My ship girl, my world

Chapter 131 Life experience

"I grew up in such an environment, but when I was 6 years old, everything changed."

Qin Ge's voice began to become deeper, and the faces of the ship girls gradually changed.

“Because the family had things to do and needed money, and the family didn’t have much savings at that time, so my parents could only sail a boat far away from the coast to catch fish.

I remember it was a dark night. The originally sunny night suddenly changed, and suddenly it started to rain heavily. At that time, all three of our family were on the boat. Because our family was poor and we didn’t have the money to buy a bigger boat, we just had an older boat.

In such a strong wind and heavy rain, it kept drifting. But the storm showed no sign of stopping. Instead, it got bigger and more violent.

In the end, our family capsized, and the waves smashed the old boat into pieces. My father finally found a larger board and moved me on top of it. He and my mother held on to the board and floated on the sea.

The three of us have been drifting for who knows how long. It was still raining heavily on the sea, and our parents were still soaked in the water. At this time, the night was getting deeper and deeper, and the temperature was getting colder and colder. Fortunately, the heavy rain slowly stopped, and the wind and waves gradually subsided.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took. When I finally regained consciousness, I saw a giant steel ship approaching from a distance, and the searchlight spotted the three of us.

When I woke up again, I found that I was already on the ship, and that giant steel ship was our country's frigate. And the people who saved me were our country’s navy soldiers.

Although I survived, my parents were no longer alive because they were soaked in the water for too long and the temperature was too low. So from that moment on, I became a human being and had no relatives anymore.

Later, I worked hard to go to school and learn knowledge related to the ocean. Finally, I applied for the Naval Command College, which is very famous in our country. I studied for 4 years and graduated with honors.

I originally planned to go to my parents' graves to pay homage before going to the army. As a result, I paid my respects when I went there, but when I came back, I encountered someone falling into the water, so I jumped into the water to save the person without thinking about anything.

However, it was the rainy season and the river swelled fiercely. The man was rescued more than ten meters away from the shore. I tied the man with the rope thrown by the people on the shore, and after watching the man being pulled safely to the shore, I couldn't support myself anymore, so I was swept down by the river.

When I thought I was dead, I didn't expect to appear on a small island in this world, and as soon as I appeared, I was pointed at a Siren mass-produced destroyer with a naval gun..."

When he said the last part, Qin Ge couldn't help but laugh out loud. After all, at that time, he never thought that one day he would be pointed at by a destroyer's gun.

What's even more speechless is that the destroyer opened fire at that time, and I survived the cannon. Maybe that destroyer was the salute that welcomed me into this world?

However, although Qin Ge was smiling, all the ship girls still felt a little sad listening to Qin Ge's words.

The centaur said to Qin Ge, "Commander, from now on we are your relatives, and you are no longer alone. I believe that the commander's parents are in the spirit of heaven, and they will be very happy to see your current situation. of."

"That's right." Everyone nodded. Even Prince Eugen, who was usually not too emotional, couldn't help but become solemn.

The six-year-old boy lost his parents and strengthened his beliefs step by step to become the person he wanted to be. In the end, he dedicated his life for others. Perhaps, appearing in this world is God's reward for him, right?

"Well, thank you. I feel much better after telling you." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"No need to thank you, I think the commander is a gift given to us by God. There is no commander in this world who comes from another world, but the commander is the first and the only one who belongs to us. "Guanghui said with a smile.

"Perhaps it is true, as Dean Prince of Wales said, that I came to this world with a certain mission, but as we have said before, I will take every day in this world seriously. "Yes." Qin Ge said to several ship girls.

"It would be best if Commander thinks so." Veneto smiled and said, "By the way, Commander. Otherwise, we will hold a Spring Festival Gala just like your world, and everyone will prepare one or two programs. , what do you think about performing for everyone then?"

"This is a good idea. It just allows everyone to communicate together. It will not only promote everyone's feelings, but also make this Spring Festival more meaningful and lively." Qin Ge clapped his hands and agreed.

"Haha, since the commander said so, then we have to prepare for the show." Guanghui smiled, obviously she was very confident in herself.

"Commander, is there any reward?" Prince Eugen smiled.

"What reward?" Qin Ge said to Prince Eugen.

"We have a party together, so we have to select the best show, and the people who perform this show will naturally get some rewards. Only in this way can we mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and prepare better and better shows." Ou Prince Gen said.

Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded, "Prince Eugen's proposal is good, so what reward do you want?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke. Finally, Prince Eugen brought it up again.

"A reward such as a day alone with the commander?" Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"Um... date me alone for a day?" Qin Ge said with some embarrassment, "Isn't it good to use this as a reward? No one would agree to such a reward, right?"

"No, I feel that the reward suggestion proposed by Prince Eugen is very good, and I vote for it!" Guanghui said first.

"Yes, I support it too!" Centaur said with some anticipation, "A one-day date with the commander is a very good reward. I feel that there should be no reward better than this reward."

"Ah!?" Qin Ge saw Guanghui and Centaur both agreeing to this reward, and couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise. Isn't this a bit too childish?

"I also support this reward." Following Qin Ge's surprised voice, Noshiro, who was usually the calmest at the side, nodded in agreement with the reward.

"I also agree with this reward. I have to say that what Prince Eugen proposed is really good." Veneto also smiled at this time.

"Lingbo will also work hard to say..." Lingbo said to Qin Ge.

"So this reward has been decided like this!" Prince Eugen said with finality...

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