea, "As for me, I want to spread the light along the road and illuminate the haze of the world. But unfortunately, this wish has never been realized.

From the beginning to the present, it has made countless sorties and sunk the enemy countless times. All it has faced is war.

Commander Qin Ge, do you think there will be a day when the fighting stops? In this way, I can spread the light further. "

Qin Ge shook his head, "I don't know how to answer your question. Facing war is our mission, and we have always been doing things to bring peace to this ocean.

So as long as we stick to our hearts, even though the future is gloomy, when we look back, isn't there love and glory shining there? "

"The rear?" Guanghui was slightly startled.

"Well, the rear." Qin Ge said, "Because you are always on the front line, you face more wars, and because there are few people living on the front line, you don't feel it.

But aren't you at the rear now? Take advantage of this time to rest here for a while. I can accompany you to walk around the streets and experience what ordinary people live like.

Perhaps by seeing their lives, you can realize that your ideals are being realized all the time. "

"Really? That would be great if that's the case." Guanghui smiled and nodded, "Besides, it was Commander Qin Ge who said you would accompany me out. You have to admit it then."

"Of course not, we just go out for a walk together. Speaking of which, I haven't been out for a long time, and the farthest place I have been is the commercial street in front of our college." Qin Ge laughed.

"It seems that Commander Qin Ge is a bit of a homebody." Guanghui smiled.

"Well... I don't call myself a homebody. The key is because my time in the academy is quite tight. In addition to attending classes every day, I also train with them and teach them tactics.

Later, I promised the dean to write a book, which took a lot of time, so I never had much time. "Qin Ge explained.

"However, I did learn to play the guitar in the academy during this period. Although my playing skills are average now, according to Centaur, this can be considered a hobby."

"Yes." Guanghui smiled, then turned his head to Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, if you have time, can you tell me about you? I also want to be like your ship girl, Let’s get to know you better.”

Qin Ge's face showed a hint of joy. He was not an idiot. Prince Eugen had made it clear before that she might have a premonition that Guanghui would join their fleet. Although Qin Ge didn't believe it, when Guanghui said this, he somewhat believed it.

"Of course, and I also want to know more about you Guanghui, but I don't know if I have this opportunity?"

"Of course, it's my honor." Guanghui said with a smile.

While Brother Qin and Guanghui continued to deepen their understanding, Belfast had also finished cleaning up the materials scattered where the Siren mass-produced destroyer sank.

Under the cover of the carrier-based aircraft accompanying the Centaur, they merged with the Centaur and glided towards the shore.

When gliding to the shore, the two people jumped into the air, their ship uniforms disappeared from their bodies, and landed lightly on the dock.

Qin Ge, who saw this scene, walked directly towards the two of them and said, "Centaur, Belfast, welcome back."

"Thank you Commander (Master)!" Centaur and Belfast said.

However, after the centaur finished speaking, he seemed hesitant to speak, which made Qin Ge a little strange.

"What's wrong with the centaur?" Qin Ge asked her.

"Commander, I won the MVP this time, so have I caught up with my predecessors?" the centaur asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge laughed when he heard this, and reached out his hand to touch the centaur's hair gently, "Of course, the centaur's strength is growing rapidly. And you are now also the most powerful ship girl in our fleet. One, as long as I continue to work hard in the future, even the glory next to me will definitely be able to surpass it."

"Well, thank you, Commander!" Hearing Qin Ge's words of praise made the centaur feel even more hesitant. At this time, she also remembered what Prince Eugen said, so she blushed and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, I won the MVP this time. As a reward, can you give me a hug?"

As soon as the centaur said these words, not only Qin Ge opposite her was stunned, but Guanghui on the side also seemed a little surprised, but Belfast behind the centaur seemed to have thought of something and just smiled slightly.

"Uh... do you want a hug?" Qin Ge stuttered. After all, he has never taken the initiative to hug any woman, so you can imagine how he felt when the centaur made this request. How embarrassing.

"Well, the best reward I can think of is this." The centaur said to Qin Ge.

"Okay... okay." Although Qin Ge hesitated, he had no reason to refuse the centaur's request, so he nodded and said to the centaur.

So the expectant expression on the centaur's face revealed an even more joyful expression.

Qin Ge approached the centaur, opened his arms, and took the expecting centaur into his arms.

At this moment, a burst of fragrance spread into Qin Ge's nose, and he felt that the world had stopped at this moment...

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